Elixir Supplier

Chapter 168: Beautiful night, disgusting men and women


After returning home, he began preparing to start making pills.

Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Shanjing, Guiyuan... These medicines must first be properly roasted, then ground into powder, and then passed through a powder sieve. If it is not suitable, continue to grind, and repeat this process several times in the sub-sieve.

Each medicinal material turned into a fine powder, exuding a unique smell. Wang Yao carefully packed them and marked them. It took him a full day to do this work alone.

The next day, he began to process several other herbs.

Yuehua, Ziyu, Tiemei... These herbs will lose their potency if roasted with heat, so Wang Yao chose to boil them into a clear soup with ancient spring water.

So prepared, another day.

When he returned home in the evening, Wang Yao heard his mother discussing Xiao Jinzi's pregnancy again.

"Your brother-in-law looked at it and said it was a girl and he didn't want it anymore," Wang Yao's mother said.

"Girl, how long have you been pregnant now? Can you see it coming?" Wang Yao frowned slightly after hearing this.

"It's been almost three months. Your uncle said that he found an acquaintance in the hospital to help. You can tell."

"My little sister is already in her forties, right?" Wang Yaodao said, "If she has a miscarriage at this time, it will take at least half a year to recover before she can conceive again. Can her body bear it? You should advise my uncle when you are free. Well, no matter what age it is, it’s the same for boys and girls.”

At three months, the fetus has already developed and formed. Performing an artificial abortion at this time will not only damage the body of the pregnant woman, but also disrespect a life. Unless the fetus is found to have congenital malformations or other non-human factors, Otherwise, abortion is not recommended.

"Your brother-in-law doesn't want it, but your grandma and grandpa also want a grandson." Zhang Xiuying said.

Wang Yao was silent after hearing this. He strongly disagreed with this view and was quite repelled. However, after all, he was a junior. Some things could only be said to his parents, and some things could not even be said.

"Mom, you'd better advise them. If the child is healthy, it's best to keep it." After dinner, Wang Yaoyou told his mother very seriously.

"Well, let me advise you again, brother-in-law." Zhang Xiuying said after hearing this. She rarely saw her son talking to her so seriously.

"Xiao Yao is right, boys and girls are the same." Wang Yao's father said. This was an extremely rare statement. In fact, regarding matters concerning Wang Yao's grandma's family, especially his brother-in-law's, Wang Yao's father was Rarely express opinions.

Wang Yao's mother has four siblings, three sisters and one brother. His brother-in-law is very favored. His three sisters will obey him no matter what. Wang Yao's mother is the eldest and has the most worries. The second aunt is in the capital now and will go home once a year at most, while his aunt is in Lianshan County. If his brother-in-law has any difficult problems to solve, he will also trouble his two sisters. On the other hand, although his father does not He said, but there are also some opinions, just like Wang Yao's mother has opinions against his two uncles, they are all against her own family members, and the same is true for the couple.

"I won't go down the mountain tomorrow." Wang Yao specifically told his parents after dinner.

He planned to make pills on the mountain tomorrow, which should take a long time. In order to avoid distraction and get it right in one go, he decided not to go down the mountain.

"What are you doing again?"


"That's okay." His mother didn't ask any more questions.

At around seven o'clock, Wang Yao went out to the south of the village, and then started walking quickly. The speed was really like the wind. If someone saw him, they might really think he saw a ghost in the dark night.

Not long after flying away, Wang Yao stopped abruptly. He turned his head and looked at a field where fodder was piled aside, and there was a sound coming from there.

"Take it easy."

"Baby, I miss you so much!"

"It's only been a few days and you can't stand it anymore?"

It turned out that a pair of wild mandarin ducks were doing some inappropriate things here.

"How is your sick husband doing?"

Wang Yao, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped.

"Still the same as before, sick all day long, half dead like a heavy smoker." The woman complained dissatisfied.

"Isn't that not enough to satisfy you?"

"Isn't this about you?"

"Then let me make you feel comfortable!"

Listening to this disgusting conversation, Wang Yao frowned and looked a little gloomy. Of course, it was night and no one else could see it.

"Such a beautiful night." Wang Yao raised his head and looked at the sky. The moon was as cold as water and the stars were dotted.

"Such disgusting men and women." After looking down at the haystack, he had no idea that there was anyone nearby, the pair of wild mandarin ducks burning with passion.

Faced with such a thing, Wang Yao felt that he had to do something.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

His roar was like thunder.

He used all the energy in his body to make this roar. It was no small matter. It was really like thunder, especially in this silent night. At least half of the village could hear it, and what was even more exaggerated was that it was the closest person. Almost all the windows in the villagers' homes were shaken and made a slight noise.

Oh my God!

The man who had been working hard just now softened immediately. A gust of wind blew and he felt cold all over.

The woman was even more stupid.

The two of them ran out without raising their pants, and what they saw was pitch black. There were empty fields nearby and quiet mountains and forests in the distance. There was not even a single human figure.

"no one?!"

"Then what was the roar just now?!"

The two of them were already feeling guilty, and now they were even more frightened. If it were daytime, you would definitely be able to see that their faces were pale, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Hey, I suddenly feel good!"

King Yao, who has done good deeds without leaving a name, and has already climbed up the Nanshan Mountain, looked at the foot of the mountain and said with emotion.

"I don't know what their mental endurance is like. If they are interrupted rashly or in a frightened way while performing such intense actions, it may lead to the root cause of the disease!"

Wang Yao said with a smile.

The native dog beside him wagged his tail and raised his head, looking at his master in confusion as he stood there talking to himself.

"What's going on tonight, shit shoveler? It feels weird."

Wang Yao sat outside the hut holding a maza, looking up at the quiet night sky. The breeze blows on my face and feels very comfortable on my body.

"Well, it looks like the weather will be good tomorrow, just right for making pills." Wang Yao stared at the sky for a while and said with a smile.

The next day, the weather was really good, the sun was shining brightly and the spring breeze was warm.

The goshawk on the tree spreads its wings and flies into the sky to inspect its kingdom. As the overlord of the sky, the goshawk has a very wide range of activities.

The native dog took a leisurely walk in its own territory. After the joint efforts of it and the goshawk in the past few days, all the snakes, insects, rats and ants that dared to enter this territory were cleaned up by them. . This mountain forest has returned to peace.

In the hut, Wang Yao took out the materials he had prepared in advance.

"Sanxian, I want to refine the medicine. No outsiders are allowed in!" Wang Yao shouted outside.

Woof woof woof, the native dog who heard Wang Yao's shout responded twice, indicating that he heard it, and then changed direction and came to the only right road into the medicine field. A pair of eyes stared down. At this time, it was not An ordinary native dog, he is the "King of the Land" in this territory, except of course the "shocker" who doesn't know what to do in the house.

In the hut, Wang Yao carefully wiped the medicine plaque clean, then took out the brush and gently brushed the medicine soup prepared yesterday, and then quickly sprinkled in a powder made from ground medicinal materials. , then gently bumped the medicine plaque with a special rhythm, and then continued to brush, repeating it repeatedly. He was very careful about the whole process.

These medicinal materials are very precious. They are different from the materials used in the pills he made a few days ago in order to test and familiarize himself with the production process. There is no room for sloppiness.

The medicinal powder in the medicine plaque slowly turned into pills. At first, they were about the size of millet grains, and gradually became larger.

The mixture of various medicines creates a unique medicinal aroma.

At this time, Wang Yao is like a master of painting and a master of carving.