Elixir Supplier

Chapter 132: There are big quarrels and small quarrels every day


After a busy day, I gained a lot.

After returning home, Wang Yao carefully recorded the tea-making experience he learned today. This is also a knowledge worth learning and researching. Then, he came outside and looked at the dozens of green tea leaves outside. He felt that frying these tea leaves would be a waste of money if he was not even a beginner at his current level. It would be better to just pick them and invite the tea leaves. Cooked by Master Xu.

As for Master Xu's wife's illness, he was able to treat it. He had already thought of the treatment method on the way back. It is better to use medicine and slightly change the "Anshen San" prescription. After all, if you directly use the prescription provided by the system, you have to pay. Even if you give it away, there are restrictions. He has already given it to Zhou Xiong's son during this period. After a few doses of medicine, he was prompted by the system. He was not sure if there were any other restrictions. When he asked, the system did not answer.

The main core medicinal ingredient of this medicine is "moonflower grass". This herb can nourish yin and calm the mind. When supplemented with other herbs, it can calm the mind and properly restore the lost vitality of her body.

Ganoderma lucidum, angelica...

Wang Yao listed the needed medicinal materials based on his own ideas. He still has these medicinal materials here.

"Well, that's almost it. That's enough."

After being busy on the mountain for a while, he went down the mountain and went home after it got dark. While eating, he found that his parents' faces were not very good.

"What's wrong, parents?"

"Your third uncle has lost his job, and your third aunt is making trouble at home and wants to divorce him." Zhang Xiuying said.

"Here we go again." Wang Yao felt a little dizzy after hearing this.

Although the cause of this incident lies with him, it is ultimately still the third uncle.

"If you lose your job, why don't you find another one?" Wang Yao said.

Although the current economic situation is not very good, it is not that difficult to find a job. If you are willing to work hard, it is not a problem to make a fortune and support your family.

"Just your third uncle, what kind of job can you find? A man in his forties has no skills, he is just a mouth-watering person, and his bottle is less than half a bottle." Zhang Xiuying said.

"Look for it." Wang Yao said. Originally, he wanted to introduce him to a job if he couldn't, but he swallowed it when he said it.

In fact, if he said hello to Tian Yuantu, given the other party's situation, there would definitely be no problem in randomly arranging someone, and he would probably arrange a good job. The key is that his third uncle's character is too arrogant and unreliable. Even if he helped him this time, maybe something would go wrong again, so he didn't say that for the time being and would wait and see what happened.

"He wants to go to Qicheng because he has classmates there," Wang Fenghua said.

"What should I do, aunt?"

"What can she do at home?"

Originally, the relationship between the couple was not very good. They had big fights and small quarrels every day. They talked about divorce all day long. In Lianshan, they had an apartment and a home. If this is a separation between the two places, the divorce might come true by then.

"Please give me some more advice," Wang Yao said, "If it doesn't work out, I'll ask my friends if they can recommend me a job."

Well, Wang Fenghua responded.

The next day, the mountain wind was a bit strong, making the trees on the mountain rustle.

Wang Yao prepared the medicinal materials and began to boil the potion.

The wind blew loudly outside, and the only sound in the house was the crackling and burning of firewood.

Slowly, the unique smell of medicine wafted out.

Cooking is mixing different ingredients together to make tempting delicious food.

Boiling medicine is the organic combination of various medicinal materials to prepare medicine that can cure diseases and save lives.

The former can satisfy the appetite; the latter can save the body and health.

It is a pity that there are so many people who are obsessed with studying food; there are too few people who are devoted to studying medicine!

It was close to noon when the medicine was ready. After packing the medicine, Wang Yao went down the mountain. After entering the village, he met Wang Mingbao who looked hurriedly.

"What's the matter, so urgent?"

"I originally wanted to go up the mountain and sit there, but suddenly I received a call that something was urgent and I had to go to Tangcheng." Wang Mingbao said.

"Do you need help?"

"No need for the moment. The friend I told you about last time was arrested."

"The one selling ginseng?"


"Call me if anything happens."

"I know, I'm leaving first."

After saying that, Wang Mingbao drove away in a hurry.

Back home, while eating, his father mentioned his third uncle to him again.

"How about you see if there is a suitable job and introduce him to one." Wang Fenghua said.

"Okay, I understand." Wang Yao nodded after hearing this. He is a relative of his own, so he should help if he can. I just hope that after this incident, my third uncle's temperament can change.

After lunch, Wang Yao did not rush up the mountain, but drove out of the mountain village and came to Linhe Town, the home of Master Xu.

"Why are you here?" Master Xu was quite surprised when he saw Wang Yao.

"This is the medicine I prepared for my aunt. Take it warmly within three days. The dosage should not be too large each time, just a small tea cup." Wang Yao handed the prepared medicine to Master Xu.

"Thank you so much." He didn't expect that Wang Yao came specifically to deliver medicine to his wife, which moved him very much.

"Come, come inside and sit down." Master Xu let Wang Yao into the room, and then taught Wang Yao many tea-making skills.

Wang Yao didn't stay at his house for too long, but he just told him not to tell anyone else about the medicine before leaving.

"There won't be any problems with this medicine, right?" After Wang Yao left, Master Xu's wife said softly, speaking weakly.

"What's the problem? Can you try drinking less first?"

"Well, let's try it."

Master Xu took the medicine bottle and gently poured out a small cup. The medicine soup was very clear and warm. It didn't have a very exciting taste after entering the mouth. He felt a warm feeling entering his abdomen, and then in a short period of time, spread within time.

"How is it?" Master Xu asked with concern.

"Even elixirs don't take effect so quickly." His wife said with a smile, "I'll go inside and lie down for a while."


Husband and wife have been together through thick and thin for more than thirty years. It is not easy to be together through thick and thin.

Wang Yao didn't drive home, but went to Tian Yuantu's company. This was the first time he came to Tian Yuantu's company, a real estate company, which was very impressive. In fact, his family business was much more than that.

"Hey, what brought you here today? Please come in." After hearing that the person at the front desk was Wang Yao, Tian Yuantu personally came down to welcome him into the office, and then made him a cup of tea.

"I came today to trouble you." Wang Yao hesitated and said.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Tian Yuantu asked after hearing this.

"Yeah." Wang Yao was a little embarrassed to speak.

"Just tell me if you have something to say." Seeing this, Tian Yuantu thought that Wang Yao had encountered something difficult.

"I have a relative who wants to find a job. Do you think you have a suitable one?"

"That's it?!" Tian Yuantu was stunned for a long time before he reacted. He thought Wang Yao had something difficult to do and came to him. This matter was really simple for him. His subordinate's behavior Several companies have thousands of employees, and it's just a matter of his words to assign anyone at random.


"What's his name? Do you have any information about him?"

"Yes." Wang Yao had prepared some information about his third uncle in advance, but it was very simple, only name, age and work experience.

"Wang Fenglei, what does this have to do with you?" When Tian Yuantu saw this name, he became interested, thinking that he knew that Wang Yao's father was named Wang Fenghua. The two names were so similar that there was a high probability that they were related. .

"Well, my third uncle."

"Your third uncle?" Tian Yuantu was slightly surprised after hearing this.

"Yes." Wang Yao did not hide this.

"What about the salary? How high is the requirement?" Tian Yuantu asked after hearing this.

"Well, three thousand." Wang Yao thought about it and said. He asked his father that his third uncle received only three thousand yuan from the original company. He didn't do a lot of work, and it wasn't heavy. It was just that the original A little oily.

"Okay, I know, he can report to the Human Resources Department at any time. This is the phone number." After hearing this, Tian Yuantu gave Wang Yao a piece of paper with a phone number and a person's name written on it. .

"Thank you then."

"Hey, what's the big deal!" Tian Yuantu smiled and waved his hand after hearing this. This was indeed not a big deal to him, but it did Wang Yao a big favor.

After staying in Tian Yuantu for a while, Wang Yao said goodbye and left.

After returning home, he told his father about the matter. After hearing this, Wang Fenghua called his brother and hung up the phone after saying a few words.

"Your third uncle told me to go and have a look tomorrow."

"Well, okay." Wang Yao said.

One thing was solved, and one of his father's worries was settled. Wang Yao could clearly see that his father's complexion improved a lot.

After dinner, Wang Yao did not rush up the mountain. Instead, he stayed at home for a while, talked to his parents, and then called Wang Mingbao to ask about his friend and see if he needed his. help. On the phone, he found out that the person who almost fell into this matter had spent a lot of effort on his family, asking for connections, and spent a lot of money to avoid jail. Not to mention all the money he had spent selling ginseng. Not only did he pay a lot of money, but he also paid a lot of money, which can be regarded as a lesson learned.

"People safe is good."

After chatting for a while, he hung up the phone.

There is a family in Linhe Town.

"I feel much better." A woman in her fifties smiled and said to her husband, "My head doesn't hurt so much anymore. This medicine really works!"

"As long as it works!" A man in his fifties said with a smile. This was Master Xu who had previously taught Wang Yao how to make tea.

His wife felt much better after taking the medicine sent by Wang Yao, which made him very happy and happy from the bottom of his heart.