Elixir Supplier

Chapter 204: It is not enough to break it and then establish it



"Dr. Wang, are you at home? Is it convenient to see guests?"

"Today is inconvenient." Wang Yao said after hearing this.

"When is it convenient?"

"Let's wait and see." Wang Yaodao, "Can it be in Haiqu City?"

"Well, I just got off the plane."

"I'll tell you when I have time."


Chen Boyuan seemed to have guessed that this might be the reply, and did not look too disappointed. Instead, he picked up his luggage and found a place to stay in Haiqu City.

In the county seat of Lianshan County, in a shop.

Cough cough cough, vomit!

A man was lying on the toilet, and a pool of blood vomited out of his mouth and fell into the toilet, which was very sticky.

His face looked very ugly and pale, and big beads of sweat were rolling down his cheeks. His whole body was bent, obviously enduring great pain.

Um? !

He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and trembled, enduring the pain.

"Mad, why does it hurt so much this time!"

This person is Wei Hai. After continuously taking the "Chongchong Powder" prepared by Wang Yao for him, he detoxified through special methods again and again. The pain was severe, but he had the treatment experience some time ago. , he thought that such pain was only temporary and would be beneficial to his body in the long run. Unexpectedly, he took the medicine again at noon today, but the pain was extremely severe. The pain made him roll on the bed and almost fainted. , the body is a little exhausted.

"No, we can't hold on any longer!" He felt bad and didn't dare to hold on any longer, so he called Wang Yao.

Wei Hai

As soon as he looked at the phone number, Wang Yao felt that something was going on.

"Hello, Brother Wei?"

"Doctor Wang, I'm in severe pain. Yes, something's not right." Wei Hai couldn't even explain the pain.

"Where are you?" Wang Yao asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"In the tea shop."

"Wait there, I'll rush over."


After hanging up the phone, Wang Yao took an umbrella, walked out of the hut into the rain, and went down the mountain.

"Sanxian, keep an eye on the door."

Woof woof woof!

On the road, Wang Yao drove very fast. It was a matter of life and death for the patient. He did not dare to delay or hesitate for a moment. Fortunately, there were not many cars on the road on this rainy day. This was the first time he drove fast.

More than 20 minutes later, he arrived in Lianshan County and parked his car outside Wei Hai's tea shop. There was still a "Closed" sign on the door.

He originally bought this tea shop just to have a place to stay in Lianshan County to facilitate medical treatment. After his condition improved a little, it became his residence. As for running tea, he did not have the leisure and leisure, but drinking tea That's okay, he has indeed made a lot of high-quality tea these days.

When Wang Yao opened the door, Wei Hai was lying on the recliner, looking pale and breathing weakly, like a drowning person who had just been rescued.

He didn't say much, and hurriedly came to him to take his pulse and diagnose him.

But the internal organs were damaged, especially the liver.

how so

"How much potion did you drink?"

"One cup, three times a day, as you said." Wei Hai said weakly.

Could it be that the amount is wrong and that too much is not enough

Or should we take another look and break and then build

The fingers on his wrist never left.

"Half the dose, double the interval." After thinking for a long time, Wang Yao made such a decision.

It is better to take the safe path, the latter is too risky, and the patient's health is at stake.


"Just wait a moment."

Wang Yao went out for a trip and came back with a few things in a short time, including a casserole and a pack of medicinal materials.

He bought the casserole from outside, and the medicinal materials were in the grid, but he couldn't magically take out various medicinal materials in front of Wei Hai. That would only make him think that he was seriously ill and have hallucinations. .

"Is there any natural gas?"

"Yes, in the kitchen at the back."

"You just lie down. I'll go by myself."

After a while, Wei Hai noticed the unique medicinal smell.

"Natural gas, the effect is much worse, tap water, not ideal, casserole... "

In short, all of this is not suitable for making potions in Wang Yao's opinion. If he were not in a hurry, Wang Yao would never use these things to make potions.

Polygonatum, licorice, wolfberry, Ganoderma…

What Wang Yao was preparing to brew was also medicine that could enhance body functions, but there was no "spiritual grass".

The water is boiling, and various medicinal materials have been added in order. Although the conditions here are not comparable to those above Nanshan, Wang Yao is still very serious and careful in the process of brewing the medicine. The order of adding the medicinal materials is It is also added in the order of the difficulty of dissolving the medicine.


When Wang Yao came out of the kitchen with the medicinal soup, the sky outside had darkened.

"Drink it while it's hot."


Wei Hai propped himself up and drank the decoction prepared by Wang Yao one by one.

"Phew, I feel much more comfortable." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought I was going to burp just now!"

"It's because the medicine is a little too strong. You didn't feel any different when you took the medicine a few times before?" Wang Yao asked. If this is the first time this afternoon, then you have to think carefully and find out the reason. The medicine is too strong. It's just one reason.

"No, the pain was quite severe at the beginning, so I endured it," Wei Hai said.

"Are there any other reactions besides pain?" Wang Yao basically confirmed his previous judgment after hearing this.

"The vomiting and bleeding are worse than the last time I received treatment." Wei Hai thought about it carefully.

"Okay, the reason is basically certain. The medicine is too strong. Take the medicine as I told you. If you still feel strong discomfort, continue to reduce it by half." Wang Yaodao.


"I have a recipe here. Take the medicine according to the recipe and then brew it. It can speed up the recovery of your body's vitality. Don't tell others about this recipe." Wang Yao wrote down the recipe for the medicine he just made and put it on the On the table.

"You have to use good medicinal materials. I suggest you buy medicinal materials from Li Maoshuang."

The few people he knew communicated with each other on weekdays. They all knew each other and were considered friends. They would talk to each other and help each other out when something happened.


"What should I do with this medicine? Can I make it myself?"

"You can cook it yourself, or you can go to a clinic and find someone to cook it. You can also find a clinic to help you at the beginning, but I suggest you learn it on your own. You can use this skill." Wang Yao said with a smile. .


"Lie down and take a rest. You don't look very good."

Wei Hai was lying on the recliner, covered with a thin blanket. Perhaps because of the medicine, his face had regained some rosiness.

"Hey, man, life is so tiring." He sighed like this for no reason.

"Why do you suddenly express such emotion?!" Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Hey, there is good tea there, you can make it yourself." Wei Hai pointed to the tea table beside him, "Huangshan Maofeng, Biluochun, Dongting Oolong, Wuyi Rock Tea..."

"Okay." Wang Yao randomly selected a kind of tea, brewed a cup, and sat down.

"When I was young, my family was not in a good situation and I was very poor! With five brothers and sisters, it was a problem for me to have enough to eat. When I was a teenager, I helped out at the fishery. Later, I saved some money and started selling seafood. At that time, I worked hard to My job was just to make more money and live a good life. Later, my business became bigger and bigger, and I made more and more money. I also met more and more friends in the business world, with big fish and meat, delicacies from the mountains and seas, and all kinds of fine wines. But I have been blessed, but I got this disease again, and my health is getting worse and worse. Before I came to you for treatment, I thought that as long as I can live, even if I eat chaffy vegetables, I will lose my billions of wealth. , What do you want those for?”

Wang Yao held the teacup and listened to Wei Hai talk about his life.

"Look now, I am only in my forties, and I have experienced so many ups and downs!"

"Yes, life is inherently full of twists and turns."

"I envy you more and more now!"


"Yes, on that long mountain, there are green trees and red flowers everywhere. There are no sad and sad things. It's like living a hermit's life." Wei Hai said.

"When you get better, can you live a life like that?" Wang Yao said after hearing this.