Elixir Supplier

Chapter 206: Drink tea, listen to music and learn martial arts


"Are you looking for trouble?" The strong man raised his fist and hit Wang Mingbao.

Wang Mingbao dodged and hit him on the chin with an uppercut, which was so powerful that he punched him to the ground.

The man's three companions rushed forward to help.

Wang Yao stood up, pushed, pushed, and pushed, and the three of them fell to the ground with a thud.

"Holy shit?!" Wei Hai was stunned when he saw this.

"Thank you." The girl said to Wang Mingbao very gratefully.

"It's okay, go home quickly."

Huh, the police car roared outside. As he said before, this place is only five hundred meters away from the police station. As long as there are no mentally ill patients, they will not cause trouble nearby.

I don’t know if it was the kind-hearted person who called the police, but several of them were invited back for questioning.

Wang Mingbao found his friends in the police station in time. Besides, they were not at fault for this matter. The drunk guys were in some trouble. They seemed to be unconvinced. If they dared to be unconvinced by the police, they This courage is still "admirable".

Surprisingly, the girl who attracted Wang Mingbao took the initiative to follow them to the police station to prove to them that they were good people.

This actually made Wang Yao take a high look at this girl. People with such character usually can't go wrong.

They didn't stay at the police station for long, and then Wang Mingbao sent the two girls home. After Wang Yao sent Wei Hai back to the store, he also drove back to the mountain village and went up to Nanshan.

After going up Nanshan, he smoothed over what happened today.

Both Zhou Wukang and Wei Hai's illnesses illustrate a problem. "Difficult and complicated diseases" are definitely not easy to treat, even with systematic help. At least not with Wang Yao's current level. Systemic drugs It is not a “universal panacea” and needs to be used according to the patient’s condition.

These are all mentioned in the knowledge that the system pays attention to, but the effective combination of practice and theory will take a long time.

That night, Wang Yao went to bed very late.

The rain also stopped in the middle of the night.

After the rain, people will start to work nervously in the fields.

The next morning the weather was clear.

There are a lot more people on the mountain today. The rain they have been waiting for for a long time has finally fallen, and some farm work can start.

Wang Yao's parents also went up the mountain. Although Wang Yao had told them several times that if they didn't want to do it, they didn't have to do it. The work in the fields depended on their mood. With his current income, he could provide for them without any worries. life, but what he got was indeed his mother's eyes and his father's teachings.

His parents have very simple values.

As long as you can do it yourself, as long as you can still have a source of financial income, you are not willing to trouble yourself, no matter how capable or rich your children are.

After finishing his routine practice, Wang Yao was in the house thinking about his next trip.

Nearby, he wanted to go to Lianshan County to see Zhou Wukang's situation, and also take a look at Wei Hai. The accident that happened yesterday made him a little uneasy about them. If he wanted to go far away, he planned to go to Cangzhou first, and then Going to the capital again, he encountered two patients whom he was still quite powerless to deal with, Zhou Wuyi and Su Xiaoxue.

Woof woof woof, the local dog outside suddenly started barking very urgently.

"What's the matter, Sanxian?"

Wang Yao went out and took a look, but didn't find anyone going up the mountain. He just saw a native dog barking at a certain place.

This is? !

He stepped forward and took a look, and found a snake, an ordinary thin snake, one foot long, black and gray, with injuries to its body, probably from someone hitting it, and its flesh and blood were turned out. I don't know what happened, but it turned out to be... When we arrived at the medicine field, the local dog was ready to rush over. The snake also held its head high and spat out a snake message, but it didn't look very energetic because of its injury.

"Three delicacies, wait." Wang Yao stopped the native dog.

Snakes are spiritual animals.

"Don't hurt it." After Wang Yao finished speaking, he went into the house and took out some golden sore medicine for treating trauma. This medicine has a very good effect on treating trauma. He was going to treat this little one that was no more than a foot long. Little snake.

Ga, there was a cry in the sky.

A goshawk descended from the sky and landed on the treetops. Its sharp eagle eyes stared closely at the injured snake on the ground.

Under the sunlight, the goshawk's feathers were hard and shiny. During the period when the Spirit Gathering Array was formed, not only the plants here grew very fast, but the native dog and the goshawk also grew very fast. Soon, it grew in size and its feathers became brighter. The ordinary native dog was already almost as big as a German shepherd, and there were signs of continued growth. The same was true for the goshawk.

"Hero, don't hurt it."

The goshawk suddenly flapped its wings twice, but did not rush down from the book.

People generally think that eagles and snakes are natural enemies in nature. In fact, snakes are not the main food of eagles. Normally, snakes cannot defeat eagles.

"Little guy, relax, I'm going to heal your wounds." Wang Yao smiled and said to the snake. Obviously, as a wild animal, it is impossible for it to understand Wang Yao's human language, and it reacted instinctively. It acted in self-defense.

Wang Yao stretched out his hand fiercely and pinched seven inches of it. The snake, which was more than a foot long, quickly coiled around his wrist, but without much strength.

With his current strength, he could kill it with just a pinch.


Wang Yao gently sprinkled medicine on its wound, checked it carefully, then put it down on the ground and let it go.

After the snake landed on the ground, it swam away quickly. After it was some distance away, it turned around to look, as if it wanted to remember Wang Yao's face. This also showed that it had a spiritual side.

"Hopefully we can save it."

"Sanxian, hero, don't hurt it if you see it again." Wang Yao did not forget to tell these two people. With their current abilities, it is indeed easy to kill it.

Wang Yao stood up and looked at the miasma grass.

"There is this kind of spiritual grass here. It stands to reason that these snakes and insects will not come here. Is it a coincidence?"

This little incident is just an episode in a teacher's life and will soon pass.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, he went down the mountain and drove to Lianshan County.

"Why don't you answer the phone?" In a hotel in Haiqu City, a middle-aged man anxiously held the phone in his hand.

He is Chen Boyuan who came from the capital. He just called Wang Yao, but the other party didn't answer. Just an hour ago, he got a call from the capital asking how things were going here. He just said It can be said that it is being done, but so far he has not even seen the other party. The key problem is that he cannot let the other party make plans, otherwise his trip to Haiqu will end early.

"Try it again." He paced back and forth in the room.

It worked, it finally worked this time!

"Dr. Wang, you are finally willing to answer my call."

"Sorry, I muted my phone just now and didn't see it." Wang Yao said, who was driving here.

"Are you free today?"

"Today, I have to go to Lianshan County to see two patients. I should be free in the afternoon, right?"

"Lianshan County, I'll rush there right away. May I make an appointment with you in the afternoon?"

"Okay, just in the afternoon."

"Okay, thank you." Chen Boyuan on the other end of the phone breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing this reply.

At around 10:30, he arrived in Lianshan County and first drove to Wei Hai.

In the tea shop, Wei Hai was lying on a recliner, listening to the guzheng solo, and there was a cup of tea on the table next to him.

His face looked obviously much better than yesterday.

"Here we come, sit down quickly!" Seeing Wang Yao coming, he hurriedly stood up and said.

"Lie there, what do you hear, guzheng?"

"Yes, I never realized that these things invented by our ancestors are really interesting before."

Wang Yao smiled after hearing this.

"What kind of tea?"

"I can just do it by myself. How about it? Is there anything you feel uncomfortable about?"

"No, it's much better. When I took the medicine this morning, I reduced the dosage by half and made a medicine according to the prescription you left." Wei Hai said.

"I'll show you."

Fingers hit the wrist.

"It's much better than yesterday. Just take this dose of medicine. This disease cannot be rushed!" Wang Yao sighed, he was indeed a little anxious.

"Hey, can I tell you some gossip?" Wei Hai's eyes lit up and he sat up from the recliner and asked.

"What's going on?"

"Wang Mingbao is in love!"

"In love, that girl from last night?"

"Yes, I also saw him going to Wang Mingbao's store today."

"Maybe this is just a coincidence?"

"It's a coincidence that Wang Mingbao personally sent her out, stood on the roadside, and watched her get into the taxi with a reluctant look on her face. Is this a coincidence?" Wei Haidao said.

"No, you just keep an eye on Wei Hai's luggage when you have nothing to do?" Wang Yao said with a smile after hearing this.

"Hey, you're right. I really have some free time with nothing to do. Apart from drinking tea and listening to music, I really haven't found any other hobbies for the time being. Can you introduce me to any good hobbies?"

"Are there good or bad hobbies?"

"That's right!" Wei Hai suddenly put down the quilt in his hand and became excited.

"What's wrong, so excited?"

"You know kung fu, right?"

What happened last night was still fresh in Wei Hai's memory, but in the blink of an eye, Wang Yao knocked the three men to the ground in an understatement and relaxed manner. Although they were drunk, it was too much. He was relaxed, and it was obvious that he had some effort.

"Yes." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Then teach me some martial arts?" Wei Hai said. He wanted to learn martial arts and it wasn't just a matter of a day or two. In fact, before his mentality changed, he once wanted to learn some martial arts, but he didn't have the perseverance to persevere. Now he doesn't want to learn martial arts. In order to have that dependence and pride when the road is rough, I just want to exercise.