Elixir Supplier

Chapter 163: A person who has been ill for a long time is determined by life and death, and has no desires or pursuits


"I won't disturb you. I'll wait for you over there, okay?" He could see that Miss Guo had something to discuss with Wang Yao alone, so he took the initiative to go to another seat, ordered a cup of coffee, and sat there. Looking at the sea view outside, searching in my mind.

"Who is this person? I seem to have seen him somewhere."

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect you to be in Haiqu too." Guo Sirou said with a smile.

"Yeah, I just happened to come here with my friends for something."

"Then let me get straight to the point. I would like to ask Dr. Wang to go to the capital to see a special patient." Guo Siju said.

"I told Brother He yesterday that I don't want to go to the capital." Wang Yao refused again.

"I can promise that I won't cause you any trouble." Guo Siju said.

After hearing this, Wang Yao just smiled and did not answer.

"Task: cure ten cases of difficult and complicated diseases. The time limit is half a year. Reward: a medical book and a prescription. Failure penalty: unable to use the system within 3 months."

At this moment, he suddenly heard the system prompt.

Intractable diseases, ten cases, three months

"This mission is so strange. Why didn't you show up when you met Secretary Yang's mother? Why didn't you show up when you met Mr. Sun? Why didn't you show up when you met Wei Hai? Why did you show up at this time? ?”

Ten cases, the number seems to be very small,

Half a year sounds like a long enough time.

But in fact, this task is quite difficult to complete. It is the most difficult task Wang Yao has encountered so far.

First of all, what are difficult and complicated diseases

A simple understanding is that diseases that are difficult to diagnose or treat are collectively called difficult and complicated diseases. However, according to the system's definition, diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, which are also classified as difficult and complicated diseases in modern medicine, can be directly eliminated.

It is difficult to diagnose and treat, and long-term illness determines life and death.

Such diseases are difficult and complicated diseases. In terms of the system's definition, they are only slightly stronger than those "terminal diseases".

There are two difficulties in this task. First, difficult and complicated diseases are usually difficult to encounter. Of course, terminal diseases such as cancer are not included in this list. Wang Yao was lucky enough to encounter several of them one after another. Secondly, difficult and miscellaneous diseases are extremely difficult to treat and cannot be cured in a short period of time, because most of these diseases have penetrated deep into the organs. Even if Wang Yao uses "spiritual grass" to prepare medicine, it cannot be cured in a short period of time. This can be seen from Secretary Yang's I learned something about the treatment of my mother’s illness. In addition, there is a very important point. Even if they encounter difficult and complicated diseases, why do people believe that Wang Yao can treat them? He is so young, and the key is that he does not even have a medical qualification certificate now!

This is a sudden and embarrassing task.

"What's the matter, Doctor Wang?" Guo Sirou asked softly when Wang Yao didn't speak.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about something." Wang Yao came back to his senses and said.

"Look, what I just said?"

"Remember!" Tian Yuantu, who was sitting not far away, suddenly trembled, with a look of shock on his face.

"Isn't this the eldest lady of the Guo family?" Although he had never met Guo Sirou, he had met He Qisheng, and he vaguely knew from him that Wang Yao's medicine seemed to have saved the old man who had run out of energy. He was brought back from the edge of life and death, so he formed a good relationship with the Guo family. Unexpectedly, today, here, the eldest lady of the Guo family actually found him in person. It seemed that he wanted to discuss something important.

"Okay, can you show me the patient's case and related diagnostic information?"

"This will have to wait a moment. I didn't bring it. I also need to ask the patient what she means because her disease is very special."

"Well, once the other party agrees, you can come to me at any time. If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"sorry to bother you."


Tian Yuantu drove Wang Yao away in his car.

"Do you know the specific identity of Miss Guo? I mean her family background." While in the car, Tian Yuantu suddenly asked such a question.

"I don't know, why do you need to know?" Wang Yao asked with a smile.

He just knew that Guo Sirou's identity was definitely unusual, but he didn't ask about the other person's specific identity, and there was no need to ask.

"You don't have any desires!" Tian Yuantu said with a smile, "But it's better to know some things."

"The newly appointed governor of Qi Province is named Guo." Tian Yuantu said.

"Huh?!" Even Wang Yao, who does not care about politics, knows that the governor of a province is already a frontier official, a height that many officials aspire to but cannot reach throughout their lives.

"This Miss Guo Sirou should be the daughter of Governor Guo."

Such a background!

Wang Yao was still very surprised after hearing this, just like when he saw Secretary Yang.

"Her home is in the capital?"

"Yes, his grandfather's status is even more extraordinary. His family is one of the top wealthy families even in the capital!" Tian Yuantu sighed.

This kind of family should not be blamed on him. Even his friend who is already the secretary of the first city also wants to get involved but has no chance. The young man in front of him is better, he clearly has such an opportunity but is unwilling to seize it.

People, what they want is different, and their mentality is naturally different!

Just like the young man next to him, with his travel experience over the years and the time they spent together, he couldn't tell what the other person really wanted.

Is it really the "ultimate ideal" of a carefree life that exists in novels

"What a wealthy family!" It took a long time before Wang Yao let out such a sigh, as if he had just been in a daze, or his nerves were stuck, resulting in a slow response.

"I'm really impressed by you." Seeing his expression, Tian Yuantu smiled and shook his head.

"How many people have tried their best and tried their best to become friends with the rich and powerful, let alone such a wealthy family. When they come to you, they simply have no desire and no desire. If you let some people know about this great opportunity, I will envy you to death and scold you to death." Tian Yuantu said.

"I think life is very good now." Wang Yaodao.

Those so-called wealthy families, so-called wealth and power, are not what he wants now. In his opinion, those things may not be as good as a prescription or half a medical book.

Tian Yuantu didn't ask much about other things, he said everything that needed to be said.

"A wealthy family in the capital?" Wang Yao didn't want to be so calm on the surface.

"Being able to persuade such a person to go through and find me is probably not that bad. However, if you encounter such a task, is it really impossible to avoid this hurdle?"

On the way down, Wang Yao remained silent and Tian Yuantu didn't say much.

After returning home, my sister was the only one in the house, holding a large bag of potato chips and watching an emotional soap film with no plot or content.

"Where are your parents?"

"I went to visit and won't be back for dinner, so you have to be responsible for dinner."

"Why me?" Wang Yao was stunned after hearing this.

"Because I am your sister." Wang Ru said,

"What kind of bullshit reason is this?"

"How about we do rock-paper-scissors?"

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Yao and his old lady were sitting in the most famous mutton restaurant in the town, drinking mutton soup.

"Sister, do you like mutton soup so much? You've had five meals in two days and you still haven't had enough?"

"The food in the restaurant doesn't taste the same as what my mother cooks."

After losing the rock-paper-scissors game at home, Wang Yao was asked to treat him to a restaurant in the town.

"Besides, eating mutton is a great supplement!" Wang Ru said.

"Well, don't make your nose bleed due to heavy supplementation."

In Haiqu City, dozens of kilometers away, in a private room of a hotel.

"That's all I said. Uncle Gu, please ask what I mean."

"Okay, can I see the doctor?" the middle-aged man asked.

"No." Guo Sirou refused very simply.

"Then I will contact the chief immediately and ask for his opinion." The man named Gu said immediately after hearing this.


The night wind was slightly cold. It was already April, and logically speaking, the weather shouldn't be like this. This was a bit abnormal.

"It's going to rain." Wang Yao said softly, looking up at the sky.

The rain started to fall in the early morning of the next day, thin and continuous, like melancholy.

As the raindrops fell, the spring on the mountain seemed to flow more cheerfully, and the water in the shallow pool on the mountain grew quickly.

It is very clear and shallow, and you can see the bottom at a glance. In the middle is a square of rocks, between the square and the circle.

The water slowly grew and then submerged the stone.

At that moment, the whole mountain suddenly shook and made a roaring sound.

The wind seemed to have stopped and the rain seemed to have stopped.

The native dog rushed out of the kennel,

The goshawk spreads its wings from the trees to the sky,

"what happened?"

Wang Yao came out of the hut and looked at the mountain.

The grass and trees are green, the wind is gentle and the rain is gentle.

He did feel the vibration just now, very obvious, and the rumbling sound.

After standing outside the house for a moment, the native dog ran happily in the rain, and the goshawk circled in the sky a few times before falling back to the tree. Other than that, nothing else happened, everything was as usual.

But Wang Yao vaguely felt that the world had changed.

Looking towards Nanshan from a distance, all I can see is fog, which is denser than other places nearby.

It rains for a whole day.

Wang Yao practiced in the hut and chanted sutras.

It seems to be extremely quiet outside today.

In addition to the sound of wind and rain on this Nanshan Mountain, there was the sound of chanting in the hut. It was obviously very light, but it was not blocked by the wind and rain. It spread out, but it could not penetrate the woods.

"Strange, what was the sound just now?"

"It seems like an earthquake?"

In this rain, there were still a few people relatively close to Nanshan, so they vaguely heard or felt something.

"Hey, drive quickly, what's going on on Nanshan Mountain?"

"Yuwu, what could be going on?"

"It feels a little strange. It looks pretty good. Why didn't I notice it in the past?"