Elixir Supplier

Chapter 122: Consultation


"I haven't been here for a few days, but your mountain has undergone such a big change!" Tian Yuantu sighed.

"It's a pity to plant a few trees when you have nothing to do. It's such a big mountain." Wang Yao said with a smile.

Why are you free to come here today? "

"I have something I want to ask you for help with." Tian Yuantu didn't hide it, he said it very directly. After getting along with each other these days, he already knows some of the other person's temper. If he has something to say, he can just say it without beating around the bush.

"Tell me about it." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Can you make a house call?"

"Where are you going for a medical visit?" This is not the first time someone has invited him to visit a doctor.

"Island City."

Upon hearing this place name, Wang Yao did not answer immediately. Although this city is not far from his hometown and is very famous, he has never been there.

"Your friend?"

"It's not him, but his son." Tian Yuantu said.

"Better show me his case first."

"Okay, I'll send this to you as soon as possible."

"Can you show me around?" After talking about this matter, Tian Yuantu suddenly made a request that surprised Wang Yao.

"Okay." Wang Yao said with a smile. This is the first time someone among these frequent visitors has made such a request.

The two people left the hut and walked towards the mountain.

"Your herbs are growing so well!" This was not the first time he saw it, but every time he saw it, he was still surprised.

Wang Yao just smiled when he heard this.

"This is?!" Tian Yuantu stopped under a tree and looked at a plant that was not particularly eye-catching.


"Yes." This is the ginseng that Wang Yao planted years ago.

"You still grow this?"

"It's not considered planting, it's just trying." Wang Yao explained.

For ordinary people, most Chinese medicinal materials are unknown to them, but they would know a little about herbs such as ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, and Polygonum multiflorum, because they are often mentioned in TV, film and television works, and novels. , saying that they are very miraculous, not only can they prolong life, but also increase their power, and what's more, they can bring the dead back to life. Several noted Chinese medicinal materials also appear in "Ling Cao Lu", including ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, but with different names.

Maple trees, banyan trees, eucalyptus trees...

"It seems like there are many kinds of trees you planted?" Tian Yuantu asked as he walked.

"It's quite a lot."

After going around in a circle, Tian Yuantu felt a little tired, so he stopped to take a rest, while Wang Yao beside him was just warming up.

"The air here is so good!" Tian Yuantu sighed.

Lianshan County and even Haiqu City do not have many heavy industries and high-polluting enterprises, and the air quality is considered good, but compared with this mountain village, it is naturally worse.

"The life on this mountain seems a little lonely and deserted, but it is also interesting, and living in such an environment for a long time is good for your health." Tian Yuantu was a little envious of Wang Yao at this time.

In this quiet and comfortable life, you don’t have to think too much, and there are not so many intrigues. Just walking around and looking around makes you feel much more relaxed.

"I really envy you!" Tian Yuantu sighed.

"As long as you want, you can live such a life." Wang Yao smiled after hearing this.

Indeed, with Tian Yuantu's current financial resources and connections, it is not easy to buy a mountain and see a few houses.

The question is whether he is willing to give up his current career and choose another way of life.

"Wait a little longer!" Tian Yuantu sighed softly.

Wang Yao smiled and said nothing after hearing this. The other party's answer was expected. After all, not everyone can give up a multibillion-dollar career and retire to the countryside. This requires considerable courage and courage.

After going around in a circle, the two people went up the mountain.

Although the mountain is not high, you can still see far away, which is relaxing.

After going down the mountain, the two went back to the hut and sat down.

While chatting, Tian Yuantu asked Wang Yao if he could check his body. He had always been very curious about Wang Yao's medical skills. A pair of medicines could cure long-term illnesses. He only asked for medicines, but never sought medical treatment.

"No hurry, let's have a drink first." Wang Yao poured him a cup of tea.

After sitting for a while, I took his pulse.

"Pulse check?!" Tian Yuantu was quite surprised when he saw this.

During the diagnosis process, Wang Yao frowned slightly.

"Most of your body is in good condition, except for one spot where your back was injured?"

"Yes, it's an old injury." Hearing this, Tian Yuantu was shocked. He had indeed been injured on his back, but that was more than 20 years ago, when he was still a soldier in the army.

"It must have been winter when you were injured, right?"

"That's right, you know all this?!" Tian Yuantu's surprised expression showed directly on his face after hearing this.

Knowing that he has an old disease in his back, this matter is not particularly difficult for him. It can indeed be seen by taking the pulse, but just by taking the pulse alone, it is known that he has an old disease in his back, and he suffered the injury in winter. , this is too amazing, it is really "magical".

"There is evil cold in your back, which has invaded your lungs. You often have a dull pain in your lungs, especially in winter, right?"

"Yes." Tian Yuantu said.

"Why didn't you come to me earlier?" Wang Yao said. His old disease was not as light as it seemed. It had already penetrated into his organs. Although it was not life-threatening, the further he retreated, the more it would be removed.

"I have looked around. When I was in the south, I met a Miao doctor. He gave me a prescription to take when the disease attacks. In the past few years, the pain has not been that severe, but there has been some pain. It was a dull pain, so I didn’t take it seriously,” Tian Yuantu explained.

"That's it."

"Is there any way you can eradicate this disease for me?"

"Let me think about this carefully." Wang Yao didn't rush to agree.

Hidden diseases have entered the organs, but it is not easy to remove them. Suitable drugs are needed.

Tian Yuantu left with surprise and admiration. Originally, the purpose of his coming to the mountain was to ask Wang Yao to come out for help from his half-friend, half-partner, but he didn't expect that he could see that He had discovered his hidden illness, and there were probably ways to solve it, which allowed him to see Wang Yao's extraordinary power.

In order to celebrate Wang Ru's "high promotion", a sumptuous dinner was cooked.

All four members of the family drank some wine.

"Sister, congratulations on your promotion." Wang Yao smiled and toasted to his elder sister at the dinner table.


"But, I think the more important thing for you is to show me a place for my brother-in-law to come back."

"Drink!" Wang Ru glared at Wang Yao after hearing this.

"Xiao Yao is right, you are almost thirty!" Zhang Xiuying turned on the muttering mode and kept talking for several minutes.

"Mom, you eat vegetables!" Wang Ru hurriedly put vegetables into her mother's bowl, not forgetting to kick Wang Yao under the table.

The family was talking, laughing, and enjoying themselves. Unknowingly, the sky outside became dark.

After eating, Wang Yao stayed at home for a while and did not leave until nearly nine o'clock.

In the spring evening, it was no longer as cold as in winter. The breeze blew on his face, but it was a little warm. Wang Yao walked along the winding mountain road, walking slowly and leisurely. After going up to Nanshan Mountain, I poured a cup of hot water and Mazar sat in the courtyard, leaning against the wall and looking up at the sky.

The native dog got up from the kennel and came to lie down in front of him.

"Sanxian, what do you think will happen tomorrow?"

Woof, the local dog barked softly.

"I guess it will rain tomorrow."

The rain started to fall in the morning of the next day. It was not heavy, thin, and continuous. It was a spring rain. Compared with previous years, this year's spring rain was timely and more abundant.

Don’t be afraid of too much spring rain.

In the town, it rained a little heavier.

"Are you still going out?"

"Well, I still have some things to do. I'll go there in the morning."

"You, the mayor, are really busy. How much did you drink yesterday?"

"Not much, three glasses of wine." The middle-aged man said with a smile, "Not to mention, the medicine given by Xiaoyao is really effective. After just two days of drinking it, I feel much better all over, and my stomach It doesn’t hurt that much anymore.”

"Didn't Mingbao say that he has real abilities? It was thanks to others that his grandfather got sick last time. Go home for lunch and don't stay out."

"Okay, listen to you!"

Wang Yao just came down the mountain near noon. As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, he saw a person coming out of his house. He knew this woman and had just interacted with her a few days ago.

"You're back, Xiaoyao." As soon as she saw Wang Yao, the woman immediately came up to say hello with a smile.

"Yes." Wang Yao replied with a simple word.

"What happened a few days ago was our fault. This is the cost of hospitalization. I brought it all. Do you count it?"

This woman is the sister of Wang Yide who was invited to the police station. She came here specifically for her brother's matter today, but when she just went to Wang Yao's house, his parents didn't answer the phone, which means that Wang Yao did this. , they didn’t know that she had just come out of it and was about to go to the mountain to find him.

Wang Yao took the envelope without looking at it. He took out 600 yuan from it and handed it to the woman.

"It's my wish to buy something for the old man." After saying that, Wang Yao turned around and walked back into the house.

"Hey, what's the matter with your uncle?"

"Trying to scare the police with a knife should wait until they calm down the fire."

"But..." Wang Yijuan was already a little angry. It was a humiliation for her to be so groveling to a junior. She shouted several times and swallowed the more unpleasant words.

"Then please take care of me, Xiaoyao."


When Wang Yao opened the door, he happened to meet his elder sister. When he saw him, he pulled him aside and asked about what happened that day. Wang Yao told her calmly.

"It's too much. I didn't expect that their family is still like this!" Wang Ru said in an angry tone after hearing this, "You did the right thing, you should give them some pain."