Elixir Supplier

Chapter 14: Spiritual grass can detoxify hundreds of poisons


Tong Wei was once the school belle of Wang Yao's school. At that time, many people wrote love letters to her, and people lined up to pursue her. Wang Yao also secretly liked her. Unconsciously, this girl was not only beautiful. , and had excellent academic performance. After the college entrance examination, she was admitted to a key university, and then went to study abroad. There was no news after that. The last time Wang Yao saw her was at the class reunion during the winter vacation of her junior year. At that time, she was already in full bloom, with a faint presence. With such an alluring look, many people at the wine table took advantage of their drunkenness to chase her, but she declined them very tactfully, including Yang Ming.

I never expected that I would see my former beauty again today, and in such a situation.

Looking at Yang Ming, it was obvious that he was chasing him, and the way he looked at her showed a bit of disdain, which he did not hide too deliberately.

Yes, Wang Yao is indeed inferior to him in terms of his family background, and he is also inferior to him in terms of his current job.

"But so what?!"

I have a pot of water that can promote the growth of all things,

I have a mountain that can grow hundreds of millions of medicinal herbs.

With that magical system,

The possibilities are endless!

Now the tiger is in Pingyang and the dragon is swimming in the shallow water.

One day, tigers will roar in the mountains and dragons will roam the sky for a long time.

Until then, how will you look at me

After returning home, he harvested some more chestnuts and put them in bags, preparing to go to the city to sell them tomorrow.

The next day, when Wang Yao rushed to the mountain, he found that all the medicinal herbs he planted had sprouted, and the detoxification grass had grown even taller.

"Task: Within ten days, plant five medicinal herbs (except Polygonatum japonica) to complete. Reward skill: Detection." At this time, the system's prompt sounded suddenly.

"Is it done?!" Wang Yao was stunned, not expecting that this task could be completed so easily.

"Detection, what kind of ability is this?"

He clicked on the system panel and saw the prompt.

"Detection: Detect the properties of plants and know their growth status."

How to use this skill

Wang Yao came to the "Antitoxic Grass" that had sprouted two days after it was planted, and then silently recited a word of discovery. .

"Antitoxic grass (spiritual grass): It can detoxify hundreds of poisons and has just sprouted."

"Spiritual grass? It can cure hundreds of poisons. What's going on?!"

Seeing this prompt, Wang Yao was stunned.

He still doesn’t know what the spiritual grass in brackets means, but the one that can detoxify hundreds of poisons is a very interesting explanation. It usually appears in some fairy novels, such as the century-old red fruit, the thousand-year-old ginseng and polygonum multiflorum. Classes have this effect.

"Try something else?"

He came to the side of the gentian grass that had sprouted.

"Gentian: purges fire and removes dampness, just after germination."

"Come again!"

"Adenophora: strong qi and blood, correcting timid evil. Just sprouted."

Then he came to the chestnut tree.

"Chestnut: strengthens the spleen and qi, nourishes the kidneys and strengthens the muscles, matures."

Is this okay? so amazing!

Wang Yao was stunned, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

"This is equivalent to carrying a big dictionary of plants!"

After experimenting a few times with excitement, I suddenly felt a little dizzy and my body felt tired. Only then did I realize that this ability cannot be used unlimitedly and requires consuming the energy in my body.

"It's time to go back and have a good rest. I'll be busy again tomorrow."

In addition to this special skill, the experience bar has been increased by a certain amount and there are 8 bonus points.

After Wang Yao finished working in the medicine field, he went to the city to sell chestnuts. This time, all his chestnuts were sold out in less than two hours, so he went home early and beat all the remaining chestnuts. Come down, peel it, put it in a bag, ready to go on sale tomorrow.

Early this morning, when he was busy in the medicine field, he suddenly heard a voice.

"Task: Configure a potion of your own within a month. The penalty for failure is to deduct any attribute of the host." The system's task prompt sounded.

"Prepare a dose of medicine for yourself, what kind of task is this?" Wang Yao was very confused after hearing this, and the punishment for this person was even more severe. His current highest physical attribute is only Constitution 1.5. If one item is deducted, He is basically a useless person!

"System, what does this potion that belongs to you mean?" Wang Yao asked.

"The host created it himself, unprecedented!"

"It's unprecedented to create something by yourself. Isn't it too difficult?!" Wang Yao was surprised after hearing this. Wang Yao was completely ignorant of the field of dispensing medicine.

"What should we do now?"

After returning home, Wang Yao started to act quickly, turned on the computer, and searched for prescriptions. The most famous one in this regard is undoubtedly the "Qianjin Prescription" by the famous ancient doctor Sun Simiao, which contains a large number of precious Chinese medicine prescriptions.

"Can I improve some of these prescriptions and turn them into my own prescriptions?" Thinking of this, Wang Yao became a little excited.

After eating, he returned to his room to study his "Thousands of Gold Prescription". Then he found that various Chinese herbal medicines were needed to prepare these medicines, so he wrote down several of the required medicinal materials in preparation for going to the city tomorrow. Buy some and try them at home.

The next day, after finishing his work in the mountains, he took the packed chestnuts into the city.

This time the sales were much faster, and in a short time there was not much left.

"Boss, how much does a pound cost in your class?" A nice female voice said.

"Thirty." Wang Yao, who was busy cleaning up and preparing to close the stall, said without looking up.

"It's so expensive. Can it be cheaper?"

"Feel sorry."

"Then give me three kilograms of city?"

"Okay, wait a minute." Wang Yao turned around and was about to weigh the chestnuts, but found a beauty wearing casual clothes standing in front of him. She had long legs and sleeves, a slender waist, long slightly curly hair, and picturesque features.

"Wang Yao?!"

"Tong Wei?!" After seeing the beauty in front of him clearly, Wang Yao was stunned. She was actually the female classmate sitting in Yang Ming's car that he met yesterday. He never expected that he would meet again in this way today.


"Yeah, what a coincidence." Tong Wei looked at this former classmate with a smile, she was very surprised

"Why are you selling chestnuts here?"

"I have grown some at home. If you can't eat it, sell it for some money. Here, take it back and try it!" Wang Yao packed a bag and handed it to Tong Wei without weighing it.

"How much?"

"Hey, don't be rude to me. Just take it and eat it. If you want to eat it again, tell me."

"Then I'm not welcome." Tong Wei put away the bag and said generously, "By the way, can you leave me your contact information?"


"I heard Yang Ming say that you are doing planting at home?" The beauty smiled, and she was more delicate than flowers.