Elixir Supplier

Chapter 156: A spring of spiritual energy from all directions


"From now on, all prescriptions written by me will be taken back and destroyed immediately after use."

"No problem." Pan Jun agreed without hesitation.

"One more thing, any prescription I read must use good medicinal materials."

The effectiveness of the few medicines he prescribed was largely due to the first medicine he brewed himself. He had also seen the medicines in this clinic. They were all ordinary Chinese medicines, and even quite a few of them were resistant. It was not at all what he wanted and he was responsible for the medicine he prescribed.


This incident put Pan Jun in a difficult position. What was the goal of opening a store and doing business? In one word, wealth!

When selling something for fifty yuan, the cost of twenty and the cost of thirty are completely different concepts. When doing business, most of them are shoddy, and few are full gold. Wang Yao's request really makes him embarrassed. Very.

"Okay, I agree." Pan Jun said, good medicine can be used, and the price can be lower and higher.

The matter of seeing a doctor did not waste much time on him. After returning, he also recorded the patient's special situation and wrote it in his notes.

In the afternoon, Wang Yao was wandering around the Nanshan Mountain, thinking about the last step in the "Spirit Gathering Array", which was to bring water into the array. It didn't need a lot, just a line. There was a spring on the Nanshan Mountain. There was not much water, but it was It's very refreshing and doesn't dry out even in the middle of summer. When he first thought about it, Wang Yao had already thought of using this spring water. At this time, the spring was already in the formation.

"You can start from here, divert the water down, and then dig a pool here..."

Wang Yao had already drafted this plan, and he didn’t know how many times he had seen it live.

Woof woof woof, just when he was thinking about something, the local dog below barked.

Someone went up the mountain, a man and a woman.

"Hey, it's actually them?"

"Long time no see. How have you been?" The beauty smiled, very charmingly.

Coming up the mountain was Guo Sirou and He Qisheng.

After not seeing each other for a few months, Guo Sirou's neat short hair was grown and draped over her shoulders. She was dressed casually. She was beautiful in her alluring appearance and extraordinary atmosphere.

She and Tong Wei are both rare beauties. If Tong Wei is a rose, delicate and charming, then she is a peony, more beautiful than any other.

"We haven't seen each other for several months. How much has changed on this mountain?" Guo Sirou glanced around the mountain peaks. She remembered that the last time she came here, except for the chestnut trees and jujube trees, large areas of the Nanshan Mountain were bare and there was nothing much. The trees now look full of green.

"I had nothing to do and planted some trees."

"Shall we sit in the house?"

"Okay." Guo Sirou said with a smile.

A table and square stools.

The tea is homemade camellia. Although the name is not obvious, it is a rare and top quality.

"Good tea, but I don't know what kind of tea it is?!" He Qisheng sighed.

"I grew it myself, just outside." Wang Yao pointed out the window with a smile, "Ask the local tea master to fry it by hand."

"Although it is not a famous brand, it is not among the top ten famous teas. It is rare!"

"Excuse me, why are you here suddenly?"

"I came out to relax. I originally wanted to go to the island city, so I just happened to stop by to visit you. I didn't disturb your spiritual practice, right?" Guo Sirou said half-jokingly.

"It's okay. How is the old man's condition?"

"Much better, thank you."

"You're welcome."

During the conversation, Guo Sirou vaguely revealed that she wanted to invite Wang Yao to the capital, but Wang Yao changed the subject with a smile.

He didn't want to go to the capital, the place of turmoil.

"You seem to be repelling the capital?" Guo Sirou said with a smile.

"A bit." Wang Yao said without hesitation.


"I don't want to cause trouble." Wang Yao said very directly.

"What trouble could there be?"

"I don't know." Wang Yao shook his head, "It's just a personal intuition."

"Is a man's intuition reliable?" Guo Sirou joked with a smile.

"Well, it should be reliable."

Guo Sirou and He Qisheng spent more than 20 minutes on the mountain, chatting a lot with Wang Yao, and then left.

After descending Nanshan, He Qisheng suddenly stopped and looked back at the mountain, frowning slightly.

"What's wrong, Uncle He?"

"There is something strange on that mountain." He Qisheng said after pondering for a moment.

"Strange, where is the strangeness?"

"Don't you feel it, miss? Just now, on the mountain, the mountain wind was very gentle, and it made people feel very comfortable when it blew on their bodies. But when they got to the bottom of the mountain, the wind blew on their bodies, but it dried them up a lot. It's a lot worse. Logically speaking, , It should be that the wind down the mountain is gentler than up there," He Qisheng said.

"Well, that's true when you say that."

"It's not just the wind. In the mountains, you breathe more smoothly and feel more comfortable all day long. It's not an exaggeration to describe it as a spring breeze."

"Maybe it's because there are more plants on the mountain?"

"It's not just plants." He Qisheng raised his head and stared at the mountain.

After the two people went down the mountain and walked a long distance, He Qisheng stood up and turned around again. This time he could see the entire Nanshan Mountain. The originally bare mountain had now been planted with trees, both tall and short, and well-distributed. It's uneven, and it doesn't look regular at all.

"This is?!" He Qisheng's expression changed drastically.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?!" He seemed to be in a daze.

"What's the matter, Uncle He?" Seeing He Qisheng's expression, Guo Sirou was a little surprised. Over the years, she had almost never seen this medical master in action. Two of the only times she had seen him, this unknown man was here. in a small mountain village.

"I must have seen it wrong. This is absolutely impossible!" He shook his head.

"Where is wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm sorry, miss, I lost my temper." He Qisheng said after coming to his senses.

"Uncle He, what's the matter, you can't even tell me?" Guo Sirou asked with a smile.

"There may be a formation on this mountain."

"I remember hearing you say this last time, there is a Five Elements Magic Formation."

"It's not that one, it's another one called the Spirit Gathering Array."

"Spirit Gathering Array?"

"Yes, gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for one party's use."

"Isn't this something from a novel?" Guo Siju said.

"I used to think that the Five Elements Formation only existed in legends, but on this mountain I saw that this Spirit Gathering Formation is even more magical. Legend has it that it can borrow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Being in it has endless magical uses. Of course, this is just me. It's just a personal guess, after all, this mysterious thing has been lost for a long time," He Qisheng said.

If it weren't for the complexity of what he had learned, and if he hadn't had an amazingly capable teacher, I'm afraid he wouldn't have thought about it.

It's just that he had only seen this formation once in an ancient book of unknown age. The arrangement of trees on the mountain seemed irregular, but upon closer inspection, it was mysterious and extraordinary. It was vaguely consistent with the formation he had written in that ancient book. There is a 70% similarity, but there is a picture in the sky above the ancient book, but there is no explanation, so no one can understand it.

"If this is true, then it is amazing. I should tell the teacher about this." He thought to himself.

"Uncle He, why do you think he doesn't want to go to the capital?"

"Are you afraid of trouble?"

"Is there any trouble? Are you afraid of attracting the attention of those people?"

"Yes, the old chief's condition suddenly improved, and the situation has changed. I'm afraid many people will ask about the reason." He Qisheng said.

"They can't find out anything."

"You can't find out for a while, but as time goes by, some rumors will get out. By then, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Dr. Wang to live his hermit life anymore." Guo Siju said, "When the time comes, He has to make a choice."

"Choice, how will he choose?" He Qisheng looked at the low mountain that was half hidden and half visible.

Is there really no room for hermits in such a world

In a residence in Haiqu City.

"Mom, you look much better and your face is rosy."

"Yes, since I drank the medicine prepared by Dr. Wang, my body always feels warm and I even sweat in the afternoon." The elderly woman said with a smile.

"You're sweating, really?!" Upon hearing the news, the middle-aged man who was in charge stood up happily.

He knows very well what his mother's condition is. Over the years, because his body is afraid of cold, he has almost never sweated. Even if he sweats, it is just due to constipation. This is the first time he has sweated like this in the heat. This is also It means that her condition has improved greatly.

"This Dr. Wang's medical skills are really superb!"

"It's Gao Ming. You have to thank him properly."

"Excuse me, when will Dr. Wang come for consultation?"


"Then I'll come back on Wednesday."

"You walk slowly."

In the Renhe Clinic, a woman in her forties sent away an old man in his sixties with a smile. This was already the third time in the past two days. She really wanted to see what the young man who was praised so much by her younger brother looked like.

"Sister." Pan Jun pushed open the door and entered.

"Not on duty today?"

"No, off duty."

"Have you made an appointment with Dr. Wang to come here for a consultation on Wednesday?"

"It's settled. If there is an accident, he will notify me in advance." Pan Jun said with a smile.

"Well, I also want to meet him."

"The miasma grass is the king, it mainly kills poisonous insects, and it also needs to be combined with several other herbs to protect the internal organs." On the Nanshan Mountain, Wang Yao recorded his thoughts in his notebook. He was thinking about Wei Hai's treatment method.

"Fortunately, I have enough exchange points."

Wang Yao unexpectedly discovered that he could actually get rewards from the system when he went to see a doctor, but they were very few. The average patient could only get 1-2 reward points, but the little things added up to a lot, and the effect was good.

"I'm going to the outpatient clinic on Wednesday. I'm going to make a batch of pills tomorrow. I'll get better at it. I also have to dig a small ditch to bring down the mountain spring water..." Wang Yao briefly listed the things he had to do recently, "I'm very busy. ah!"

Although the schedule is relatively busy, daily practice is indispensable. Even at night, I still have to recite several volumes of scriptures before turning off the lights and resting.