Elixir Supplier

Chapter 117: Amateur porcelain starts from the side


He Qisheng left with disappointment. After going down the mountain, he turned around and looked back at the hill again, sighing slightly. He knew that if this young man was willing, with his ability, he would become the guest of many dignitaries, but unfortunately, this was not his ambition. However, this trip was not fruitless. At least he could see that the strange rules of the young man on the mountain were beginning to loosen.

Not long after He Qisheng left, another man went up the mountain again.

"Hey, when did you plant so many trees?" Wang Mingbao said in surprise as he looked at the trees just planted on the mountain.

"In the past few days, I've been sitting in the house."

After entering the room and sitting down, Wang Mingbao didn't say any polite words and directly stated his purpose of coming.

"The old man at home has been drinking a lot lately and is not feeling well. Do you have any medicine that can help him?"

"Didn't you take any other medicine?" Wang Yao asked while making tea.

"I took some western medicine and the effect is okay, but I still have a dull pain in my stomach. I'm a little worried, so I came here to see you. Do you have any good ideas?" Wang Mingbao said.

"Where is uncle now?" Wang Yao asked after hearing this.


"I happen to be free now, why don't I go and take a look first?" Wang Yaodao said.


After he came down from the mountain, he and Wang Mingbao came to the town government. Wang Mingbao's father was in a meeting and had to wait for a while, so the two of them were waiting in his office.

"Uncle is very busy recently, isn't he?"

"It's busy. There are two roads planned to pass through the town. I have been focusing on this recently."

The two of them waited in the office for about twenty minutes. Wang Mingbao's father returned to the office after the meeting.

"Xiao Yao, why are you here?" After seeing Wang Yao, Wang Mingbao's father was surprised and smiled all over his face.

"Sit down quickly." He said and poured him a glass of water himself.

This intimate gesture shocked the office staff who followed him. In his memory, he had never seen the mayor being so polite to the young man. Moreover, his authority had been growing increasingly strong recently. He couldn't help but He glanced at Wang Yao a few more times.

"Who is this young gentleman?"

“Mayor, what’s the meeting this afternoon?”

"In this case, you can come back later." Wang Mingbao's father said to the office worker who had been waiting.

"Okay, I'll go out first." The office worker left gently and closed the door behind him.

"Your parents are in good health?" Wang Mingbao's father said in a very kind tone.

"It's pretty good." Wang Yao said with a smile, "Mingbao said you haven't been feeling well lately, so I came over to take a look."

"I asked you to make a special trip for this matter. It's okay. I'm much better."

"Since you're here, why don't you take a look?" Wang Mingbao said from the side.


"Okay, let's take a look."

Wang Yao took his pulse and made a diagnosis.

A soft pulse and damage to the stomach and liver are likely caused by excessive drinking; the breathing is slightly rapid, the breath is slightly burning, and the body is angry; the complexion is slightly tired, which should be due to busy work, unstable daily life, and insufficient rest. Fortunately, there is nothing serious, and his voice is quite loud and confident. Although his complexion is slightly tired, his eyes are bright and energetic. Overall, his body is still very healthy.

"There's no big problem." Wang Yao said after the diagnosis.

"There are just two aspects to pay attention to."

"You tell me." Wang Mingbao's father smiled.

"First, drink in moderation and not overdo it. Second, pay attention to rest and don't overwork yourself. In addition, I will prepare another medicine for you."

"Okay, I'll try my best to pay attention to these two points. Thank you." He smiled and patted Wang Yao on the shoulder.

Wang Yao just smiled after hearing this. He also knew that in this position, social entertainment is definitely inevitable. It is impossible to quit. I have never heard of people in officialdom not drinking, but moderate control should It can be done, and some banquets can be returned.

People say that power is good, but that is not necessarily true. Power is like a tiger. Once you ride on it, you will be unable to control yourself.

"Uncle, I'll leave first, you're busy."

The matter had been done, and Wang Mingbao's father, as the head of a town, was busy with public announcements, so he did not stay any longer and took his leave.

Wang Mingbao's father went all the way downstairs and went up after seeing them getting into the car.

"Let me go, who are those two people? Why do they deserve to be sent downstairs by the mayor himself?" The town government office staff who saw this scene were very surprised and started talking secretly.

"I know the other one, he is the son of Mayor Wang's family, but I don't know about the other one."

"My identity must be unusual. Otherwise, if he could deliver it in person, he must be the son-in-law of a certain high-ranking official."

"Well, either rich or noble."

While people in the town government were discussing Wang Yao's identity, he and Wang Mingbao had already returned to the village.

"I'll go back and prepare the side medicine for my uncle. I'll let you know when it's ready. I'll pick it up then."

"Okay, then I'll go home first."

Wang Yao went up Nanshan alone.

Woof, woof, woof, while he was still at the foot of the mountain, he heard the rapid barking of dogs.


He raised his head and looked around, and saw "Sanxian" having a tense confrontation with a cow under a tree.

"You beast, get out of here!" On the side, an elderly cattle herder used a stick to scare the native dog.

Ouch, the fur on the native dog's body stood on end, and it roared like a wolf.

Ga, there was a scream, and an eagle suddenly descended from the sky, a pair of sharp claws grabbing the eyes above the bull's head.

"Oh my god!" The old man was frightened when he saw this.

Stabs, blood splattered, and the sharp eagle claws left several blood grooves on the cow's head, which were deep enough to see the bones, and almost gouged out one of its eyes.

Moo! The scalper was in pain, turned around and ran away. With a crash, the old man who was still holding the rope fell to the ground.

Ouch, the old man screamed, obviously he fell hard.

this? !

Wang Yao happened to see this scene after going up the mountain and was stunned for a moment.

The local dog on the ground and the goshawk in the sky still don't want to let go of the cow and want to continue chasing it.

"It's all gone!" Wang Yaosheng yelled.

The native dog stopped, turned around and came to Wang Yao's side, wagging its tail. The goshawk in the sky suddenly closed its figure, circled a few times, flew not far away, and landed on a branch.

"What a good thing you did!" Wang Yao glared at the local dog and quickly came to the old man who fell to the ground and was still oopsing.

At first glance, he knew this old man. He was quite senior in the village. Speaking of it, he had to call him grandpa.

"Are you okay, old man?"

"Oh, my waist!" the old man cried while lying on the ground.

"Let me show you."

Wang Yao leaned down and examined the old man carefully, confirming that the old man only had some scratches on his skin, but nothing else serious.

"Grandpa, your body is strong. It's okay." Wang Yao said.

"It's okay if you say it's okay. Are you a doctor?!" The old man yelled as he sat up with support.

"How about I take you to the hospital?"

"Go to the hospital, the county hospital." The old man said.

"Okay!" Wang Yao still had a smile on his face and helped the old man down the mountain. Then the old man called his family, a son and a daughter, and Wang Yao drove them to the county hospital.

"Xiao Yao, if I wasn't talking about you, how could you do this?!" In the car, the old man's son, who knew little about the whole thing, was scolding Wang Yao with a cigarette in his mouth. The whole car was filled with the choking smell of smoke. .

"That's right, the old man is getting old now!" Her sister also supported her.

Wang Yao didn't say anything, just drove quietly.

The car drove faster, and it didn't take long to arrive at the county hospital.

After entering the hospital, Wang Yao registered the old man, and then started various examinations, including X-rays, CT scans, and electrocardiograms. The final results showed that the old man was fine, and the most serious injury was his arm. Soft tissue contusion.

In this way, the old man's children were still pestering the doctor, fearing that there would be any omissions or mistakes. Finally, the doctor directly gave a suggestion to hospitalize the old man for observation for a period of time, so the two children were very "filial" and allowed the old man to be hospitalized. Of course, Wang Yao had to pay for the hospitalization expenses in advance.

"Look, my dad is hospitalized. Can you come home with me to get something?" That's what the middle-aged man said, but his tone didn't sound like a discussion.

"Okay!" Wang Yao said calmly.

I returned to the village, picked up some things from his house, and then returned to the hospital in Lianshan County.

"I'm going back first. Call me if you need anything." Seeing that the old man was in the hospital, Wang Yao turned around and left after finishing speaking.

"Hey, please keep some money. What if the hospitalization expenses are not enough?" The old man's son came out and grabbed him.

"Enough!" Wang Yao's tone was already a little cold. With a slight wave of his hand, the old man's son felt a strong force and took two steps back.

Then Wang Yao turned around and left.

"Hey, who is this?" The middle-aged man said upon seeing this.

"I've checked everything. It's fine. What kind of hospital should I stay in?" After Wang Yao left, the old man said dissatisfiedly.

"Dad, let me tell you, there are some injuries that cannot be detected without hospitalization, and we don't need to spend money. What are you afraid of? Didn't he make a lot of money growing herbs? Let's check it carefully this time. If it doesn't work, we will Go to Haiqu City, the hospital there is more advanced." The middle-aged man said.

"We are all from the same village, so don't make it too tense!" the old man said.

"This is not our fault. We are right. What are we afraid of?" his son said rationally.

"I'll do a color ultrasound and MRI tomorrow to check my whole body!"

After coming out of the hospital, Wang Yao was very angry. This was the first time in a long time that he was so angry.

From the moment he saw the old man's children until just now, the words and actions of the two of them made him very angry. They were really a bit excessive and their faces were really ugly. Not to mention they were strangers from the same village. It was time to say those ugly words, and he didn't say anything about the old man's injury.

These actions of the other party reminded him of a word that has become popular in recent years - "touching porcelain".