Elixir Supplier

Chapter 164: Even though I know I am going to die, I still do it


Because it was raining, Wang Yao didn't go down the mountain. Instead, he called home, made some dinner himself, and spent the night on the mountain.

"Sanxian, what's going on?"

This native dog has been in a magical state of excitement from morning to afternoon, as if he had taken some medicine.

Woof woof woof, Sanxian shouted excitedly.

"I'm so excited, maybe it's the season of spring."

Woof woof, ow!

"Look how quiet the hero is."

Wang Yao raised his hand and pointed at the goshawk squatting on the branch. It stood there quietly, motionless, as if it were a sculpture.

"Hey, the hero seems to have grown up a lot!"

At this time, Wang Yao took a closer look and realized that the size of the goshawk seemed to have increased in size.

"Could it be that the food on Nanshan is good?"

In Haiqu City, the night is quite charming.

"Miss Guo, I asked the chief for instructions, and he agreed to send the relevant information, but it must not be leaked." The man surnamed Gu said.

"This is no problem, I can guarantee it."

"Okay, I will prepare the information tomorrow."

"Then I'll run again tomorrow." Guo Sirou straightened her long hair and looked out the window.

"Can I meet him?"


Early morning, foggy.

Maybe because it rained all day yesterday, the fog on the mountain is still relatively moderate, but the air is indeed exceptionally fresh, and Wang Yao can feel it more clearly in this "Spirit Gathering Array".

The rain and dew have not yet dried, and the grass blades and leaves are covered with dew.

Wang Yao came to the rock on the top of the mountain and slowly moved.

Tossing and turning, his palms were slowly flying and pushing.

The rain and mist that had not dissipated seemed to be attracted by something and swirled around his body, especially between his hands.

His movements were very slow, seemingly light and without much strength.

Gradually, a ball formed between his hands, condensed from the rain and mist.

Buzz, bang!

The ball suddenly shattered.

With a click, a piece of the rock beneath his feet sank, and a footprint was forced out of the hard rock by him.

"Huh, that's right, another connection."

The sun rises in the east, and the light shines everywhere.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, a graceful woman came up the mountain. It was Guo Sirou. This time, she was alone.

"Sorry to bother you again."

"Please sit down." Wang Yao made a pot of tea for her.

"This is the patient's information, Doctor Wang, take a look." Guo Sirou took out a file bag and handed it to Wang Yao.

"Please keep this matter secret and don't leak any information about it."

"I promise."

Wang Yao took the file and opened it, and began to look through the medical records and various test reports inside.

"This is?"

The patient is a woman, very young, with symptoms and ulcers all over her body.

Wang Yao carefully looked through the medical records and the diagnostic instructions made by either traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine calls it "an imbalance of yin and yang in the body, the growth of evil poisons, external skin infection, malignant sores, and ulceration all over the body."

According to Western medicine, it is simpler. The body's blood is infected with special toxins, causing skin ulcers.

"How many years has she been ill?"

"Three years."

In the past three years, looking at a pile of bills and diagnostic information, I must have seen a lot of doctors, but no cure. This is a typical difficult and complicated disease.

"Can the information be placed here with me?"

"Okay." Guo Siju said.

"Give me some time and I will reply to you within three days."

"Okay." Guo Sirou was silent for a moment, "This girl is in pain and very strong."

"I can think of it." Wang Yao was slightly stunned after hearing this.

A young girl in her twenties was originally in her prime, youthful and beautiful, but this disease has ruined her health and her youth. She not only has to endure tremendous pain physically, but also mentally. They also have to endure unimaginable pressure. If it were a more fragile person, I am afraid that it would be extremely likely to take a very short time and end their own life.

"So I beg Dr. Wang to help and save her."

"You have to find a way to save him." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Yes, then I won't disturb you."

"The mountain road is rugged, please drive slowly."


Guo Sirou went down the mountain alone, with a graceful back.

After sending Guo Sirou away, Wang Yao began to concentrate on studying the information sent by Guo Sirou, recording it from time to time, and recording some of his thoughts. Because he was studying this information, he didn't even go down the mountain to go home for lunch at noon.

From this information alone, Wang Yao has obtained a lot of information, but what is the specific cause and how to treat it, he still needs to see the patient and diagnose it face to face.

"Capital City?" Wang Yao collected the information and looked up out of the window.

The sky is dark and the sun is setting in the west.

There was a sudden chirping of birds outside. Wang Yao heard the sound and went out to take a look, only to see dozens of sparrows falling on the branches.

"Huh?" Seeing this, he was slightly surprised, because since the goshawk settled here, very few birds have come here. The eagle is the overlord of the sky, and these birds are naturally afraid. It is simply unimaginable to think of dozens of them.

"Could it be that they are from outside and don't know there is danger here?"

Ga, a cry suddenly came from the sky.

The birds on the tree didn't react for a long time. They all flew away after knowing the goshawk's whereabouts.

"As expected, I was just passing by."

After dinner, it was another night of study.

The next day, Wang Yao contacted Guo Sirou and returned the information to her.

"I have to see the patient before I can diagnose this disease, but I won't go to the capital in the short term."

"this... ... "

Such an answer put Guo Sirou in a difficult position. She came with a mission, although her grandfather at home did not say that the mission must be completed.

"Can I ask for a medicine?" Seeing that Wang Yao refused to let go, Guo Sirou had to retreat and ask for another medicine.

"Peiyuan soup?"

"Yes, the medicine that was used to treat my grandfather's illness last time, can it also appropriately relieve this patient's pain?"

"The function of taking medicine is to strengthen the body and strengthen the body. In simple terms, it can be understood as increasing vitality and enhancing the body's resistance. This medicine is almost suitable for most patients." Wang Yaodao.

In fact, drinking it is effective even for people who are not sick. He once made a medicine for his parents to take, and the effect was very obvious. After taking the medicine, his parents' spirits improved a lot, and their pulse conditions were also good. It can be felt that it is more powerful than before.

"Can you trouble Dr. Wang to prepare one?"

"Yes, but the relevant medicinal materials are not enough. You need to wait for two days." Wang Yaodao said that the main thing missing was the wild herbs, which he had already dragged Li Maoshuang to purchase.

"Leave this to me." After Guo Sirou heard this, she asked about the medicinal materials Wang Yao needed and immediately made a call.

"The medicine you need will be delivered today."

As expected of a wealthy family, the connections are really strong.

"Come and get the medicine the day after tomorrow."


In the afternoon of that day, He Qisheng brought the medicine to the top of Nanshan. The medicinal materials were definitely old enough, and they were all wild medicinal materials. It was extremely difficult to get them on the market, let alone in such a short time. If it were Li Maoshuang who did this Things will take at least three days.

"Come and get the medicine the day after tomorrow."


He Qisheng did not stay in the mountain for too long.

This mountain

After going down the mountain, he looked back at Nanshan and saw a vague mist wrapping around him.

"It's different from the last time I came here. There have been new changes in such a short period of time. How did this young man do it?!"

"I gave him the information, but he needs to see the patient for diagnosis before he can determine the treatment plan. Unfortunately, he is still unwilling to go to the capital." Guo Sirou told the middle-aged man named Gu who was accompanying him.

"You still don't agree?!" The middle-aged man named Gu became a little anxious after hearing this.

"Didn't he make any conditions?"

"Uncle Gu!" Guo Sirou still had a smile on her face, but her tone changed a little, "He didn't put forward any conditions, he just didn't want to go to the capital."

"Sorry!" The man suddenly realized that his tone just now was a bit abrupt.

"I've asked him to brew a medicine and get it the day after tomorrow."

"Medicine, he prescribed it before even seeing a doctor?"

"It can also strengthen Xiaoxue's resistance."

"Oh, that's okay. Sorry to bother you."

The next day, the sun was warm and the breeze was blowing.

Perhaps because of the cleansing of the spring rain, or perhaps because the spiritual energy has become abundant, the trees on the mountain are becoming more and more green and pleasant.

A gust of wind came and the leaves rustled.

The firewood is burning, the flame is swaying slightly, the spring water is slightly boiling, and the fragrance of medicine is permeated.

This "Peiyuan Decoction" is the medicine he has brewed most often. He is very familiar with the process of dispensing and brewing it, and he is also the most comfortable in brewing it.

"It's done."

After the potion was boiled, there were still a lot of medicinal materials provided by Guo Sirou, and Wang Yao packed them up.

Woof woof woof, there was a sudden barking sound outside, which seemed to be barking very urgently.

"what happened?"

As soon as Wang Yao went out, he saw the native dog rushing out like the wind, and the goshawk swooping down from the sky. They had the same goal, a rat that was running away like crazy. Yes, it was a rat!

"There are actually rats on the mountain?!"

Wang Yao remembered that no mice had come here since the local dogs were here, not to mention that now there was an eagle. The mice who dared to come here were obviously seeking death.

"What happened to that mouse? Is it lost?"

"Wait, what is that?" Wang Yao saw an animal sticking its head out from a distance, it was a hare.

The hare probed its head, and then actually ran towards here.

What kind of behavior is this

This is a behavior of going to the tiger mountain knowing that there are tigers in it.

This is an act that you do even if you know you will die.

First the birds, then the mice, and now the rabbits came, swarming here to die. What is this and what causes it