Elixir Supplier

Chapter 141: This girl is so pretty


"You're not hurt, are you?" Tong Wei, who came back to her senses, looked at Wang Yao with concern, and at the same time reached out to check his arm. The stone just now looked quite big. It weighed at least several hundred kilograms. He must have used a lot of strength to drag him out like this, and his arm might be injured.

"I'll go, did you see it just now?!"

"Kung Fu master!"

"Have you filmed it?!"

"If this were posted online, it would definitely go viral!"

Several people climbing nearby were lucky enough to see the astonishing scene just now, and they were all shocked.

The stone that rolled down the mountain just now must have weighed hundreds of kilograms. Coupled with the huge impact from the height, it was pushed out with a gentle push. This is only seen in movies. The scene I only saw before, I didn’t expect it to actually happen.

Feeling the eager gazes of everyone, Wang Yao and Tong Wei felt uncomfortable and hurriedly found a mountain road and left.

"Do you know kung fu?" Tong Wei asked when he was in a deserted place. The scene just now really shocked him. If Wang Yao hadn't taken action in time and made that amazing move, she would have been in trouble. .

"Know a little." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"You're so powerful just because you know a little bit. What kind of skill did you use just now?"

"Tai Chi, four ounces can move a thousand pounds."

In fact, Wang Yao said casually that he had just started to practice Tai Chi. He had not practiced skills such as lifting a thousand pounds with four ounces. The situation just now was purely due to the effect of his extraordinary strength and inner breath plus Of course, it is undeniable that he burst out in desperation, and it is also a little bit of Tai Chi skills that he has been practicing these days.

"It's amazing!" Tong Wei's eyes were bright. She found that her classmate had more and more charms and became more and more attractive.

In one morning, the two of them visited several mountains. Although the scenery was average, the two of them had a great time.

Soon it was time for lunch. There was a hotel on the mountain. It was quite large and there were many people eating. The two of us ordered a few dishes. Although they were advertised as wild vegetables, wild chicken and fish, they tasted delicious. The taste doesn't feel like the original, and the price isn't cheap either. A place like this probably doesn't intend to keep repeat customers.

After eating on the mountain, the two of them took a break and then went down the mountain to Wang Yao's medicine field. When they arrived in the town, Tong Wei specifically asked Wang Yao to stop, and after getting off the car, they went to the largest supermarket in the town to buy some. got some gifts.

"What are you doing? It's not necessary."

"It's my first time to go to your house. I can't go empty-handed. Let's go."

Wang Yao shook his head.

When he drove back home, he found that the house had a brand new look and was very tidy, and his parents had actually changed into new clothes, as if specifically to welcome Tong Wei's arrival.

"Is this necessary?" Wang Yao muttered secretly.

"Hello, uncle, hello aunt." Tong Wei said hello very generously.

"Hey, okay, you're so handsome, come here and bring any gifts!"

Zhang Xiuying let Tong Wei into the room, held hands and started asking questions. She was particularly enthusiastic. In Wang Yao's impression, it seemed that neither she nor her sister had ever been so enthusiastic. His father, Wang Fenghua, was also happily watching.

This conversation lasted for more than an hour, and Wang Yao's parents simply ignored him.

"Mom, Tong Wei also wants to visit Nanshan."

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Zhang Xiuying said with a cheerful smile.

"Then let's go?"


The two people went out and walked along the village street towards Nanshan. At this time, people on the street were coming back from the mountain and chatting outside. Anyone who saw Tong Wei had to stay for a while, and the young man said Not to mention, there are two eyes that are straight.


“It’s been so many years since there’s been such a beautiful girl in the village!”

"This is Wang Yao of the Fenghua family. Where did this kid abduct such a beautiful girl?!"

In the envious or jealous eyes of the villagers, Wang Yao took Tong Wei up Nanshan to the mountain he contracted.

"Did you grow all of these?" Tong Wei said, looking at the green and trustworthy herbs in the medicine field.

"Well, there used to be more. I've harvested part of it, and there's only so much left."

"Hey, this dog?" Tong Wei suddenly found that no matter where she went, this local dog like Wang Yao followed her, and looked at her strangely, as if she was guarding against thieves. That's right. .

"Sanxian, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that it looks at me strangely. Maybe it's my misunderstanding, right?" Tong Wei said with a smile.

"It's not an illusion. It's usually like this when strangers come. Don't take it too seriously."


Tong Wei looked at the medicine field for a while, and then walked around again.

"Is this the mountain you're covering?"

"Well, I mainly use this side now. That side is too steep and has many rocks. I haven't figured out how to use it." Wang Yaodao.

"You often stay in the mountains, right?"

"It can be said that most of the time." Wang Yaodao, "I also spend the night here."

"Are you alone on this mountain at night?"


"Aren't you afraid?"

"I was a little scared at the beginning, but I got used to it, and now I have Sanxian and Da Xia accompanying me," Wang Yaodao said.

"Sanxian is that dog, who is the hero?"

"I forgot to introduce you, that's the one." Wang Yao pointed to the sky. There was a small black spot high up, and it was vaguely visible as a larger bird. I don't know if it was because Wang Yao was discovered or for other reasons, but it was landing rapidly.

"Hero!" Wang Yao shouted into the sky.

Ga, a cry.

That is? An eagle!

The goshawk in the sky slowed down as it lowered its height, and then landed on a rock very close to Wang Yao.

"This is a hero." Wang Yao walked to the goshawk with a smile and reached out to stroke its feathers. The goshawk seemed to be enjoying it.

Tong Wei's beautiful big eyes were full of surprise, her red lips were slightly open, and she looked beautiful and cute.

"You also have an eagle?"

"It's not raised, it lives here." Wang Yao explained.

In the past, Tong Wei had only seen the falconer on TV, but she didn't expect to see him in real life. He was an old classmate of hers.

"Come in and sit down."


"Goodbye, hero." Tong Wei waved her hand towards Goshawk, but the hero ignored her. In the eyes of the hawk, there is no such thing as "beauty".

"What kind of tea?"


"I have some tea that I grew myself, and some that I asked a master to fry by hand. Do you want to try it?"

"Okay!" Tong Wei said with a smile.

Wang Yao also kept a small can of the six small barrels of tea that he roasted last time. He opened the package, took some and made a pot of tea.

After entering the house, Tong Wei began to observe the inside of the hut.

There is a bed, a table, a chair with a backrest, a small coffee table, a few mats, firewood in the room, and a big pot. It is very simple and clean.

"Taste it and see how it tastes." Wang Yao poured her a cup of tea.

"It smells so good!" Tong Wei said after taking a sip.

"Besides taking care of the medicine field, what do you do on weekdays?"

"Read a book, practice boxing, and make medicine."

"How about making medicine and seeing a doctor?"


"There are really surprises everywhere!" Tong Wei said with a smile.

When the sky got dark, the two of them went down the mountain. His parents had already prepared a table of food. Wang Yao's sister also came back. This was the phone call his mother made to Tong Wei after she came home. , let her come back and have a look.

"My sister, Wang Ru, this is Tong Wei."

"Hello." Wang Ru said this in a very steady and generous manner, completely in line with her status as an eldest sister.

The whole family was very happy about this meal, especially Wang Yao's mother, who kept picking up food for Tong Wei.

After dinner, Tong Wei stayed at Wang Yao's house for a while, and then Wang Yao sent him back to Lianshan. He also sat at Tong Wei's house for a while, met Tong Wei's parents, and chatted. After the meeting, Wang Yaobian said goodbye and left, and Tong Wei sent her downstairs.

"Isn't Auntie in good health?" Wang Yao asked when he was going downstairs. He could see it in the room just now. His breathing was short and rapid, his expression was not very good, he was a little lethargic, and his eyes were dim and lacked much brilliance.

"Well, it's an old problem."

"Hey, don't you know how to see a doctor? Can you show it to my mother?"

"Let's wait until tomorrow. Auntie must have taken medicine tonight, right?"

"Yes, I need to take medicine after eating every day, especially at night."

"Then you tell Auntie, and I'll come over again tomorrow morning to show her."

"Okay, then it's settled."

After watching Wang Yao go away, Tong Wei turned around and went upstairs.

"Is this the young man who helped me in the hospital last time?" Tong Wei's mother asked after returning home.

"Yes, it's him."

"Looks pretty stable. What kind of job do you do?"

"Herb farming."


His parents didn't comment much. Tong Wei told her mother that Wang Yao would come to see her tomorrow and asked her to wait at home tomorrow morning and not go out. Her mother agreed.

After returning home, Wang Yao's parents didn't even take a break. His mother stopped him again and asked him, "Have you gone to the woman's house?" What's her parents' attitude like? It took a while before Wang Yao was allowed to leave.

After going up the mountain, Wang Yao observed the celestial phenomena for a while as usual, and then turned off the lights and rested after delivering a scripture.

Early the next morning, after finishing his work on the mountain, he drove to the city to see Tong Wei's mother, which was what they had agreed to do last night.

When he walked to the middle of the village, where the brigade house used to be, he saw the same people he saw last time. The village party secretary and director led a middle-aged man who looked like a boss to look at something. There was also a group of people parked on the roadside. A black Mercedes-Benz. The road in the village is not particularly wide, and you can drive at most by mistake, and the car is not parked very close to the side. Wang Yao drove slowly and dropped the lathe because he saw the eyes of the village party secretary and others looking over.