Elixir Supplier

Chapter 112: There are six things that doctors cannot cure


"I can take a look at the friend's illness you mentioned last time." Wang Yao replied.

"When?" Wang Mingbao was stunned after hearing this.

"Let's see when he is free."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll call him right away." After hearing this, Wang Mingbao immediately picked up the phone and called his friend.

After getting through the call, he chatted with the person for a while and then hung up.

"What a coincidence. He is in Lianshan County at this time. I have already told him that he will be here in a moment. If you are fine, why don't you just sit here?"

"Okay, I'll wait for him."

Wang Yao and Wang Mingbao were drinking tea and waiting in the reception room. For about twenty minutes, a short but fat man quickly walked into Wang Mingbao's shop, and then came to the reception room. In the guest room, when I looked closer, I saw that this man had a round face, a smile, big ears, and a wide mouth. He apologized as soon as he met him.

"I'm sorry, something delayed me, so I'm late." In fact, he was not too late.

This is the friend Wang Mingbao mentioned.

His surname is Wei, and his single name is the Chinese character "Hai".

From the moment this person entered the room, Wang Yao was observing him. There was still a slight smell of alcohol on him. Although it was very light, ordinary people might not be able to detect it if they didn't smell it carefully. However, Wang Yao's five senses were extraordinary and he was far away from him. You can smell it from a few steps away.

This shows that Wei Hai must have drunk a lot of wine last night, and it has not gone away until today.

"Let me introduce to you, Wang Yao, Wei Hai, and Director Wei."

"Hey, what Dong? Don't belittle me here. We are friends. Hello, Doctor Wang." Wei Hai laughed and greeted Wang Yao.

Such a person, at first glance, is a master of communication in the scene, and it is easy for others to accept him.

"Hello." Wang Yao smiled and shook hands with him.

As he got closer, Wang Yao noticed that his breath had a sour smell, which was probably due to gastrointestinal discomfort. His eyes were slightly yellow, and his complexion was not very good, so his liver must not be in good condition.

After the three of them sat down, no one mentioned anything about medical treatment. They just drank tea and chatted there. Wei Hai was very talkative and could talk about any topic.

After about twenty minutes, Wang Yaofang spoke.

"Director Wei, if it's convenient, I can take your pulse and make a diagnosis."

"Okay." Wei Hai agreed happily.

Wang Yaoda pointed at the three-inch entrance.

The room fell silent instantly, both Wang Mingbao and Wei Hai's eyes fell on Wang Yao.

After a while, Wang Yao removed his finger.

The Wei Hai in front of him looks happy, but he has many problems in his body. Many of his organs are damaged, among which the liver and stomach are the most serious. This should be closely related to his living habits, excessive drinking, Damage to organs.

"Let me ask you a few questions." Wang Yao said.


"Do you usually like to eat fresh fish, especially raw food?"

"Yes, I like to eat sashimi, drunken shrimp, and conch. They are delicious." Wei Haidao.

"I like it especially in the summer, after chilling it."

"Ah, that's right!" Wei Hai said in surprise after hearing this.

At first, when he came, he saw that Wang Yao was so young. Although his face was still enthusiastic, he was quite contemptuous in his heart. Especially after seeing that the other party actually took his pulse, the contempt became even more serious. At such a senior level, he actually learned to take pulses from traditional Chinese medicine. In his impression, no one in his forties or fifties was considered a traditional Chinese medicine doctor at all. "Old Chinese medicine doctor", the first one was the word "old".

But Wang Yao's few questions just now surprised him. If the other party could know from Wang Mingbao that the first one likes to eat fresh fish, especially raw food, then in summer he likes to eat fresh food that has been chilled. Not many people know about this. He rarely shows this hobby in front of his friends.

"Can I see what's wrong with you?"


Wei Hai rolled up his sleeves hard and exposed his arms. He could see pimples on his arms as big as fingernails. They were slightly swollen, and the surface was horny and vaguely scaly. Some of them even showed signs of ulceration.

After some diagnosis, Wang Yao basically knew the cause of his disease.

This is because toxins have entered the blood, and the symptoms appear on the skin. In fact, the internal organs are also poisoned. If not treated, the symptoms will go deep into the internal organs, and then we will be in trouble!

For this disease, drug treatment is only a temporary treatment. If you want to cure it, you still have to start with changes in personal habits. The so-called medicinal supplement is not as good as dietary supplement. In fact, the cause of many diseases is bad living habits. Even if it is cured temporarily, if it is cured in the future, If you don't pay attention, you will do it again.

"Your disease is caused by toxins in the body, which appear on the skin." Wang Yaodao.

"Yes." Wei Hai responded after hearing this.

He had gone to a major hospital for a comprehensive examination and laboratory analysis. It was found that there was indeed toxin in his blood, but the source could not be identified.

"If you want to cure this disease, you need to start with your living habits."

"you say."

"First, avoid eating raw seafood and eat less cooked food; second, avoid smoking and alcohol."

Wei Hai nodded slightly while listening. He originally thought that Wang Yao would continue talking, but he stopped after saying these two things.

"It's over?!"

"You should do these two things first and then talk." Wang Yao said with a smile.

Don’t underestimate the two points mentioned by Wang Yao. It is difficult to do Taoism without great perseverance, because it requires changing a person’s subtle living habits for more than ten years or even decades. It is difficult for someone to quit smoking and drinking. Pour a big piece.

"If I'm not wrong, there should be other doctors who have made similar requests, right?" Wang Yao asked.

"Yes, there is more than one."

Wei Hai did not conceal or evade at all. When he asked doctors for treatment in the past, almost most of the doctors mentioned quitting smoking and drinking. However, he did not do it at all. He is a businessman, so the situation will naturally change. There is no feast without wine. When it comes to cooperation, if you don’t have a few drinks with your business partners, what will they think? How can we talk about business? Tobacco and alcohol do not distinguish between households. If someone smokes and offers you a cigarette, do you want to smoke

"Here, do you think you can give me some side medicine?" Wei Hai said.

"Pharmaceuticals can only treat it temporarily. If you don't change your living habits, the disease will happen again, and it will only become more severe." Wang Yao explained calmly.

Rumor has it that Hua Tuo, the ancient miracle doctor, encountered a patient who liked to eat fresh fish. He suffered from unbearable abdominal pain. After diagnosing him and prescribing a medicine, he vomited out several liters of strange worms and told him not to eat it again. Otherwise, he will definitely do it again, and even gods will not be able to save him. As a result, he agreed well, but it was still hard to change his old habits when he returned. Less than two years later, he died.

Hahaha, Wang Yao just smiled and shook his head.

"Doctor Wang, what are you doing?" Wei Hai asked confused when he saw this.

"If you can change it, I can prescribe this medicine. If you can't change it, prescribing it will be in vain." Wang Yaodao.

"I can change it!" Wei Hai said after hearing this.

"Okay, then I'll prescribe some medicine for you, and I'll notify you to pick it up when the time comes."

"Thank you then. Is this the consultation fee?"

"We'll talk about it later." Wang Yao smiled and waved his hand.

Wei Hai chatted with them for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

"What did you say just now?" After Wei Hai left, Wang Mingbao returned to the room and whispered to Wang Yao.

"Yes, your friend's illness is difficult to cure."

"Why?" Wang Mingbao asked doubtfully.

"The ancient miracle doctor Bian Que said that there are six incurable diseases. One is arrogance and irrelevance, which is incurable; the other two are incurable; the food and clothing are not suitable, the third is incurable; the internal organs are unstable, and the fourth is incurable; the inability to take medicine due to bad luck, the fifth is incurable; If you believe in witchcraft but not medicine, there will be no cure." Wang Yao drank some water and said this.

"What do you mean?" Wang Mingbao was stunned after hearing this.

"The first sentence means that patients who are arrogant, arrogant, unreasonable, and do not follow the doctor's instructions will not be treated. The second sentence means that people value money but not their own body and health care. , such a person will not be treated. Although your friend said yes and promised very well, after returning home, he definitely did not respect the doctor's instructions. He should eat and drink when he should. This is a failure to treat; he only pays attention to his own business and relaxes. In order to pay attention to physical health, this is a two-part system. If you don’t treat it, it will be in vain.”

"Then what will happen if he continues like this?" Wang Mingbao asked after hearing this.

"Actually, a doctor may have already figured out the cause of his disease. It's because he likes to eat fishy things, and he eats them raw. Poisonous substances enter his body through raw food. He also gave him suggestions and advice. He didn't take the treatment plan seriously. If he continued, the poison would penetrate deep into his organs and beyond, and it would be too late for him to regret it!" Wang Yaodao said.

His words were a bit scary, but they were definitely not alarmist.

When the disease starts at the earliest stage, it is easiest to treat and eradicate it. When it reaches the organs and bone marrow, unless there is a "miraculous elixir" that can bring the dead back to life, even if Hua Tuo is reborn and Bian Que comes again, there will be nothing that can be done.

"Then I'll try to persuade him again." Wang Mingbao said after hearing this.

He knew his buddy's temperament and would not bluff people. Since he said this, it meant that his friend's illness was indeed serious and needed attention.

"Okay, it's best if you can persuade him. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda." Wang Yaodao.

"What about this medicine?"

"If he doesn't change this medicine, it will be in vain if he prepares it, and those medicinal materials will be wasted." Wang Yaodao, after listening to Wei Hai's words just now, and observing his expression, he knew that the other party did not listen to what he said at all, so he I am not planning to prepare this medicine.

After sitting with Wang Mingbao for a while, Wang Yao said goodbye and drove back to the mountain village.

On the Nanshan Mountain, he also thought about what he had experienced during the day, and wrote some of his thoughts in his notes.

As night gradually fell, the lights were lit in the hut in Nanshan. In this mountain, there was only one lantern, which made it very lonely.

Wang Yao was lying on the table, with the "Five Elements Formation" in front of him. There was a piece of paper on the table. On it was the floor plan of Nanshan he had drawn, with some positions marked by him.

"Here, here, and here..." Wang Yao muttered to himself while making marks on the picture.