Elixir Supplier

Chapter 144: Your smile hides a knife


"Auntie, this is the medicine I prepared. You can try it and see how it works." Wang Yaodao.

"Okay." Tong Wei's mother said with a smile, just responded without saying anything more.

She seemed to say very little.

"Take it warmly, just drink one cup at a time, and finish it within three days."

Just as they were talking, the doorbell rang again, and another guest came. Wang Yao also knew the visitor, his classmate Yang Ming. He also came with gifts. When he saw Wang Yao, his expression was very surprised. Apparently he did not expect to see Wang Yao here.

"Wang Yao?!"

"What a coincidence?" Wang Yao stood up and said with a smile.

Meeting here is a bit embarrassing.

"Xiao Yang is here, sit down quickly." Tong Wei's mother stood up and said.

"Hey, Auntie, you look much better. I brought you some donkey-hide gelatin to replenish your body." Yang Ming said.

"I've told you so many times, just come and don't bring anything with you." Tong Wei's mother said with a smile.

Wang Yao could feel that she was more enthusiastic about Yang Ming than he was.

"Do you know each other?" Tong Wei's father asked.

"Well, we are classmates. We are all in the same class as Tong Wei. Wang Yao was still the top student in the class at that time!" Yang Ming said.

"Really? That's such a coincidence. Wang Yao was kind enough to bring a pair of medicine."

"Medicine?" Yang Ming was stunned after hearing this.

"Yes, he prepared it himself." Tong Wei's mother said.

"You prepared it yourself? Wang Yao, didn't you study biology when you were in college? When did you know how to prepare medicine?" Yang Ming asked doubtfully.

"Learned it last year." Wang Yao was very calm and calm about this.

"Last year?" Tong Wei's parents frowned slightly after hearing this. They originally thought that Wang Yao was studying medicine, and that's why you asked him to prepare medicine. But they didn't expect that he was just a biology student, and he learned medicine last year. It has only taken a year at most so far. What can be learned in such a short period of time? Just seeing a doctor and dispensing medicines, isn’t this nonsense? !

"You just started learning last year, can you do it?" Yang Ming asked with a smile. Although he didn't show it on the surface, he was very happy in his heart, even a little gloating.

These days, he has been chasing Tong Wei, and even went to the island city several times. However, the other party has always been very indifferent to him, but Yang Ming has not given up. On the contrary, he has become more and more courageous. And very wisely, he chose to change his strategy and instead started working with Tong Wei's parents. He would come over when there was nothing to do, and he would bring gifts every time, either supplements for Tong Wei's mother or her father. He brought some wood carvings and the like, and he was eloquent, which made the two old men quite happy.

As soon as he saw Wang Yao here today, he knew that this old classmate was most likely here for Tong Wei. He was his love rival! Therefore, from the moment he entered the door, he was thinking about ways to increase his points in front of Tong Wei's parents, to make Wang Yao lose points, and to make him give up his unrealistic ideas about Tong Wei. But he didn't expect that this method would be delivered to him.

"I'm still studying medicine. Although biology and medicine are slightly related, they are actually very far apart. After only studying for at least a year, I dare to prepare drugs. What does this mean? Do you use Tong Wei's mother for experiments?" Yang Ming Although he thought so, he didn't say it out loud. He knew that some things were too much, so he just stopped talking.

"No problem." Wang Yao's tone was very calm, but it revealed considerable confidence.

"no problem?!"

"If Auntie is worried, you can try a little first." Wang Yao suggested.

"Hey." Tong Wei's mother just responded.

Although the living room of Tong Wei's house is large and has good air circulation, the atmosphere is quite awkward.

"Uncle, Auntie, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Wang Yao felt that there was nothing to say if he continued to stay here, and he wouldn't like Tong Wei's parents very much, so he simply said goodbye and left.

"Stay for lunch?" Tong Wei's mother just gave in. Of course Wang Yao didn't believe her. After refusing, she went downstairs and drove away.

Yang Ming was still at Tong Wei's house, trying to deepen his impression.

For some reason, Wang Yao suddenly felt a little boring.

I drove directly back home, back to the top of Nanshan Mountain, and calmed down to recite a volume of Taoist scriptures. Then I leaned on my chair and looked outside through the open window. I watched until the sky gradually darkened, and then I turned back. God comes and goes down the mountain to eat.

In the evening, he unexpectedly received a call from Tian Yuantu. It was urgent and asked him if he would be free tomorrow. After careful questioning, Wang Yao found out that Secretary Yang's mother was "afraid of the cold". "The disease suddenly broke out again, which made Secretary Yang very anxious, so he called Tian Yuantu, hoping that he could find Wang Yao and ask him to come.


"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow."

After dinner, back on Nanshan, Wang Yaofu started his fire again, preparing to brew a medicine to treat Secretary Yang's mother tomorrow.

Her disease is caused by evil cold entering deep into the internal organs, destroying the essence of the body. Although she used "Peiyuan Decoction" to restore some vitality a few days ago, it does treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Once the medicine wears off, the disease will naturally relapse. Attacked again.

After getting to know these dignitaries, trouble and verbosity are inevitable.

Wang Yao was mentally prepared for this.

In the early morning of the next day, Tian Yuantu came very early. Wang Yao had just finished his practice and went up the mountain.

The two people set off from the mountain village and rushed all the way to a quiet building in Haiqu City. This was not Secretary Yang's residence. It was similar to some guild hall. Here, Wang Yao met the people of Haiqu City again. The boss, and his mother, thought he was an old man with a slightly thin body and a kind face.

It's already warm spring, and the cities in the north have stopped heating for a long time, but the room is still very warm with the air conditioner turned on. Even so, the old man is still wearing a down jacket, obviously he is extremely afraid of the cold.

Except for the mother and son, there was no one else in the room. Secretary Yang didn't even bring a secretary.


"Yuan Tu is here."

"This is the doctor who gave you the medicine."

"Hello, my name is Wang Yao."

"I've wanted to thank you for a long time. Sit down quickly and stand while Haichuan pours water." The elderly woman said to Secretary Yang.

"No, I'll do it." Tian Yuantu said hurriedly, and Wang Yao also stood up and poured water himself.

How shameless is it to ask a municipal party committee secretary to pour water for a joke

After sitting down and chatting for a few words, Wang Yao found that Secretary Yang's mother was short of breath, not very confident in speaking, was in poor health, and had insufficient energy.

"Shall I check your pulse?"


Wang Yao was secretly surprised when he tried his hand.

This pulse is so floating!

An inaccurate pulse means that the body is ill. If the pulse is so frivolous, or if it is more serious, it seems to be there or not, then it is a "strange pulse", a symptom of a terminal illness!

This pulse already has some signs of "fish flying pulse".

The pulse is in the skin, with the head steady and the tail wagging, floating and general.

This is a disease of "extreme yin", that is, the imbalance of yin and yang in the body reaches an extreme, with insufficient yang qi and extremely high yin qi. It is precisely because of this that the patient is extremely afraid of cold.

After the diagnosis, Wang Yao fell into deep thought. The symptoms of this old woman were completely opposite to those of Mr. Sun who he visited in Daocheng a few days ago. Although they were both imbalances of yin and yang in the body, one was " "Extremely yang", one is "extremely yin", therefore, the treatment ideas should be similar and clear.

"How are you, Doctor Wang?" Secretary Yang asked softly from the side when Wang Yao was deep in thought and silent.

"This disease needs to be treated as soon as possible. We can't delay it," Wang Yaodao said.

"Does Dr. Wang have any treatment method?" Secretary Yang asked. He also knew that his mother's disease was getting worse as time went by, but he had invited many famous doctors over the years, but none of them had any good results. Wang Yao's Those few medicines are considered to be the most effective.

"Let me think about it." Wang Yao said.

This disease is strange and serious. Although Wang Yao has a certain understanding of this strange disease because he met Mr. Sun last time and has thought of a preliminary plan, the "extreme yin" and "extreme yang" It's just that the pathology is similar, but the medication is completely different. It's a completely new approach.

"Here is a medicine that can temporarily relieve aunt's illness." Wang Yao took out the "Peiyuan Decoction" that he had prepared in advance.

"I need to think carefully about the detailed treatment plan."

"Okay." Secretary Yang accepted the medicine.

This diagnosis came to an end. Next, Secretary Yang's mother asked Wang Yao some questions very kindly, making him feel that regardless of his son's prominent status, she was just an ordinary enthusiastic old man. Just like the elders in my village.

At noon, Secretary Yang stayed with them for a meal.

Wang Yao still felt uncomfortable eating this meal.

After eating, Wang Yao and Tian Yuantu drove back. On the way, Tian Yuantu asked Secretary Yang about his mother's illness again.

"Auntie's illness is serious?"

"It's very serious. It's worse than I thought before I came here. I'm almost terminally ill." Wang Yao said.

Tian Yuantu's face became serious after hearing this. He was very concerned about Secretary Yang's mother's illness, not only because Secretary Yang was in a high position and they were friends, but also because the elder took great care of him. In his opinion, he had already They are considered relatives.

"Are you sure?"

"To grasp this kind of thing, you have to try it before you know it." Wang Yaodao said, after all, he had never encountered this disease before and had no experience.

As a pharmacist, knowledge is certainly an essential foundation, but experience is equally important and cannot be obtained quickly.

"Actually, her illness is very similar to that of Mr. Sun, except that one is extremely yin and the other is extremely yang. Her illness is slightly milder."

"Then it's all your fault."

"Don't say any polite words, I'll try my best." Wang Yao said with a smile.