Elixir Supplier

Chapter 213: A few sighs


When he arrived at the hospital, he saw an unexpected person.

"Mr. Sun?!"

This man was exactly the extraordinary man he saw in the island city, and the strange disease his son suffered from also surprised and helpless him.

"Hello, Mr. Sang." Mr. Sun said with a smile.

"I'm passing by your place and came here to visit."

"Welcome!" Sang Guzi said with a smile.

"I'm passing through Cangzhou this time specifically to visit you. Actually, I still have something I want to ask you." Mr. Sun said.


"About my son's illness." The voice of this man who has been in power for twenty years was slightly low.

"Forgive me for being helpless." Sang Guzi said.

"Does the old gentleman know other people with extraordinary medical skills?"

"Well, I'm afraid you know everyone I know, and you know everyone I don't know." Sang Guzi said with a smile.

In fact, he thought of one person immediately, and that was Wang Yao, who was in the village not far away at this time. He had already seen that young man's miraculous medical skills twice. Since he could almost reverse life and death, then , there may also be a good way to treat the "extreme yang" syndrome.

It's just that he had never asked Wang Yao about this matter before, so he didn't know his attitude. During the conversation at the Zhou family, he had already heard that he had probably seen the illness of the Sun family master, but he didn't know it. Know why treatment was not given.

"There are experts among the people. If there are really capable people in this field, I hope the old gentleman can give some advice." Mr. Sun's attitude was already very low-key.

"If there is, I'll tell you."

"Okay, thank you."

Mr. Sun said with a smile.

"Sorry to bother you, I'll take my leave."

Just sat there for a while. After saying a few words to Sang Guzi, he left in a hurry.

"Ruohua, what's going on?" Sang Guzi asked the disciple on the side.

This disciple has been following him for at least twenty years, and he should be very familiar with his temperament. Sang Guzi did not want to meet these dignitaries. The last time he went to the island city was because of friends. According to his past experience, , when encountering such a situation, his disciples will shirk the matter immediately.

"Xiaotang is in the island city." His disciple said softly.

"I'm sorry, Master."

"Forget it!" Sang Guzi waved his hand after hearing this. Parents naturally have their own difficulties.

"This Mr. Sun is very well-informed and has great magical powers!"

"By the way, Master, he also gave you a gift."

"Gift, what gift?!" Sang Guzi was stunned after hearing this.

"it's here."

Looking in the direction pointed by the disciple, I saw a root carving. The carving was of a man, an ancient old man, carrying a medicine basket and leaning on a wooden staff. The carving was very exquisite and lifelike, and it looked like it was old. It's an antique.

Medicine King Sun Simiao.

As soon as he saw the statue, Sang Guzi recognized the person who carved it.

He stepped forward and took a closer look.

Boxwood, the wood used for this wood carving is actually extremely rare boxwood.

"What a great item!" Sang Guzi praised.

This gift is not light!

In addition to his superb medical skills, few people know that Mr. Sang also has a special hobby, which is wood carving and antiques. This gift in front of him brings both of them together at the same time, and the task of carving is the ancestor of the medical profession. Characters of this level are even rarer.

"It seems like I have to take the time to ask that little friend."

I took two medicines in one day.

The effect is there, but not particularly obvious. Wang Yao has been mentally prepared for this. After all, this is a difficult disease, not a cold or cold.

"how do you feel?"

The most intuitive way to judge the treatment effect is to ask the patient how he or she feels.

"Much better." The voice was still a little hoarse.

"Where's the best place?"

"Back, abdomen." Zhou Wuyi, who was lying on the bed, mentioned these two places.

"It is consistent with the diagnosis results." Wang Yao nodded after hearing this.

In the evening, there are still two medicines, "Tongluo San" and Gubenpeiyuan decoction, and then continue the massage of the trunk and abdomen to accelerate the absorption of the medicine, dredge the meridians, and try to eliminate those who are a little deviated through external force and special techniques. The meridians are straightened.

This process is somewhat similar to bone setting, but the meridians and bones are different. The former is hidden in the muscles of the body and cannot be accurately felt through touch. If you want to identify and determine their exact position, the best way is to Advanced medical equipment, but the bones can be touched relatively clearly, so it is easy to repair broken bones, but the meridians are much more troublesome.

After the treatment, Wang Yao was ready to go back to the house to rest.

Zhou Xiong followed and came out.

"Dr. Wang, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

The two people came to the yard, and there was no one else except them.

"How long do you plan to stay here this time?"

"It depends on the situation, but I definitely won't stay too long." Wang Yao said.

"I know this clearly. Isn't there an approximate time?" Zhou Xiong said. In fact, he asked this question more because of his father's request.

"The results will be available within three days."

"Okay, thank you."

That night passed peacefully without any external disturbance.

Early the next morning, something happened that surprised or surprised the Zhou family.

Zhou Wuyou, who was lying on the hospital bed, could move his hands.

Since he woke up last time, except for people who can speak and feel, his body cannot move normally, similar to a paralyzed patient. But when he woke up this morning, his hands could move. To be precise, his fingers moved slightly. It moved.

This is a very good sign.

Afterwards, his family hurriedly invited Wang Yao, who had just woken up, over.

Wang Yao looked at it and smiled.

When the meridians are opened, the places that should be moved should also move.

Moving his fingers is only the first step, and then his arms will move and his legs will move as well, but how far he can recover depends on his personal nature.

The arms can move, but they can still perform various movements dexterously, and they can even punch twice; the legs can move, but they can still run and walk, which are completely different things.

"Yes, this is a good sign."

Wang Yao said after diagnosis.

This is the most direct effect of "Tongluo San".

"Thank you." This was already the morning, and Zhou Ying expressed his gratitude for the fourth time.

This is a filial son!

Wang Yao could also see his concern for his father.


Sang Guzi came to Zhou's house in the morning, and when he saw his old friend moving his arms, he couldn't help but say these two words.

"What a clever method!" he exclaimed.

He wanted to ask Wang Yao what kind of medicine he used, but he held back.

"Some of the congested meridians have been unblocked!" This was the result Sang Guzi got after examining Zhou Youyi's body.

But it took more than a day, how could this be done

He wanted to know.

Two medicines and massage.

This was the reply given to him by the Zhou family.

"My little friend, your medical skills are so good!" Sang Guzi's praise made Wang Yao feel a little embarrassed.

"Thank you very much. I still have a lot to learn." He told the truth.

"You are too humble, young man." To Sang Guzi's ears, these were indeed his humble words.

In fact, from Wang Yao's point of view, he does still have too much to learn. He has only learned three of the four diagnostic methods of inspection, hearing, asking, and inquiring. Among them, he has not yet learned the most mysterious and magical method of "inspection and diagnosis". However, he doesn't know the acupuncture technique in Chinese medicine. There are still too many things he needs to learn about those magical "spiritual herbs" and magical prescriptions.

"Can I take a step to talk?"

Sang Guzi and Wang Yao came to the courtyard.

"There's something I want to hear my little friend's opinion on."

"You say."

"You should still remember Sun Zhengrong, whom I mentioned to you yesterday."

"Yes, his son suffers from extreme Yang syndrome." Wang Yao said.

"Yes, it turns out that you have met their father and son a long time ago?" Sang Guzi said after hearing this, which was the same as his previous guess.

"I have indeed seen him, and I have even diagnosed his son." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Then why wasn't he treated?"

"There was nothing we could do at the time, and Mr. Sun didn't seem to believe in me as a young man." Wang Yao explained.