Elixir Supplier

Chapter 154: Flowers bloom like gunpowder and have pure yang properties


In one afternoon, the potion was finished.

Tomorrow, he is going to trial-produce another medicine, the medicine for treating "extreme yin" disease.

Unfortunately, the next day, the sky was overcast and it started to rain lightly.

The weather is gloomy, not suitable for brewing medicine.

Wang Yao decisively chose to delay, and the "extremely sunny" medicine must be brewed on a sunny day.

"It's almost sixty days, and there are only fifty-one people." He looked at the completion of his task and became a little worried.

"Perhaps I should agree to Pan Jun that day and go to Renhe Clinic for one day a week."

In Lianshan County, there is a store opened by Wang Mingbao.

A man sat across from him. He was skinny and his eyes were dull.

"Brother, you have to help me with this. I beg you, brother!"

Looking at the man in front of him, Wang Mingbao couldn't help but sigh.

Two months ago, he was still high-spirited, drinking from a large bowl at the wine table, eating large pieces of meat, and walking around in shopping malls. But now, he was tortured by illness and was in such a state of desolation that he could not get back his tens of millions of net worth. physical health.

"Shall I ask for you?"

"Okay, thank you very much!" the man said happily, as if he had grasped the last straw.

"It doesn't matter how much I spend, as long as it can cure my disease!"

After sending this friend away, Wang Mingbao looked at the weather outside. It was raining lightly, and there were not many people in the store. After saying something to the person looking after the store, he drove out. Within twenty minutes, he came When we arrived at the mountain village, we held an umbrella and climbed up Nanshan Mountain.

The rain had just started, and the ground was not even wet yet, and it was not considered muddy. He heard the barking of dogs before he reached the medicine garden.

"Who would go up the mountain on a day like this?" Wang Yao stopped chanting, and with a wave of his hand, the "Natural Sutra" disappeared.

Looking through the window, it turned out to be Wang Mingbao.

"Why did you come up the mountain on such a day?"

"Of course I have something to talk to you about." Wang Mingbao entered the hut and took a look.

"There's no TV, no computer, just a few books. I'm really impressed."

"Okay, let's stop chatting and talk about your business, shall we?" He still knew Wang Mingbao's temperament. Going up the mountain on such a rainy day was definitely something, and it was something urgent.

A pot of tea, the two of them sat opposite each other, and the light rain fell quietly outside the house.

"Remember the patient I asked you to see last time?"

"Wei Hai?!" Wang Yao remembered this person very well.

"Yes, he just came to see me again. He is skinny and skinny. He feels like he is terminally ill." Wang Mingbao said.

In fact, his previous desire to ask Wang Yao for help was indeed selfish. He had business dealings with Wei Hai and wanted to use the matter of medical treatment to enhance the relationship between the two of them. This time he came to Wang Yao for complete reasons. It was because I couldn't bear to look at that person like that.

"Have you had liver surgery?"

"Yes, it was done at the provincial hospital." Wang Mingbao said.

"You haven't seen with your own eyes how high-spirited a person he was once, but now he looks lost and frightened. He is completely different from the other person."

"Where are they?"

"We have already arrived in Haiqu City."

"Well, the day after tomorrow, you invite him to come and let me take a look." Wang Yao thought for a while and said.


Outside the window, there is a continuous spring rain, and inside the house, the fragrance of tea lingers.

"Wow, honestly, aren't you bored staying here all day?"

"No, it's very fulfilling to take care of the medicine fields, read books, practice spiritual practice, and practice boxing!" Wang Yaodao.

"Practice boxing, what kind of boxing?"

"Tai Chi."

"Is it the kind of slow Tai Chi that old men and women do in the park?" Wang Mingbao said with a smile.

"Yes and no, the name is the same, but the content is very different." Wang Yaodao.

"Okay, teach me when you have time. Can you go to grandpa's house for dinner at noon?"

"No, I can just make do with it on the mountain. I won't go down the mountain today."

"Forget it, I won't stay here and go back to Lianshan County."


After Wang Mingbao left, he checked the prepared medicinal materials again. After confirming that they were correct, he recited several volumes of scriptures in the hut.

The next day, it was sunny and windy. It was a good weather.

In the hut, Wang Yao prepared everything early and started to light a fire, boil water and brew medicine.

Various medicinal materials are added in measured quantities.

This is a new medicine. Wang Yao has never brewed it before. He is not sure about it and is not very sure about it, so he is extra careful.

Seeing the medicinal power of various medicinal materials blending into the ancient spring water, the sun outside moved slowly in the sky.

The medicinal fragrance is getting stronger and stronger.

When the sun reaches its peak, the last medicine is added.

Dangyang flower, its flowers are fiery red, like beating flames. The flowers are small and have no temperature at all. When you hold them in your hand, you feel hot subconsciously.

This petal melted immediately when it fell into the boiling ancient spring water, dyeing the medicinal soup a fire-like color.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yao immediately took the herb pot away from the flames.

"How does the medicine work?"

Wang Yao looked at the liquid in the pot that was like flowing flames, then gently took a spoonful and put it into his mouth, swallowed it, and instantly felt heat flowing into his abdomen, and then spreading to every part of his body very quickly. Part, it feels like taking a sip of warm spirits or scalding hot chili oil.

"Huh, isn't it a bit intense?!"

Wang Yao scooped up a spoonful and went out.

"Three delicacies, come here."

The native dog heard the sound and ran over.

"Come on, open your mouth."

This time the native dog did not cooperate, but looked at him with a strange look.

"Hey, what do you mean by that look? This is a good thing. It's aphrodisiac. Open your mouth and be nice."

In the end, the native dog drank a spoonful of the medicine, and then started barking wildly and having fun on the mountain. It felt like he had taken medicine.

"Well, it seems that the effect is there, but the dosage must be controlled."

Wang Yao looked at the native dog having fun on the hillside and muttered to himself. He could now feel the power of the medicine working in his body and his body was heating up. He went into the house and recorded how he felt after taking the medicine and how the native dog behaved after taking the medicine.

After the medicine is prepared, you can take time to go to Haiqu City again, deliver it to the patient, and wait for her to take the medicine to see how effective it actually is.

The next day, Wang Mingbao's friend arrived at his store early.

"Brother, have you made an agreement with that friend of yours?"

"As promised, he will be here in a moment."


After hearing this, he said that in fact, it was not because of how much he understood and believed in Wang Yao's medical skills. There was nothing he could do about it. Last month, he made up his mind and had an operation at the Provincial Hospital, but the effect was not very good after the operation. Well, he went to the province again, and the experts said that the lesions in his body had begun to metastasize, and parasites even appeared on his pancreas. It could not be treated with medicine. It was best to have surgery. This time he did not want to do it. Well, removing a piece of the liver has no effect, and the pancreas needs to be removed. Will other body tissues have to be removed in the future?

So he sought medical treatment everywhere and took traditional Chinese medicine and folk prescriptions. As a result, the disease was not cured and he suffered a stomachache. He suffered from vomiting and diarrhea for more than a week. His health became worse and worse, and he became more and more frightened. In fact, the more he suffered, the more he suffered. People who have money are more afraid of death. Occasionally, he remembered that he had met a young man at Wang Mingbao's place. He seemed to have said that he could cure his disease, so he came here, purely with the hope of "dead horse". What if the "live horse doctor" attitude works

Wang Yao came over at about ten o'clock in the morning and was shocked when he saw Wang Mingbao's friend. He had seen this person a few months ago. He was fat and had a rosy complexion. He couldn't see it. He was sick, but now he is skinny and his eyes are dull, like a heavy smoker.

"Hello, Dr. Wang."

"Hello, Director Wei."

"Hey, stop saying that, just call me Lao Wei or Wei Zi!"

"Shall we see a doctor first?" Wang Yao said.


Just by looking at his complexion, listening to his voice, and smelling his smell, you can tell that his body is in very bad condition, and it has penetrated deeper into his organs.

"This is?!"

Weird pulse!

As soon as Wang Yao put his hand together, he was very surprised.

The Wei Hai in front of him had a very strange pulse. His pulse was stringy and urgent, like the feeling of touching the edge of a knife. This was a sign of critical illness, a critical pulse of the liver.

"Sorry." Wang Yao shook his head.

"What do you mean, Doctor Wang?"

"Your illness is already very serious, I'm not sure." Wang Yaodao.

"Then please give it a try." Wei Hai said hurriedly. The other party was not sure, but he didn't say there was nothing he could do. This meant that there was still a glimmer of hope.

"Let me go back and think about it, what medicines are you taking recently?"


Wei Hai was quite well prepared. He took out a list from his pocket, which contained the medicines he had taken recently, mainly prescriptions.

"Don't take these medicines anymore." Wang Yao marked several medicines with his pen.

A person takes seven or eight kinds of medicines a day, including granules, decoctions, and a combination of Chinese medicine and Western medicine. There may be conflicts in it, and even a body made of iron cannot bear it. It can be seen from this point that this Wei Hai was really scared and had no choice.


After the diagnosis, Wei Hai insisted on inviting Wang Yao and Wang Mingbao to have a meal together, but Wang Yao refused.

"Your health is very poor now. You should not only stop smoking and drinking, but also avoid eating spicy and greasy food. You should pay more attention to your life, exercise properly, and not be tired." Wang Yao warned that now, Wei Hai's health is basically He collapsed. On the one hand, it was because of his own disease, and on the other hand, it was because he took medicine indiscriminately and was under tremendous mental pressure.

"Hey, hey," Wei Hai was as obedient as a primary school student.

When he left, Wang Yao and Wang Mingbao arrived at the door.

"How's it going? It's changed a lot, right?"

"It's so big, I can't believe it unless I see it with my own eyes." Wang Yao said with emotion.

"Can you cure this disease?"

"I'm terminally ill. Let me give it a try. I'm not a god." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"You mean he's going to die?!"

"Well, according to my estimation, it can take as short as half a year or as long as three years. It depends on his fate." Wang Yaodao, "Even if I treat it, with my current ability, I'm afraid it will only extend his life."

The strange pulse is, to a certain extent, a dead pulse!