Elixir Supplier

Chapter 142: Life is like a play and I have no acting skills


He heard something the moment he lowered the window.

“The location is okay.”

"Uncle." Wang Yao asked.

"Xiao Yao is going out?" Wang Jianli said with a smile.


After saying hello, Wang Yao glanced at the middle-aged man, who also glanced at him, and then he drove away. This was an accidental encounter.

It could be vaguely seen from the reflector that Wang Jianli had a smile on his face, a somewhat flattering smile.

"Who is this person and what is he doing in the village?" Different from the first meeting, this time Wang Yao was a little more thoughtful.

Before nine-thirty in the morning, he came to Tong Wei's home. Tong Wei and his mother were both at home. After sitting for a while, Wang Yao took her mother's pulse and made a diagnosis.

The condition of Tong Wei's mother was not good, even worse than Wang Yao imagined.

The meridians are not smooth, especially in the brain, and blood clots are very likely to form again. The spleen and stomach are weak, the liver is not good, and the whole body is full of problems.

"Yeah." After the diagnosis, Wang Yao pondered, thinking about how to say it. He couldn't say it too harshly to avoid Tong Wei's mother being worried or unhappy, but he had to say it because the problem was indeed serious, with the head and The liver is particularly powerful.

"How is it?" Tong Wei asked softly from the side.

"Auntie's health is fine." Wang Yao hesitated a little and said this first, "But there are some things that need attention."

"Then tell us in detail." Tong Wei poured him a glass of water.

"Auntie's brain blood vessels are not smooth enough and thrombosis is easy to form." Wang Yao first asked this question and observed Tong Wei's mother's face and found nothing abnormal.

"Well, the doctor said the same thing when I checked last time." Tong Wei's mother spoke slowly and her voice was a little weak. This was due to lack of energy.

"Your spleen and stomach are not in harmony, your digestion is not good, and you tend to accumulate food easily."

"Yes, the food I eat is not easy to digest, and I always like to burp." Tong Wei's mother said after hearing this, but her expression was very calm.

"Do you often feel pain under your right rib?"


"This is liver function damage. You have mild cirrhosis." Wang Yaodao said. In fact, according to the results of his pulse check, Tong Wei's mother's liver function was seriously damaged, and it was not just cirrhosis.

The liver is the detoxification organ of the human body and is very important. Once it is damaged, toxins in the human body cannot be processed and eliminated in time and accumulate in the body, which in turn will destroy the health of the body.

"Yes, it was fatty liver first and then turned into cirrhosis."

"Have you ever had liver resection surgery?" This is purely Wang Yao's personal guess.

"Girl, have you told him this?" Tong Wei's mother turned to look at her daughter.

Tong Wei, on the other hand, was stunned.

"Mom, I have never mentioned these things to him." Tong Wei explained. Her mother just smiled, obviously not believing what her daughter said.

Wang Yao was stunned when he heard this.

"No wonder Tong Wei's mother had a strange smile on her face from beginning to end, and her tone was so calm. It turned out that she suspected that Tong Wei had told him about her mother's illness a long time ago. In order to help herself and avoid making a fool of herself, he said this Diagnosis is in vain!"

He smiled and shook his head without saying anything or explaining.

"Auntie, let me think about how to treat your illness." After the matter is done, you still have to say what needs to be said.

"Okay, don't worry." Tong Wei's mother said with a smile.

After diagnosing Tong Wei's mother, Wang Yao didn't leave any tips on how to eat. Instead, he went shopping with Tong Wei. She would rush back to the island city in the afternoon and Wang Yao would buy some things with her.

"Don't take what happened just now to your heart." Tong Wei advised softly.

"It's okay." Wang Yao smiled. He just thought this misunderstanding was a bit "magical". How could Tong Wei's mother think so

"By the way, why did your mother have her liver removed?"

"About six years ago, she found a tumor on her liver during a physical examination. At that time, the doctor said that the possibility of cancer could not be ruled out. For insurance purposes, some nearby tissue was removed, but not much." Tong Wei explained.


After buying some things with Tong Wei, they found a place to have lunch, and then went to book a train ticket with Tong Wei. Originally, Wang Yao planned to go to the island city to see her off, but Tong Wei didn't agree, so he had to give up.

After sending Tong Wei into the car, Wang Yao suddenly felt a little reluctant to leave. It was good to have such a woman by his side.

The bus slowly drove away from the station, getting further and further away, until it disappeared. Wang Yao stood on the road, feeling a little lost.

Tong Wei sat in the car and kept waving, knowing that she could not see the man standing by the roadside.

This should be considered love, right

Wang Yao didn't rush home but drove to Wang Mingbao's store.

"What's going on with you? Are you tired of staying in Nanshan?" Wang Mingbao smiled and poured him water.

"I have something to do, so I stopped by your place to have a look." Wang Yao said.

"Hey, I just have something to tell you."

"What's going on?"

"Remember the last time I introduced a friend to you to help see a doctor? You said he was arrogant, didn't listen to the doctor's advice, and violated the rule of not treating the patient. You didn't even prescribe him any medicine."

"I remember, the one who likes to eat raw fish, what happened?"

"He came to see me again a few days ago and wanted to ask you to take a look." Wang Mingbao said.

"Why did you suddenly change your story? Is your condition getting worse?"

"You guessed it right. Last month, he suddenly had severe stomach pain. He went to the city hospital for a check-up. He was told that the liver problem was serious and needed to be removed. It was estimated that half of it would be removed. Then he went to the provincial hospital again. , the suggestion given to him there was to remove one-third of the liver, otherwise his life might be endangered, which scared him silly; he did not dare to agree at the time, and went to several other places, including Beijing. , the suggestions given are similar, but the size of the liver resection is different," Wang Mingbao said.

"Suffering from a disease, if you don't listen to others' advice, don't know how to exercise restraint, and avoid medical treatment, your condition will get worse sooner or later." Wang Yao said calmly after hearing this.

"Then do you still take care of his illness?"

"Experts from several major hospitals have made a conclusion. I wonder what he will do." Wang Yao waved his hand.

"Okay, then I'll push you."


"By the way, have you been back to the village recently?"

"I've been there before, what's wrong?" Wang Mingbao asked.

"In the past two days, I met the party secretary and a boss-looking man walking around the village. He seemed to have taken a fancy to the brigade house. I don't know where he came from." Wang Yaodao.

"This is simple, I'll ask you right away." Wang Mingbao said, picked up the phone and made a call.

"Well, do you know what the content is? Well, okay, sorry to trouble you." After saying a few words to the person on the other end, he hung up the phone.

"It's for investment."

"What are you doing investing in our village?" Wang Yao was quite curious after hearing this. After all, their village had inconvenient transportation and few natural resources and scenic spots. He couldn't think of any place worth investing in.

"This is not clear yet, we have to wait."

"Okay, you get busy first, I'll go back first."

"Shall we eat here before leaving?"


It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when Wang Yao returned home, so he did not go to Nanshan anymore, but stayed at home to help his mother cook.

"Has Tong Wei returned to the island city?" Zhang Xiuying asked about this as soon as she saw Wang Yao.

"Well, I just left in the afternoon."

"Why don't you drive to see her off?"

"Originally I wanted to give it away, but she didn't agree."

"This girl is good. I've discussed it with your dad, and it's almost settled, right?" Zhang Xiuying put down her work and raised her head.

"Set it down, it's too urgent. Let's look around again." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"There's no rush yet. How old are you? Twenty-seven!" Zhang Xiuying.

"Zebao is already the same age as me and has two children." Wang Yao followed closely.

"I don't want to be nice to you, so you should take care of this matter for me, do you hear me?!"

"I'm serious, really."

During the meal, Wang Yao's father also mentioned this matter to him. It seemed that his parents fell in love with Tong Wei at the same time and were very satisfied with her, so he had to do his best.

At night, after going to Nanshan, he called up the system and checked the completion status of the mission. Nearly half of the 100 days before the mission had passed, and the recognition he had received had increased a lot, and it suddenly increased by forty-one. Individuals, he didn't know exactly who they were, but he thought it was because he came into contact with a lot of people during this period. Family members of Xu Maosheng, Professor Lu, and Wang Fengming were all possible.

"It seems like you still have to work harder." Wang Yao whispered to himself.

This task could not be completed at all if he did not go out and actively communicate with people. This may be a disguised form of the system forcing him to go down the mountain and show off his abilities.

"There's still half of it!"

After looking at the sky outside the house for a while, he entered the house and recorded the condition of Tong Wei's mother in his notebook again. The problem with her body was not in one place, but in many diseases. A common problem among older people.

If you are not in good health, you need to take care of yourself and strengthen your health. The blood flow in the brain is not smooth, so it needs to be dredged, blood circulation and meridians need to be dredged, the stomach and intestines should be sorted out, the nerves should be calmed and the liver should be protected.

There are many diseases, and they all have the same treatment. As far as Wang Yao can currently master, no single medicine can cure all diseases.

"Let's start with the improvement of equity capital."

Peiyuan Decoction is the most widely used medicine among the systematic prescriptions that Wang Yao can prepare now. It is suitable for almost all diseases. Even if it cannot cure the root cause, it can also enhance the patient's physical functions, allowing them to be more capable. Good to combat diseases.

"There are not enough medicinal materials."

The next morning, the mountain breeze was a bit cold.

On the protruding rock above Nanshan, a man had his arms wrapped around each other, as if he was pushing a ball, mingling back and forth.

Buzz, there seems to be some noise, but it seems to disappear with the wind.

One lineage reconnected!

Wang Yao did not stop and continued to practice boxing until he finished several times and then slowly stopped.