Elixir Supplier

Chapter 131: Learn art


After returning to the hut, he took out his notebook and recorded the condition of the patient he saw in the island city. This was a very rare disease that was rarely seen in daily life.

"How to treat this disease?"

After recording the cause of the disease, Wang Yao was thinking about the treatment of the disease.

Imbalance of yin and yang is a very common disease and relatively easy to treat. However, if the imbalance is so serious, it is not an exaggeration to say that the disease is terminal. It is very troublesome to treat.

"You still need to take medicine first, and the medicine should be yin and cool in nature to neutralize the excess yang energy."

Medicine, ordinary medicinal herbs will definitely not work and will not be effective. We have to start with spiritual herbs.

As soon as he thought about it, an ancient book appeared in his hand, a "Spiritual Herb Record". In fact, he had already memorized most of the spiritual herbs in this book, but flipping through it made it more vivid and could deepen his impression. He read the ancient books on both sides carefully and found several spiritual herbs that met the requirements. However, given his current situation, he could only obtain two kinds.

Moonflower Grass: Nourishes yin and calms the nerves.

Frost Grass: It sleeps in summer and lasts in winter, clears away heat and relieves fire, and removes yang poison.

The former is milder in medicinal properties, while the latter is much stronger. He has planted both kinds of spiritual grass. Some of the moonflower grass is still in the storage compartment of the system, but the frost grass has been growing since the weather got warmer. It stopped growing, and even watering it with ancient spring water had no effect at all.

As he thought about it, he thought more and more deeply. It wasn't until the sky got dark outside that he remembered to go down the mountain to eat. After sorting out his thoughts, he recorded them all, and then he received the notebook. In the grid, go down the mountain to eat.

During the meal, his mother mentioned Tong Wei again, and his father also supported her.

"Mom, this matter is not urgent."

"It's not urgent, you will change later, do you understand?!" Zhang Xiuying rarely used a literate expression.

"How about this? When she comes back, I will invite her to our house as a guest. As for whether she agrees or not, that's up to two people."

"That's it. I'll contact them more often when I have nothing to do."


After Wang Yao expressed his stance, the matter came to an end.

Hearing that Wang Yao was back, Zhou Xiong took his son up to Nanshan the next day.

After Wang Yao diagnosed his son, he found that his condition was much better. It should be that the "Peiyuan Decoction" he cooked had an effect. Zhou Wukang's spirit was also better than the last time he came to the mountain.

"Much better than last time."

"Shall we continue what we did last time?"


This time, Zhou Xiong focused on teaching him Tai Chi force-generating techniques. He has practiced Tai Chi for decades and has his own experience. Some small knocks can be solved with just a few clicks, but without talking about it, he can practice and understand by himself, and he can still do it. I don’t know when Zhou Xiong will talk about Tai Chi, but there are also other boxing skills in it. In this regard, Zhou Xiong has no secrets. He will give everything to Wang Yao.

In fact, what he did was against the rules. Wu Bu Qing Chuan, especially these deep secrets, are already so-called "unique skills" and should not be passed on to the outside world.

Wang Yao's talent shocked Zhou Xiong again.

If there are so-called "wizards" in time, then the young man in front of me is a man with excellent medical skills and such talent in martial arts. God really loves him!

"Don't leave at noon, stay here for a light meal, I told my family."

Zhou Xiong still resisted, but Wang Yao forced him to stay.

Wang Yao's family is very hospitable, especially the sensible child Xiaokang, Zhang Xiuying, who specially cooked a large table of dishes.

"That's enough, don't do it again!" Zhou Xiong said this more than once.

Both Wang Yao's family and Zhou Xiong's father and son enjoyed this meal very happily.

After eating, Zhou Xiong and his son were not in a hurry to go back, and followed Wang Yao up the mountain again.

When they reached Nanshan again, Zhou Wukang was out of breath and looked exhausted.

"Come in and take a rest." Wang Yao went to the hut and poured him a glass of water.

"Let Xiaokang take a rest first, shall we continue?"


In the afternoon, Zhou Xiong continued what he had learned in the morning and continued to teach Wang Yao boxing techniques, including force exertion and martial arts.

Time passed quickly, and soon it became dark.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Zhou Xiong took his son and left.

The next day, Tian Yuantu came to the mountain and told Wang Yao that he had found someone who was proficient in hand-made tea.

"If we have time, let's go take a look?"

"Okay!" Wang Yao said after hearing this, "If you are also free, you can do it now."

The two of them went down the mountain, drove, and under the guidance of Tian Yuantu came to a house in Linhe. They met the Master Xu he called, a man in his fifties, with a medium build and a slightly thin body. .

"Master Xu, are you here to trouble me?" Tian Yuantu said with a smile.

"Come in quickly." The man said with a smile. Obviously, he had known Tian Yuantu for a long time.

After they entered the house and sat down, the old man made a pot of green tea for them.

"Do you want to learn to fry tea?" the man asked Wang Yao with a smile.


"Do you want to do this?"

"No, I just want to learn." Wang Yaodao.


"So be it."

"Then let's chat about this." The man said with a smile, "Let's go to the tea garden first."

The old man took the frame and took Wang Yao and Tian Yuantu to the tea garden next to the village. There were many people growing tea here. From a distance, they could see a large tea garden full of tea trees. There were already people busy in the tea garden.

"It's time to pick the first tea. Look at the tea picking, whether it is folded or pinched. You cannot use your fingernails. There is one bud and one leaf or one bud and two leaves. Can you try it?" The old man taught Wang Yao himself in the tea garden.

The job of picking tea seems simple, but after doing it for a while, most people really can't stand it, and their fingers and arms get sore. Wang Yao followed the old man to learn how to pick tea. As he walked, the old man said, what kind of buds are good and what kind? You can wait two more days.

After picking some tea leaves, they returned to the old man's residence.

The next step is to fry tea. The old people use big iron pots and firewood stoves, the most traditional ones.

After preparing the tools, the old man began to wash the pots and light the fire.

There are several steps to frying tea.

"This time the frying is called greening, and the fire should be bigger." Master Xu poured the picked fresh tea leaves into the pot and stir-fried. While stir-frying, he talked about one of them and tried the tea leaves from time to time. At the same time, the firewood in the stove is adjusted to control the flame burning.

"Try it, the situation should be about the same." He grabbed a handful of tea leaves and handed it to Wang Yao, then put the fried tea into the prepared dustpan, and then started to knead the tea, which felt almost like kneading dough. .

"Kneading tea should be done while it's hot, just like kneading dough."

"You try again, this should be almost done."

Wang Yao stretched out his hand and tried it, feeling that the tea had basically cooled down.

Then, Master Xu spread the tea, put it into the pot and stir-fried it again, and kneaded it repeatedly. When it felt almost the same, he took the tea out of the pot again, put it into the dustpan and kneaded it, repeating this five times.

"That's almost it!"

The last step is drying. The color of the tea changes completely, from the original turquoise to dark green and almost black. At this point, the hand-fried tea is completed.

"You cannot drink this tea immediately after it is fried. You need to let it sit." Master Xu said, "Wait for them to disperse."

From tea picking to tea frying, it was already afternoon after they finished the work. During the whole process, several of them didn't eat.

"Let's go, Master Xu, let's have a meal together."

"Eat it at home, it's already prepared." Master Xu wiped the sweat from his head.

While they were busy, his wife had already prepared lunch and was waiting for them. They had been here for a long time and this was the first time they met Master Xu's wife.


As soon as Wang Yao saw Master Xu's wife's expression, he knew that she was not in good health. Her hair was half gray, her complexion was yellowish, her eyes were heavy with bags, and her eyes were not very bright.

"Auntie isn't feeling well?" he asked Master Xu beside him.

"Well, it's an old problem. I have a headache, but I can't find the root cause." Master Xu sighed, "I can't do anything when I have a headache. I was just lying on the kang." ,

"No wonder they didn't see her when they came. It turned out that she wasn't feeling well."

I was not feeling well and cooked a table full of dishes for them, which made the two of them feel very embarrassed.

After hearing this, Tian Yuantu put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Wang Yao. He only spoke after seeing him nod.

"That's such a coincidence. He is a doctor, and his medical skills are very good." Tian Yuantu pointed to Wang Yao beside him, "You might as well show him to your sister-in-law."

"Really?" Master Xu looked at Wang Yaodao.

"I can give it a try." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Eat first, and then talk after eating." Master Xu said after hearing this.

While eating, Master Xu occasionally added some spices to his wife's bowl. It was just a subconscious action, but it showed that the relationship between them must be very good.

They didn't drink during the meal, so they ate quickly. After the meal, Wang Yao went to see a doctor for his wife.

The illness of Master Xu's wife is somewhat similar to that of Tian Yuantu's wife. Shen Ke, who has been suffering from headaches for many years, cannot rest well, which damages her essence and her body is gradually worn down. Now she is not just suffering from headaches. Things, there are also problems in other aspects.

"I can cure this disease." Wang Yao said.

"Really?!" Master Xu said excitedly after hearing this.

"Yes, I'll think about it after I get back. Can you wait for my news?"

"Okay." Master Xu was very happy when he heard that there was hope. His wife had been suffering from the disease for some years and had been to many places, but it had never been cured.

After dinner, Wang Yao asked Master Xu some details and experience of tea making and recorded them, and then left with Tian Yuantu.