Elixir Supplier

Chapter 192: Climb the Great Wall at night and punch through the air


"Corydalis, Angelica dahurica, licorice, what other medicinal materials are there?"

"Angelica sinensis, Poria cocos..."

""His, that's not right! "

Mr. Chen frowned.

He could distinguish most of the two medicinal materials prepared by Wang Yao, but he could not identify the decisive ones, namely "Jun", and was puzzled. There is nothing I can do, those are all "spiritual herbs". Although Dr. Chen has been practicing medicine for decades and can be called the "Xinglin Sage", he has never seen those medicinal materials. No, he should have never heard of them. .

On the other side of the capital, Zhang Xiufang told her husband in detail what she had encountered during the day.

"Hey, there is such a good thing, why do I sound so unreliable?!" Wang Yao's second uncle said.

"I went to see that company, and it doesn't look like a fake."

"Is that the University of Science and Technology not far from us?"


"That company can't be fake. It was there ten years ago and I've been there."

"How about I quit this job and go do something else?" Zhang Xiufang said.

"But I always think this is strange. They are such a good company, why would they invite you to work there?" Her husband said, this is not meant to be offensive. He knows very well what his wife is capable of. She has no academic qualifications. If you don't have skills, you are kind and honest, but this is not the reason why other companies come to visit you.

"Yeah, I find it strange too. You said you wanted to lie. What do I have to lie to?"

"Hey, ask Xiaoyao, does this matter have anything to do with him?" Zhang Xiufang's husband suddenly thought of this and his eyes lit up.

"He, what does this have to do with him?"

"Ask me, I think his relationship in the capital is not ordinary."

"Okay, then I'll ask him."

In the small courtyard, Wang Yao unexpectedly received a call from his second aunt.

"Second aunt, what's going on?"

"What, work? Oh, yes, I did call a friend of mine. You can go and have a look." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"It's really Xiaoyao!" Zhang Xiuying hung up the phone and said to her husband, "He said he asked a friend to help."

"Well, your nephew's pain is not in vain. You can quit your job tomorrow and go work for the University of Science and Technology of China. It's close to home."

"Hey, okay."

In a research institute in Beijing, several laboratory staff were busy working nervously.

"How about it?"

"Professor, the ingredient is unknown, and it will take us a while to analyze it."



Mr. Chen took out a small part of the two medicines prepared by Wang Yao, hoping to use advanced instruments and equipment to analyze the ingredients inside and then determine what the unknown medicinal materials were. Unfortunately, the progress was not satisfactory.

In fact, foreign institutions have conducted such experiments many times. They tried to extract the active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine and abandoned the imprecise extraction method of boiling. However, in most cases they failed. This is the mystery of the country’s medical skills that have been passed down for thousands of years. There are yin and yang that blend and support each other, and the five elements restrain each other. Medicine is not just a skill, but a way, a cultural inheritance, and it contains too many things. thing. In fact, you can figure it out with a simple laboratory analysis!

In the early morning, the sky in the capital was a little gray and looked very uncomfortable. This situation is considered normal here.

Chen Ying sent a ticket to Wang Yao.

"Thank you, how much is it?"

"No need." Chen Ying said with a smile.

"How can that be done? One code will lead to one code." Wang Yao said.

"How can this be justified when I ask you to visit a doctor and pay for your travel in person?"

"Okay, I have to ask you to accompany me out."


Wang Yao called his second aunt. At this time, his second aunt had already completed the resignation procedures in the shopping mall and was on her way to the USTC Group to report. When she heard that Wang Yao was going to send them air tickets, she asked him to wait for her at home.

"Plane?" Zhang Xiufang was a little surprised after getting the ticket.

She has been in the capital for more than ten years, and she has never been willing to take a plane. When she goes back to Lianshan County, her family always squeezes into the train.

"Well, will my sister go back too?"

"She's going back too. The school is on holiday, so she can relax a little before the college entrance examination."

"Okay, I'll pick you up when the time comes."

"Okay, by the way, thank you for finding me that job."

"Family, what are you saying thanks for? Have you gone?"

"Not yet, I'm going to report there today." Zhang Xiufang said.

"Then shall I accompany you there?"


Wang Yao accompanied his second aunt to the so-called University of Science and Technology Group. Ms. Zhao was very happy after seeing her. She accompanied Zhang Xiuying to complete the entry procedures and told her that she could come back to work after the May Day holiday.

"Thank you."

"It should."

After changing her job, Zhang Xiufang was quite happy.

"Shall we have dinner at home tonight?"

"No, I have some things to do."

After sending his second aunt back, Wang Yao returned to the small courtyard. When he returned there, he found a very sunny young man waiting for him. He had seen this person before.

Guo Sirou’s younger brother-Guo Zhenghe.

"Hello, Mr. Guo." Chen Ying said hello with a smile as soon as she saw his expression seemed to change slightly.

"Hi, Sister Ying, how many times have I told you to call me Xiao Guo or Zheng He, or son or young lady? It sounds like feudal capitalism." Guo Zhenghe said with a smile.

"I don't dare." Chen Ying said.

"Brother Wang, I'm sorry, it's been several days since I came here to visit you."

"Nothing." Wang Yao smiled and waved his hands. To be honest, he had no interaction with the young master in front of him, and he didn't want to.

"Brother Wang, do you have any plans tonight?"

"Yes, I want to see a patient." Wang Yao said. He was planning to leave the capital tomorrow and visit Su Xiaoxue in the evening.

"Oh, I made an appointment with some friends and wanted to introduce them to you. Since you are free, how about next time?"

Wang Yao just smiled and did not respond. Guo Zhenghe left after chatting with Wang Yao for a while.

"Sister Chen, you don't seem to like this young master of the Guo family very much?"

After the people left, Wang Yao smiled and asked Chen Yingdao, in the past few days, there have been many guests in this small courtyard. The elderly are like Guo Sirou's grandfather, and the young are like Guo Zhenghe just now. What does Chen Ying think of them? Their attitudes were all different, some were respectful and polite, but this was the first time he had encountered someone so slightly nervous and deliberately evasive like today.

"No, he is the son of a noble family." Chen Ying said with a smile.

Wang Yao didn't ask any more questions after hearing this. Since he didn't like it, there was always a reason for not liking it.

That night, no one came to invite him. It was more in line with him to eat quietly alone.

After dinner, he went to Su's house again to check on Su Xiaoxue's condition.

The condition is stable and slightly improved. This was the result of his diagnosis.

"Doctor Wang, are you leaving tomorrow morning?"


"Xiaoxue's illness will trouble you again." Su Xiaoxue's mother said, her words were very sincere.

"Since I have decided to come and have seen the doctor, I will naturally do my best." Wang Yao responded very seriously.

"Hey, that's good."

This sentence made her feel relieved a lot.

Wang Yao stayed by the patient's bed for a while and found that Su Xiaoxue seemed to be looking at him.

"Hello, my name is Wang Yao." He said with a smile.

Su Xiaoxue blinked after hearing this.

"It turns out that his name is Wang Yao."

"Quiet and recuperate." Wang Yao's voice was very calm. He didn't know what he said, but Su Xiaoxue heard it clearly.

"Hold your spirit and keep your mind calm, your mind will be calm and your mind will be pure, your body will be formed without any effort, and your essence will not be shaken..." Wang Yao read a few lines from the "Natural Sutra" softly.

"What is this?" Su Xiaoxue's mother Song Ruiping was a little surprised and confused after hearing this.

"A passage of scripture." Wang Yao said with a smile.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly recited this scripture. This was a scripture provided by the system. It was extremely mysterious. It was through this scripture that he could practice inner breath and connect several meridians in the body. Seeing how pitiful Su Xiaoxue was, I read a few words in the hope that she could hear it and think about it.

"I will come again before leaving tomorrow."

"Thank you."

Song Ruiping sent Wang Yao out and did not go back until Chen Ying drove away.

"What was he reading just now?" she asked her son.

"It sounds like it should be a Taoist scripture. Let me ask Mr. Chen."


After a phone call, he recited the few verses he heard. Wang Yao's voice was very soft, and he didn't pay much attention to it, so he heard a few verses but not all of them.

"This is the "Natural Classic", a Taoist classic. It talks about the way of nature, which can make people feel peaceful." Old Chen said on the other end of the phone.

"Unexpectedly, this young man is so familiar with Taoist classics. Could it be that he is a mysterious doctor in rumors, but his methods don't look like that?!"

Tonight, the waning moon is like a hook, and it is also a little dark.

Wang Yao and Chen Ying came to a somewhat special place, the Great Wall.

That's right, it's the Great Wall, not during the day, but at night. It was his sudden idea that he wanted to come here to see it, so he came here.

“It still feels comfortable here!”

The Great Wall stretches thousands of miles from east to west.

What a majestic force it is to pile bricks and stones together, and how many dead bones are buried underneath.

Under the moon, Wang Yao felt something in his heart.

The body moved, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, and the palms and fists intertwined.

Seeing this, Chen Ying stepped aside far away. She heard the sound of wind, which was the sound of wind between her fists.


Suddenly there was an explosion, as if a cannon had been set off.

"This is?!" Chen Ying on the side was stunned, as if he had seen a ghost.

Wang Yao's eyes lit up, his body trembled, and his veins became smooth again!

This can be considered an unexpected surprise.

His punch just now was also derived from the boxing manual given by Zhou Xiong before. It was complicated and simplified, and it broke the air with one punch, so it was called the empty fist.

After he finished his work, he stood there for a long time before turning around and looking at Zhou Ying.