Elixir Supplier

Chapter 143: The delivery of medicine was neither cold nor cold


"Look at the day, it seems like it's going to be cold in spring!" He stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the slightly gloomy weather.

After coming down from the mountain and entering the formation that had become the framework and support of the formation, I felt that the somewhat chilly mountain wind was no longer so cold and the wind was much lighter.

"This array also needs further completion."

At noon, on his way home from the mountain, he unexpectedly met a person, Wang Yide. Wang Yide, who had been invited to the police station because he annoyed him, had stayed for more than ten days. After seeing Wang Yao from a distance, he unexpectedly He turned into an alley. He was afraid. He was afraid of this young young man. Although he was a bit rogue, he was not stupid. During the time he was detained in the police station, he ate a lot of pants, which also made him It was rare that he calmed down and thought clearly about the cause and effect. Only then did he realize that he was really a little dizzy. He only felt that the other party was very "soft" at the beginning, so he thought that the other party was kind and could be bullied, and did not want to eat him later. Due to this big loss, he was stopped by the village joint defense captain as soon as he came out of the police station and before he returned home. He was partly advised and partly beaten. Not a day later, when he went out at night, he was put in a sack and beaten almost to death. Within a week after he returned to the village, he went out three times at night and was beaten. He was beaten three times with a sack and was so frightened that he did not dare to go out at night.

Only then did he realize that he had offended the wrong person.

If you don't see Wang Yao, just walk around.

"You can't afford to hide if you can't offend me?"

Wang Yao just smiled when he saw this.

A wicked person will have his own troubles, let him endure hardships, and the effect will be good.

After eating, he went up the mountain and began to cook Chinese medicine for Tong Wei's mother.

He sat there quietly, looking at the herb pot without being disturbed by anything else.

In just half an afternoon, the potion was ready.

Most of the day's work has passed.

On this day, on the Internet where all information is available, a post suddenly became popular!

This is a photo of a man holding up his hands. Above his hands is a rock about the height of a person. Under the rock, there is a beautiful woman with a slightly pale face.

The title is,

Among the people, there are masters of protecting flowers, holding thousands of pounds of stones flying with both palms.

There are countless comments below.

“It’s fake at first glance, but the PS quality is pretty good, and there’s no sign that it’s been repaired.”

"That girl is quite beautiful, please tell me where to go."

"Shit master, I can still hold a mountain with one hand. I'll post a photo some other time for you to see."

"This is true. I saw it with my own eyes. He is an absolute master!"

"High, how high is it?"

Except for those who saw Wang Yao's "magic skill" with their own eyes that day, no one believed it was true, but this post and that picture are very popular, which also shows how developed the Internet is and how many people are bored. .

Of course, Wang Yao didn't know about this because he usually didn't read these meaningless posts. He didn't know that he had become "popular" in an unconventional way.

He didn't rush to deliver the potion after it was boiled. When he came back from the mountain, he saw his father coming out in a hurry as soon as he reached the alley.

"What's wrong, Dad?"

"You drive to your uncle Fenglong's house first. His child is sick and he needs to go to the hospital urgently."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Wang Yao drove his car to the house of his uncle named Wang Fenglong. The uncle and his wife had been waiting there for a long time, holding a child in their arms. He was only four or five years old. For some reason, one of them was lying there. I kept struggling and crying, and cried very hard.

"Xiao Yao, go to the hospital quickly."


Wang Yao drove directly towards Lianshan County, driving at a relatively fast speed.

"Uncle, what's wrong with Xiaohe?"

"I suddenly had a stomachache a few afternoons. The pain was so severe that even the medicine didn't work." Wang Fenglong said.

While driving, Wang Yao couldn't look carefully and couldn't tell what was going on with the child. However, in the car, the child kept crying. It was obvious that he was in severe pain.

"Xiao Yao, can you drive faster?"

"Hey." Wang Yao pressed the gas pedal again, and the car was speeding like a black leopard on the road.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the county hospital, go directly to the emergency room, and then undergo various examinations and tests.

During this process, Wang Yao examined the child.

The disease is in the intestines.

However, the doctor did not determine the cause. The doctor on duty was very concerned and soon invited a pediatrician on duty to help look at it together. Because the child kept crying, the doctor was anxious and asked him to help. The cause cannot be found quickly.

"The disease is in the intestines, possibly intestinal intussusception." Wang Yao reminded from the side.

"Intussusception." The doctor there picked up the ultrasound film and looked at it carefully.

"If there is a possibility, do another ultrasound examination."

Another review, and the child was still crying.

This time, the results were clearer, and it was basically confirmed to be intestinal intussusception.

The emergency doctor and pediatrician were stunned after the results came out, looking at Wang Yao with strange eyes.

"Are you a doctor too?"

"That's right. Let's treat the child quickly."


Because it was discovered earlier, the child was treated without surgery. The process went smoothly and the child finally recovered. However, his face was a little pale and he was not very energetic. The doctor still recommended staying in the hospital for one day. To see if there were any other problems, Wang Yao helped with the hospitalization procedures.

Entering the ward, the child fell asleep because he was tired from crying, and his parents stood by.

"Thank you, Xiaoyao." Wang Fenglong said, "Can you still see a doctor?"

Today, thanks to Wang Yao, he sent his son here in time and pointed out the cause of the disease, so that his son could receive treatment in time and avoid the crime.

"Understand." Wang Yao nodded.

Seeing that they were almost settled, Wang Yao looked at the time and it was already nine o'clock at night.

"Uncle, aunt, if there is nothing else, I will go back first?"

"Don't worry, you haven't had dinner yet. Let's go out and have something to eat together?" Wang Fenglong said.

"No, I'll just go back and eat." Wang Yao waved his hand, stood up and walked out. As soon as he arrived at the door of the ward, he met the emergency doctor on duty just now.

"Hello, have you made arrangements for the baby?" the doctor asked Wang Yao.

"Well, I just fell asleep. Thank you, doctor." Wang Yaodao said that from the time he arrived at the hospital to the emergency department, this emergency doctor was very caring and responsible.

"That's right. I wonder what you call me?"

"Wang Yao, glorious Yao."

"Hello, I'm Pan Jun."

"Hello." Wang Yao looked at the tall, fat man in front of him. When he first saw him, he felt that he looked like a figure in the club. With his appearance, he could play a villain in a movie without makeup. Most people will be scared when they look at him. Walking outside, no one would associate such a person with the profession of doctor.

"You are also a doctor, right?" Pan Jun said. He was deeply impressed by Wang Yao. This handsome young man pointed out the cause of the child's illness in just one sentence, saving them a lot of things and saving the child from suffering. He has committed many crimes, and this skill is not something that ordinary people can have.

"No." Wang Yao smiled and shook his head.

"No, then how do you know the cause of this child's illness?!" Pan Jun was surprised after hearing this.

"I'm a pharmacist." Wang Yao said.

"Pharmacist, pharmacist."

"No." Wang Yao smiled and shook his head, not wanting to continue explaining, but Pan Jun said something again that surprised him.

"Ancient pharmacist?" Pan Jun asked tentatively.

"Well, you know?"

"Is it true? Good at treating all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases?" Pan Jun also found out from medical books, this is the name given to ancient doctors.

"Yes." Wang Yao nodded, "But I don't have that ability for the time being."

Pan Jun was stunned there and didn't speak for a long time.

Ding, buzzing, buzzing, suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang, and he answered the call. There was someone looking for him. It sounded urgent. It should be that another patient came to the emergency room. The emergency room can be said to be... It is the busiest place in the entire hospital, where you will encounter all kinds of patients. ,

"Can I have six contact information?" Pan Jun said.


After they left each other's contact information, Pan Jun left in a hurry.

"Xiao Yao, why haven't you left yet?" Wang Fenglong came out to get hot water and saw Wang Yao still in the corridor and asked.

"It's okay. I just met someone and talked for a while. I'll leave now. If you need anything, call me."

"Hey, why don't you go slower on the road?"


It was already past ten o'clock at night when Wang Yao drove his car to answer the question at home. Seeing that the lights were still on at home, he knew that his parents were still thinking about him, so he didn't go up the mountain and went straight back home. He told his parents about the hospital and told them directly. I slept at home and did not go to Nanshan.

The next morning, he got up very early. He went to the kitchen to make breakfast. After eating it, he put it in a pot for his parents. Then he quietly went out to Nanshan, took care of the medicinal fields, practiced on the top of the mountain, and was busy. After everything was done, he looked at the time and decided to go to the city. The medicine he had prepared for Tong Wei's mother was ready and was delivered to her.

After arriving in Lianshan, he first went to the supermarket to buy some gifts, and then went to Tong Wei's house.

Wang Yao went upstairs with the gift and the prepared medicine. It happened that Tong Wei's parents were both at home.

"Uncle, auntie."

"Wang Yao is here, do it." Tong Wei's parents were quite enthusiastic when they saw him coming.

“You’re here when you’re here, why bring so many things with you!”

Tong Wei's parents are both retired, and they are both employees of government agencies. His father was once the deputy director of a certain bureau, and his retirement salary is quite high. The family does not lack these things, but if Wang Yao comes with nothing, , these two people didn't say it openly, but they also blamed him for not being able to do things.

"Auntie is doing well today."

"Fortunately, I got up and went for a walk in the morning." Tong Wei's mother said with a smile.

"Come for tea."

"Thank you uncle."

Wang Yao took the tea, then took out the medicine he brewed and put it on the table.