Elixir Supplier

Chapter 135: The cock in pain



He thought of a "spiritual grass" called "Kangmu", which could drive away all kinds of poisonous insects.

It is said to be grass, but it is actually a woody plant that grows very slowly. It can emit a unique smell and repel insects. In addition, this "spiritual grass" has other wonderful uses.

"What are you thinking about, so absorbed?!" A shout interrupted his thoughts, and Wang Ru was seen holding a knife in one hand and a chicken in the other, seemingly killing the chicken.

"Sister, are you killing the chicken?"

"Well, I've killed it twice, but it's still not dead." Wang Ru said, "I couldn't find its artery. Aren't you a pharmacist? Tell me, where is the artery of this chicken?"

"You were killed twice and you didn't die? Can't find the artery?" Wang Yao seemed to see the pain and despair in the chicken's eyes. This was a kind of torture, a torture more terrifying than death.

"Sister, I'm a pharmacist, not a veterinarian. Chicken killers never ask about arteries. You're just torturing the chicken. You should let our parents handle it, right?"

"How can that be done? I finally got this opportunity."

"You are just causing trouble." Wang Yao said after hearing this.

It was precisely because of Wang Ru's initiative and participation that the chicken soup they originally planned to drink at noon was postponed to evening.

After eating, Wang Yao stayed at home for a while, then went out to go up the mountain. On the street in the middle of the village, he saw the party secretary accompanying two men in suits and ties. He didn't know what he was looking at. He wanted to give some advice. In particular, I stayed the longest at the location of the abandoned brigade house in the village.

"Well, this position is more suitable." The fat middle-aged man in the middle said with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Wang Yao just glanced at it briefly, but didn't take it seriously and turned around to go up Nanshan.

When he returned to the mountain, he called up the system and found Kangmu from the "pharmacy shop". However, this "spiritual grass" was exchanged by plant. It required up to 100 exchange points to exchange for one plant. Wang Yao didn't have any at all now. With so many rewards, I had no choice but to give up and find another way.

He has planted some insect-repellent herbs such as mint and qilixiang in the medicine field, but judging from the actual situation, it is obvious that these pests cannot be completely eliminated, which means that other methods need to be thought of in addition. Prevent those bugs from continuing to multiply and spread.

For this reason, he read through the "Spiritual Grass" again, looking for "spiritual grass" that met the requirements. Finally, another kind of "spiritual grass" appeared in his sight.

Miasma grass: avoids miasma and eliminates poisonous insects.

According to the records in "Spiritual Grass", the initial growth environment of this "spiritual grass" was somewhat special. It was a place full of miasma and poisonous insects. However, wherever this "spiritual grass" grew, there were no nearby Poisonous insect, so-called

The poisonous insects among the "extremely poisonous insects" are parasites in the human body.

This kind of "spiritual grass" can also be exchanged by Wang Yao, and the price is not low, five seeds, fifty reward points, which is almost Wang Yao's current wealth.

But he didn't hesitate at all and exchanged it directly. After walking around the medicine field for a few times, he selected a location. He planted the five seeds in different locations in the medicine field and irrigated them with ancient spring water.

"I hope it will be useful, but the reward points are not enough, and I have to harvest some ordinary herbs."

In the afternoon, Wang Yao indirectly harvested some medicinal herbs, but the quantity was not very large. He bought these unprocessed ordinary medicinal herbs directly into the "pharmacy shop", barely increasing some exchange points, and then he prepared to prepare some for Zhou Xiong's The son was brewing a potion, but found that the quantity of some medicinal ingredients was insufficient, so he called Li Maoshuang. Fortunately, he still had some in stock.

He drove directly to Lianshan County without waiting.

When I saw Li Maoshuang again, I found that his complexion was much better than when we last met. Wang Yao took his pulse again and found that his body was indeed much better. This should be due to his stay during this period. Changes in living habits, benign changes.

"Not bad, much better."

"Really? During this period of time, I don't smoke or drink, I only drink tea, and I have a fitness card. I go to the gym when I have time and spend money to sweat. Now I feel energetic and the effect is great! "Li Maoshuang said with a smile.

"Fitness is a good thing. As long as you persist, your body will get better and better." Wang Yaodao.

"I will persist. I enjoy this life very much now." Li Maoshuang said with a smile.

Since the last time he was reminded by Wang Yao, he investigated and dealt with the disease in his body and realized the terrible consequences that may arise if it continues to develop. His outlook on life has changed tremendously. If in the past he lived to make money, Yes, now he just wants to live for the sake of life, he has given up socializing, cut out those fair-weather friends, and left more time for himself and his family, in exchange for physical health and mental happiness. This kind of It felt like he hadn't felt it in an unknown amount of time.

In fact, sometimes, getting sick is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a reminder from the body, asking people to pay attention and pay attention. If it can change some bad living habits and attitudes towards life, it will be a blessing in disguise.

"Don't go back tonight, stay here, have a meal and get together?" Li Maoshuang said.

"No, I still have something to do, maybe another day?" Wang Yao's mother specifically told him at noon that he would go home for dinner and chicken soup in the evening. In his opinion, a family reunion is better than any other party.

"Then another day."

After leaving Li Maoshuang, he did not stay in Lianshan County, but returned home directly. When he entered the house, he asked about the enticing aroma, the smell of chicken.

"smell good!"

"I'm back, wash your hands and get ready to eat."


A bowl of chicken soup, warm to your stomach, raised by yourself, no feed, no medicine, natural fragrance and different taste, this is a kind of enjoyment.

"Mom's craftsmanship is incredible!" Wang Rulian sighed after drinking two large bowls.

"This chicken soup was supposed to be eaten at noon." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I thought of the chicken that was in agony." Wang Yao wanted to laugh when he thought of his sister holding the chicken in one hand and the knife in the other.

Crunching, like the sound of grinding teeth.

After dinner, the family got together, watched TV, and chatted. After nine o'clock, Wang Yao came out of the house and walked towards Nanshan.

At night, the sky is high and the stars are bright.

Wang Yao was walking alone on the dark road with a strange figure. Instead of walking straight, he was practicing Tai Chi steps.

Day and night, practice whenever you have free time.

There are also secrets in this boxing technique, and there are many similarities with the scriptures.

There is a rhythm between movement and stillness, and the harmony of yin and yang begins with Tai Chi.

After practicing all the way up the mountain, his energy and blood surged. Then he used the guidance technique in the scriptures to guide his body and breath to circulate several times. After it stabilized, he raised his head outside the house and looked at the sky, and then returned to the house to recite the scriptures. Volume, it wasn’t until about ten o’clock at night that I turned off the lights and rested.

Like this, day after day passes.

In the early morning, the warm sunshine shines on the earth, symbolizing the beginning of a new day.

In the hut, Wang Yao prepared the medicinal materials early and started brewing the potion.

Blindly adding medicinal materials to the "Baicao Pot", the ancient spring water boils slightly, and the medicinal power of the medicinal materials is integrated into it.

Wang Yao looked at the "Baicao Pot" and added more firewood from time to time, focused and natural.

A medicine, good medicinal materials, and good water need to be brewed carefully.

The aroma of medicine fills the cabin.

Woof woof woof, there were dogs barking outside, someone must have gone up the mountain.

"Are you making medicine again?" The voice came first before anyone arrived. The person who came was Wang Mingbao. He wanted to enter the house, but was blocked by the local dog.

"Sanxian, let him come in." Wang Yao shouted outside.

After hearing this, the native dog turned away.

"This dog!" Wang Mingbao looked at the native dog and sighed, then opened the door and entered the hut.

"Make the tea yourself. I have to wait for a while."

"Okay, you go ahead." Wang Mingbao was not polite. After finding the tea, he made a pot of tea, then got a cup and went to the room where Wang Yao was brewing the medicine.

"What kind of medicine did you make?"

"Pei Yuan Tang, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan." Wang Yao said, "Why do you have time to come back today? The store should be very busy on weekends, right?"

"There are people watching in the store. I came back to see my grandparents and stopped by to talk to you."

"It's almost done." Wang Yao took a look at the potion and stopped adding more firewood, letting the remaining heat keep the medicinal soup in the pot boiling.

After the medicine is boiled, the residue is filtered out, and the medicine is put into a pre-packed porcelain bottle.

After washing his face, Wang Mingbao poured him a glass of water.

"Are uncle and aunt in good health?"

"all good."

"Where's your business?"

"It's pretty good. I recently received a big order." Wang Mingbao said with a smile.

"Really, that's a good thing." Wang Yao said happily after hearing this.

"It's the order placed by Jiahui Company."

"Jiahui Company, Tian Yuantu?"


The real estate industry is the main business of Jiahui Company. Lianshan County, Haiqu City, and even Daocheng have projects of this company. Since real estate is of course indispensable for decoration, even the most basic decoration, it is necessary to separate it. Stores like Wang Mingbao's seem to be big business.

If it hadn't been for the last party organized by Wang Yao, he wouldn't have met Tian Yuantu, and he wouldn't have had such an opportunity. This was also the face the other party gave Wang Yao.

"Thank you."

"Brother, these words have gone unnoticed." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Would you like to invite him to get together some time?"

"This is not necessary for the time being." Wang Yao thought carefully and said.

From Wang Mingbao's point of view, he needs to thank the other party for this matter. However, from the other party's point of view, this is nothing at all. It is just a matter of his words. This sound is the same as anyone else's. It is better to sell personal favors. , just like arranging work for his third uncle that day.

"I will tell you when the right opportunity comes."
