Elixir Supplier

Chapter 118: Blocked meridians are like rivers blocked by siltation


When he returned home, it was almost evening. Today, except for worrying about this time, he did nothing else.

"How's it going? Is your grandpa Jianrong okay?" After returning home, his mother asked with concern.

"Mom, how did you know?" Wang Yao was slightly surprised after hearing this. He didn't tell his family this morning, he only said that he had something to do.

"Listen to what the villagers say." Zhang Xiuying said, this is how it is in the village. A little thing will spread quickly, let alone such a big event.

On the one hand, Wang Fenghua's family has a good reputation in the village. On the other hand, the family named Wang Jianrong, or his son to be exact, has a very bad reputation in the village, and is almost rogue. Therefore, after someone heard about this incident So I went to Wang Yao's house and told his mother.

"It's okay. I did a checkup today and found no problems. I'm already in the hospital." Wang Yaodao.

"Since there is no problem, why are you still hospitalized?" Zhang Xiuying said in surprise after hearing this.

"They are worried and want to be hospitalized for observation." Wang Yaodao said.

"How long do you have to stay?"

"I don't know, let them live if they want to!" Wang Yao said.

"Will you take your dad and me to see you tomorrow?"

"No need to go." Wang Yaodao said. He is quite disgusted with that family now. If his parents go, it will make them feel that they are being taken advantage of. It will hurt their noses and faces, and they will definitely make their parents angry. .

Zhang Xiuying didn't say anything after hearing this, she lowered her head and thought.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about this, I'll take care of it, no matter what they say." Wang Yaodao.

After dinner, Wang Yaofu went up to Nanshan again. The local dog ran over to greet him from a distance, wagging its tail happily.

"You got me into big trouble today, you know that?"

Woof, woof, woof.

"Why did you bite that cow?"

The native dog turned its head, as if thinking about the meaning of what Wang Yao just asked.

"That cow!" Wang Yao pointed to the place where the accident happened during the day.

Wow, the native dog seemed to understand Wang Yao's words, then turned around and ran towards the place where yesterday's incident happened, and motioned for the owner behind him to follow. Wang Yao followed after seeing this. He knew that the dog he had raised was now gone. He is quite spiritual and would not act in such an almost aggressive manner for no reason. Something must have happened that he doesn't know about.

The native dog stopped under a tree in his heart, raised his head and barked. Only then did Wang Yao find signs that the leaves of this not-so-high tree had been eaten again. It must have been during the day that the cow I came here accidentally and ate the leaves on the tree. I was discovered by the local dog, which triggered what happened next.

"Well, good job!" Wang Yao thought for a moment, then gently stroked the native dog's head as a reward.

Wang Yao already knew the cause of the matter and had an idea in his mind. Then he turned around and went back to the hut. He took out a mazaar and a cup of tea. He sat outside the house and looked up at the sky. The native dog lay quietly beside him. Next to him, he also looked up at the sky.

After sitting outside the house for a while, Wang Yaofang got up and prepared to enter the house. Before entering, he said hello to the two old friends.

"Good night, Sanxian; good night, hero."

After a while, the sound of gentle chanting came from the hut. In this night, there seemed to be some mysterious rhythm hidden in it.

The next day, when it was still dark, Wang Yao got up and started a busy day. He first watered the spiritual grass in the medicinal field, then walked around the newly planted trees, and then went directly to the mountain. Mountain, but this time, he is no longer alone, there is a dog beside him.

On the Nanshan Mountain, on the upturned rock, Wang Yao sat cross-legged. The native dog lay quietly not far away, turning to look at his owner. In fact, this was not the first time this dog had come.

Wang Yao closed his eyes and concentrated. The breath in his body flowed like a stream, and his body remained as still as a pine tree, rising and falling slightly.

From time to time, the mountain wind blows, making the leaves on the mountain rustle.

Not long after the sun jumped in the sky, Wang Yao opened his eyes and ended the day's practice.

"Almost." A sigh.

Then he went down the mountain. Today, he planned to go to the county town again to see Zhou Xiong's son, and buy two medicinal materials to brew the medicine for Wang Mingbao's father.

Lianshan County, in the county hospital.

The old man who was hospitalized yesterday is currently undergoing examination with the help of his children.

They have just completed an MRI, focusing on the head. No problems were found. They are now arranging a color ultrasound and preparing to do another color ultrasound. In this way, this set of examinations has been completed. So far, the old man’s My body is pretty normal, except for my blood pressure and blood lipids which are a little high.

"After the examination, let's leave the hospital." The old man said.

He could feel that although he was dragged down by the cow that broke free, it was nothing serious even if he fell down. They were all from the same village. He didn't want to be too stiff. His children had gone too far. Besides, who is hospitalized for no reason? This is not an auspicious thing. The old man is old and superstitious!

"I understand, Dad, we will be discharged from the hospital after the examination. This matter cannot be over like this." His son said.

"What else do you want?"

"If you hurt someone, you have to give some compensation, right?" the middle-aged man said.

"Compensation, what kind of compensation? We've gone through a complete set of inspections and spent several thousand, what more compensation should we have?!" The old man was a little unhappy.

"Dad, just leave this matter alone and listen to me!" the middle-aged man said in a tough tone.

"I'll give him a call. This man is still in the hospital and no one is coming. What do you mean?!" As he said that, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed the phone number.

In the mountain village, Wang Yao was about to go down the mountain when his cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.


"Hey, Xiaoyao, I'm your uncle, and you don't want to come to the hospital for a visit." came the annoying voice on the phone.

"What's the matter? We have enough money!" Wang Yao's tone was cold.

"Enough, but..."

Before the person on the other end of the phone finished speaking, Wang Yao hung up the phone directly. He didn't want to say a word to a person of this character.

Toot, toot, toot.

"Weird, what do you mean, are you polite?!" The middle-aged man was a little angry when he heard the blind voice on the phone and wanted to call again.

"Let's fight later, it's our dad's turn." The woman on the side heard the call, and it was their turn.

The two people accompanied the old man into the color ultrasound room. The doctor looked at the list and examined it carefully, which took more than ten minutes.

When they showed the color ultrasound film to the doctor, the doctor frowned slightly.

"There will be a test tomorrow. Your father has a tumor in his abdomen."

"What?!" The middle-aged man and woman were stunned after hearing this.

"is it serious?"

"It's hard to say. We need to check again. It's best to do a pathological biopsy. Don't rush to leave the hospital yet." The doctor said.

After the brother and sister went out, they told the old man about the situation, but they didn't say anything about the illness. They were afraid that the old man would worry. They just said that the doctor asked him to stay for another two days for observation.

"Stay here, I feel pretty good!" The old man was a little unhappy.

"You can live here if you want. You don't have to spend any money." The middle-aged man's tone became tougher again. ,

Upon hearing his son's tone, the old man stopped talking and sat on the bed sulking.

The middle-aged man went out to ask the doctor again. The doctor said that a relevant expert from the city would come for a consultation tomorrow. He could be invited to see him at that time, but he would have to pay extra.

"We'll pay. Please make some arrangements." The middle-aged man responded. It wasn't his own money anyway. After hearing this, the doctor said he would make arrangements.

Wang Yao drove into Lianshan County and came to the place where Zhou Xiong and his son rented a house.

When I saw Zhou Wukang again, the child had improved a lot. His face was rosy and shiny, his voice was much clearer, his eyes were brighter, the bags under his eyes had become lighter, and he was much more cheerful. I am also willing to talk.

The results of the diagnosis were also very good. The child's health improved very quickly. After all, at this age, once these diseases are suppressed or removed and the original youthful vitality bursts out, good results will be achieved.

"Shall I look at your arm?"

This was the first time Wang Yao had looked at his arm since he had been treating him for almost a month.

Very thin, very thin, as dry as firewood, with wrinkled and dull skin, as if it were a piece of dead wood.

Start with the left hand and extend one to the shoulder.

Wang Yao inspected it gently and carefully, pressing or pinching gently while inspecting, and at the same time asked Zhou Wukang how he felt.

If the meridians in the human body are compared to a complex water system, which plays a role in transporting various nutrients and other substances to the human body, then the river in the left arm of the child in front of Wang Yao has been silted up, and the river channel is blocked by sediment. The water flow cannot pass smoothly, and naturally it cannot play a transportation role. Most of it cannot flow smoothly and is directly blocked. A small part can still play some role, but it is also in a semi-silted state.

"How are you, Doctor Wang?" After examining Wang Yao, Zhou Xiong asked softly.

"I'll try my best." Wang Yao wasn't completely sure about this disease, so he could only say give it a try.

After staying with Zhou Xiong for a while, Wang Yao said goodbye and left. Then he went to the county hospital to see the old man. He came at a coincidental time, and there was no one else in the ward except him.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Much better." After seeing Wang Yao, the old man felt a little embarrassed.

Ever since what happened yesterday, the young man in this village has done a great job. He sent himself to the hospital as quickly as possible and did all the examinations without spending a penny, which made him feel embarrassed.

"That's good, what does the doctor say?" Wang Yao's attitude towards this old man was much better.

"The doctor told me to stay here for two days and take a look."

"Okay, then we'll stay for two more days."

Wang Yao did not stay in the ward for long. After coming out, he went to the doctor's office and asked about the old man's condition.