Elixir Supplier

Chapter 148: Seven Stars Fight Three Yang Powder


The next day, in the morning, Li Maoshuang came to the mountain village, bringing with him a set of medicine buckets, an old medicine bucket!

The car stopped at the foot of Nanshan Mountain. Wang Yao got out after answering the phone, and then saw the set of medicine buckets in the car.

This set of medicine buckets looks very shiny, but the luster is not because it is new. On the contrary, it looks like it is old at first glance. It is the luster caused by friction and infiltration from frequent use, and there are traces of time on it. The wood used to make medicine hoppers has clear texture and looks better.

This is made according to the design of ancient medicine buckets. There are seven medicine buckets up, down, left, right, vertically and horizontally, seven-star medicine buckets!

"How is it?" Li Maoshuang asked.

"Very good." Wang Yao took a liking to it at first sight.

"That's good, let's move up there."

"I don't have to do it myself." Wang Yao said with a smile.


In Li Maoshuang's surprised eyes, Wang Yao carried the medicine bucket alone and went back and forth twice before the Seven-Star Medicine Bucket went up the mountain.

"Where do you get such strength!"

Although this medicine bucket is hollow, the frame and medicine box are made of solid wood, and it is also quite heavy manchurian ash wood. When he got it into the car, he asked three people to help. If he was not worried about disturbing Wang Yao, he would So I took the people up the mountain directly, not expecting that the other party could handle it all by himself.

"I usually exercise. Is this medicine bucket an antique?"

"Well, yes, it is quite old. I dragged a friend to buy it from the south. The ancestor of that family was a doctor in the Qing Dynasty, but later changed his career. This set of seven-star medicine buckets is still there. There were originally two sets of them. , I was just sold by him, are these two groups enough?”

"That's enough for the time being." Wang Yao said.

There are thousands of kinds of Chinese medicinal materials, but there are far fewer commonly used ones. In his current situation, these two medicine cabinets can hold hundreds of kinds of medicinal materials, which is enough.

"how much?"

"I'll give it to you." Li Maoshuang said with a smile.

"How can that work?" Wang Yao said after hearing this. Although he didn't know how to do it, he heard that this set of medicine buckets was from the Qing Dynasty. It was considered an antique and definitely not cheap!

"Well, don't refuse. Brother, I won't be feeling well in the future. How about you show me?" Li Maoshuang said with a smile.

"Okay." Wang Yao responded with a smile after hearing this.

These two sets of seven-star medicine buckets were placed in the room where he usually brewed medicines, against the east wall.

"Are you planning to open a clinic in Zeshan?"

"I don't have that idea at the moment. It's mainly for my own convenience." Wang Yaodao.

"Drink tea."

"Thank you, the same tea as last time?"


"That's really good tea. A few days ago, a friend of mine went to my place and I gave him a drink once. Good guy, he asked me where I got it from and asked me to get a few kilograms for him. He said he hadn't drunk it in several years. Had such a good tea!”

"Haha." Wang Yao just smiled after hearing this. Not to mention several kilograms of tea, one or two is hard to come by now.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore, I'm leaving first." After drinking a few cups of tea, Li Maoshuang said goodbye and left.

"No, let's have a meal together?" Wang Yao looked at the time and saw that it was already noon, and it looked like it was time for lunch.

"Don't bother me. I've made an agreement with your sister-in-law at home to go home for lunch today. Hey, I also discovered a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"I feel different on your mountain than at the bottom."

"It's different, what's the difference?"

"Hiss, it's hard to say, but there is an indescribable comfort on top of your Nanshan Mountain. The wind feels soft and the breathing is smooth. It is much better than at the bottom of the mountain. I also experienced this feeling when I went to Wudang Mountain." Li Maoshuang road.

"Really? Maybe it's because of the good air in the mountains?" Wang Yao replied. In fact, this was the formation that he didn't know was already working. He was not the only one who felt this way, it was just that he was more attentive and said it out loud.

"Yeah, but I didn't feel this way when I went up to the nearby Evergreen Mountain and Jiulian Mountain, right?"

"I feel comfortable. I can come here more often in the future."

"Okay, let's go."

Wang Yao accompanied Li Maoshuang down the mountain. After returning home, he ate something hastily, and then went up Nanshan again and started busy planning the medicine battle on the mountain.

The storage classification and arrangement rules of medicinal materials in medicine buckets are actually very particular. Some are stored according to the type of medicinal materials, such as roots, stems, leaves, stones, insects, and grasses; some are based on daily usage habits, and some are commonly used Arranged according to the composition of the prescription.

Wang Yao did not rush to decorate, but checked the medicine buckets one by one to see if there were any abnormalities inside. It must be said that the things made by the ancients were indeed unique. They were not only beautiful but also very strong and practical. After so many years, There are no insects, no corrosion, no mildew, just a little medicinal smell.

He classified the medicinal materials he had now, then found the labels and wrote down the various medicinal materials. When he finished all this, the sky turned dark and another day passed.

"Huh, time flies so fast!"

In a certain residence in Lianshan County, several people gathered together in a house.

"Sister, what kind of medicine did you give mom? It's very effective. I haven't heard her whisper in the past two days, and I slept much better at night."

"I found a medicine prescribed by a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and let's take a look. It's only been a few days!" As she said this, the middle-aged woman's mentality had changed. From disdain to suspicion, she now has some admiration. .

"I can't believe that that young man at such a young age has such abilities!"

"Sister, how many medicines did the doctor prescribe for mom?"

"Just one pair, let's try the effect first."

"One pair, that's not good. A course of Chinese medicine requires at least ten doses. You should hurry up and find the doctor to prescribe medicine!" said a man who was slightly younger than her.

"Why are you so anxious? Why don't you wait and see what the effect is? What if there are any side effects?" said the middle-aged woman.

"Then we'll have to wait and see for a few more days, but my mother's condition seems to be getting better these days."

"Well, the doctor also said that I should go out with my mother more often on weekdays. I will take her to the Marine Park to relax tomorrow."

"Then, sister, you should worry more about this."

"Well, there's one more thing. I want to wait for my mother to get better after her illness, so we can take turns taking her out for a walk. We'll see all the scenic spots across the country!"

"Okay, I agree with this!"

"no problem!"

This was a family meeting. The center of the meeting was the old man who had fallen asleep in the back room. It wasn't until about nine o'clock in the night that they dispersed. Only this middle-aged couple was left in the room. This woman was the one who happened to be there that day. Ms. Guo in Renhe Clinic.

"Is the meeting over, Comrade Lao Guo?" Her husband brought her a glass of hot water, "Drink some water. Seeing as you talked a lot just now, you must be tired and thirsty, right?"

"Thank you. I didn't expect that this medicine really works, and that young doctor is really capable!" Ms. Guo said with emotion.

"Didn't you distrust others when you first started?" his husband asked with a smile.

"You are so young, but you are checking your pulse to see a doctor, or do you believe it?" Ms. Guo asked, "But fortunately, I didn't say anything excessive and didn't annoy him."

"How is your ability? Let's wait and see again in two days, right?"


The next morning, around ten o'clock, suddenly, the crackling firecrackers burst into flames, making this quiet mountain village noisy. The machinery processing factory that had just rented a house and installed equipment opened for business today.

Firecrackers were set off all morning.

Then the device turns on, and there is a roaring sound.

Except for the two leaders, everyone in this processing plant is recruited from nearby villages. There are only twelve people in total, and they process some iron accessories.

"Is it open? It looks very lively!" Far above Nanshan, Wang Yao heard the sound of thunder exploding in the mountain village, and probably guessed something.

"The factory in the village opened this morning." When we went home for dinner at noon, the family talked about it again.

"Are there many workers inside?"

"Not many. I heard there are only a few people. There are three or four people in our village." Wang Yao's mother said.

"Do you do machining?"

"Yes, it seems to be auto parts."

After asking a few questions, Wang Yao didn't ask any more questions.

After eating and returning to Nanshan, he still had a lot of things to do. In the morning, Tian Yuantu called again. Although he didn't say it explicitly, Wang Yao also knew what question he wanted to ask, and that was who Secretary Yang’s mother’s illness.

That's close to a "very yin" disease.

Although "Peiyuan Decoction" is wonderful, it can only cure it for a while, or it can be said to be delayed for a while, but it cannot cure the root cause. These days, he has also had certain ideas. For "extremely yin" diseases, "extremely yin" diseases need to be treated with " "Extreme Yang" method to treat.

This is just like what appears in the novel. The leader Zhang in "The Heaven Slaying the Dragon" planted the "Xuanming Divine Palm" in his early years, which is a cold poison that is extremely yin and cold, and cannot be cured by ordinary external forces. , only the most yang and strong internal power of the "Nine Yang Divine Skill" can expel it.

Wang Yao has one kind of "extremely positive" medicinal herb.

Dangyang flower: The flower is like fire, like the bright sun, replenishing yang energy.

In terms of attributes, this "spiritual grass" belongs to "yang", and its use is also very simple, to replenish yang energy.

This is the so-called simplicity and specificity.

"You can try it."

Wang Yao drew a circle on this "spiritual grass".

Although he found this "spiritual grass" in the medicinal field, it grew very slowly these days due to lack of spiritual energy. Although its leaves can also be used as medicine, they are far less effective than the flowers.

A kind of "spiritual grass" alone is not enough. It requires the cooperation of other medicinal materials, not only to increase the yang energy in the body, but also to restore the body's original essence.

"See if there is a corresponding prescription in this pharmacy?"

I brought up the panel and checked it carefully, and found a prescription called "Sanyang Powder", a simple sentence of knowledge.

Replenish Yang Qi and drive away evil spirits and cold.