Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 97: Kizaru? I killed one (5/8)


If someone else had said this to Wan Xiu, Wan Xiu would not believe it.

But from what Sakaski said with a majestic look, Wan Xiu had a feeling that he could do it.

"You really want to stay in Shampooland?"

Wanxiu actually had some understanding of Sakaski's request. After all, the other party in his own world was transformed in Chambord. For Sakaski, Chambord was the place where dreams began.

"Yes, Captain." Sakaski replied affirmatively.

Wan Xiu has copied almost eight people now, but this is the first time that a crew member has taken the initiative to apply for a mission.

This situation is probably related to Sakaski's character. Garp, Katakuri and others are more casual. Except for specific things, they all follow Wan Xiu's instructions.

But here in Sakaski, although Wan Xiu is still in the first place, his obsession with justice is still very strong.

"Okay, that's fine."

Since Sakaski really wanted to be stationed in the Chambord Islands, Wanxiu agreed to the new crew member's application.

But after agreeing, Wan Xiu continued: "Do you need help?"

Previously, Wanxiu only left Katakuri alone in the Shampoo Islands, mainly because of different strategies. When handing over the garrison task to Katakuri, Manxiu asked him to defend as much as possible when the navy and the World Government attacked, waiting for reinforcements from the New World.

If he really can't hold on, Katakuri can also choose to leave on his own.

But Sakaski was different. In the conversation just now, he stated that he wanted to fight against all opponents alone and prevent Shampoo from falling.

As soon as I heard this idea, I wanted to coexist with Shampoo. That's why Wan Xiu asked Sakaski if he needed any other help.

"The captain is going to enter the new world now and needs more people. It's better for me to stay in Shampoo alone." Sakaski did not reach out to Wan Xiu for an assistant. Instead, he said, "If the captain needs it in the new world, I can come right away."

Regarding Sakaski's answer, Wan Xiu also had some expectations, so he could only say: "Okay, then the shampoo field will be left to you. If the other party has too many people, you can also ask Mr. Lei Li to help. help."

Wan Xiu didn't deliberately lower his voice when he spoke, so Lei Li, who was sitting not far away, also heard the conversation of the man who came.

When Wan Xiu told Rayleigh's name, the former right-hand man of the Pirate King did not expect that Wan Xiu would target him.

But if it was really to defend the Chambord Islands, Rayleigh could help.

Wan Xiu didn't look at the change in Rayleigh's expression. After mentioning Rayleigh, he lowered his voice and said, "Polusalino is coming soon. With his speed, he will be there very quickly." Traveling between the New World and Chambord Land, just tell him if you have anything to do.”


Hearing this name, Sakaski also recalled his former colleague.

"Why, he joined your new navy at your place?" Seeing that Sakaski seemed to be thinking about something, Wan Xiu asked.

Sakaski shook his head slightly and said: "No, when I entered the first half of the Grand Line from the New World, I had a battle with the people of Malinfando. I defeated him in the Water City."

"After the battle, he succumbed to his serious injuries."

"This..." Wan Xiu was speechless after hearing the news. It seemed that the two were still enemies in that world.

"Well, don't worry about that Porusalino. The Liannuo I mentioned will be in charge of the New World and Chambord Land. When someone attacks Chambord Land, I will send him here first."

What Wan Xiu needs now is a highly mobile crew like Kizaru. Now, in addition to Kizaru, who is about to be copied, Bellmel and Doflamingo are also existences that can cross the Red Earth Continent.

However, compared to Bellmere who flew directly over the Red Continent, Doflamingo would have to spend some effort if he wanted to get over. If the sky was clear, Doflamingo might have to stay on a cloud for a day or two.

"Okay." Sakaski did not refuse Kizaru's responsibility for the two parties' alliance. After all, he was also a crew member under Wanxiu's banner, and he still had to follow Wanxiu's arrangements for most things.

After arranging Sakaski's affairs in Shampoo Land, Wan Xiu turned to Katakuri at the gate and said, "Katakuri."

"Captain, what's the matter?" Katakuri raised his head and asked after hearing Wan Xiu's shout.

"Sakaski will be stationed at Shampoo Land instead of you. When we set off to Fish-Man Island in two days, you can come with us." Wan Xiu stood up and walked towards Katakuri, saying.

Katakuri glanced at Sakaski sitting next to the bar in surprise and said, "Sakaski? Okay, Captain."

Katakuri had no objection to Wanxiu's arrangement. Whether he stayed in Shampoo or not was not important to Katakuri.

Although he stayed in his own world for a long time in the first half of the Grand Line, this new world has the Charlotte family, and this Charlotte family is still the complete existence of all members.

This is a very attractive existence to Katakuri. Although he has no intention of joining the Big Mom Pirates, Katakuri also wants to see how the Charlotte family in this world is doing. Sample.

So after Wan Xiu decided to take him with him to the new world, Katakuri directly agreed.

"Captain, Captain."

Just when Wanxiu and Katakuri had just finished talking, Bucky hurried over from behind with a bottle of wine.

"What's going on?" Wan Xiu asked, looking at the native Baki who had followed him all the way from the East China Sea to Xiangbo Land by accident.

Seeing that Wan Xiu was willing to pay attention to him, Bucky smiled flatteringly and said, "Hey, Captain, can you...can you stay in Shampoo too?"

When Bucky said these words, Katakuri next to him was a little surprised.

'Is it possible that this red-nosed man has the same idea as Sakaski? Want to defend yourself from naval attacks in this Shampoo area? '

Katakuri, who had no contact with Bucky in his own world, didn't quite understand the red-nosed person's thoughts. If he understood Bucky's personality, he would definitely be able to guess the other person's intentions.

"You want to leave, right?" Compared to Katakuri who couldn't understand, Wanxiu immediately understood Bucky's intention.

"Forehead... ... "

Bucky was slightly startled. He had just made an impromptu idea, but he didn't expect that Wan Xiu would see through his thoughts immediately.