Elixir Supplier

Chapter 113: Stone grows in stone


He was busy late into the night before turning off the lights and taking a rest.

Early the next morning, when he was thinking about how to complete the system tasks in the hut, he suddenly received a call from Zhou Xiong. Wang Yao thought it was something happened to his son, so he hurriedly answered the call, but unexpectedly, The other party called him specifically to tell him that in the past few days, Xiaokang slept very well at night and almost slept until dawn. He specially expressed his gratitude to him. Just listening to his excited words, you can imagine his smiling face at this time.

"As long as it works." Wang Yao also had a smile on the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yao decided to take a look, so he went down the mountain to Lianshan County and took Zhou Wukang's pulse. His pulse was getting better now, which meant that he was using the right medicine. The method is appropriate. According to the current situation, his arm can be treated after a period of recovery.

"Not bad, he's recovering well. We can start treating his arm after a while." After the diagnosis, Wang Yao said to Zhou Xiong.

"It would be great!"

At noon, Wang Yao wanted to go home, but he unexpectedly received an invitation from Manager Li of the medicinal materials company. Since he asked him for a diagnosis last time, he made the other party aware of possible health problems in time, and through timely treatment The hospital provided treatment and avoided the pain of surgery. The other party had called more than once to invite him to dinner, but Wang Yao rejected them all. Today they called again. I heard that he was in Lianshan County and insisted on inviting him to dinner. Wang Yao Yao Tu couldn't take it off, so he had to go to the appointment.

Manager Li's real name is Li Maoshuang. He chose an inconspicuous hotel, but once he entered, it was something special. The decoration was somewhat Jiangnan-style and elegant.

"Today, I didn't call anyone else, it's just the two of us. I have to thank you very much." Li Maoshuang said as soon as they met.

"That's too kind of you. How are you feeling?"

"Much better." Li Maoshuang said, "Today, let's not drink alcohol, let's drink tea."

"Okay, let's drink tea." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"I went to the hospital this time. I didn't know if I didn't check. I was shocked when I checked. Everything was wrong. When I got the physical examination report, I thought, I've made enough money, but my body is like this. But Don’t worry if I still have money but no people. From that day on, I decided to change myself and quit smoking and drinking first.” Li Maoshuang said.

"It's a good thing to have this idea." Wang Yao said after hearing this.

Many people know that they have health problems and their living habits need to be changed, but they just can't make up their minds. People who can make up their minds will most likely see improvements in their health and change for the better.

The dishes were served in a short time, mainly light, and the two of them chatted while eating.

"I didn't expect that you would actually see a doctor. Are you studying medicine?"

"No, I learned it myself." Wang Yao replied with a smile.

"Awesome, I admire you!" Li Maoshuang raised his thumbs after hearing this.

The two of them had tea instead of wine and had a fairly lively chat. Li Maoshuang was also a talkative person.

Finally, Wang Yaofu diagnosed him again, and he was indeed much better than the last time.

"Well, it's gotten a lot better."

"Really, I have been very careful these days. Not only do I not drink or smoke, but I also eat very lightly, one apple a day." Li Maoshuang said.

"If you stick to it in the future, this disease will be cured and it won't happen again."

"no problem."

A meal for both the guest and the host.

After bidding farewell to Li Maoshuang, Wang Yao drove back. When I returned home, I unexpectedly saw a person, a relative in the village who had not been out of the fifth server. He was talking to his father, Wang Fenghua.

"Xiao Yao is back."


"Then let's settle the matter for now. I'll come over and talk to you in detail another day." The man sat down not long before he stood up and left.

If the voice is weak, the steps are wandering, the complexion is gloomy, and the body odor is heavy, this person is ill.

Looking at the man's leaving figure, Wang Yao secretly thought.

"Dad, why did he come to the house?"

"We were discussing exchanging land with our family. His father was in poor health, so he asked a Feng Shui master to look at a piece of land, which happened to be our family's." Wang Fenghua said.

"No, what's going on?" Wang Yao asked after hearing this.

"It seems to be cardiopulmonary failure. The hospital has issued a critical illness notice."

Wang Yao was silent after hearing this.

Life is indeed fragile sometimes.

"It seems to me that Uncle Fengming's health isn't in good shape, either?" Wang Yao said.

"Really, maybe you are tired these days?" Wang Fenghua said after hearing this.

"It's not like that." Wang Yao shook his head.

His outward appearance is not that he is tired, but that he is sick on the inside, and his complexion...

"I hope I'm overthinking it."

After dinner, Wang Yao went up to Nanshan Mountain. The mountain was very quiet. After going up the mountain, he sat outside the house for a long time, looking up at the sky.

"Maybe we can try getting in some trees tomorrow."

The next day, the weather was good, the wind was sunny, and the spring breeze brought warmth.

Wang Yao drove to Miaofu, which he had been to several times before. This time, he planned to purchase some trees to plant on Nanshan and arrange them into the framework of the spirit gathering array.

"You want trees, not saplings?" The people at the nursery were deeply impressed by Wang Yaoke.


"What trees?"

"Eucalyptus, apple, peach and plum, nanmu..." Wang Yao mentioned several types of trees one after another.

"Wait a minute." He was stopped by the man before he finished speaking.

"Not to mention that some of these trees grow very slowly in the north. I can't get nanmu alone. At most, they are just saplings. This is a precious plant species."

"Then offer what you can."

"Okay." The man named Chen Kun took over the list written by Wang Yao.

"I want these trees to be at least one year old. The older the trees, the better, especially the ones I circled."

"This is expensive, and heavy machinery cannot go up your mountain. If it is too big, planting will be a problem." Chen Kun said, "Let's do this, I will look at the choice."


"What are you doing with these trees on the mountain?" Chen Kun asked curiously.

"Purify the air, green the barren mountains, and beautify the environment." Wang Yao said with a smile.

After hearing this, Chen Kun looked like "I haven't read enough books, so don't bully me!"

The air in that mountain village is so clear, does it need to be purified? Greening barren hills and beautifying the environment requires the use of such a wide variety of trees. I have never heard of anyone using a few precious species to beautify the environment.

"I'll call you when I have news."

"Okay, please hurry up."

After leaving the nursery, Wang Yaofu returned to the mountain and started digging tree pits on the mountain with a shovel and a pickaxe.

Arranging the formation is a meticulous and individual task. Only he knows the specific location, and it is difficult for others to help him. He plans to do it in several steps. First, he will build the skeleton of the entire formation, which mainly uses trees. , slightly larger rocks, and then slowly fill in the details. These projects cannot be completed in a day.

While Wang Yao was busy on the mountain, he received a call from home, asking him to come down the mountain and saying that he wanted to see him for something.

After he went down the mountain, he found a middle-aged man sitting at home, talking to his father.

"Third uncle?" This man turned out to be Wang Yao's third uncle. He lived in Lianshan County on weekdays. Apart from visiting graves, he didn't come to his house a few times a year. Why did he suddenly come today.

"Your third uncle came to see you today for something." Wang Fenghua said.

"What are you looking for?" Wang Yao heard this and sat down.

After sitting down, his father slowly told Wang Yao what had happened. It turned out that about a month ago, his third uncle found out that there was a stone in the gallbladder during a regular physical examination arranged by the work unit. It was not very big. , but the surgeon at Lianshan County Hospital suggested that he undergo a minimally invasive surgery to remove the gallbladder to avoid future problems. He didn't feel uncomfortable at the time, there was no obvious discomfort, so he didn't take it seriously. However, these days he felt some discomfort and a slight pain under his ribs, so he went to the hospital again. The stone was still there and did not get bigger. , the doctor still suggested that he didn’t want to cut it, after all, it was an organ in the body. By chance, he told Wang Yao's father about this while on the phone. Wang Yao's father asked him to come and let Wang Yao see if there was anything he could do.

"How big is the stone?" Wang Yao asked.

"There are three, the largest is 11x0.3."

"How do you feel on a daily basis?"

"I don't feel much. I just feel a little unwell in the past three or five days. When I did the color ultrasound, I said that the condition of the gallbladder and liver was good." Wang Yao's third uncle said.

"Hmm..." Wang Yao was speechless after hearing this.

It is a bit hasty to persuade patients to undergo surgery. There are no obvious symptoms, and the gallbladder has a good structure and function, and the stones inside are not large. Why rush to remove it? After all, it is an important organ in the human body, and after removal, there will be side effects. Impact.

"I'll take your pulse first." Wang Yao put his fingers on his third uncle's wrist and concentrated on taking his pulse.

"Third Uncle, you drink excessively, your liver function is damaged, you don't like to drink water, your body is too hot and damp, and your blood vessels are not smooth." After pulse diagnosis, Wang Yao came to these conclusions.

People, the most basic requirement for good health is to have smooth blood vessels. If they are clear, all diseases will not occur. Wherever the blood vessels are not smooth, there will be problems.

"Can you cure it?" His father asked at the side. After all, they were his own brothers. Wang Fenghua still cared very much about his two younger brothers who would never come to him when nothing happened.

"I'll give it a try. Third uncle, please have dinner here before leaving."

"Okay." Wang Yao's third uncle said.

After the diagnosis, Wang Yao went out to the mountains. He remembered that he had planted a "spiritual grass" called "Stone Flower", which grows from stones and can turn stubborn stones in the body.

It's just that this "spiritual grass" grew very slowly after it was planted. It has been dozens of days, and it has just emerged, with a few green leaves hanging on its thin stems.

"With the current situation, it is not suitable for use as medicine." Wang Yao said upon seeing this.