Elixir Supplier

Chapter 205: Love at first sight when the road is rough


"Don't tell me, I have really thought about it these days. When I get well, I am really going to buy a mountain, then build a few houses, plant a tree, and plant all kinds of vegetables and fruits. Raise some chickens, ducks, sheep, etc., and completely return to nature," Wei Haidao.

"Are you going back to nature or starting a farm?" Wang Yao said with a smile after hearing this.

"That's true. If you do it too much, it will lose its meaning. Hey, having said that, I haven't been to your mountain yet. Can I go and have a look when I have time?" Wei Hai said, he had only heard Wang Mingbao mention it. , Wang Yao built a mountain in that mountain village, named Nanshan. There was a hut on the mountain, where he planted many trees and herbs, and lived a hermit life like Tao Yuanming.

"As long as I'm on the mountain, you're welcome to come anytime."

The two people were talking when the door opened and Wang Mingbao walked in from the outside.

"Why are you here?" He saw Wang Yao's car in the store, so he came over.

"I just felt so uncomfortable that I called him," Wei Hai said.

"The service attitude is pretty good. I'm always on call." Wang Mingbao said with a smile after hearing this.

"If you want to drink tea, make it yourself. You know the place."

"Okay, you can lie down." Wang Mingbao made himself a cup of tea, pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Why do I think your eyes are a bit gloating?" Wei Hai looked at him and said.

"No, you misunderstood me. This is my look of sympathy and concern."

"Mingbao, if the store is not busy, come and see him from time to time. Anyway, he has plenty of tea here." Wang Yaodao, just like the situation just now, it was actually very dangerous. If he didn't call Wang Yao in time, and If he chooses to hold on for a while, he may fall into coma due to severe pain. He is alone in this store. Who knows if he passes out, the consequences will be serious.


"Is there no problem with your safety?" Wang Yao asked one more question. Just like Wei Hai's situation now, he is absolutely powerless. To say that he is a primary school student may be a bit exaggerated. A junior high school student can probably provoke and bully. Give him a look.

"No problem. Turn right when you go out and you'll find the Public Security Bureau within 500 meters. As long as you're not blind or have brain problems, you won't look for trouble here." Wang Mingbao said.

It was still raining outside, and the three grown men were drinking tea in the tea shop and chatting about the day. Time slowly flowed away with the rain, and the sky outside became dark.

After drinking the medicine, Wei Hai obviously felt much better.

"Okay, you have a good rest, it's time for me to go back." Wang Yao stood up and was about to leave.

"Hey, don't leave in a hurry. Let's go after eating. I have to order takeout now."

"What do you call takeout? There is a health food restaurant next door. The dishes are fresh and delicious. Let's try it together?"

"Okay, let's try it." Wang Yao said after hearing this.

Wei Hai found a thicker coat and put it on.

As soon as he pushed the door open, there was a gust of wind and rain, and Wei Hai shivered.

The health restaurant was only twenty or thirty meters away from his tea shop, so he walked very slowly.

The restaurant is relatively large and the store is very clean. Maybe because it was still early, there were not many people coming to eat. It's pretty good that this kind of restaurant can continue to operate in a place like Lianshan County.

The three of them did not choose a private room, but chose a seat by the window to sit down, and then ordered a few dishes and a soup.

"You don't order takeout or eat out every day in that tea shop, do you?"

"No way, sometimes I make noodles and make porridge myself." Wei Hai said, "I find that sometimes cooking is actually a kind of enjoyment, especially cooking what I like to eat."

"Hey, you are almost like a philosopher because of this disease." Wang Mingbao said with a smile.

"In the past, I was too impetuous and did not realize the beauty of life. This illness has made me calm down and discover some fun things that I had not noticed before."

"This is a good thing!"

While the three of them were chatting, the dishes were served one after another. They were all seasonal vegetables and looked very fresh. A combination of meat and vegetables, more vegetables and less meat, and the soup is sophora flower fish soup, which looks very tempting.

"It looks good." Wang Yao said.

"It's okay." This was Wei Hai's evaluation. This evaluation was actually quite high. After all, he had eaten all kinds of delicacies from all over the world, and the places where he ate and stayed were all star-rated hotels.


"I won't drink while driving, and he can't drink either. You can drink by yourself."

"It's boring to drink too much alone, so I won't drink either."

When it was time to eat, more and more people came to the restaurant.

"Don't go back tonight, stay here for the night and our brothers will be happy." Wang Mingbao said while picking up vegetables.

"No, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep in another place." Wang Yao said with a smile. In his opinion, the night above Nanshan is the best.

"Come on, let's go!" There were four men on the table next to them, drinking quite happily, and the glasses clinked loudly.

"Come on, let's go one too?" Wei Hai weakly picked up the water glass on the table, which contained boiled water.


Ding bell, the door of the restaurant opened again, and two girls came in. They were very young, in their twenties. One was relatively rich, and the other was very good-looking. She was 1.6 meters tall, with fair skin and delicate facial features. , the eyes are very gentle, giving people a very quiet feeling, and it is very comfortable to look at.

"Huh?" Wang Mingbao's eyes lit up, and he kept staring at the girl.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yao glanced back, and the two girls happened to choose the table next to them to sit down.

"Yeah, not bad." Wei Hai took a look, then lowered his head to eat the food.

"What's good?"

"The food is good and the people are nice. If you like it, go and ask." Wei Hai said with a smile.

Wang Mingbao didn't say anything. He lowered his head to eat the food and glanced at the quiet and beautiful girl from time to time.

"Waiter." Wei Hai called the waiter over and ordered two dishes. In fact, the food on the table was enough for them.

“It’s so pretty and delicious!”

Wang Yao smiled and said nothing, and the three of them ate slowly.

Wang Mingbao also felt a little strange. He opened a shop, welcomed customers from all over the world, and often went out. He had seen all kinds of beauties, but when he saw the strange woman today, he suddenly felt a special feeling. He wanted to go and ask. Whether the other party has a boyfriend, asking her for her phone number, inviting her to dinner, asking her to watch a movie, a series of things all appeared at this moment.

This is what is called love at first sight, right

There were already three empty wine bottles on the wine table next to him.

"Brother Yu, how about that girl?"


"Go and ask?"

Wang Mingbao put down his chopsticks, raised his thick eyebrows slightly, and then turned to look at the drunken men on the table next to him.

One of the men stood up. He was about 1.8 meters tall, with a strong back and a strong waist. He looked pretty good. After he got up, he came to the table where the two girls were eating nearby.

"What do you call a beautiful woman? Let's make friends." There was no creative way to greet her. The girl was stunned, obviously she didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you," she responded with a smile.

"The beauty smiles more beautifully. It doesn't matter if you didn't know her before, but don't you know her now?"

"Yes!" The man's companion also shouted.

"I'm sorry." was still the reply.

"A beautiful woman is so shameless?!" The man actually sat down directly next to the girl, which frightened the girl's face and turned a little pale.

"If you don't want to, don't be so shameless!" Wang Mingbao turned around and said.

After hearing this, Wang Yao smiled and put down the chopsticks in his hand, while Wei Hai leaned on the chair and continued to paralyze.

"No, buddy, who are you? Is this your girl?" The tall man asked with a sneer. Several men at the same table with him also looked at Wang Mingbao with extremely unfriendly eyes. By the way, Wang Yao and Wei Hai also came along.

"You have to protect me later?" When the atmosphere was a bit tense, Wei Hai said such a sentence for no reason, which made Wang Yao feel angry and funny.

"Wen Ting, shall we go?" The beautiful and quiet woman stood up and said to her companion.


"Don't worry!" The strong man reached out to stop her.

"I'm calling the police if you do this!" the girl said sternly.

"Oh, don't, I just want to make friends with a beautiful woman, nothing else."

Wang Mingbao stood up from his seat.

"Hey, buddy, what do you want to do?" Two men stood up from the table next to them. Gudong, they just stood up, and then sat down on the chair again.

"Hey, what's going on?" The two people were stunned and shook their heads.

"You've just drank less than a pound of wine, and now you're head over heels, and you can't even stand still?"

In this moment, Wang Mingbao came to the man's side. He was also tall, mainly because of his strong body. If that man was a bear, he was a tiger. He stood there, staring at the man opposite. Who was Wang Mingbao? People in the village specialize in dealing with the kind of gangsters and bullies who will find someone to beat them whenever they have nothing to do. They are typically not afraid of trouble, let alone these drunkards.

"Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf!"

The three men stood up from the table, each holding a wine bottle in his hand.

A conflict is about to break out.

The people eating next to me subconsciously stopped using their chopsticks. Some people hid aside for fear of being splashed with blood. Some people picked up their mobile phones to record videos and prepared to post on Weibo. Some people ordered an extra bottle of wine and prepared to watch the live broadcast. .

Wang Yao moved his fingers a little, and then looked at the three people carrying the wine bottles.

"Are you full?" Wang Mingbao suddenly turned to the beautiful girl and asked.

"I'm full." The girl, who shouldn't be called a girl, replied after being stunned.

"Then go home and rest early?"

"Ah." The girl came to her senses and walked out with her friend. The thoughtful man wanted to stop him, but was held down by Wang Mingbao.