Elixir Supplier

Chapter 153: It's alive this time


But soon, another post appeared in the Tieba. The content followed the one that slandered Wang Yao. The general content was that someone discovered that a factory was secretly filming sewage. As a result, he was threatened by the factory personnel and was forced to injure others in self-defense. Instead, he was slandered.

This post has also received a certain amount of attention, and there are photos on it, so its credibility is higher than the one with only text descriptions. And now people are generally more concerned about environmental protection-related matters, so this post is There are also relatively more people posting.

This time, the relevant departments acted faster, not only because of the post, but also because of the real-name report. The reporter was Wang Yao.

Just when Wang Yao was returning home, he saw a vehicle from the county Environmental Protection Bureau entering the mountain village and inspecting the processing factory.

In a hotel somewhere in the county.

"You have to help me with this."

"You still have the nerve to say that environmental inspections from top to bottom are so strict now. How can you, a mechanical processing factory, get the sewage from?!"

"Just some drinking water."

"You're talking nonsense. I've read the inspection report from the Environmental Protection Bureau. The domestic sewage seriously exceeds the standard for heavy metal ions and the COD seriously exceeds the standard. What does your factory do?!"

"I, I did other things."

"you you... ... "

"Don't be angry. How should I handle this?"

"Your processing plant will definitely be unable to continue production. It will be closed down and production will be suspended for rectification."

"Ah, I have only been in business for a few days, and I have already invested all my money." The boss was anxious.

"You don't need that little money. Also, take care of your people and stop spreading random news and rumors on the Internet. Also, that Li Dong, tell him to be honest!"

"Yes Yes!"

... ...

In this way, amidst the discussion among the people in the mountain village, the factory that had just opened a few days ago was sealed due to environmental failure and was required to stop production for rectification. The day when it can restart production is far away.

The mountain village regained its calm.

In the village, several village committees gathered together for a meeting.

"This young man is really amazing!"

"No, he beat a man to the hospital and forced a factory to close down, but he himself didn't do anything."

"According to me, even if this factory is closed, it is noisy all day long. At night, it secretly discharges sewage into the river. The barrage below is starting to float dead fish."

"Yeah." Wang Jianli was smoking and said the least.

"This young man is so capable, we must let him help our village."

"How can we help? Our village has nothing!"

"We need to think carefully about this matter." Wang Jianli said after putting out his cigarette.

Due to the delay in this matter these days, Wang Yao didn't do a lot of things. The shrubs he bought on the mountain have not yet been planted. When he came back, he calmed down and used two days to plant the remaining trees. .

After these trees were planted, suddenly there was another strong wind, coming from north to south, passing through the mountain pass, and the trees were shaking. The wind was actually a bit cold, and it only took a minute from the wind to the end. .

Woof woof woof, the native dog seemed to sense something, exchanged a few sounds, and ran wildly on the mountain for a while, looking a little excited.

"What's wrong, Sanxian? You're so excited!"

Woof woof woof, the local dog expresses its excitement and happiness with practical actions.

The moment the wind blows, this array seems to come alive!

On this day, Wang Yao received a call from Pan Jun. A patient came to see a doctor in the afternoon and asked him to take a look.

In the afternoon, he arrived at the outpatient clinic, where Pan Jun and the patient were waiting.

"Pan, is he the doctor you are talking about?!" Although he had heard it before, but seeing it with his own eyes, the old man who came to see a doctor was still a little surprised.

"Yes, uncle, don't look at Dr. Wang, but he has very good medical skills." Pan Jun said with a smile.

"Doctor Wang, my uncle has been feeling tired and lack of energy recently. He went to the county hospital and found nothing wrong. When I come here, please take a look."

"Okay." Wang Yao said with a smile.

Then he checked the elderly man's pulse and asked a few questions.

This old man's health is actually not serious. The reason why he is in low spirits is because he has been cold recently but it has accumulated in his body without showing any symptoms. This "cold" is quite strange.

"Old man, your illness won't last more than ten days, right?"

"Well, it started last week."

"Have you been to any special place recently?"

"I visited the grave last Wednesday. The wind wasn't very strong that day, so I didn't go anywhere else."

"Are you retired?"

"Well, I can't stay at home. I just found a job a few days ago." The old man said cheerfully.

"Where do you work?"

"Martyrs Cemetery, gatekeeper." The old man said with a smile.

"What?!" Pan Jun was stunned after hearing this, "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"You didn't even ask!"

"Old man, your illness is probably related to your job. I advise you to change your job."

"Why, I think it's pretty good. I just look after the door and grow vegetables. My son found it with great difficulty."

The Martyrs Cemetery is shaded by pines and cypresses. Even in midsummer, it is very cool. It is the place where martyrs are buried and the resting place of the dead. Metaphysically speaking, it is a "very yin" place. Of course, from a medical point of view, elderly people should walk more, bask in the sun more, and replenish their "yang energy".

"Haha, if you listen to me, just take a week's sick leave and give it a try. You can also make some ginseng soup to replenish your health." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Is it that simple?" The old man's expression was rather unbelieving.

"Yes." Wang Yao nodded.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try." When the old man left, Pan Jun got him some ginseng slices and he went back to make soup.

"Doctor Wang, is his illness really related to his job?" Pan Jun said. The reason why he was surprised just now was not because of his illness, but because this job was quite unlucky.

"It does matter. In a place shaded by pines and cypresses, the yin energy is stronger. As people get older, their yang energy is insufficient, so they are not suitable for working in such a place."

"Hey, but I see there are many old people guarding the door in places like that?"

"Then we didn't read their physical examination reports, nor did they take pulses to check their health. Moreover, they are both cemeteries, but the location and structure are different. In some places, the city is open and the lighting is good, so there is nothing wrong. The cemetery in our county It’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Except for a few houses, the place is covered with pines and cypresses. It feels cold even in summer. Is this old man a relative of yours?”

"Yes, an elder."

"Let him change his job?"

"Well, I'll call his son soon."

If you look at this disease, you don’t even need to use medicine to treat it.

Pan Jun gave Wang Yao an envelope, which was considered the fee for this visit. It wasn't much, five hundred, but it was actually quite a lot.

"Thank you." Wang Yao thanked him not because of the money, but because of the rare opportunity he provided.

"It should."

The next day, Wang Yao was on Nanshan thinking about the last step of the "Spirit Gathering Formation", how to draw a stream of spiritual water into the formation, when he suddenly heard the sound of dogs barking. It turned out that someone was going up the mountain.

The person who came was Li Maoshuang, carrying something on his back and panting from exhaustion.

"Huh, uh, I'm exhausted."

"What are you carrying?" Wang Yao asked while making tea for him.

"What you want." He took out several things from his backpack, including a stone grinder, a stone mortar, and a sieve. They all seemed to be old.

"See if it's these things."

"Yes, these are the things." Wang Yao picked them up and looked at them one by one, with a happy smile on his face.

"Old Li, you still have a way!"

"I also asked my friends to help me."

"how much?"

"Forget it." Li Maoshuang waved his hands.

"Are you rich?" Wang Yao said after hearing this. Although these items are niche items, after all, Wang Yao probably can't get them for tens of thousands of yuan as antiques.

"Hey, don't tell me, since my health has improved, my business has also improved. It's really strange. I asked a master to take a look and said that I met a noble person!" Li Maoshuang said seriously.

"Haha, do you still believe that?"

"Everyone who does business believes it, and even the richest man in Asia believes it. I guess that noble person of mine is you!"


"Ah, look, after listening to your advice, my health has improved, and my business has improved. I went to check with your sister-in-law a few days ago, and she was pregnant. It's really a series of good things, hahaha." Li Maoshuang laughed happily when he said this.

"Congratulations then!"

"Hey, can you take a look at it when you have time?"

"Well, you just need to go to a regular hospital for a physical examination. I'm not good at it!" Wang Yao said with a smile and waved his hand.

The two chatted for a while, and then Li Maoshuang said goodbye and left, saying that he would not eat here.

"Well, this won't work!" Wang Yao looked at the things Li Maoshuang sent.

"I don't know what he likes?"

Wang Yao thought that he should return some gifts that the other party likes. Friends should also reciprocate with courtesy. Wouldn’t it be too stingy to just accept without giving away

"Invite them to get together another day."

It was just after noon, the sun was still bright, and Wang Yao was brewing a potion in the hut.

This is a potion brewed for Ms. Guo. This time, the "spiritual grass" is not used as the main medicinal material. Instead, the prescription is changed. The lack of "spiritual grass" makes me think that the "spiritual grass" is missing from this medicine. "Jun", the medicinal properties and curative effects are quite different.

He also had his own idea about the price of this kind of medicine, which is twice the market price of medicinal materials. This price is actually very reasonable. All the medicines he uses are wild medicinal materials, except those he grows himself. , and the rest were all purchased from Li Maoshuang, which was by no means comparable to the medicinal materials in ordinary outpatient clinics. Moreover, while others brewed several decoctions from one medicine, he only brewed one medicine from this medicine. Just like this, a dose of medicine costs several hundred yuan.

This price should be acceptable to ordinary people. Is it just the medicinal effect? It is much different, but it cannot be brewed in ordinary places. At least they don't have ancient spring water or Baicao pot.