Elixir Supplier

Chapter 186: First meeting in Beijing


"People are here?"


"Xiaoxue's life was saved?"


"That's good, that's good."

An old man breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Grandpa, how about I ask him to come over and show you tomorrow?"

"Well, after all, he saved my old man's life. It's time to thank him. You should say hello to your Uncle Su first and don't steal other people's distinguished guests." The old man said with a smile.

"Hey, I'll go talk to Uncle Su later."

The night in the capital is exceptionally beautiful.

After packing everything, Wang Yao found Xiaoying.

"What do you need?"

"Please show me around, this is my first time in the capital." Wang Yao said with a smile.


Two people and a car drove out slowly.

The first place we went to was the famous Ten Mile Long Street, the east-west axis of the capital, the First Street of China. There were a large number of famous buildings on both sides of it. The car was going very slowly. Wang Yao lowered the window and looked outside, the lights were bright. , like daytime, busy with traffic, so bustling.

A long street that is straight and extremely wide.

Afterwards, the young girl named Chen Ying took him around the capital, giving him a general overview of the capital.

He has watched Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Great Hall of the People and other famous places and historic sites that often appear on TV.

"By the way, I'm going to visit my second aunt tomorrow."

Wang Yao felt that it was a rare trip to the capital for him to visit his second aunt whom he had not seen for several years.

"Where else are you going, Mr. Wang?"

"Just take a stroll."

"Then let me take you to Houhai Street to have a look?"

"Okay, guests do as you please."

Immediately, Chen Ying took him to the famous Houhai Bar Street, with all kinds of bars and restaurants.

"Shall we go in and take a look?"

"Okay." Wang Yao said with a smile.

Under the leadership of Chen Ying, they entered one of the more famous bars.

A door separates the silence and the noise.

The bar was very lively.

"One more song!" I heard someone shouting as soon as I entered the door.

The people here are all young men and women. Although it is still April and the weather is still warm, the men and women who come here are not wearing much, and they are even a little exposed. Some women are sitting on the bar of the bar, wearing heavy makeup.

"Handsome guy, want a drink?"

After seeing Wang Yao, a pretty woman with dyed yellow hair took the initiative to walk up to him with a glass of cocktail, almost touching his body. Wang Yao took half a step back.

"Sorry, thank you."

"Oh, is it quite innocent?"

"Please come this way." Chen Ying smiled upon seeing this and took him to a seat with relatively few people. The woman didn't bother too much.

"Hello, what would you like to drink?" As soon as they sat down, a waiter came up and asked.

"Baishui." Chen Ying said.

"Me too."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter was stunned after hearing this.

"It's really interesting. Come to the bar and drink water."

It is really rare for people to drink plain water in bars. Of course, plain water also costs money.

Wang Yao sat there, watching the people nearby, either twisting their bodies crazily, drinking alone at the bar, or drinking alone in the corner. This was a place for venting and indulgence, but Wang Yao was incompatible with the surroundings. , as if standing out from the crowd.

"Let's go."

When the water was brought, Wang Yao didn't drink a sip, and then smiled and said to Chen Ying beside him.


Chen Ying got up and went to check out.

"Did you see that girl next to me? She's pretty."

"I came to a bar and asked a girl to pay the bill. That's a trick."

"I'll go get acquainted."

A man smelling of alcohol staggered and blocked Wang Yao's path.

"Dude, okay!"

"Please get out of the way." Chen Ying had a faint smile on her face, revealing two small dimples.

"Hey, beauty, you have such a beautiful smile, just like a classmate I know. Let's get to know each other..." Before the man could finish speaking, he sat down on the ground and the wine in the wine glass he was holding spilled out. Pour it over your face.

"Who?!" After he stood up, he looked around and found that everyone was turning their heads. The beautiful woman and the young man had left, and he stood there like a fool.

"Okay, let's go drink."

"Yes, drink."

At this time, Chen Ying and Wang Yao were already in the car.

"Unexpectedly, Miss Chen, you are also a master of kung fu." In the relatively dim environment of the bar just now, Wang Yao saw that it was Chen Ying who made the move. He was very fast, with a long leg and a hook, and the man blocking the way fell to the ground. Fall to the ground.

"You have given me the award. If we are wrong, Mr. Wang is also a man of skill, right?" Chen Ying said with a smile.

"Understand a little bit."

"Where to go?"

"Let's go back."

The car drove back to the small courtyard. Wang Yao did not rush back to the house to rest. Instead, he sat in the small courtyard and looked up at the sky in the capital.

"Hopefully it will be a nice and sunny day tomorrow."

The next day, it was indeed sunny and sunny.

Early in the morning, Wang Yao practiced boxing in the small courtyard, including Tai Chi techniques and boxing moves recorded in the boxing book.

When he was practicing boxing, Chen Ying, who was preparing breakfast for him, stopped what she was doing and stood aside to watch. She saw that he was very careful and serious. It was not until Wang Yao finished practicing that he came back to his senses.

"It seems that I was mistaken. Mr. Wang is not as simple as knowing a little bit. You are a kung fu master!"

"Everywhere, it's just a flower stand."

"If you are just showing off, there won't be many people in the world who know real Kung Fu." Chen Ying said this while setting breakfast for him.

"So much?" Wang Yao looked at the food on the table and said, "I can't eat it alone. Have you eaten it? If so, can we sit down and eat it together?"

"No, please." This Chen Ying always maintained considerable respect for Wang Yao.

After eating breakfast, Wang Yao took out all the ingredients prepared yesterday and prepared to make "Peiyuan Soup".

The water is the "ancient spring water" he prepared at night, and the firewood is high-quality wild firewood. Are there medicinal materials? There are also wild medicinal materials that Chen Boyuan can buy. There is no problem with the quality and age. It's just that the pot for boiling medicine is a little different. , here, it is impossible for Wang Yao to take out the "Baicao Pot" from the system.

Crackling, the firewood started to burn,

The casserole placed on the flame soon began to steam.

Wang Yao added the medicinal materials he had prepared earlier into it one by one. This casserole was definitely not as mysterious as the "Baicao Pot", so he was very careful and attentive.

The "spiritual grass" mountain spirit also joined earlier.

The unique medicinal fragrance filled the courtyard.

"Are you making medicine?" Chen Ying came out of the room and looked at it curiously. This was the first time she had seen someone making Chinese medicine like this, and it was for young people. Looking at the focused expression, it was like An artist in general.


The boiling was a bit fierce and the fire got bigger. Wang Yao took out a few firewood and put them in again a moment later.

Time passed quickly, and the color of the medicinal soup also changed slightly.

"The last medicine."

Guiyuan joined in. The elixir is mysterious and has extraordinary medicinal power. It can also combine the medicinal power of various medicinal materials to avoid mutual interference and rejection between them.

"Hey, are you making some medicine, Doctor Wang?"

Just when the medicine was about to be finished, a slim beauty entered the small courtyard. She had long naturally curly hair, a pretty face, a graceful body, and the heroic figure of the woman. The person who came was none other than Guo Sirou.

"Please wait a moment." Wang Yao looked up at her and smiled.

"No hurry, you go ahead." Guo Siru said, grabbing a chair and sitting next to Wang Yao, watching him boil the medicine with interest.

"I've known you for so long, and this is the first time I've seen you prepare medicine."

"Miss Guo, please have some tea." Chen Ying made a cup of tea for Guo Sirou.


The medicinal soup was still boiling in the pot. Wang Yao stared at the medicinal soup, observing the color and smelling the smell of the medicine. These changes were very subtle. Not to mention laymen, even many traditional Chinese medicine doctors today could not understand the difference. Because now even Chinese medicine has begun to integrate advanced science and technology. For example, decoction machines are used to cook Chinese medicine.

"It's done!"

Wang Yao suddenly took action and quickly took the pot of medicine away from the flames.

"What kind of medicine is this?" Guo Sirou asked with a smile.

"Peiyuan soup."

"Peiyuan Decoction, the one you gave me last time?" Guo Sirou is very familiar with this kind of medicine. It was these two medicines that pulled her grandfather from the edge of exhaustion. After coming back, I have lived for a few more months, and it seems possible that I can live for another year and a half.

"Yes." Wang Yao said.

"Prepared for Xiaoxue?"

"Well, her health is too bad. Even if I use the elixir to temporarily save her life, she won't be able to survive for long. The essence of her body must be strengthened."

"Do you have time at noon?"


"My grandpa wants to meet him. Thank you for saving his life last time."

"No need, you paid for those two medicines." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Go and see what's going on. My grandpa is not a tiger and doesn't eat people." Guo Sirou said with a smile.

This beautiful woman is so close to Wang Yao that her fragrance is like orchid.

"Then just thank me, old man. I really don't have to."

"Is someone coming?" Wang Yao just raised his head and heard a voice.

"Why don't you want to see me so much?"

An old man came in. He looked to be in his eighties. He was leaning on a cane and his back was slightly hunched. His face was covered with age spots and his hair had fallen out. He seemed to be in poor health. His eyes were bright and lively. He was followed by three people, two men in their thirties, walking steadily and vigorously, and a man in his fifties, slightly fat, smiling, and looking very kind.

"Grandpa, why are you out?" Guo Sirou hurriedly stepped forward upon seeing this.

"If I don't come, can I see this savior?" Guo Sirou's grandfather asked.

"Hello, Chief!" Chen Ying was very surprised when she saw the old man, and hurriedly picked up a chair and came to the old man.