Elixir Supplier

Chapter 146: Believe it or not, it's up to you to cure it or not


"They have gone far." Pan Jun said.

"forget about it."

Wang Yao smiled slightly. From the reaction of the mother and daughter just now, he knew that the other party could not trust him. After all, he was too young. If not for personal experience, who would believe that a doctor of this age has extraordinary medical skills. Those young people with extraordinary abilities usually only appear in novels and movies. Including this Dr. Pan Jun, I am afraid that he is only 30% confident and 70% doubtful about himself. If it weren't for the difficulty of completing the task in the system, he wouldn't be here.

"If you meet Ms. Guo again, tell her that she should take her mother to a more specialized neurological hospital. Her mother has delusional disorder and is prone to random thoughts and insomnia at night. Don't let her go all the time on weekdays. Stay at home alone and take the elderly out for more walks to keep your mood comfortable," Wang Yaodao said.

"Well, why didn't you say it just now?" Pan Jun was stunned after hearing this. He knew about Ms. Guo's mother's illness and insomnia at night. As for the speculation, he had never heard the other party mention it.

"I thought she might not believe me, so I didn't say more." Wang Yao said with a smile.

Not to mention it just now, he is also a little "angry" and a little "noble".

You are a patient and I am a doctor. If you believe in me, I will do my best. If you don't believe in me, it will be useless to talk.

"Hey, it's done." Pan Jun clapped his hands and said.

"Nothing else, I'll leave first." Wang Yao stood up and said.

"Don't be impatient. Look, it's already past ten o'clock. Let's have a meal together a little later. I'm sorry for letting you run all the way in vain."

"It's okay. I have other things to do, so I won't stay."

Although Pan Jun tried his best to stay, Wang Yao still drove away.

"Xiao Pan, who is this young man?" asked an old doctor in the store.

"What an interesting guy!" Pan Jun said with a wry smile, "He clearly saw the illness but didn't say anything about it."

"Well, I'm afraid I'm wrong. Hey, if he sees it, can he cure it?" the old doctor said.

Being able to see the cause of the disease is a skill; being able to prescribe the right medicine to treat the disease is even better.

"Damn, look at my brain, I forgot to ask about this!" Pan Jun patted his head hard, "I'll call him later and ask him."

After coming out of Renhe Clinic, Wang Yao did not rush home, but drove to Wang Mingbao's place.

"Hey, haven't you been free lately? Aren't you living your fairy life in the mountains?" Wang Mingbao joked with a smile after seeing Wang Yao.

"I have something to do when I'm in town. I stopped by to take a look. I see that your face is full of spring breeze. It's getting moisturized!" Wang Yao said with a smile. Wang Mingbao's complexion is good. In some aspects, good complexion not only refers to the body, but also to the body. It means "good luck".

"Here, how about trying this tea?" Wang Mingbao poured a cup of tea for Wang Yao, "I went to Fujian a few days ago and brought back white tea from there."

"Very, not bad." During this period of time, Wang Yao drank a lot of good tea, and he could taste it even after drinking too much.

"By the way, the one you mentioned last time renting a house and building a factory in our village was a machining project." Wang Mingbao said, "The boss has some relationship with the county leaders."

"Machining? It has something to do with the leader, so why do you still need to go to a ravine with not very convenient transportation?" Wang Yao said with a smile. In his impression, only those companies that need local resources or have evil psychology Only then would they go to places with inconvenient transportation to open factories.

"What, do you suspect there is something wrong with this processing plant?"

"No, I'm just curious. It's best not to have any questions!" Wang Yaodao.

After sitting with Wang Mingbao for a while, he said goodbye and left, taking two barrels of white tea back home.

When passing by the processing plant, Wang Yao stopped and took a look. It was still very busy inside. He vaguely saw a black pipe next to the house, about thirty centimeters in diameter.

"Why do you want to pipe it like this?"

After returning home and having dinner, he went to Nanshan and recorded the illnesses of Ms. Guo's mother. He now has two notebooks, recording two types of illnesses, one is considered a difficult disease, and the other is a rare disease. They are relatively common diseases, and he plans to use different methods to treat them. Just like now, "spiritual herbs" can be introduced to treat difficult and complicated diseases. After all, their effects are illegal, but to treat common diseases, we must use some common herbs as much as possible. of herbs.

While he was busy, a call came over. The caller was Pan Jun, asking if he could cure Ms. Guo's mother's illness.

"If the other party agrees, I can try it."

"Then I will contact her as soon as possible."


Relatively speaking, Ms. Guo's mother's disease is not very severe and is relatively easy to treat.

When they were having dinner at home in the evening, Pan Jun called him again and said that the other party agreed to give it a try and asked when Wang Yao would be free.

"Tomorrow, eleven o'clock in the morning." Wang Yao set the time.

"What's going on?" Wang Yao's mother asked.

"Go see a patient." Wang Yao hung up the phone and said.

"Hey, don't you have a medical qualification certificate? Is that okay?" Mothers should always think more carefully.

"It's okay, don't worry."

On this point, Wang Yao is still very careful.

Returning to Nanshan, he first prepared some medicinal materials and prepared to brew a potion tomorrow. The prescription he prepared was a simplified version of "Anshen Powder". He reduced the dosage of the most important "Moon Herb" by most of it, and The dosage of several other common herbs was adjusted. After preparing the herbs, he recited another volume of scripture, then turned off the lights and rested.

The next morning, the sky was a little cloudy.

Wang Yao brewed a potion in the hut and put it into a white porcelain bottle.


He suddenly found that something very crucial seemed to be missing from his cabin.

Medicine bucket.

Also known as the Chinese medicine cabinet or the seven-star cupboard, it is used to contain various Chinese medicinal materials. It is easy to find and take medicines.

Although the storage grids provided by the system can also perform corresponding functions, firstly, they are limited in number, and secondly, they are too wasteful to use. They are mainly used to store some precious things, such as prescriptions, ancient spring pots, and spiritual items provided by the system. Grass etc.

If you want to buy this medicine bucket, you have to buy a good one. Although Wang Yao is good at it, he has no connections, but people he knows should know, such as Li Maoshuang. He called the other party and the other party just said a word.

"Leave this to me."

Two words, happy!

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yao went down the mountain and drove to Lianshan County.

"Aren't you here yet?" The woman surnamed Guo has said this three times in the Renhe Clinic in Lianshan County. She seems to be worried that the person she is waiting for may not come in the afternoon.

Her mood now is completely different from when she came yesterday. When she saw Wang Yao yesterday, she was disdainful, contemptuous, and dissatisfied. How could such a young person be an excellent doctor? He was not even qualified, right? Then a phone call from Pan Jun surprised her. It turned out that the young doctor she despised had already noticed her mother's illness during the outpatient clinic, but did not say it because of her attitude. Moreover, Pan Jun said The symptoms were almost identical to those of my mother. This made her a little annoyed.

"I wish I had been more patient!"

Learning from the phone call that the young doctor could treat her mother's illness, she immediately asked Pan Jun to invite the doctor once and she was willing to pay for the consultation.

"Isn't he too angry to come?"

"Don't worry, he said he would come. Isn't it already eleven o'clock?" Pan Jun said with a smile.

Two people were waiting in the clinic.

"Sister Guo, let me ask one more question, given your conditions, why don't you take your aunt to a nearby large hospital for a checkup?" Pan Jun said.

"Aren't you afraid that my mother will be suspicious?" The lady surnamed Guo sighed, "It's not like I haven't tried it before. I took her to the county hospital for a check-up and she muttered for more than a week, thinking that she had some serious illness. If you want to give away old clothes, it would be better if you go to another big hospital! "

"That's true." Pan Jun said.

In fact, the older people get, the more afraid they are of death. But as we get older, the body's functions begin to degrade and various diseases begin to appear. This is a natural law. Some things just don't happen if you think about them. Got it!

While the two were waiting anxiously, Wang Yao drove a car from a distance.

"If you don't come again, we will go find you." Pan Jun and the lady named Guo came out of the clinic.

"Sorry, some things have been delayed for a while." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Dr. Wang, it was my fault yesterday. I was very offended." Ms. Guo apologized.

"It's okay." Wang Yao waved his hand. Her distrust of Wang Yao was understandable.

"Then let's go in and talk?"


After entering, they entered an office and talked about Ms. Guo's illness. This time it was Wang Yao who spoke and they listened.

"Actually, my aunt's illness can be understood as hypochondriasis. She always likes to think about things and mutter when she is fine. She is prone to insomnia at night. When she cannot sleep, she is more likely to think about random things. This is also because she is older and has a lot of problems in her body. Some functions have begun to deteriorate, but it’s not particularly serious.”

"Yes, she likes to mutter, and she has been very suspicious recently, thinking blindly." Ms. Guo said after hearing this.

"This disease is not particularly serious. You should spend more time with her, take a walk when she goes out, relax, feel better, and relax. These will help her recovery." Wang Yaodao.

"Hey, Doctor Wang, do you have any other good ideas?"

"If you can trust me, I'll give it a try." Wang Yao didn't rush to agree.

"Trust me, I can trust you." Ms. Guo said hurriedly.

"That's good. I've prepared a medicine. You can let Auntie take it first to see how it works." Wang Yao took out the medicine that had been brewed in advance.

"Take it warmly for three days, about a cup at a time."

"Okay, thank you, how much is it?"

"Don't worry, let's wait until it works." Wang Yao said.