Elixir Supplier

Chapter 140: The inner breath is like a river moving a thousand catties in four ounces


After finishing all this work, he came outside with his little Mazar, leaning against the wall and looking at the sky in trance.

Lianshan County has little or no heavy industry, poor environmental pollution, and the sky has always been high.

Wang Yao has also learned something by observing the sky these days. By observing the celestial phenomena, he can guess what the weather will be like the next day. Moreover, there are some mysteries in the stars in the sky, which are worth observing and going to. Research.

It wasn't until late at night that the lights in the hut were turned off, and there was only the sound of the mountain breeze outside.

The next day, Wang Yao got up before dawn.

He has a lot to do today.

A simple meal, practice, and taking care of the medicine field. When he finished all this, the sun was already high in the sky.

The weather is very good today.

The right time, the right place, the right people,

Just in time to brew the medicine.

Wang Yao prepared enough firewood and told his family in advance that he would not go down the mountain to eat at noon today.

"Sanxian, I want to make some medicine. No one else is allowed in." He shouted outside the house.

Woof woof woof, the local dog barked twice, then ran outside the medicine field and started patrolling.

In the hut, Wang Yao started to boil medicine.

Make a fire,

Add medicine,


As one program said, the taste is all adjusted by experience. There are many key points in making a good medicine, including the control of the person who makes it.

Starting at around nine o'clock in the morning, the medicinal fragrance in the hut never stopped, and it lasted until the afternoon.

Wang Fengming's illness was the most serious, and the medicine he needed used the most medicinal materials and took the longest to brew. Professor Lu's illness was the mildest and required fewer medicinal materials, so the brewing process was simple, but even if it is simple From beginning to end, Wang Yao has always maintained a careful and serious attitude, controlling every step.

When he came out of the hut, the sun in the west was already red and hung on the mountains.

Because he had an appointment with Tong Wei tomorrow, Wang Yao did not go directly down the mountain to deliver these prepared medicines to those who needed them.

Wang Fengming was at home. After taking the first medicine given to him by Wang Yao, he felt that his body was much more relaxed, his whole spirit was much better, and there was a little more sparkle in his eyes. It was no longer as it was at the beginning. It was so gloomy. When Wang Yao gave him two more doses of medicine, the couple were very moved and enthusiastically stayed with Wang Yao to eat at home.

"Uncle, I have to go out for a while. You and my aunt should pay more attention to rest."

"Hey, if you need anything, just ask uncle."


After saying a few polite words and putting down the medicine, Wang Yao drove out of the village. He first went to Linhe Town, which is southeast of Lianshan County and only about 20 minutes' drive from Wang Yao's village. When he felt When Xu Maosheng was at home, both of them were at home. Xu Maosheng was still making tea. When he heard Wang Yao coming, he stopped what he was doing and came out to greet him.

"This is the medicine I made for my aunt. After taking these two doses, pay attention to rest for a while. I think the disease will be almost cured." Wang Yaodao.

"Just make a call and I'll go get it. I'll also ask you to make a trip." Xu Maosheng said.

"It's okay, just come out to relax."

While chatting, Xu Maosheng drank another large glass of water.

"Uncle Xu, please reduce the amount of fried tea in the future." Wang Yao saw that his eyes were slightly red, his breathing was a little heavy, and his breath was slightly hot.

If you often fry tea, if you are too close to the flame and the heat is too strong, it is inevitable that the fire poison will invade the body. It is better if the body is strong, but like Xu Maosheng, although Wang Yao said he is in the prime of life, in fact, the body has already been It started to go downhill. The older he gets, the worse his resistance becomes. Fortunately, he likes to drink tea. Tea can ignite the fire and just eliminate the fire poison.

Tea stir-fried with fire has the effect of clearing away heat and annealing fire. This is also the wonder of the mutual support and restraint of all things.

"I can't do much anymore if I want to!" Xu Maosheng said. As he got older, he clearly felt that his energy was not as good as before. After frying less than a kilogram of good tea for Wang Yao last time, He rested at home for a day before he recovered.

"You might as well drink more tea."

"Hey, I usually drink a lot. I don't dare to say anything else at home, but there is no shortage of tea."

Wang Yao didn't stay at his house for long, and drove into Lianshan County again. Before that, he first called Tian Yuantu.

After delivering the medicine, Wang Yao wanted to go home, but was forced to stay by the other party.

"Don't leave. Let's have dinner together tonight. Call Mingbao and the others. Professor Lu happens to be there too."

"That's fine."

The place he chose to eat was the place where he entertained Secretary Yang last time. In that inconspicuous restaurant, in addition to Wang Mingbao and Li Maoshuang, there was another person called, a powerful deputy director of a certain unit.

Wang Yao actually didn't particularly like this kind of banquet, but he found that Wang Mingbao was very happy. After all, he was in business, and it was good for him to get to know more friends of all kinds, and Li Maoshuang's transformation was more Big, if this happened before, he would have been very active and drank heavily, but now he just drinks less.

Wang Yao got along very well with Professor Lu, and the old man and the young man chatted very happily, especially since Wang Yao gave him a free medicine to let him try out the effect.

After eating, everyone left.

Tian Yuantu stopped Wang Yao.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"I have something to do tomorrow, what?"

"I have contracted a mountain and am planning to build a mountain resort in your town. If you are interested, let's go and see it together?"

"Our town?" Wang Yao was quite curious after hearing this. Their town has a typical hilly landform, with mountains everywhere. Not to mention not many, but you can see a few within a short distance, like The small mountain village where he was located was between four mountains.

"Yes, why don't we invite Professor Lu to come over and see what kind of building is suitable?"

"How about another day?"


Wang Yao didn't drink and drove back home by himself.

The next day, it was sunny and sunny.

Wang Yao's mother called him early, fearing that he would be late and delay things. In fact, Wang Yao got up very early. When he was practicing on the mountain, some people in the village below were afraid that he had not gotten up yet. .

Following his mother's instructions, Wang Yao drove out of the village to Lianshan County. He came to Tong Wei's home and called her. After a while, he saw a beautiful woman walking out quickly, dressed casually. Dressed up, wearing light makeup.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"have eaten."

"Where to go?"

"Listen to you."

This makes Wang Yao a little embarrassed. In fact, Lianshan County is not a big place and there are only a few interesting mountains. Wang Yao has been there several times and finds it not interesting. In fact, there is no such thing in the nearby Haiqu City. What a scenic spot, it's just close to the sea, but Tong Wei's island city is also close to the sea, and the sea view is far better than that of Haiqu.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yao couldn't think of anything interesting nearby.

"What's wrong?" Tong Wei asked softly when she saw that he had not started the car but was getting up.

"Have you not decided where to go?"

"Pfft." Tong Wei smiled after hearing this.

"I heard that a place called Evergreen Mountain has been developed recently. Let's go take a look?"

"no problem."

It was much easier to have a destination. Not to mention, Wang Yao had never been to this place. After setting up the navigation, they set off towards Evergreen Mountain.

"How many days do you plan to stay when you come back this time?"

"Three days, we have three days off work every month in addition to weekends." Tong Wei said.

"Quite humane."

"By the way, when are you going to visit your medicinal field?"

Just waiting for your words, Wang Yao said after hearing this.

"You can do it at any time. Let's do this. Let's go to Evergreen Mountain in the morning, visit my place in the afternoon, and have a meal at my house in the evening. How about I take you back?" Wang Yao spent the whole day in an instant. The itinerary is arranged.

"Okay." Tong Wei agreed readily.

"Then let's go!"

After arriving at the destination, Wang Yao discovered that these were several territories, with several towers artificially built on the mountain and several-story hotels. To be honest, they were not much different from Nanshan where he was.

"Let's go, since we're here, let's go up and take a look." Tong Wei saw the disappointment on Wang Yao's face and said with a smile.


Although there are only a few mountains, the newly built pagoda still has the construction material label and the mark of so-and-so's visit here that have not been torn off, but Tong Wei is also very happy, and poses for Wang Yao from time to time. She takes pictures.

What made Wang Yao even more curious was that there were actually quite a few people coming to play in just these few territories. The key was that today was not the weekend. He really didn't understand that these people didn't need to work. Could it be that they were all just like him, enjoying themselves? of

Hey, there are quite a few rocks on this mountain.

He found that there were a lot of rocks stacked on top of one of the mountains, which were used by the people who developed the place to create some kind of "eighteen holes".

"Shall we go up and take a look?" Tong Wei approached Wang Yaodao. Perhaps because of the activities on the mountain, she was slightly out of breath and exhaled like blue.

"Okay!" Wang Yao said hurriedly.

The road up the mountain is very narrow, and sometimes there are rocks on both sides of the road. The rocks have accumulated to form some holes. Many people climbed up the rocks to take pictures.

"It's a pity to keep these stones here." Wang Yao said.

"What did you say?" Tong Wei on the side heard the words.


careful! Suddenly there was a shout.

There was a roar, and a stone rolled down the mountain for some reason. When Wang Yao heard the sound and ran away, the stone was already in front of him, just above Tong Wei's head, only two meters away.

"Get out of the way!" Wang Yao said anxiously.

Tong Wei was instantly stunned and her face turned pale.

Wang Yao came to her in one step, his body breath flowing like the water of a river. He held it with both hands, and with a swish, the large stone of hundreds of kilograms changed its direction and fell into the mountain stream nearby, making a roar. The sound stirred up a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Are you okay?" Wang Yao hurriedly checked Tong Wei up and down, and was relieved when he found that she was not injured.