Elixir Supplier

Chapter 138: The color, fragrance and shape are both top quality


Wang Yao did not interrupt, but watched quietly from the side.

Fry, knead, fry again, knead again.

Repeatedly, the time and intensity are different each time.

There are no advanced instruments, no detection and display of temperature and time, and it is completely controlled and operated by one's own experience. This is the beauty and attraction of manual craftsmanship.

Some things may never be made by machines.

These spring teas picked from Nanshan were fried until the afternoon. During this period, Master Xu hardly took any rest and was immersed in that special state. Wang Yao was silently observing and recording. Standing there without any interruption.


When the drying was over, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Well, I finally lived up to these good tea leaves." Looking at the fried tea leaves, Xu Maosheng gently wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Wang Yao said sincerely from the side.

Frying tea is a technical job as well as physical work. It was not the first time for Wang Yao to observe Xu Maosheng's process of frying tea just now. This process requires controlling the heat, stir-frying and kneading, patience, and consumption of physical and mental energy. Energy, after a lot of craftsmanship, it is quite tiring.

"Fortunately, I'm used to it. Let's go sit over there. These teas need to be cooled a little before they are bagged." Xu Maosheng wiped the sweat from his head with a towel.


In the back room, Xu Maosheng's wife had already prepared water and fruits for them, and carefully cooled a large glass of water for her husband. After Xu Maosheng sat down, he picked up the cooled water and made it into a large cup. , when he was making tea just now, he basically didn't bother to drink water.

"Hey, I am getting old after all. If I were five or six years younger, this kind of work would be nothing." After drinking a glass of water, Xu Maosheng sighed.

"At your age, you are considered to be in your prime." Wang Yao smiled after hearing this.

"Young man, haha." Xu Maosheng laughed loudly after hearing this. "I really want to work for a few more years. There are not many people willing to learn this craft now."

"Yes, there really aren't many people willing to learn." Wang Yaodao said.

Handicrafts require care, patience, and study. Today's young people are a little impetuous and always want to make a lot of money, so they lack these things.

"There is a special machine for making tea now. Why bother with this? It's tiring and inefficient." Xu Maosheng said after taking a sip of water.

"But things made by machines are incomparable to things made by hand. Is there always something missing?"

"Yes, the shape and taste of the tea are inferior, and the artistic conception is missing."

The two rested for a while and then returned to the tea-making room. The room was well ventilated and the tea had cooled down.

"It's ready to be packed. It's about a pound. How many portions can it be packed into?" Xu Maosheng weighed the fried tea leaves and asked Wang Yaodao.

"Six servings."

"Okay, I happen to have packaging here, you can see which one is better."

Naturally, he makes and sells tea here, and the packaging and packaging tools are naturally complete.

"Whatever, just keep it simple." Wang Yao picked out his simplest packaging.

The packaging inside and outside is the same, with a simple landscape and the word "tea".

Xu Maosheng originally planned to get him a package for six small buckets of tea, but he refused.

"Drink it yourself, give some to friends, you don't have to be so particular."

"This is for you to try." Wang Yao left a bucket for Xu Maosheng.

"Hey, this is too precious. I don't want it anymore. I still have some." Xu Maosheng pointed to the remaining handful of tea.

"That's not enough. You've been busy all day. Don't you think it's too little?"

"A lot, a lot, then I'll accept it." Xu Maosheng smiled and accepted it. He is also a tea lover, not to mention that this is tea that he made by himself.

"How about we try this tea?"


Xu Maosheng took out a tea set, took an appropriate amount of freshly fried tea, and brewed it with hot water.

The aroma of tea wafts out immediately, pure and long, the tea soup is between yellow and green, clear and bright, the tea shape is excellent, one leaf and one bud, almost no damage, this is the craftsmanship of the tea master!

"Good tea, really good tea!" Xu Maosheng sighed, and he was sincerely feeling this.

Really good tea, no supplies.

Ask about its fragrance, look at its color, and observe its shape.

These three are top-grade, and this tea must also be top-grade.

Xu Maosheng picked up the tea cup and asked about the taste carefully, and then took a sip. The tea was sweet and refreshing, leaving a fragrant aroma in the mouth.

"Okay!" Xu Maosheng sighed again, "Lao He, come to drink tea!" Then he directed his wife who was still busy in the yard, and his wife heard the sound and entered the house.

"It smells so good!" she said with a smile as soon as she came in.

"Try it, this is a rare good tea. The camellia grown by Dr. Wang himself is top quality!" After saying this, Xu Maosheng poured a cup into his old cup.

"Well, it tastes good, better than the ones we grow at home." His wife praised after drinking a glass.

"Of course, camellia and garden tea are different. We fertilize and use medicine in our tea garden." In front of Wang Yao, Xu Maosheng didn't care about these things and said it directly.

A pot of tea has been brewed several times. The aroma of the tea has not diminished, it is still strong, the color of the tea has not changed, and it is clear and translucent.

"This is above the top grade, it can be called the best!" Xu Maosheng praised.

He always has a smile on his face. As a tea maker who has been making tea for decades, the happiest thing is to be able to fry top-quality tea leaves with your own hands, and this top-quality tea is hard to come by!

Just like Wang Yao feels as happy after curing someone's illness.

This is a sense of accomplishment, a sense of accomplishment that comes from engaging in a profession and achieving considerable achievements.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when Wang Yao left Xu Maosheng's house.

After returning home, I left a bucket of tea at home.

"Dad, Mom, this is the tea I grew on the mountain. You can drink it yourself." Wang Yaodao.

"Okay." His father responded after hearing this.

Ever since Wang Yao's friends brought some famous tea, his parents also fell in love with drinking tea and drank a pot every day when they had time. When I heard that this was tea grown by my son, I was naturally even happier.

Wang Yao planned to give the remaining cans of tea to Tian Yuantu and the others.

The next day, after practicing in the morning, Wang Yao went down the mountain again, drove into the city, and went to Wang Mingbao first. The business of his shop was getting better and better. In the morning, people went to see decoration materials. Just a lot.

"Hey, why are you here free?" Wang Mingbao let him into his office and made him tea.

"Stop being busy, I'll give you something. I'll leave right away." Wang Yao said and put the small bucket of tea on Wang Mingbao's table.

"Tea?" Wang Mingbao was slightly startled.

"Grow it yourself and ask the master to fry it by hand. The quantity is limited. Try it."

"That's definitely true!" Wang Mingbao said. He had almost blind trust in Wang Yao's things on the mountain. The taste of the jujubes and chestnuts was still fresh in his memory. They were so beautiful that they couldn't be ignored. This camellia must also be of top quality. ah.

"No, I have to put it away." Wang Mingbao hid the small bucket of tea in his drawer.

Not long after staying at his place, Wang Yao left and drove to Tian Yuantu. When he arrived at his company, he happened to have a customer there. He was an old man in his sixties, slightly thin. But he was very energetic and had deep eyes. Tian Yuantu did not treat him as an outsider and directly invited him into the office.

"Why are you free to come up today?"

"I'll give you something. Master Xu fried the tea from my mountain. Try it." Wang Yao put down the keg.

"Really, that's a treat!" Tian Yuantu said with a smile, holding the small bucket of tea, and then put it aside.

"Would you like to stay for lunch?"

"No, please do your work first, I'll leave first."


When passing by the old man, Wang Yao paused for a moment. He heard a noise when the old man was breathing, like a bellows, and it was slightly rapid.

This means that there is foreign matter in the lungs, breathing is not smooth, and it is mostly phlegm.

"What's wrong?" Tian Yuantu was slightly startled. When he saw Wang Yao looking at the old man, he immediately smiled and said.

"I forgot to introduce you. This is Professor Lu, an expert in civil engineering and construction. This is Wang Yao, my friend. Despite his young age, he has extraordinary medical skills!"

"Oh?!" Professor Lu was quite surprised after hearing this. For someone so young to be worthy of the word "extraordinary", he is a genius.

"Brother Tian, thank you very much."

"Young man, why are you staring at me?" Professor Lu said with a smile.

"Professor, have you been feeling unwell lately, with difficulty breathing and phlegm?"

"That's right!"

Professor Lu was surprised again after hearing this. If the surprise just now was because Tian Yuantu praised him, then the surprise now is because of this young man's ability. Just by "looking", he knew that his body was not good. It's comfortable, and the specific location is stated. This is really unusual.

"It's amazing, young man. I had a cold a few days ago and had phlegm in my lungs. I feel better today." Professor Lu said.

"Would you like Wang Yao to show it to you?"

"Okay!" Professor Lu said after hearing this.

"Then let me show you."

Wang Yao sat down and took Professor Lu's pulse. Looking at it, there are indeed some problems.

"Professor Lu, you still have stones in your kidneys, hasn't it been a day?"

"Yes, it's an old problem." Professor Lu said after hearing this.

"You usually like to eat meat, and are you more constipated in the morning?"

"Hiss, you can also know this by taking the pulse?" Professor Lu asked in surprise.

After hearing this, Wang Yao just smiled and did not answer.

"There is no big problem with your body, it's just that your living habits need to change." Wang Yao said after the diagnosis.

"Drink more water, eat more vegetables, and eat less meat on weekdays. You can eat some fungus and a few walnuts every day."

"Can you give me some side medicine?" Professor Lu has now put away his contempt for this young man. It is indeed remarkable to have such ability at such an age.

"Your situation is not particularly serious. It is best to improve it by changing your living habits. I can prescribe medicine, but the treatment may not be long-lasting if it is temporary." Wang Yaodao.