Elixir Supplier

Chapter 149: I was surprised when I saw the price


This medicine is just right for the symptoms, but the price of the prescription is a bit expensive. Just one prescription costs 80 redemption points. Presumably, it will definitely need other spiritual herbs to assist, and then additional expenditure will be required.

"The money is not enough!" Wang Yao realized this at this moment.

The drug store here is naturally excellent. It has many things, such as "spiritual herbs" and prescriptions, which can help you treat some difficult and complicated diseases, but the price is too expensive.

Take your time, there is no rush.

Without the prescriptions provided by the system, Wang Yao could only refer to the existing Chinese medicine prescriptions and prepare a prescription by making reference modifications, or use the vast amount of medical knowledge in his mind to create a prescription himself.

"Try to prepare a medicine according to your knowledge!" After thinking for a moment, Wang Yao made a decision.

Medicinal materials

Bupleurum, Cimicifuga, Pueraria lobata, Qianghuo, Fangfeng, Licorice, Ginseng... Dangyanghua.

Wang Yao recorded the medicinal materials blindly, then stared at the names of these medicinal materials, thought for a while, and crossed out two of the medicinal materials and changed them to other medicinal materials.

Busy and busy, it’s dark again.

In the mountain village, the processing factory that just opened today is brightly lit and busy, and it feels a bit noisy when you get closer.

"Hey, this factory also works at night?"

"Have you just opened a business? You have to put on a show, be busy, and put on a show, otherwise you can recruit workers?"

The roar of the machinery and equipment kept several nearby families awake at night. Fortunately, after the work was done around 11 o'clock, the small mountain village returned to calm, and occasionally a few barking dogs could be heard.

The next day, when Wang Yao was still busy on the mountain, he received another call from Pan Jun, saying that Ms. Guo's mother had used up the first dose of medicine and it was very effective. She wanted to buy another one and had something to discuss with her. He meets and talks.

Wang Yao thought for a moment and set the time in the afternoon.

The medicine was easy, and he could make it if he found time in the morning. It happened that he also wanted to go to the city and had something to do.

When setting out in the afternoon, when passing the small factory located in the north of the center of the village, Wang Yao stopped and looked inside. He saw no one and only heard the clanking of processing equipment. There is also a vaguely special smell.

After stopping for a moment, he drove away and went to the county seat, arriving at the Renhe Clinic where he had made an appointment with Pan Jun.

"Sorry, I have to make another trip for you."

"It's okay." Wang Yao said.

"Come in and sit down first. I have already called Ms. Guo. She will be here in a minute."

The two people were still saying this at the door, and Ms. Guo came. This time she did not come on foot, but drove a car, a white BMW. From this look, it was clear that Ms. Guo's family background should be quite good. For prosperity.

"Hello, Dr. Wang." Ms. Guo had a smile on her face, and her attitude this time was obviously much better.


"Let's stop standing and sit in the room." Pan Jun invited the two people into the clinic. There were not particularly many people in the clinic.

This time some people glanced at Wang Yao sincerely. This was not the first time for this handsome young man, and it seemed that Dr. Pan was quite friendly towards him.

"Dr. Wang, thank you for the medicine you prepared for my mother. After taking the medicine, she felt very good. She slept better at night, was energetic during the day, and was no longer so suspicious. How much does this medicine cost?"

When it came to the price, Wang Yao was a little confused. It would be better if this was an ordinary medicine. Just follow the market price and add a certain fee. But the key is that he added some "Moonflower Grass", which is a spiritual medicine. Grass, there are things that money can't buy.

Through several exchanges at the drug store, he could vaguely guess the price of the exchange point and the actual currency. For example, a "Moonflower Grass" requires 10 exchange points, so the actual price is estimated to be followed by 10,000 words.

It’s just that people who don’t need it won’t buy it if you ask them to spend ten yuan, but people who need it will buy it without hesitation even if you ask for a million dollars. This is the truth.

"Ten thousand." Wang Yao thought for a moment and then quoted such a price.

This price is his estimated cost price, or even less than the cost price, because all the medicinal materials he uses for dispensing are wild medicinal materials, including wild Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng. Although "Moonflower Grass" only has two leaves, The value is hard to estimate.

"Ten thousand?!" Ms. Guo's eyes widened after hearing this, "It's so expensive!".

She had never heard of a medicine costing so much.

It was not only Ms. Guo who was shocked, but also Pan Jun beside her.

"Do you really dare to ask for a dose of medicine?!"

If he knew that a pair of Wang Yao's medicines once sold for millions, I don't know how shocked he would be.

Seeing their expressions, Wang Yao smiled.

"Dr. Pan, what is the most expensive thing in your hospital?" Wang Yao asked Pan Jun.

"I really don't know about this, but I know that the hospital in Haiqu City once had an imported hemostatic injection. One injection costs more than 7,000 yuan. It is said to be a genetic drug. A box of Gleevec costs 24,000 yuan." Pan Jun said.

"The reason why it's so expensive is because it has that effect. As far as I know, it's not the most expensive one." Wang Yaodao.

Why are some Western medicines so expensive, and even if you want to buy them, you can’t buy them? Some Chinese medicines may not be as effective, or even better, but they are just a little worse in terms of purification.

"Dr. Wang, this is too expensive!" Ms. Guo was embarrassed.

She wanted to treat her mother's disease, but the price was too expensive. If she needed ten courses of treatment, wouldn't it cost 100,000 yuan? !

Wang Yao smiled and shook his head after hearing this.

"I can change the prescription, but the effect will be far less than ideal." Wang Yao said after being silent for a moment.

"Can you please correct it?" Ms. Guo said hurriedly after hearing this.

She really didn't want to buy a medicine worth 10,000 yuan. It was too expensive, and it wasn't much more than a money grab.

"Okay, let me go back and think about it again."

"Thank you then." Ms. Guo stood up and left.

"Dr. Wang, your medicine is too expensive!" Pan Jun said after Ms. Guo left.

"Is it expensive? I don't think so." Wang Yao said with a smile.

A few dozen grams of Dahongpao sells for hundreds of thousands. Can drinking it cure diseases? A Clivia can be sold for hundreds of thousands, can it bring peace of mind and peace of mind

The word that money cannot buy is health.

Some people are willing to spend millions, even tens of millions, just to live a few more years.

Everything in the world has different functions and values.

Some people are willing to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy a piece of fur without batting an eyelid, but they haggle with hawkers over how many kilograms of fruit they buy; some people spend thousands on a pedicure or a bath, but when they see a doctor, they question it. .

This incident also made Wang Yao realize a problem. He was too dependent on "spiritual grass" and he should try not to use "spiritual grass" for some relatively common diseases.

"Let's get down to business. I want to hire you as the attending doctor in this clinic."

"Sitting for a consultation?" Wang Yao was slightly startled after hearing this, "I don't have that much time."

In his current condition, it is impossible to stay in this clinic all day.

"You don't have to stay here all day, you only need to come one day a week." Pan Jun explained.

"Thank you for your kindness." Wang Yao shook his head. In fact, this matter is a good thing for him. It can contact more patients, increase his experience and experience, and it will be of great help to his current task, but , he now has a very critical problem that has not been solved, that is, he does not have a medical qualification certificate, which is a piece of hardware. If he treats people like Tian Yuantu and others, there will naturally be no problem, because he already knows these people. And they are friends. But when treating other people, especially in such a clinic, where people come and go and talk a lot, if anyone discovers this problem and reports it to the relevant departments, he will be in trouble, especially now. Under the current situation, the country's attention to the medical system is constantly increasing, and penalties and crackdowns on illegal activities are also getting stronger and stronger.

"We can discuss the consultation fee."

"That's not the problem. My time is limited." Wang Yaodao.

"Then..." Pan Jun really didn't know what to say.

"Let's do this. If you need anything here, you can call me. If I'm free, I'll come over. I'm sorry if I don't have time." Wang Yao said a compromise that he had thought of in advance.

"But, I don't want to cause any trouble."

"I know this. This outpatient clinic only treats ordinary diseases. However, we will not accept any serious patients that threaten life." Pan Jun said.

"That's good."

"The consultation fee is three hundred per trip, do you think?" Pan Jun said, the price is neither high nor low.

Some well-known domestic experts pay a visit ranging from thousands to tens of thousands per visit. As for an operation, the price is even higher, but this price for a small outpatient clinic is already quite good.

"Okay." Wang Yao didn't say much.

He didn't care about the money, but this opportunity was rare.

"Okay, that's settled."

After the matter was settled, Pan Jun insisted on inviting Wang Yao to have a meal with him, but Wang Yao refused. He had other things to do in the afternoon. In fact, he came to Lianshan mainly to visit Li Maoshuang.

"You seem to have a lot of leisure time recently?" After seeing Wang Yao, Li Maoshuang immediately made tea to greet him.

"Fortunately, I'm actually very busy." Wang Yaodao said, he was telling the truth. He is indeed very busy now and has a lot of things to do.

"Haha." Li Maoshuang laughed after hearing this, "I also want to be as busy as you, busy living a life like a fairy on that mountain."

"I came to see you this time because I have something to trouble you with."

"What's up?"

"I need some medicine, wild ones, the sooner the better."

"Where's the list?"

"Here it is." Wang Yao took it out and put it on the table.