Elixir Supplier

Chapter 134: This way you can check for gynecological diseases


"Well, mostly up here in the mountains."

"It's rare that you have such a character." Xu Maosheng sighed after hearing this.

Today's young people prefer the prosperity of big cities, with their feasting and revelry, and a few of them are willing to endure loneliness and guard such a mountain.

After staying on the mountain for a while, Xu Maosheng said goodbye and left, and Wang Yao drove him back home.

When he returned home in the afternoon, Wang Yao found that his old sister was back. Only then did he realize that another week had passed. Time was really like running water, and it had flown by unconsciously.

"Hey, where were you just now? I didn't see you when I went to the mountain?" However, after not seeing you for two weeks, Wang Ru seemed to have become a lot more stable, or in other words, she had a more stable aura.

"I went out to send someone home. Sister, it's different now that you are the leader!"

"That's right!" Wang Ru said with a smile.

"I heard that you went to the island city a few days ago to see my future sister-in-law. Show me the photos!" After three sentences, Wang Ru returned to her original self.

Wang Yao shook his head helplessly after hearing this.

"She's really beautiful!" Wang Ru admired after seeing the photos on Wang Yao's phone, "Hurry up and get her!"

"Sister, you are a young lady who has not yet left the court, don't you think it's a bit too much to use the word naughty?"

"What can't you do? Are you stupid for planting medicinal seeds on the mountain all day long? Parents, you have to talk to him!"

"You don't have to worry about your brother's affairs. You should think more about your own affairs. You are almost thirty!" Zhang Xiuying said.

"Well, yes, Mom, let me help you cook!"

"Don't change the subject."

Whenever Wang Ru comes back, their home will be a lot more lively.

It didn't take long for Wang Yao's mother to cook a sumptuous dinner, and the family sat together to eat happily.

"Hey, do you know how to treat gynecological diseases?" While eating, Wang Ru suddenly asked such a question,

Cough, cough, cough, Wang Yao was choked directly, and then he raised his head and looked at his elder sister in surprise.

"No, you have this kind of disease at your age, I don't see it!"

"You are stupid, of course it's not me, it's my colleague!"

"No." Wang Yao refused directly.

"Don't you claim to be able to cure all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases?"

"That's just a general statement. According to your understanding, I still have to be able to cure cancer?" Wang Yao asked after taking a sip of soup.

They bickered and ate, which was quite enjoyable. After the meal, the sister and brother were responsible for clearing the table, and Wang Ru was responsible for washing the dishes. Then the family got together to play poker until nine o'clock in the night. Half.

"I'm going up the mountain."

"If you go so late, don't you still have dogs and eagles there? Most people wouldn't dare to go up there."

"I'm used to it. Besides, you make so much noise at home that I can't sleep." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"You're looking for a fight."

Wang Yao left the house with a smile. After leaving the village, the night was very dark and he couldn't see his fingers. His walking pace also changed. This was the pace taught by Zhou Xiong. He was not walking very fast. He was savoring the smell as he walked. , since learning kung fu from Zhou Xiong, he would practice his steps whenever he went up the mountain at night. In this late night, such practice had a miraculous effect. He could feel his progress almost every day.

The next day, while he was still practicing on the mountain, the sister went up the mountain to look for something in his medicine field.

Woof woof woof, the native dog kept barking.

"Hey, Sanxian, what do you mean by that look? I'm not a thief. Do you believe I stewed you and made it into dog meat soup?!"

Woof woof woof, ouch, the native dog bared his teeth after hearing this.

"Hey, you actually understand?!"

With a flutter, the goshawk landed on a branch not far away, staring at Wang Ru with a pair of sharp eagle eyes.

Wang Ru was stared at by the dog and the hawk.

"Okay, can I stop moving?" In the end, she simply didn't move, her hands made a gesture of surrender, and she slowly exited the medicine field. She felt that if she had continued just now, maybe this dog and the eagle would be killed. Attack her.

"The ones raised here have become sperms."

After she stayed in the hut for a while, Wang Yao came down from the mountain.

"Sister, why did you go up the mountain?"

"The two door gods you raised are almost becoming sperms. I just walked around in the medicine field, and they grinned at me and almost came up to bite me."

"Why did you go into the medicine field?"

"Find a herb." Wang Ru said.

"Looking for herbal medicine, you? Do you know it?" Wang Yao smiled after hearing this.

"I have photos here!" Wang Ru said, picking up the phone and showing it to Wang Yao.

"Buddha grass, what do you want this for?" Wang Yao recognized the herb in the photo on his sister's phone at a glance.

"Treat burns."

"Who told you to treat burns?" Wang Yao was stunned after hearing this.

"I heard from my colleagues that it was a folk remedy. Why, isn't it right?"

"Yes, it has this effect. Sagewort can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and drain pus, and treat burns and scalds. What other folk remedies do you have?"

"Let me think about it, I also want eggs and sesame oil."

"Eggs and sesame oil, shouldn't they be fried together?" Wang Yao joked after hearing this.

"It's fried and eaten. It's mashed and applied externally. Do you have any?"

"Yes." Wang Yao does have this kind of medicinal herb here, but the quantity planted is not large, and it is not very conspicuous, so it is not easy to find.

"Here." In a moment, Wang Yao found the Buddha's grass he planted. This was his medicinal field. He knew exactly where each medicinal plant was.

This herbaceous plant was originally mostly planted south of the Yangtze River. It is an evergreen species all year round, with multi-leaf whorls, green and lovely.

"How much do you want?"

"I don't know, just have it here." Wang Ru said.

"Sister, don't mention this medicinal herb to anyone casually." Wang Yao said, looking at the greenery in front of him.

"I know, I know it in my heart." Wang Ru said, she knew how much energy and effort her brother spent on the mountain in front of her.

After Wang Ru came down from the mountain, Wang Yao returned to the hut and began to supplement his notebook. He also recorded the diagnosis and treatment process of Xu Maosheng's wife. He planned to see a doctor in the future. As long as there were some strange diseases, He has to record it and finally compile it into a booklet.

"Perhaps in a few decades, the book I recorded will also become a medical manual?" Sometimes, Wang Yao would also think this way, but of course it was just a conjecture. After all, the herbs used in the diseases he treated were not available everywhere, and It is a "spiritual grass" that is rare or even non-existent in the world.

Not long after Wang Ru left, Zhou Xiong came and took his son up the mountain, explaining boxing skills to Wang Yao as usual.

"Dr. Wang, let's calculate the consultation fee, right?" Zhou Xiong mentioned this matter again while taking a break from boxing practice.

"It's not urgent." Wang Yao said with a smile. In fact, he is really not sure how to charge the consultation fee now. If he charges according to the prescription provided by the system, it will cost at least several million, but he also I think the price is really a bit high.

"That's it. In two days, Xiaokang and I are going to go back to Cangzhou. There are some things at home that need to be dealt with. I will come back to continue treatment after the things at home are sorted out, so..."

"Well, let's come back before you leave."

"The consultation fee?"

"One million!" Wang Yao said such a price.

"Okay." Zhou Xiong agreed happily after hearing this.

In fact, the price Wang Yao asked for was not high. The medicinal materials he used alone may not be able to be purchased with this money, let alone the few medicines he was given.

"In the next two days, I will prepare another Peiyuan Decoction and give it to Xiaokang when you go back." Wang Yaodao said. He had just passed Zhou Wukang's pulse, and the vitality in his body had been stimulated. Slowly The earth has expanded to the entire body, but the original essence is still a little weak, and external force is needed to support this vitality. He estimates that a pair of "Pei Yuan Tang" will be enough.

"Okay, that's troublesome."

Before noon, Zhou Xiong took his son down the mountain.

Woof woof woof, just when Wang Yao was preparing to go down the mountain for dinner at noon, the local dog outside the hut suddenly barked.

"Well, what's going on?" Wang Yao looked around and found no one or animal intruding. After a closer look, the native dog "Sanxian" was barking at a medicinal plant, which was very strange.

"What's wrong with the three delicacies?" Wang Yao walked in and took a closer look, only to find that there were insects on the leaves of the herb. There were not many, only a few, and they were very small and inconspicuous.

insect? !

Growing flowers can cause insect diseases.

There will be insect diseases when planting grass.

Planting trees can also cause insect diseases.

This is common sense, and Wang Yao also knows that it is just that the severe cold in winter suppresses these insects. Wang Yao did not think much about it. He thought that the freedom of "spiritual grass" was extraordinary, so he did not take preventive measures in this regard, but Today's weather is getting warmer and warmer, and some bugs that were originally hidden underground have also come to life. The discount is only a little. When the weather continues to warm up, this medicinal field, this forest, this mountain, I am afraid that there will be all kinds of insects. Such bugs.

It doesn’t matter whether some bugs are harmless or not. They do no harm to flowers, plants and trees, and some are even beneficial. However, some bugs, which eat leaves and seedlings, are considered pests and must be controlled.

What to do with these bugs

"Pesticide, no!"

Since he planted these medicinal herbs, neither "spiritual herbs" nor ordinary medicinal herbs have been used with any foreign substances. They are only mixed with "ancient spring water" for watering. These herbs are purely natural and are not contaminated by any impurities. , how can we use pesticides

Looking at the insects that were still crawling, Wang Yao stretched out his hands and pinched them to death one by one, then turned around and slowly went down the mountain.

Consider pest control methods as you go.

Herbs can cure diseases and kill insects.

Some plants can emit a special smell that repels insects, such as mint, tuberose, and insect repellent.

The knowledge of medicinal herbs stored in Wang Yao's mind is unusually rich.