Elixir Supplier

Chapter 214: In the name of the pharmacist


Sang Guzi smiled after hearing this.

Youth is sometimes a capital, sometimes it is a deficiency.

"If you had the chance, would you treat his son again?"

"talk later."

Wang Yao has a lot of things on his hands now and needs to be solved one by one.

He still understands the principle of biting off more than he can chew.

"I met this Mr. Sun not long ago."

"Oh?" Wang Yao was slightly startled.

"Just last night." Sang Guzi said.

Wang Yao just nodded after hearing this and didn't say anything.

Through a simple conversation with Wang Yao, Sang Guzi already knew his attitude on this matter, so he didn't say anything more.

In the morning, Wang Yao went to see Zhou Youyi again.

After confirming that his condition was changing for the better, he began to consider leaving. After all, the entire treatment process is quite long and requires continuous medication. However, one very bad aspect must also be taken into consideration, that is, those disrupted and broken meridians may gradually atrophy because they cannot receive effective treatment. In fact, this is already starting to happen. Once these meridians shrink to a certain extent, they can no longer be treated and restored. This is like a tree that withers to a certain extent and then dies completely.

With Wang Yao's current ability, he could not think of a suitable way to repair these broken meridians.

He also told the Zhou family truthfully about this matter. For this reason, the Zhou family specially invited Sang Guzi who was about to leave.

"Can the two of them jointly treat each other?" This was the idea proposed by Zhou Xiong's father.

In fact, they had already done a joint treatment last time. Wang Yao's "potion" combined with Sang Guzi's acupuncture method had good results.

"Let's talk first." Wang Yao said.


After lunch, Wang Yao and Sang Guzi chatted in the room all afternoon.

This was the first time that the old man and the young man had talked about Zhou Wuyi's condition for such a long time.

Wang Yao thought about it, and Sang Guzi also thought about it, but for some reason neither of them said it first. It was just a matter of one sentence.

A square table, two cups of tea, two people sitting opposite each other.

"I can clear the blocked meridians with drugs, and use external force to straighten some of the disrupted meridians, but I can't repair the broken meridians," Wang Yaodao said.

"Awesome." Sang Guzi said.

He was not sure about the two aspects mentioned by Wang Yao. If he was, he would not let his old friend be dragged into this situation.

"I can stimulate the meridians through acupuncture, but I can't straighten them or regenerate them." Faced with the problem that Wang Yao couldn't handle, Sang Guzi was also helpless.

"Then let's first determine which meridians are broken?"


These meridians have been imprinted in Wang Yao's mind, so he took a pen and paper and wrote down the names of the meridians, and even the specific parts were written clearly.

"Have you seen this a long time ago?" Sang Guzi said in surprise after taking what Wang Yao had written.


Sang Guzi looked at it carefully.

"Are you sure about these points?"

He pointed at a few of them. These meridians were very small and could be regarded as minor details.

"Sure." Wang Yao replied with a smile.

After several treatments, Wang Yao discovered another special function of massage, which is to thoroughly judge the patient's qi and blood circulation.

The focus of massage is on meridians and acupoints. Meridians are like trunks, while acupoints are nodes. Through them, the circulation of qi and blood in the human body system can be judged, thereby determining which parts are normal and which parts are sick.

This medical technology can both treat and diagnose diseases. This is a mutually reinforcing process.

"I can only judge these." Sang Guzi marked some of the meridians.

At his age, he has already seen through everything about fame and fortune. Some diseases cannot be seen, cannot be diagnosed, and his skills are inferior to others. He will readily admit it, instead of pretending to understand like some people. , even though you clearly don’t understand, you still have to pretend to understand.

The most taboo thing in doing something is to pretend to understand something that you don't understand, and this is especially true in the medical field, because it is related to the patient's health, and even life and death.

Although these meridians have been found, they cannot be treated. This is a problem facing them.

Since I can't get over it for the time being, I just let it go.

Sang Guzi chatted with Wang Yao about other things, mostly about his experiences in medical treatment. Of course, many of them were strange diseases. These things were extremely rare for Wang Yao. After all, in Xinglin, Among them, most people like to keep things to themselves and do not like to communicate. This is also one of the reasons for the decline of traditional Chinese medicine.

Wang Yao listened very carefully to the whole process.

In the afternoon, the sun set over the mountain, and the conversation between the two people just came to an end and they took a short rest.

"Thank you!" Wang Yao stood up and saluted very respectfully.

He didn't know why Sang Guzi suddenly told him these things. This was the most precious thing for a doctor, a "famous doctor", the pride and capital of his life.

"Haha, I'm old, and there are some things hidden in my belly. You might as well tell me, I hope it will be useful to you." Sang Guzi said.

It doesn’t matter what he said. It doesn’t matter what he said. He only told two of his disciples and one son. The reason why he said it today is because he saw something from Wang Yao. Some luminous things saw the possibility and hope of carrying forward this somewhat declining national quintessence.

"I think you can actually publish a medical book." Wang Yaodao.

"Publish a book?" Sang Guzi's eyes lit up after hearing this.

In fact, he had really thought about this matter a few years ago, but later he put it down as time went by.

Life is like this. If you want to do something, you have to hurry up and do it while you still have the idea and the experience. Once you put down some ideas and things, you may have to wait for how many years to pick them up again. During this time, I don’t know what changes will happen.

"I did think about it about seven or eight years ago."

"Your experiences are so valuable, they should be passed on." Wang Yao said very sincerely.

"Let me, an old man, think about it more carefully." Sang Guzi said with a smile.

"You've always said so much, so let me talk about it too." Wang Yao said with a smile. He also wanted to exchange some things, but he couldn't find the right person before. After all, such a noble person like him is really important. It's a little bit less.

"Okay!" Sang Guzi said with a smile.

Wang Yao then also talked about something, the oldest thing, the four methods of diagnosis, except for the last "inspection diagnosis".

The more Sang Guzi listened, the brighter his eyes became, and his body began to tremble slightly with excitement.

Wang Yao's lecture lasted for a while, until the sky outside completely darkened.

Bang bang bang, a gentle knock on the door interrupted his words.

"Mr. Sang, Doctor Wang, dinner is ready." Zhou Xiong's voice came from outside.

"We'll go there right away," Sang Guzi said.


"My little friend, these things you are talking about are incredible!" Sang Guzi said with emotion.

A considerable part of what Wang Yao said has been lost for a long time, and may even be lost forever.

"They've been lost for too long!"

"I really don't know where you learned this from!"

"God's gift." Wang Yao said with a smile.

Sang Guzi just smiled after hearing this, but only thought it was a joke.

"I have decided to write a book. If you don't mind, I will record what you said today in it and write your name on it." Sang Guzi said.

When he heard some of the things Wang Yao said, he immediately realized that since these things appeared, they must not be allowed to disappear. His life's experience can be discarded and lost, but these essences, the essence of the path of medicine It absolutely cannot be lost in time.

"My name, forget it."

"No!" Sang Guzi's tone was more decisive than ever.

"If you really want to write, just write another name?"

"what name?"

"Pharmacist." Wang Yao said very calmly.

"Pharmacist, the ancient pharmacist?" Sang Guzi said.


"The great pharmacist, good at healing all kinds of diseases." Sang Guzi said this. When he spoke, his eyes also changed, as if his thoughts were drifting to a far away place.

"Are you from the lineage of Medicine King?"

"Medicine King? No." Wang Yao was stunned. He had not known about the so-called "Medicine King's lineage" before.

The old man and the young man became more and more speculative as they chatted, and they seemed to regret meeting each other so late.

"We could have had this conversation earlier." Sang Guzi sighed.

"Yes." Wang Yao also felt the same.

"If everyone could sit down and talk and communicate like you and me, even if it was only a small part of the communication, our medical skills would not have declined to what they are now." Sang Guzi said with emotion.

They chatted for a while, until Zhou Xiong came to invite them again, and they just ended today's very meaningful conversation, which might even change some processes.

The dinner prepared by the Zhou family was mainly light, but still very rich.

After eating, Wang Yao and Sang Guzi communicated the discussed treatment methods with Zhou Xiong's father and Zhou Ying.

"Those atrophied meridians?"

"We haven't thought of a treatment method yet." Wang Yaodao.

"Then let's do this first, we have Mr. Laosang and Dr. Wang." Zhou Xiong's father said.

"Dr. Wang came up with these treatment methods," Sang Guzi said.

Don't take credit, don't blame others.

"I will prepare the medicine and teach you some simple massage techniques." Wang Yaodao.

People from the Zhou family are martial arts practitioners and have a very good understanding of the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body, so it should be relatively easy to learn the massage method.


The Zhou family already knew that Wang Yao could not stay here for too long.

The medicine was administered again at night. After taking the medicine, Wang Yao continued the massage, straightening out the energy and blood while checking the degree of his body's recovery.