Elixir Supplier

Chapter 218: This is naturally excellent


That night, Wang Yao had some very strange dreams.

There are clouds, trees, spiritual grass, native dogs, and gods, yes, gods!

When he got up early the next morning, Wang Yao lay in bed and carefully recalled the strange dream last night, but surprisingly found that he only had a little impression of it, but could not recall the specific content at all.

"What a strange dream."

Wang Yao had just finished practicing and came down from the top of the mountain. While he was busy working on his breakfast in the house, Li Maoshuang called.

"Are you back?"

"came back."

"When are all the medicinal ingredients you asked me to get prepared and delivered to you?"

"I'm at home today, just send it to my home." Wang Yaodao.


"Call me when you get there."

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Wang Yao received a call from Li Maoshuang, saying that the car had arrived at the entrance of the village, and then he came down from the mountain.

This time, Li Maoshuang drove a pickup truck, and the truck was filled with wild medicinal materials, which Wang Yao had asked him to buy before going to Cangzhou again.

"Why did you buy so much medicine this time?" Li Maoshuang asked curiously.

"Let's see if we can find a loophole." Wang Yao said with a smile.


"Let's go, let's talk inside the house."

Wang Yao's parents are not at home.

The two men moved all the medicinal materials from the cart and put them into the yard.

"Auntie and uncle no more?"

"Well, he should be busy on the mountain." Wang Yao said while pouring him water.

"You shouldn't be short of money, right? What else are they busy with?" Although he didn't know how much money Wang Yao actually had, Li Maoshuang knew that the other party was definitely not short of money. He had driven a car worth nearly one million yuan. money

"They are used to it. If they don't go to the mountains, don't farm, and have nothing to do at home, they will feel uncomfortable." Wang Yaodao.

He can also understand some of his parents' thoughts.

"Then get married quickly, have a few children, and make them happy." Li Maoshuang lit a cigarette and said with a smile.

"Why are you smoking again?"

"I also twitch when I'm free."

A pot of tea exudes a faint aroma of tea.

"Don't go back at noon. Why don't you eat here?" Wang Yao said.

"How can that be done? It's too much trouble." Li Maoshuang waved his hands. He meant that he didn't want to trouble Wang Yao's parents.

"No trouble, there is a newly opened restaurant in Xiancun, want to try it?"

"That's okay." Li Maoshuang said after hearing this, "Just the two of us?"

"Well, who else do you want to call?"

"Call uncle and aunt?" Li Maoshuang asked.

"They don't like that kind of occasion." Wang Yao took a sip of tea. "It's still early. Can you ask Wang Mingbao if they are free?"

"That's fine."

As a result, within twenty minutes of Li Maoshuang's call, Wang Mingbao drove back to the mountain village, accompanied by Wei Hai.

"You didn't say anything when you came back?"

"I just came back the day before yesterday."

"How did things go? Did it go well?"


Several people gathered at Wang Yao's home and chatted for a while. At about 11 o'clock in the morning, Wang Yao's parents came back. When they saw a room full of people, they were startled.

"Xiaoyao, why didn't you tell me earlier when your friend came?" Zhang Xiuying said.

"Mom, we're not eating at home. We're going out to eat. Can you and my dad join us?" Wang Yaodao said.

"You go out to eat, we can stay at home." Zhang Xiuying waved her hands hurriedly after hearing this.

"Uncle, will you go with us?" Wang Mingbao said.

"I'm not going, you go ahead, I'll just eat at home." Wang Fenghua said with a smile.

"Then we'll go out to eat."

"Drink less."


The group of people drove to a specialty restaurant in a neighboring village, which featured wild dishes. There were quite a few cars parked outside.

"How is the food here?" Wang Yao asked Wang Mingbao before going in. He was not familiar with these places. He just remembered that this place should have been a big restaurant not long ago, but he didn't know when it was converted into a restaurant. I think Wang Mingbao is relatively familiar with him.

"It just opened last month. It's quite clean and tastes good." Wang Mingbao said after hearing this.

"That's it then?"


Several people parked the car, got out of the car and entered the restaurant, chose a private room, and then ordered a few special dishes. The dishes were still being cooked in the kitchen, and they started chatting.

"Hurry and show it to Mr. Wei. He has been mumbling a lot these days." Wang Mingbao said with a smile.

"Haha." Wei Hai just smiled.

"Okay, let's take a look."

After hearing this, Wei Hai stretched out his arm very quickly, and Wang Yao stretched out his hand to try.

"The body is recovering well."

"That's good, that's good." Wei Hai smiled and said after hearing this, this was what he was waiting for.

During the conversation, the dishes were served, including some fresh seasonal vegetables and some fresh vegetables.

"The taste is okay." Several people said after taking a bite of the food.

"Unexpectedly, there are many people coming to this ravine?" Li Maoshuang looked out the window at the traffic lane.

"People nowadays are more willing to go to remote places."

"That's true."

To the south of the restaurant is a cement road, and to the south is a river. On the south side of the river is a mountain, which is like a human head. The north side is quite steep, hundreds of meters high, almost at a right angle. At the foot of the mountain is a chestnut forest. It grows quite luxuriantly. During the chestnut ripening period from September to October every year, many people come here to pick chestnuts.

A meal is not eaten very quickly by several people.

When we were about to finish eating, the boss also sent us a serving of fresh cherries, which were said to have just been picked from the mountains. It tasted pretty good.

After dinner, Wang Yao invited them to sit on the mountain. Wei Hai was the first to agree. After knowing Wang Yao for so long, he had never been to Nanshan. He only heard Wang Mingbao and Li Maoshuang mention it. of difference.

"Okay, let's go then?"

Several people arrived at the hotel lobby and saw a woman coaxing a child. The girl was only five or six years old and was crying very hard.

"Mom, my stomach hurts."

"Be patient, mom will take you to the hospital right away!" The woman was also very anxious and sweating.

Her husband came from outside, picked up the child and left.


Wang Yao glanced at the child.

"Please wait."

"What's wrong?" said the man holding the child.

"I'm a doctor, can I see this child?"

Wang Yao was not the Holy Mother, nor was he Lei Feng. He just felt that this child had a strange face and the wrong color of his lips. This was not a good sign.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Wang Yao stretched out his hand to try, and his expression changed.

"She must be allergic to something she ate and needs to be induced to vomit immediately?"

After saying that, he reached out and rubbed the child's abdomen a few times and pressed a few points.

Wow, the child vomited right in front of the hotel and vomited out all the food she had eaten for lunch. It can be seen from the undigested food that she ate a lot of wild fungi.

Although wild edible fungi are delicious, some people can eat them, while others cannot. If they are not eaten well, they may become allergic, and in severe cases, they may be life-threatening. In restaurants, sometimes the food is stir-fried in order to keep it fresh, and it may be cooked immediately before the time is up.

"Send her to the hospital quickly?"


"Okay, how did you do it, press it a few times, rub it, and then vomit?" Wei Hai, who was watching what happened just now, asked curiously.

"What, you want to try it?" Wang Yao said with a smile.

He just pressed a few special acupoints and meridians, which had the effect of inducing vomiting.

"No need, hey, we also ate wild mushrooms just now, will we be poisoned too?"

"Is it a problem with the ingredients?"

"There is absolutely no problem with our ingredients." At this time, the owner of the restaurant came out, a fat middle-aged man. He obviously heard their conversation just now, and looked a little unhappy on his face.

"It's just a joke, boss, don't mind." Wei Hai smiled.

"Let's go."

Several people left the hotel, got in the car, and headed towards the mountain village.

The car stopped at the south end of the village.

"That's Nanshan?" Wei Hai got off the car and looked at the mountain peak not far away. It wasn't even a mountain, just a hillock.

"No, behind that mountain."

It seems that the winding mountain road is not very long, but when you walk on it, you realize that it is not easy to walk.

After going around the mountain, a mountain appeared in front of us. There were no fields on it, only trees, and a hut was vaguely visible.

"That's Nanshan."

"Let's go."

The mountain was not high, a little steep, and they were a little tired from walking. After walking for a while, they came to the outside of the hut and saw the saplings that had grown into small trees. .

"Hey!" Wei Hai rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Wang Yao led the way. He seemed to just move casually, and the trees seemed to become much quieter all of a sudden.

The sky is blue, with a few white clouds floating lazily.

The cabin is not big, and it is just right for four people.

A pot of tea, the mountain breeze blew in through the window, it was very cool.

"Huh." After going up the mountain, Wei Hai felt a little exhausted and lay down on the chair, breathing heavily.

"You are so quiet!" Li Maoshuang praised.

"Better than some famous mountains."

In fact, the Nanshan Mountain can compare with those famous mountains in beauty. The only thing that is better than them may be the "Spirit Gathering Array" set up by Wang Yao here. The reason why those mountains are not so quiet is because more people go there, which brings with them the hustle and bustle. Once night comes, they are still very quiet.

"The mountains and rivers are spiritual. I feel particularly comfortable here." Wei Hai took a sip of tea and said.

"This tea is also good."

Tea is tea from Nanshan Mountain.

The water is ancient spring water.

Nature is great!

"I think you should build a hotel on this mountain." Wei Hai said.

"Why build a hotel?"

"Develop it into a resort?"

"Just this small piece of Nanshan and the nearby hills, what's there to see?" Wang Yao said with a smile.

"I think that's good."

Even if he could really attract people, Wang Yao would not do this. This mountain is just like this, natural and peaceful.