Elixir Supplier

Chapter 190: Who is calling in my ears?


"Okay, we can just stay at home when we come again."

"No, I have friends here who have arranged a place to stay." Wang Yao said with a smile.

After dinner, Wang Yao originally wanted to meet the cousin, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it and returned to the small courtyard to rest with Chen Ying.

"Make an appointment with the Su family for me tomorrow. I'm going to leave the capital." Wang Yaodao.

"Okay, I'll contact them right away."

"If we leave the capital, what should we do about Xiaoxue's illness?" Su Xiaoxue's mother immediately disagreed after hearing the news.

"Yes, we just met her. I heard her talking when I went there today."

"We invited him here. We must respect his wishes. Besides, he didn't say he wouldn't come back. We forced him to stay here. What if he becomes unhappy? What will happen to Xiaoxue's illness?" Su Xiaoxue's father said. Speech rate is relatively slow.

"Then what if he doesn't come back?"

"Are you going to invite him? It's not like we don't know where he lives. Let's ask Chen Ying to ask Dr. Wang when he will leave and where he will go. Prepare a plane ticket for him. Ask him if there is anything else he needs and we will try our best to satisfy him."


That night, after having dinner with his second aunt and his wife, Wang Yao did not go anywhere else. Instead, he stayed quietly in the small courtyard, looking up at the sky in the capital. He looked at it for a long time before entering. house to rest.

"Are you leaving so soon?" The next day, Chen Ying was a little surprised when she heard the time of Wang Yao's departure.

"Well, would you like to go to the airport with me?"


After breakfast, just as he was about to go out, Guo Sirou came.

"What about Xiaoxue's condition?"

"Save your life for the time being. We need to consider a systematic treatment plan. I can't cure him in a short time here." Wang Yao told the truth.

Guo Sirou was silent for a moment after hearing this.

"are you available today?"

"What's the matter? If you want to eat, you won't have to." Wang Yao said, "I want to see Amelia Su again later."

"I really wanted to have a meal with you to express my gratitude."

"Thank you?" Wang Yao suddenly thought of his second aunt.

"I really need your help with something."

"What's the matter? Please tell me." Guo Sirou said seriously after hearing this.

"I have a relative in the capital, and his job is not going well. Can you help me?"

"This is no problem!" Guo Sirou thought it was a big deal. It's hard to say anything else. In the capital, arranging a job is not a big deal for her at all.

"Tell me the names of your relatives."


Wang Yao found a piece of paper, wrote down his second aunt's name and contact information, and handed it to Guo Sirou.

After Guo Sirou stayed for a while, she said goodbye and left. Wang Yao also went to Su Xiaoxue's home.

In the spacious room, inside the gauze curtain, on the hospital bed, the patient's body was wrapped in bandages. Apart from breathing and blinking, it was not even possible to tell that he was a living person.

The aura had strengthened, but before he got close, Wang Yao felt the changes in the patient's body. He came to the bedside and sat down, stretched out his hand to feel the pulse. After taking a dose of "Peiyuan Decoction", there was a significant improvement compared to before. It is also the power of the "Life Extension Pill" that continues to work.

When Wang Yao was making the diagnosis, Su Xiaoxue's mother and one of her brothers were with her, looking a little nervous.

"How are you, Doctor Wang?" After Wang Yao's diagnosis was completed, her mother couldn't wait to ask.

"It's much better than yesterday. Have you used up all the medicine I gave you?"

"Well, Xiaoxue has taken it all."

"Okay, I'm going to leave tomorrow. Before I leave, I will leave some medicine and how to take it. I will come back after a while."

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you. If there's anything you need me to do, please just tell me."

"Okay, you need to provide these medicinal materials." Wang Yao gave a list of medicinal materials as usual. Su Xiaoxue's brother took it and put it away carefully.

"I'll get ready as soon as possible."

"Who is this guy?"

Su Xiaoxue, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at Wang Yao. Her vision was blurry. She could only vaguely see the silhouette of the person, but could not see the real face clearly. Even from such a close distance, because of the disease, she could not see clearly. Every organ of the body was affected. Even though her eyes could see, she could not see clearly. She also had hearing but her hearing was not so clear. However, she could distinguish her relatives through blurred vision and hearing. There are people who come to see you regularly.

Feeling Su Xiaoxue's gaze, Wang Yao turned to look at her.

"Take good care of yourself and you will get better."


Su Xiaoxue heard Wang Yao's voice and unexpectedly heard what he said clearly. This was something that had never happened before. Of course, no one else knew about this except herself.

Wang Yao didn't stay in this room for long.

"She needs to rest," were his words as he left.

"Yes, but her illness prevents her from sleeping peacefully." Su Xiaoxue's mother said.

This pain is like burning fire. If the whole body is on fire, how can I sleep

"Here, I will prepare a medicine to alleviate his pain and at least allow her to sleep for a while." Wang Yaodao.

"Hey, okay."

After leaving, Wang Yao returned to the small courtyard, and then began to supplement the treatment plan he had previously considered.

Soothing and analgesic are only temporary methods, but they also have very good auxiliary effects. In this regard, Su Xiaoxue's situation is somewhat similar to Zhou Wukang's. Because of the pain, she cannot rest well, and her body is getting worse and worse, creating a vicious cycle. , but her situation is much more serious than Zhou Wukang's.

Corydalis, Angelica dahurica, licorice, octagonal flower.

This was the prescription he used last time when he treated Zhou Wukang. It focused on analgesia. The medicine was simple but powerful and very effective. This time, he decided to use it on Su Xiaoxue as well.

Star anise has a single leaf, anise, and looks like a lotus. It can clear away heat, detoxify, remove blood stasis and relieve pain. It is a magical herb.

There was still some unused when he redeemed it last time. As for the other medicines, they are commonly used medicinal materials and can be bought in traditional Chinese medicine stores.

Angelica sinensis, poria cocos, licorice... moongrass.

This is the prescription for "Anshen Powder", which he first obtained from the system. Although he has not used it as many times as "Peiyuan Decoction", he has used it several times, and he still has a few pieces of Moonflower Grass.

These are the two medicines he is going to brew, which will have a certain auxiliary effect on the treatment of Su Xiaoxue's condition.

In a large supermarket somewhere in the capital, Wang Yao's second aunt Zhang Xiufang was still looking at the elevator. After drinking Wang Yao's medicine, she felt much better physically and mentally in just one day. Quite a bit. When I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror, I found that my complexion seemed to be much better.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Yao has such powerful medical skills. Who did he learn it from?"

Just when she was thinking about these things, her colleagues in the mall came to her and said that someone was looking for her.

"Find me?"

"Yes, go ahead and let me watch for you."

"Hey, thank you then."

When Zhang Xiufang went out, she found that the person looking for her was something she didn't recognize at all. She was a woman in her thirties, dressed very delicately in a professional suit.

"Hello, are you Zhang Xiufang?"

"Hey, I am, you are?"

"My name is Zhao Yulan..." Ms. Zhao introduced herself with a smile and explained her purpose.

"Ask me to work, I didn't remember to submit a resume!" Zhang Xiufang was stunned.

At her age, it is actually not easy to find a job in the capital. Most of them involve time-consuming or tiring work, and the salary is low. After all, she is in her forties, and does she have any academic qualifications or special skills? Some time ago, I put a lot of effort into finding a job close to home, but to no avail. Today, someone suddenly came over and said that he offered to work for their company. She had heard of this company. It was quite large and close to home. It's also very close, just ten minutes away by bus.

"But if you don't recognize me, why did you suddenly come to invite me? I don't have any special abilities. Isn't it a liar?" Zhang Xiufang asked worriedly.

"If you have any doubts, you can go take a look. This is my contact information." Ms. Zhao smiled and left her contact information. "I will answer your calls 24 hours a day."

"Hey, okay, thank you?"

Zhang Xiufang returned to the elevator full of doubts. After get off work, she called her husband and told her about the incident.

"What, I'm asking you to go work for HKUST Company. Nine times out of ten, they are liars. Don't go with them!"

"Yeah." Zhang Xiufang responded.

In the small courtyard,

The firewood was burning cracklingly, and the medicinal soup was boiling in the small pot above.

Several herbs were added, and the last thing put in were a few leaves of the octagonal tree, which were as green as jade. When they were added to the medicinal soup, the medicine immediately changed color. Wang Yao took down the casserole.

"Dr. Wang, what kind of medicine is this?"

Chen Ying stepped forward and asked. She knew the rules very well. When Wang Yao was making the soup, she kept a certain distance and was not close. She always came forward after Wang Yao had finished making the soup.


"Pain relief?"


Strain the medicinal soup with fine gauze. The clear soup is like clear water and put it into a porcelain bottle. The remaining medicinal residue is poured out directly. If he uses the "Baicao Pot", there will be no such problem. The medicinal decoction is also separated very well, and the medicinal power is better maintained.

After all, this is a small courtyard in the capital, not the Nanshan hut where he lives. Some things cannot be used or even appear.

This analgesic is easy to prepare, and the next step is "Anshen Powder".

This medicine requires a little more effort.

While Wang Yao was busy, Chen Ying had already booked all the tickets for him.

Before I knew it, it was afternoon again.

"Would you like to go take a look?" Standing on the bus, Zhang Xiufang kept talking about what happened in the morning. Just when she was getting off work, she received a call from Ms. Zhao, asking her to go take a look if she had time.

"It's not far from home anyway. What if it's true?" She decided to go to that company to have a look.