Elixir Supplier

Chapter 20: Ling Cao Lu


"It's done!"

Late at night, a cheer came from the hut, and he successfully brewed the fourth dose of medicine.

After hearing the system prompts, he first cheered excitedly, and then hurriedly recorded his cooking process. He did not have any guidance from the master, and relied entirely on the knowledge in the book and his own exploration, so his experience was extremely It is rare and precious and must be recorded in time.

"We still need the last one. Let's take a rest first and then go all out." Wang Yao tidied up, then turned on the alarm clock, fell on the bed and went to sleep.

Ding bell, buzzing, the alarm clock rang before dawn.

Wang Yao sat up in excitement, washed his face with cold water, and instantly became more energetic. Then he started his busy day again, starting with watering the medicinal fields as usual.

"It sprouted!"

He found some green heads sprouting from the place where the "Moonflower Grass" was planted.

"Water more and it will grow well, little guys."

"By the way, let's see what the moon flowers and grass do." He gently touched the green spot with his hand and activated his skill, "Detection!"

"Moon Flower Grass (spiritual grass): nourishes yin and calms the mind, just sprouted."

"Is it spiritual grass again?"

With the detoxification grass from last time, he knew that this so-called spiritual grass did not appear in the range of existing known Chinese medicinal herbs, but its effect was extremely miraculous. Last time, it was just two pieces of "detoxification grass" The leaves of "Moonflower Grass" can cure the strange poison that the doctors in the hospital cannot deal with. The effect of "Moonflower Grass" is equally amazing.

After finishing all this, he began to prepare the fifth set of traditional Chinese medicine. With the experience of previous failures, this time he was very careful, including weighing the medicine, pre-cooking treatment, boiling the medicine, controlling the heat, and boiling. In the control of time, no mistakes can be made in any process, otherwise it will fail.

This time, he had better luck and finally succeeded after four attempts.

"Task: Prepare five potions in five days - completed!" After hearing the system prompt, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaobuihu decoction, ginseng decoction, Qianzheng powder, salvia miltiorrhiza drink, Chengqi decoction.

All five potions were completed, and the task completion prompt came as expected.

"Phew, we finally succeeded. By the way, let's see what the reward is."

Wang Yao opened the system and saw a booklet placed in the storage compartment of the parcel system. With a thought, the booklet turned into a stream of light and fell into his palm. It was really a book, but this book was not I know what kind of material it is made of. It is like gold and jade, exuding a special kind of brilliance. There are a few ancient characters written on it, "Ling Cao Lu. Part 1". Take a look and you will see that various medicinal herbs are recorded in it. It’s just that none of them have been heard of by Wang Yao. After turning the page, he saw a familiar medicinal herb. The painting was lifelike. It was the antidote he planted.

Jiedu grass: peaceful in nature, can detoxify hundreds of poisons.

Further down are some characteristics of growth.

Wang Yao took a closer look and found that the planting conditions for this kind of spiritual grass were not particularly harsh, but there was one thing. It needed to be fed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, otherwise it would grow very slowly.

"It seems that the reason why this detoxification grass can grow rapidly here should be due to the magical effect of the ancient spring water."

Turning another page, he saw the moonflower grass he had just planted. Looking at the picture, it looks like orchid, but there is a light yellow texture on the leaves, like moonlight.

Moonflower grass: Nourishes yin and calms the mind.

Further down are the growth characteristics. They are born when they see the moon, and they grow when they eat flowers. They also need the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. There is indeed an additional special requirement, which is the need to absorb the essence of moonlight.

"This is a bit troublesome!" Wang Yao frowned slightly when he saw this.

When it comes to the aura of heaven and earth, he can water it with ancient spring water, but this moonlight requires moonlight. With the current air quality, the moon cannot be seen every day.

But having said that, Lingcao is different after all.

It's just that one month to complete the configuration of Anshen Powder is an additional uncertain factor.

"We need to prepare several other Chinese medicinal materials first."

While Wang Yao was busy in the mountains, there was an explosion in the county hospital.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?!" A middle-aged doctor looked at the patient who was still in a coma on the bed, as if he had seen a ghost.

"It was obviously successful last time!"

"This is your guarantee!" Beside the hospital bed, a well-dressed young man's face was red and he even looked anxious.

"Invite the best doctor here and find a way to revive him, otherwise..."

Phone calls were made one by one, and even several famous people in the mountain city were invited to the People's Hospital. At the same time, several experts from Haiqu City were on their way.

"How is the situation?" A man with gold-rimmed glasses and a somewhat dignified face entered the hospital. Next to him was a lean man in a white coat. He looked to be in his fifties. He was the People's Hospital. Dean.

"Secretary Ma, we are working hard," the dean said.

"Work hard? You have been working hard all day, why haven't you been saved yet?!" Secretary Ma suddenly stopped and asked in a deep voice.

"Well, we have contacted the experts in the city and they are on their way. We are going to have an expert consultation in an hour and a half. Maybe they will have a good solution."

"Maybe? You should know who he is, right? How did you cure the patient with the same disease last time?"

"This is the method!" said the dean, wiping his sweat.

"Then why didn't it work?"

"We are looking for the cause."

An hour and a half later, a special expert consultation meeting was held in the People's Hospital. The meeting was attended by relevant experts from the city. They came here with only one purpose, which was to save one person. The person who presided over the meeting was the city's expert. Director of the local health bureau.

"The purpose of this meeting should be very clear to all the experts. I don't need to say more. This is a task that must be completed. This patient must be revived. I am not very good at treating diseases. I'm annoying you." His tone was unusually strong, and after he finished speaking, he sat down and stopped talking.

Doctor Crunch, the door of the conference room was opened, and a young and beautiful woman walked in, followed by a middle-aged man behind her.

"you are?"

"You continue the meeting, we are just observing." The woman said calmly.

"I suggest transferring to Haiqu People's Hospital." A doctor spoke first.

"I agree with Director Xu's suggestion that the medical equipment and conditions in the city are better." A doctor immediately agreed after hearing this.

"But we can't rule out that the patient's condition will worsen during the transfer process." A doctor from the county hospital said with some concern after hearing this.

"The patient's current condition is considered stable."