Elixir Supplier

Chapter 211: Running around


"It's a little short!" Looking at the exchange points, Wang Yao sighed.

After leveling the land, he planted new seeds.

Near evening, when he was going down the mountain, he received a call from Li Maoshuang. He had already inquired about the herbs he needed, but he had to wait for a while. The length of time provided by the other party varied. Some herbs could arrive within three days, while some herbs needed Wait seven days.

The phone here just hung up, and another call came in, but it was Zhou Xiong's call.

On the phone, Zhou Xiong explained his uncle's situation.

"Atrophy of meridians?"

After hearing this, Wang Yao knew that the matter was urgent, and he was afraid that he would have to go to Cangzhou as soon as possible.

"I will go to Cangzhou as soon as possible."

"I'll make arrangements right away. When will you go? I'll book a ticket immediately."

"Don't bother, I'll just buy the tickets myself."

Nowadays, air tickets can be ordered at night, which is very convenient. Moreover, it is not a tourist holiday, so it is relatively easy to order air tickets.

The flight time is in the morning and the location is Haiqu City.

Zhou Xiong and his son also booked a flight back to Cangzhou with Wang Yao. Judging from the current situation, Zhou Wukang's condition has improved significantly, but the condition of his uncle at home is deteriorating. It is necessary for them to go back and see See, what's more important is that when Wang Yao goes to Cangzhou, there is no need for them to stay in Lianshan City.

They were traveling in first class, and there were not many people there.

Wang Yao's location is better, by the window, so you can see the scenery outside the plane. Along the way, he looked at the clouds outside in trance, but unfortunately he did not see the giant walking in the clouds.

There is no civil airport in Cangzhou itself. The plane landed in Jinmen, which is still quite a distance from Cangzhou. When they got off the plane, the Zhou family had already made arrangements and were waiting outside.

After getting in the car, he immediately rushed to Cangzhou at full speed.

The time required for such a journey is actually not much different from the time taken by car directly from Haiqu City to Cangzhou.

"Dr. Wang, thank you for your hard work." It was Zhou Ying who drove here this time.

"It's okay." Wang Yao said.

"How is uncle's illness?"

"As mentioned on the phone, Mr. Sang has already made a diagnosis. If there is no better way, the meridians will shrink further, and by then he will be a complete invalid." Zhou Ying said.

Zhou Xiong didn't speak after hearing this, and the atmosphere in the car was a bit depressing.

Because he was in a hurry, he drove the car very fast, clearly exceeding the maximum speed limit of 120 kilometers, but he couldn't care less.

"Slow down." Wang Yao said softly.

He could understand that the other party was anxious. After all, it was his father who was lying on the bed, but his breath was a little confused. It was dangerous to drive fast like this. In fact, he was a little reluctant when overtaking just now. You must know this He wasn't the only one in the car.

"Sorry." Zhou Ying slowed down the car after hearing this.

More than two hours later, they arrived in Cangzhou. It was already noon. ,

"Doctor Wang, why don't you find a place to have a meal first?" Zhou Xiong said.

"No, let's go directly to Cangzhou. It's important to see a doctor first."


In fact, Zhou Xiong and the others thought the same way, but after all, Wang Yao was an honored guest and they could not afford to neglect him.

Not long after, they arrived at the village, and it was still the same.

The car stopped outside the big house.

"Dr. Wang, please."

In the bedroom, Zhou Youyi was lying on the hospital bed. He had regained consciousness, but his whole body was extremely skinny, like a mummy, and his eyes were dim.

"Dad, this is Dr. Wang who saved you last time."

"Doctor Wang." His voice was hoarse and dry, like an old bellows.

The lungs are damaged,

But with this shout, Wang Yao knew there was something wrong with something in his body.

Of course, the injury was not just as simple as the lung pulse. After missing it for this period of time, his body suffered a serious loss. He was about to run out of gas. Without Wang Yao's previous "Life Extension Pill" and "Peiyuan Decoction" He probably won't be able to hold on until now.

He had a special smell, sour and worried, which was the result of the corruption of Qi.

"It's very troublesome." Wang Yao knew the seriousness of the problem just by "smell" and "listen".

Wang Yao came to the hospital bed and sat down, then took his pulse and diagnosed him.

In some aspects the situation is better than when he last left, but in most aspects it is worse than when he left last time.

Seeing that Wang Yao's face was a little solemn, brother Zhou Xiong knew that the situation was not good, and his expressions became worried.

Wang Yao's diagnosis had just been completed, and Zhou Xiong's father also came in.

"How's it going, Dr. Wang?"

"Go out and talk."


Several people came to the living room.

"The situation is very bad." This was the first sentence Wang Yao said.

"I need some medicine here, please hurry up and prepare it." Wang Yao took out a prescription. This time it was not "Peiyuan Decoction" but another decoction with similar medicinal effects, but most of them were ordinary The medicinal materials have been tried on Wei Hai, and the effect is pretty good, but of course not as magical as "Peiyuan Decoction".

"I'll do it right away." Zhou Ying took the order and turned around to leave.

"It's been a long journey and the horses are tired. Let's take a rest first. The food is ready."

We still eat at home, but the food is extremely rich, with delicacies from mountains and seas, fine wines and delicacies.

At the dinner table, Zhou Xiong's father kept expressing his gratitude to Wang Yao. He knew that his brother's illness depended on the young man in front of him.

After eating, Wang Yao took a rest.

Zhou Ying has already bought some of the needed medicinal materials.

"I want to check again." Wang Yao wanted to take a look at the patient. He just thought of something and needed to confirm it.


This time, Wang Yao checked extra carefully. He not only took his pulse, but also carefully checked the meridians all over his body. As a result, a considerable part of the meridians in his body were either broken or disrupted, and the situation was very serious.

His condition is different from that of Zhou Xiong's son. Xiaokang's condition is just blocked meridians that can be dredged, but his is equivalent to a broken river channel that needs to be reconnected. This is not something Wang Yao can do now.

After a thorough diagnosis, Wang Yao returned to the room prepared for him and considered the treatment plan.

Sure enough, difficult and complicated diseases are definitely not so easy to treat. The few cases of rare and complicated diseases he has come into contact with during this period are also divided into priorities. The mild ones are like Secretary Yang's mother. The treatment effect is good now. Wei Hai's is also relatively light, but there have been accidents, and serious ones are like this Zhou Wuyi, and there is no good solution for the time being.

Try "Tongluo San" first

This is what Wang Yao can try now.

He took out "Tongluo Powder", diluted it, then came to the hospital bed and asked someone to give it to the patient. Then he waited in front of the bed and took the pulse from time to time to check on the patient's condition.

This medicine is not only a "tong" character, but more importantly, a "strong" character, which can enhance the toughness and strength of the veins.


Wang Yao decided to continue taking the medicine, but the dosage should not be large, otherwise it would not only fail to cure the disease, but would have the opposite effect.

Just as evening approached, Sang Guzi came to the village.

"My little friend, long time no see."

"Hello, Mr. Sang." Wang Yao asked respectfully.

"We meet again, little friend." Sang Guzi seemed to be in a good mood, with a kind smile on his face.

"Uncle Sang?"


Several people came to the living room.

"Has your father's illness improved?"

"Not too optimistic. Dr. Wang just took the medicine this afternoon. We need to wait for a while to see the effect of the treatment." Zhou Ying said.

"Is there any good treatment for my little friend?" Sang Guzi looked at Wang Yao and asked.

"Not yet, I can only give it a try." Wang Yao answered truthfully.

"Yeah." Sang Guzi nodded after hearing this.

In his opinion, Zhou Wuyi's illness lying on the hospital bed was a terminal illness, and there was no possibility of cure. The muscles and veins all over his body were in disorder, and unless there was the legendary elixir, there was no way to cure it. Of course, We do not rule out the possibility of a miracle. Last time, this young man forcefully pulled a dying man back from the brink of death. He still remembers that scene.

"I went to Qi Province some time ago." Sang Guzi suddenly mentioned this matter.


"I went to the island city to see a strange patient."

"Island city?" Wang Yao became more concerned after hearing this.

"This patient has extreme Yang syndrome," Sang Guzi said.

As soon as this symptom was mentioned, Wang Yao guessed who the patient was.

"That person's surname is Sun?"

"Huh?!" Sang Guzi was slightly surprised after hearing this.

"Have you seen that patient?"

"I've seen it before." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"How is it?" His question was naturally about the patient's condition.

"Just like Mr. Zhou in the room, it is extremely difficult to cure." Wang Yaodao.

"Well, I have seen some strange diseases over the years, but this is the first time I have seen a strange disease like that. It is a miracle that I can survive to this day. Didn't you take action earlier, little friend?" Sang Guzi said.

"No, I've seen it but I haven't treated it."

The Zhou family invited Mr. Liu Sang to have a light meal here.

In fact, this old Mr. Sang lives nearby and is a family friend of the Zhou family. He is also a person with extraordinary medical ethics, so he is so concerned.

After dinner, Wang Yao went to see Zhou Youyi again, took his pulse again and checked his physical condition to confirm the function and efficacy of "Tongluo Powder".

Zhou Ying had prepared all the medicine he needed in the evening, and even the equipment needed to make medicine was ready for him.

"You can prepare the medicine tomorrow morning."

That night, some people and relatives came from the Zhou family.

Logically speaking, it is not allowed to visit patients at night because it is unlucky. They must have come here for some urgent matter. Wang Yao even heard noisy sounds, as if someone was arguing next door.