Elixir Supplier

Chapter 160: Why are there tears in your eyes


"Well, not bad, much improved than last time." Wang Yao said with a smile as he looked at the pills in the medicine plaque.

After making these pills, he put them into the prepared porcelain bottle.

"Phew, it's another day!" Wang Yao stretched and then went out.

There is already a small pool of water in the newly dug pool, which is very clear.

"Yes, I think it will be completed in two or three days."

After he went up the mountain, he practiced boxing several times on the rock. His body moved with his heart and his energy moved at will. It was as if the wind and energy were moving in Wang Yao's palms.

When the sun in the west completely set, Wang Yao also finished his work, went down the mountain, and went home for dinner.

"I heard that there are hot springs in Lijiagou to the west." Zhang Xiuying said while eating.


"Yeah, I heard it's going to be developed into a resort."

"Resort, is this a broken road?" Wang Yao smiled after hearing this. It doesn’t even count as two lanes, and it’s difficult to get into the wrong car. Who will come

"That's not necessarily true. Nowadays, people like to find places that are difficult to get to. The harder the road is, the more exciting it is." Zhang Xiuying said.

"Hey, why did you eat before I waited?" Halfway through the meal, I heard the door open outside, and then a shout, Princess Wang Ru arrived.

"Hey, why are you back?" Zhang Xiuying was stunned.

"Today is Friday and tomorrow is the weekend. I called you in advance." Wang Ru said.

"I was chatting about the hot springs this afternoon and forgot about you. Have you eaten?" Zhang Xiuying said with a smile.

"Hahaha!" Wang Yao suddenly laughed, looking very happy.

Wang Ru stood there fuming.

"There's still some mutton soup in the pot. I'll warm it up for you."

With an air of being ignored, Wang Ru, a slim leftover girl, drank three large bowls of soup in a row.

"I'll go, sister, didn't you have lunch for lunch?"

"shut your mouth!"

As soon as Wang Ru came home, there was just one more person and the place suddenly became more lively.

After dinner, the family stayed together, chatting, and playing poker, which was very warm.

"What are Xiao Yaozi's plans for tomorrow?" Wang Ru asked.

"I'm going to the city tomorrow because I have something to do." Wang Yao replied that he was going to see Wei Hai.

"Then you tell your two door gods and let me go in and take a look?"

"What are you doing again?" Wang Yao heard a black line on his forehead.

"Find some medicinal herbs, no, learn about it." Wang Ru said.

"No, don't even think about it." Wang Yao refused directly, "If you want something, wait until I come back and go find it with you."


Wang Yao is really worried about his somewhat "naughty" sister. If his parents go up the mountain, he will definitely say nothing and there will be no problem, because his parents know that it is not easy to grow herbs, and they almost never enter the medicinal fields. , but Wang Runa is very curious. If he accidentally pulls out or tramples on a few spiritual grasses, he will really regret it.

"I'm going up the mountain."

At night, the mountains are silent.

On the winding mountain road, a figure walked like flying.

Wang Yao is like this almost every night when he goes up the mountain. Tai Chi is not always slow, but sometimes it is as fast as thunder.

Almost in one breath, we walked directly from the entrance of the village to the top of Nanshan Mountain. After circulating the inner breath several times, we entered the house. After reciting the scriptures, we turned off the lights and rested.

The next day, he came to Wang Mingbao's store at the previously agreed time. When he felt it, Wei Hai was already waiting there.

"Doctor Wang, you're here." As soon as he saw Wang Yao, he rushed up, his expression was like that of a long-lost relative whose time had come.

There are tears in my eyes, and the expectation is so deep.

"You're here, my store hasn't opened yet, and he's waiting outside." Wang Mingbao said with a wry smile.

This morning, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Wei Hai getting out of the car and entering his store to wait for Wang Yao.

"Sit down and let me show you."

Wei Hai sat down obediently, and then eagerly stretched out his arms.

Wang Yao took his pulse and made a diagnosis. After a moment, he already had a good idea.

"How have you been these past two days?"

"It's much better." Wei Hai said, "The medicine you gave me is really effective."

That's not really good, Wang Yao knows, it's just medicine repairing his body and making up for the lost vitality, but it can't cure it, and it's not a watchmaking method.

Drinking "Peiyuan Decoction" will definitely be effective.

"I have to try that medicine." Wang Yao thought after taking his hand away.

"What's the matter, Doctor Wang?" Wei Hai, who was on the side, couldn't help but feel a little nervous when Wang Yao didn't speak. He was now a bit "agitated by the wind and the trees."

"I'm feeling better now. I also have a medicine here that can kill poisonous insects, but it's quite strong and it may be painful to take it."

"It's okay, I can bear it." Wei Hai said before Wang Yao finished speaking.

"Okay, let's try it." Wang Yao took out the potion based on "miasma grass".

"Drink a small cup first to see how it works." Wang Yao said, and Wang Mingbao beside him took out a small wine glass.

After the medicinal soup is poured out, it has an emerald green color and a light aroma. It doesn't look "strong" no matter how you look at it.

Wei Hai didn't hesitate at all and drank it all in one gulp. The medicinal soup had a unique aroma in his mouth and was slightly strangely spicy.

After he drank the medicine, about ten minutes later, Wang Yao began to take his pulse for follow-up diagnosis.

"If you feel uncomfortable, say it immediately."


After about half an hour, Wei Hai's face became ugly and sweat appeared on his forehead.

"What's wrong? Does your stomach hurt?" Wang Yao asked hurriedly upon seeing this.


"Which position?"


Wei Hai pointed to the ribs on the right side.


"No, I need to go to the toilet!" After saying that, he rushed out.

He vomited. Before he even got to the bathroom, he vomited in the corridor. What he vomited was blood, dark red blood, very sticky and like mud.


There happened to be a woman in the corridor who screamed when she saw this.

"What's going on?!" Wang Yao and Wang Mingbao rushed out after hearing the cry, and then saw Wei Hai standing there holding on to the wall, with a pool of dark red blood on the ground.

Before he got close, he smelled a fishy smell.

"Ah, how could this happen?" Wei Hai looked dumbfounded.

Wang Yao leaned over and looked carefully at the pool of blood. There seemed to be a mud-like substance in it. Looking carefully, he found that these were tiny, almost invisible insects smaller than threads, among the rotting flesh and blood. Squirming, very penetrating.


Wei Hai suddenly trembled and rushed into the bathroom. It took him a while to get out.

"what is this?!"

Wang Mingbao looked at the pool of blood on the bright ground, and could even vaguely see something moving in it. This made him shiver involuntarily, and all the hairs on his body suddenly stood up.

"Clean these things immediately and add disinfectant." Wang Yao said to Wang Mingbao.

"Okay, I'll handle it right away."

He immediately arranged for someone to come over and clean up the pool of blood tissue that exuded a fishy smell, and then treated the ground with disinfectant several times, making the entire corridor covered with disinfectant.

"Next time, why don't we treat him in another place?" Wang Mingbao said.

Business people are very superstitious. Seeing blood is not a good sign, especially in your own shop, and the blood looks really oozing.

After coming out of the bathroom, Wei Hai seemed to have lost his soul and walked lightly.

"Dr. Wang, what's going on? Why did I vomit blood? I just pulled blood?!" Although his illness was severe, he had never experienced such serious vomiting of blood.

"The medicine you just took has insecticidal effect, and there are a lot of parasites in the blood you excreted." Wang Yaodao.

"Then let me drink some more?" Wei Hai was stunned for a while, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed true, so he took the insecticide again.

"Stop drinking!" Wang Yao stopped him immediately.

He did not expect that the potency of this medicine would be so strong. Wei Hai's current body could not withstand such continuous torture.

"In this way, I will make another Peiyuan Decoction, and you can use it with this medicine." Wang Yao said after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, then I'll wait here?"

"No need, come back tomorrow."

"Dr. Wang, I have bought a shop near here. It is not far away. How about I wait for you there."


Then, Wang Yao and Wang Mingbao went to see the place Wei Hai mentioned. It was only fifty meters away from Wang Mingbao's shop. It had indeed just been rented. What was surprising was that it was not run by Wei Hai. seafood but a tea shop.

"I'll wait here, what do you think?"

"OK, no problem."

After treating Wei Hai, Wang Yao returned home and prepared the medicinal materials again to make "Peiyuan Decoction". He didn't need many medicinal materials, so he troubled Li Maoshuang to purchase some.

"This medicine is really strong!" He recorded in detail Wei Hai's reaction after taking the medicine made from "miasma grass" in his notebook.

"One wonder and one righteousness complement each other." He gained some more insights and ideas in the use of medicine. Systematic enlightenment and being able to learn and apply it, and even understand something are completely different things.

While Wang Yao was busy on the mountain, his mother called and asked him to come down the mountain and said it was urgent. He hurried down the mountain and returned home.

"What's the matter, Mom?"

"Your little sister is pregnant."

"Ah!" Wang Yao was stunned when he heard this, "What does it have to do with me?" It took him a long time to say such a sentence.

"Don't you know medical skills? Can you tell whether it's a boy or a girl?" Zhang Xiuying said.

"Why are you so anxious to call me down just because of this?!" Wang Yao was speechless after hearing this, and thought to himself, "What kind of thing is this!"

"This is not a small matter. It's not like you don't know that your grandma and grandpa are almost sick because of their grandson!"