Elixir Supplier

Chapter 171: When the ship encounters a storm, it is a matter of life and death


After entering the room, Wang Yao saw the patient.

An old man in his seventies, with gray beard and hair, was lying on the bed, unconscious, his face was like pale gold, and his breath was like a gossamer.

Sitting next to the hospital bed was an old man with white beard and hair, wearing a Tang suit. He was thin, but his eyes were alert, and he was taking his pulse.

"Hey." The old man taking the pulse sighed.

"How are you, Mr. Sang?" Zhou Ying, who had rarely spoken on the way here, stepped forward anxiously and asked.

"There is nothing I can do. You must be mentally prepared." The old man surnamed Sang said after pondering for a moment.

He got up and found that there was another person in the room. He was very young and had an indescribable aura about him that made people look at him twice.

"Who is this young man?"

"Oh, he is..." Zhou Xiong was about to say that Wang Yao was their relative, but he didn't expect Wang Yao to speak first.

"Hello, old sir, I'm a pharmacist." Wang Yao said with a smile.

The reason why he took the initiative to reveal his identity was because he felt a strange sense of intimacy when he saw this old man. To put it simply, the temperament of this old man was very close to his own.

"Ancient pharmacist?" The old man was slightly startled after hearing this.


"Haha, I haven't heard such a title for a long time. What do you call me, little friend?" The old man's words were very kind. There was no trace of disdain or arrogance in either his demeanor or his words. This made Wang Yao even more fond of this old man. gained admiration.

"Wang Yao."

"Please, little friend."

Wang Yao was not polite. He sat by the bed and took the patient's pulse. As he made the diagnosis, his brows gradually wrinkled. After a while, he moved his fingers away.

"How are you, Doctor Wang?" Zhou Xiong's father asked softly. He knew that Wang Yao was extraordinary.

"The poison enters the internal organs, causing the muscles and veins to become disordered, the blood and energy to flow backwards, multiple fractures, and the internal organs to be damaged."

There are so many problems, but one of them may be a fatal threat to a person.

This patient is like an old ship riddled with holes but still sailing in a violent storm. It is a miracle that it can hold up until now.

Well, Mr. Sang on the side smiled and nodded after hearing Wang Yao's diagnosis.

Different from those people Wang Yao met before, when he said that he was a pharmacist, the old man was full of surprise and expectation. This title had been silent for so long that no one knew it. In ancient times, there was still this profession and this title, and this young man's performance did not disgrace the title. He could detect the pulse and cut off the disease. He did it.

"Is there any cure?"

"Not yet." Wang Yao shook his head.

Such patients have basically stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, and it is difficult, too difficult to pull them back!

While he was talking, the patient lying on the bed suddenly felt his breath rush like a gossamer, and his body began to sweat like beads and oil.

not good!

Wang Yao and Mr. Sang shouted at the same time.

Sweating like oil is a sign of critical illness and the end of Yang Qi.

Wang Yao hurriedly tried his hand. His pulse was extremely weak and seemed to be about to die.

Mr. Sang on the side leaned over and tried the patient's limbs, but they were already cold.

"Ying..." The unconscious old man spoke, but his voice was very weak and you couldn't hear what he said clearly. He seemed to be calling his son.

This is a sign of coming back to life.

"Dad!" Zhou Xiong's cousin suddenly knelt down beside the bed. This man, who had been silent all the way, had tears rolling down like broken beads.

This was Wang Yao's first time seeing the scene where heaven and man were about to be separated forever from such a close distance.

Death has come and is about to take the old man away.


Wang Yao suddenly thought of the "Extension of Life Pill" he had just refined. This pill might be useful.

"Don't cry yet."

With a thought, Wang Yao pretended to be stiff, reached into his pocket and took out the bottle of elixir, then poured out one, and a faint fragrance suddenly came out.

"Pick him up."

Zhou Ying hurriedly helped his father up, and then cooperated with Wang Yao to put the pill into his mouth. Mr. Sang on the side gently patted his throat and back in several places.


Zhou Ying slowly brought his father down.

Several people didn't know what kind of medicine Wang Yao had just given to the patient, so they could only stand aside and wait anxiously.

The old man fell unconscious again, but his breathing, which was like a gossamer and might be cut off at any time, seemed to have become steady.

"This is?!"

Mr. Sang hurriedly came to the patient's side. Regardless of the image, he stretched out his hand to check for pulse. The pulse that seemed to be absent at first became continuous and calmer. He tried his limbs again and found that they were warmer. He listened to the heartbeat. , and also became a lot more powerful, which meant that the comatose patient was temporarily free from the threat of death.

"What did you feed him?!" Mr. Sang looked at Wang Yao in surprise.

In his half-life of practicing medicine, this was the first time that he had encountered such a thing. The patient who was helpless and whose life was about to die was actually reversed.

To bring a dying person back from the brink of death, only the legendary "elixir" and "magic grass" can have such an effect, right? !

"Shall we wait and see?"

Wang Yao did not answer directly but changed his subject.

Several people were waiting in the room. About an hour had passed. It was basically certain that the patient lying on the bed was out of danger of death, and all signs of life were increasing. His lips moved and his eyes blinked a few times. , this is a precursor to waking up. People who have been comatose for a long time and almost went to another world just now are about to wake up. Such an impact is still very strong. As a result, in the whole room, except for the one lying on the bed, everyone else's eyes on Wang Yao changed, especially Mr. Sang.

"Dr. Wang, what's my father's illness?" Zhou Ying, who spoke first with tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes, spoke first.

"I have temporarily saved his life. As for the treatment of this disease, I need to think carefully about it, but I am not sure."

If you are not sure, then it can be cured and there is hope!


"Let the patient rest. Someone needs to be careful here to look after him."

Several people went out, leaving Zhou Xiong and his son to accompany Wang Yao and Mr. Sang, while Zhou Ying was busy arranging a place for Wang Yao.

"This little friend, can you have a few words alone?" Mr. Sang was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to talk to Wang Yao alone about some things.

"Okay." Wang Yao had a good impression of Mr. Sang, so he agreed.

The two people arrived in the yard.

"May I ask, who did my little friend learn from?" Mr. Sang asked with a smile. He was like a kind elder at this time. In his impression, there seemed to be no old guy he knew who could To cultivate such an outstanding talent, not to mention the magical elixir he just took out.

"If I said this was a gift from God, would you believe it?" Wang Yao said with a smile.

He is able to possess his current abilities solely because of the help of the system, and what is this mysterious system if it is not a "gift from heaven"? !

"A gift from God?" Mr. Sang was slightly startled when he heard this answer.

"Hahaha." Then he laughed.

"Did God give you an opportunity?"

"Yes." Wang Yao replied very seriously.

"Can you tell me the name of the pill you just took for Zhou Youyi?"

"Extension of Life Pill."

"Prolong life pill, avoid death and prolong life?!" Mr. Sang immediately understood the meaning of the name of this pill.


"Good name, good elixir."

"you flatter me."

"You'd better not take this elixir out in front of others easily. It's too precious and can easily attract some people's attention and make people have evil thoughts." Mr. Sang reminded kindly.

"I understand." Today's matter is urgent and human lives are at stake. Otherwise, he would not use the "Extension Pill" in public. However, the effect of this pill really made him appreciate the magic again. The dying man was saved.

"I haven't asked the old gentleman for his name yet." Wang Yao asked very respectfully.

"What a happy name, old man, my name is Sang Guzi." Mr. Sang said with a smile.

This is the first time Wang Yao has heard this name, but it is a well-known name in the world of Cangzhou. He is one of the most famous doctors in Cangzhou. He has extraordinary medical skills and unparalleled medical ethics. He is deeply respected by people.