Elixir Supplier

Chapter 136: A house that accumulates good deeds may not always be happy


Um? Wang Yao was suddenly startled, and then looked at Wang Mingbao carefully.

"What's wrong?" Wang Mingbao was also stunned when he saw this.

"You feel uncomfortable in your stomach. Did you have diarrhea this morning?"

"Holy shit, you know this!" Wang Mingbao said in surprise after hearing this. He was indeed feeling uncomfortable in his stomach and had diarrhea when he woke up in the morning because he must have eaten something unclean when he had dinner with some friends last night. After returning home, he started to have diarrhea. It improved after he took antidiarrheal medicine in the morning.

"Hand out."

Later, Wang Yao took his pulse.

"It's probably food poisoning. Eat less greasy food and drink more water these days. You wait here and I'll make you something to drink."

After saying that, Wang Yao got up and went to the hut where the medicine was made.

He first washed the Baicao pot in which the medicine had just been boiled with water, then added an appropriate amount of ancient spring water, placed it on the shelf, lit firewood, and then took out a piece of wild Ganoderma lucidum from the system grid, took a part of it, and tore it into pieces. small pieces, and then put in ancient spring water,

"Lingzhi, what are you doing?" Wang Mingbao came over and asked curiously.

"The food you ate last night contained toxins. Coupled with the stimulation of alcohol, gastrointestinal discomfort is secondary. The main thing is that the toxins damaged the liver." Wang Yao said while boiling the medicine.

"is it serious?"

"It's more serious than you think." Wang Yao said.

Sometimes people are just like this. In their daily lives, especially when it comes to diet, they don’t pay special attention and often eat things they shouldn’t eat by mistake, such as spoiled food, allergic ingredients, etc. Don’t think that these things are no big deal. These will threaten the health of the body, and even life in severe cases.

Ganoderma lucidum, wolfberry, licorice.

A few simple medicinal materials, combined with ancient spring water.

After a while, another medicinal fragrance wafted out of the hut.

These medicinal materials were simmered for quite some time. When the heat was almost done, Wang Yao finally added a few green leaves. These are the leaves of the "detoxification grass", which can detoxify hundreds of poisons and dissolve in water, impregnating the medicinal soup. Became a light green.

After the medicine was ready, Wang Yao poured it into a porcelain bottle.

"Drink it within two days, and no stimulants such as tobacco, alcohol, etc."

"Okay, thank you." Wang Mingbao took a sip immediately after taking it. It was slightly bitter and slightly sweet.

"Well, doesn't it taste bad?"

"This is medicine. It's better not to drink it."

While they were talking, the sound of dogs barking came again outside, but it was Zhou Xiong and his son who went up the mountain. They came to say goodbye and pick up medicine.

"Dr. Wang, I have paid the consultation fee. Please take a look."

"I have received it. This is the medicine I prepared. It is still the same as the original method of taking it."

Wang Yao checked and treated Zhou Wukang's pulse again. Before their father and son left, they were reminded of some things to pay attention to during self-study.

"Thank you for your treatment during this time." Before leaving, Zhou Xiong thanked him again.

"That's right, Xiaokang, remember what I told you."

"I have remembered everything, thank you uncle." Zhou Wukang replied very obediently.

"Well, I wish you a safe journey."

"Okay, I will come back as soon as possible after the incident in Cangzhou is over."

The father and son did not stay on the mountain for too long. After getting the medicine, they left quickly.

"Shall we go to my grandpa's house for lunch at noon?"

"Don't bother me. My sister is still at home. Why don't you go to my house?"

"No, I told my grandparents."

"Wait for me for a moment, let's go down the mountain together?"

The two of them went down the mountain together and talked while walking.

"Then Master Zhou Xiong has gone back?"

"Well, I have something to do at home. I'll go back first. I'll come back again."

"I see that the child's complexion has improved a lot. Is the disease almost cured?"

"It's still early." Wang Yao shook his head. Some miscellaneous diseases in his body have been cured, but the treatment of that arm has not actually started yet, and that is also the most difficult part to treat.

"You are so young to suffer this kind of punishment."

On the way home, they met a man who looked very unhappy and gloomy. He was a little dazed when he walked. Wang Yao stopped and wanted to step forward and say something, but stopped again.

"What's wrong?" Wang Mingbao said on the side.

"That is?"

"Uncle Fengming." Wang Mingbao said after taking a closer look at the house.

"If I remember correctly, his father just passed away not long ago, right?" Wang Yao remembered that not long ago, he had been to his home, discussed with his father about changing the land, and even dug his father's grave.

"Well, it should be less than two months." Wang Mingbao thought for a moment and said.

"This family is not bad. Both of them are filial and honest. The old man was sick and paralyzed in bed for several years, and he relied on them to take care of him." Wang Mingbao said, if he can say that he is good, it is usually It couldn't be wrong, otherwise he wouldn't have called him "uncle" when he said it just now.

"Doesn't he have any brothers or sisters?" Over the years, Wang Yao's main focus has been on the medicinal fields in Nanshan. He knows very little about the filial piety of the village's parents and does not inquire about them.

"There is also an older brother. In Lianshan County, his older brother is really bad."

"What?" Wang Yao stopped.

"His brother works in the city government, and he is doing well. He is a section chief. Logically speaking, when it comes to providing for the elderly, he should do his best, pay where he should, and put in effort where he should. But in the past few years, his My elder brother rarely comes back to see his father, let alone talk about money. As far as I know, all the money spent on the old man's illness was paid by Uncle Fengming. Even when he was buried, his elder brother just showed up and left. Everyone in the village laughs at his brother about these things. "Wang Mingbao is very familiar with the situation in the village.

"Why are you asking about this all of a sudden?"

"He is sick, and not seriously ill." Wang Yao said.

"Oh? It should be because of his father's affairs, right?!"

"Let's go and have a look at his house." Wang Yao suddenly turned around and said.

For such a filial, kind and kind-hearted person from the same village, he would help whatever he felt should be helped.

The blue door was half open, with most of the paint peeled off and rusty in places.

There are free-range chickens in the yard, which is quite messy. The house inside still has wooden window frames and is quite old.

"Uncle?" Wang Mingbao shouted.

"Here we come." Hearing the shout, Wang Fengming came out of the back room with a cry of old clothes.

"Mingbao, Xiaoyao, come and sit in the room." He warmly greeted them into the room.

The decoration in the house is very simple, even crude, the furniture is old, the electrical appliances are old, and there are not many things from the past.

Looking at the man whose hair was mostly gray and whose body was about to collapse, but who was busy greeting them, Wang Yao felt that the old saying may not be true.

A house that accumulates good deeds may not always be happy.

A house that accumulates evil may not always be troubled.

In this society, sometimes, doing good may not necessarily result in good results, and good intentions may not be rewarded; doing evil may not necessarily result in bad consequences, and evil people can still live a carefree life.

"Uncle, please stop being busy, we will leave in a moment." Wang Yao said.

"Come on, let's drink some water first. Have you eaten?"

"I've told my family that I'll go home and eat later." Wang Mingbao said.

"Uncle, sit down, I have something to tell you."

"Say." Wang Fengming smiled and sat down.

"Uncle, have you been feeling very unwell lately?" Wang Yao said.

At such a close distance, Wang Yao could feel that his breathing was rapid, and there was an obvious smell of sourness. There was also a heavy body odor on his body, and his eyes were dull.

"Hey, some of them must be from being tired from the past few days."

"Shall I check your pulse?" Wang Yao said.

"Ah, Xiaoyao, can you still see a doctor?" Wang Fengming was a little surprised.

"Know better."

"Then show me." He rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his arms, which were very thin.


After taking his pulse, Wang Yao discovered that his physical problem was more serious than the results obtained through "sniffing and diagnosis" just now.

His pulse was light and floating, his organs were weak, his meridians were blocked, his energy was lacking, and his body's essence was severely depleted.

This is not just as simple as getting sick from overwork, but also from being overworked, overly sad, and overly angry.

This disease has penetrated deep into the body and has already entered the organs. If it drags on any longer, it will lead to death, and it will be impossible for gods to save it!

"Uncle, your illness is not serious. You must seize the time to treat it!" Wang Yao said seriously.

Western medicine may not be very effective in treating this disease, because there are no symptomatic Western medicines, and injections and surgeries are not suitable. It is best to treat it through traditional Chinese medicine.

"I've seen the doctor, and they've given me some medicine. I'm taking it right now," Wang Fengming said.

"No wonder, when I came in, I could vaguely smell the smell of Chinese medicine. How long have you been taking this medicine?"

"It lasts about seven to eight days, and one course of treatment lasts for ten days."

"Then do you think it's effective?"

"It's better after all."

"Can I see those medicines?" Wang Yao said.

"Okay." He took out a pair of uncooked medicinal materials and opened them to Wang Yao.

Wang Yao recognized several medicinal materials.

There are thistle, licorice, poria, wolfberry... Most of these medicines can clear away heat, cool blood and nourish qi.

However, his current physical condition is that he lacks essence and qi, and his organs are weak. The key point is to regulate the internal organs and build up the vitality. Since there is a loss of yang energy and insufficient qi and blood, medicinal herbs that cool blood should be used less.

"Uncle, this medicine is not right for the patient and it won't work." Wang Yao looked at it carefully and said, "Where did you get the medicine?"

"It's at Dr. Li's place in the lower village."

"Doctor Li?" Wang Yao was slightly startled after hearing this. He had never heard of this person.

"That barefoot doctor?" Wang Mingbao on the side said in surprise, his voice a little confused.

"Yes, that's him."

"Barefoot doctor?"

"Yes, that guy just used cupping to treat waist and leg pain and so on, and he was so cool." Wang Mingbao said, "Uncle, why did you go to his place?"

"I also heard from other people that the medicine he prescribes is quite effective."

"It doesn't matter. My grandma also came to see him last year when she wasn't feeling well. The more she was treated, the worse she got. She had to go to the hospital in time, otherwise she would be in big trouble." From Wang Mingbao's tone, it was obvious that he was dissatisfied with the existence of the barefoot doctor. considerable opinions and dissatisfaction.