Elixir Supplier

Chapter 216: Away from the worldly world, freed from the worldly suffering


When he walked into the cabin, he found that the monk had boarded the plane earlier and was on the same flight as him. The cabin was also the same. Coincidentally, the seats were very close to each other, and there was only an aisle between them. .

"The donor is indeed destined to be my Buddha." The monk said with a smile.

"Even if you are destined to be a monk, are you a Buddha?" Wang Yao sat down with a smile.

"Yes!" Monk He replied hesitantly.

"Oh!" Wang Yao was stunned after hearing this, "Aren't you afraid that the Buddha would hear the blame?"

"Buddha said that all living beings are Buddhas." The monk said with a smile.

"The monk is quite eloquent."

"Thanks to the donor."

As the plane prepared to take off, Wang Yao stopped talking to the monk and sat quietly in his seat.

With a roar, the plane took off into the sky and shot straight into the sky.

"The donor's home is in Haiqu?" After the plane flew smoothly, the monk spoke.

"Yeah." Wang Yao responded.

"The poor monk is going to visit Fulai Temple. Is the donor interested in going to see it?"

"I've been there, but I'm not interested." Wang Yao had heard of this place, but never been there. It was an unknown temple, but the temple was quite effective in making wishes.

The monk smiled after hearing this.

"The monk seems to be very rich?" Wang Yao said with a smile. "Are monks paid?"


"How many?"

"A little more than 10,000 a month." The monk said with a smile.

"Participating in Zen, meditating, and chanting sutras, it costs more than 10,000 yuan a month. It's so easy!" Wang Yao sighed after hearing this.

"Money is just an external possession," the monk said.

“Why do monks become monks?”

"It's due to chance," the monk said.


"The monk is so real. There are too many opportunities in the clouds and fog." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"I ran away from famine and almost starved to death. I was saved by a monk in a monastery, so I became a monk." After a moment of silence, the monk told the story.

"That means you are forced to have no choice. How about becoming a monk?"

"Of course it's good. I've left the world of mortals and jumped out of the worldly misery. I'm light and worry-free." The monk said with a smile.

"Looking at how thin the monk is, the food is not very good on weekdays, right?" The more they talked, the more Wang Yaobian felt that this monk was too good at deceiving people, and his words were full of wit, so he just talked nonsense with him.

"The vegetarian food in the temple is good?"

"Can monks eat meat?"

"If you don't cultivate enough, you won't be able to eat." The monk said.

"Does the monk drink?"

"If you don't cultivate enough, you can't drink."

"That's a pity!" Wang Yao said with a smile.

"No meat makes you thin, no wine makes you angry."

"Are you afraid that the monk will become addicted?" A middle-aged man next to him, who had been listening to the conversation between the two of them for a while, interjected with a smile.

"Yes." This time the monk agreed honestly.

"Buddhism doesn't say that meat and wine go through the intestines and stay in the heart of the Buddha. It doesn't hurt to eat and drink, right?" Wang Yaodao said.

"It's okay if you have reached the level of cultivation. If you don't have enough cultivation, you will be easily attracted by those temptations, which will break your Zen mind and ruin your cultivation level."

"Has the monk ever had an ordinary mind?"

"Moved, more than once."

Wang Yao smiled after hearing this and stopped talking. The monk also closed his eyes and twisted the beads with both hands.

A conversation came to an abrupt end.

Within a few hours, the plane arrived at Haiqu City Airport and landed. Wang Yao did not tell anyone else, so he had to go back by himself. At the exit of the airport, there was a special car waiting for the monk.

"I'll go, if you become a monk, you can get a special car anytime!" The people next to him were dumbfounded.

"Donor, we are destined to meet again." The monk said to Wang Yao.

"Monk is so rich!" Wang Yao said with a smile.

The old monk smiled, got into the car, and the car left quickly.

Wang Yao went to the nearby bus station alone and took the bus home.

"When I traveled first class and was picked up by a private car after getting off the plane, when did the monk become so rich and powerful?" Wang Yao was very confused about this.

The bus doesn't run very fast, especially when passing through Haiqu City.

There is something wrong with this car. The seat covers on the car have not been replaced for an unknown period of time and are turning yellow.

At this point, there were not many people returning to Lianshan from Haiqu, and most of the seats on the bus were empty.

Cough cough cough, I suddenly remembered the sound of coughing in the car. The person coughing was an old man, an old man. He coughed very badly. He couldn't stop coughing, as if he was about to cough out his own lungs. .

The eyes of several people in the car were attracted by this old man.

"The disease is quite severe."

Just by hearing the cough, Wang Yao knew that the old man was sick, and it was serious and needed treatment.

"Uncle, are you okay?" The young man driving the car was very enthusiastic and asked hurriedly when he saw this.

"No, it's okay, cough, cough, cough." He looked like he was fine.

"Uncle, why don't I take you to the hospital first?"

"No, just leave." The old man said.

The car will leave for Haiqu City soon.

Cough cough cough, vomit!

The old man coughed a few times and then vomited. The car was filled with the smell of sourness and blood.

What he vomited was not only the undigested food in his stomach, but also blood, sticky blood.

With a creaking sound, the driver braked, then turned the steering wheel suddenly, and the car turned around and drove towards the city again.

"Hey, where are you going?" Someone in the car asked immediately.

"Isn't this nonsense? Of course I'm going to the hospital!" the young man driving the car said loudly.

"I'm still in a hurry to go home!"

"Then jump out of the car!" the young driver said.

Haha, Wang Yao laughed after hearing this.

He is actually still a warm-hearted and grumpy person.

The car was driving very fast, and it would have been relatively troublesome for larger buses to pass through this city. Unexpectedly, this guy's skills were quite good, and he was like a big loach in the traffic flow.

The bus arrived at the nearest Haiqu People's Hospital as quickly as possible. The old man in the car couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed on the chair. The car drove directly into the hospital, which is a relatively rare thing.

The city hospital responded very quickly, and the emergency doctor quickly treated the old man, which was much better than the county hospital.

High efficiency and good attitude.

"No wonder people who have the conditions are willing to go to higher-level hospitals for medical treatment."

The young driver had no idea how much trouble he had just caused, and he was happily smoking.

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten?"

"What's wrong? There are cameras in the car." The young man said nonchalantly.

After this matter was resolved, everyone got in the car again and began their journey to Lianshan County.

Wang Yao was very curious. The courage this young man brought was extremely rare in today's society. If someone falls on the street, no one will rush to help him. Such behavior of this young man is simply rare and rare. , if this situation were replaced by Wang Yao, maybe he would not be so straightforward.

"I've been through so much that I hesitate about some things."

Sitting in the car, listening to the driver humming some incomprehensible songs, Wang Yao smiled.

This little brother is happy and refreshed to get it.

"The patient's condition is unstable!"

"Do a CT scan immediately, focusing on the lungs."

At this time, the emergency room of the city hospital was busy. The condition of the patient they had just received suddenly deteriorated.

"I hope that the old man will be okay."

Wang Yao looked at the low-rise houses on both sides of the car window.

About an hour and a half later, the car arrived in Lianshan County, and Wang Yao took a taxi back to the mountain village. When he returned home, it was already evening and his parents had already had dinner.

"Xiao Yao, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back, have you eaten?" Zhang Xiuying said in surprise when her son came back.


"Then I'll cook it right away. What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever, just order some noodles."

"Okay, you wait." Zhang Xiuying hurriedly prepared dinner for herself.

Wang Yao poured himself a glass of water and chatted with his father, asking questions to be precise.

"Did things go well?"

"It went pretty well."

"Is the person cured?"

"No, he is very ill and needs a period of treatment." Wang Yaodao.

"Are you still going out during this time?"

"Won't be going out any time soon."

In recent times, Wang Yao has indeed gone out a lot. He is a homebody at heart and is unwilling to move around.

"Yes." Wang Fenghua nodded after hearing this.

As parents, don’t you want your children to be by your side