Elixir Supplier

Chapter 219: How come the beautiful scenery in a good time is like flowers like snow?


"Are you almost recovered from your illness and are you starting to think about money again?" Wang Mingbao said with a smile after hearing this. He knows what Wang Yao thinks. He likes peace and quiet, and he doesn't like making noise. Opening a hotel on Nanshan is definitely a good idea. impossible.

"This tranquility and nature can't be exchanged for ten thousand dollars." Li Maoshuang said.

"Okay, just wait until I say nonsense and make a joke." Wei Hai said hurriedly after hearing this.

"How long have you been like this?"

"Twenty years."

"not enough."

"Quite a few." Wang Yao smiled after hearing this.

There was no poker, mahjong, coffee, wine, or music. The four people actually stayed on the mountain quietly for an entire afternoon.

The sky outside gradually darkened, and the sky was filled with red clouds, which looked very beautiful.

"Hey, I really don't want to leave when I stay here with you." Li Maoshuang said with emotion.

"Then we won't leave." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"To be honest, the two rooms are still a bit narrow. Can we expand it?" Li Maoshuang asked.

"Well, let me think about it."

Expanding this house is not a simple matter. The minimum requirement is that it can be integrated with the mountain and the formation.

"Let's go too, we have to go down the mountain sooner or later."

"Would you like to stay for dinner tonight?" Wang Yao said.

"No, go home."

Several people stayed on the mountain for nearly three hours. When they came down the mountain, they felt much better. When they came out of the "Spirit Gathering Array" arranged by Wang Yao, they could immediately feel obvious changes.

The mountain breeze is still blowing, but it's a bit hot and not as refreshing as it was just now.

"Strange, why do you suddenly feel so much hotter?"

"Maybe it's because there are more trees on the mountain?"

"When I looked at those small trees just now, I felt very dizzy, as if they were shaking." Wei Hai said.

"I feel the same way."

The two people were talking and turned their attention to Wang Mingbao. After all, he and Wang Yao grew up together.

"You'll get used to it just by looking at it." Wang Mingbao replied.

He also looked dizzy when he first came up, and asked Wang Yao. Wang Yao said that the arrangement of these trees was arranged according to certain rules, which would produce a certain visual hallucination effect. The more he stared at it, the more powerful it became.

The three people talked and went down the mountain, then drove, each busy with their own business.

Wang Yao tidied up the hut and then went down the mountain.

The medicinal materials sent by Li Maoshuang are kept in the small courtyard, and his parents have not returned yet. He looked at it carefully, then waved his hand, and part of the medicinal materials disappeared and was put into the grid. He repeated this, and soon, half of the medicinal materials disappeared.

"Hey, where are those medicinal materials?" Zhang Xiuying discovered something unusual when she returned home.

"Put it somewhere else."

"Where are your friends? Aren't they staying for dinner tonight?"

"No, they have something to do tonight."

Dinner became a family of three again, very warm.

After returning to Nanshan in the evening, Wang Yaofu took out the medicinal materials stored in the grid, and then began to sell them through the system's "pharmacy shop".

The quality of these medicinal materials is pretty good. Wang Yao has checked this. However, some medicinal materials cannot be exchanged. After one night, only a few dozen points can be redeemed. Wang Yao paid hundreds of thousands for these medicinal materials. price.

They are not even as good as the herbs Wang Yao grows on the mountain.

"These medicinal materials are not precious enough."

In fact, Wang Yao can use another method to sell a "Life Extension Pill", which can be immediately exchanged for enough points to buy the "Withering Grass" and "Lingshanji" for refining "Shengji Powder", but this is a bit Not a good deal.

"There's still half of it, which should be enough."

A truckload of wild medicinal materials cannot be exchanged for one "spiritual grass".

Wang Yao read the Taoist scriptures under the light.

In an office building somewhere in Lianshan County, a middle-aged man was also looking through a book of materials.

"Would you like to take a rest?" There was a gentle woman in the office, looking at her husband with concern and worry in her eyes.

"It's quick, it'll be ready soon."

This is the month Tian Yuantu has been staying at the company until ten o'clock in a row.

In fact, for such a large group company, he doesn't have to work so hard and can just leave it to the people below.

He has already thought about it. After the company has passed this big hurdle, he will let it go and enjoy life with his family.

"Hold on for a while longer."

He now has enough money for him to squander.

How much money is enough to earn

Are Li Ka-shing and Bill Gates really happier than ordinary people? Not necessarily. They also have troubles, but they are exposed to a higher level and have richer material lives.

People, sometimes you have to be open-minded.

Um? !

Tian Yuantu suddenly felt dizzy.

He rubbed his eyes gently and massaged it himself. After feeling much better, he closed the material in his hand.

"Come on, let's go home?"

When he got up, he held on to the table.

"Strange, why do I feel like my body has no strength?" A feeling of panic suddenly arose.

"Why, you feel uncomfortable again. Can you go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow?"

"It should be fine."

"Stop being stubborn and go to the hospital tomorrow!"

"Yes, my wife."

The couple walked downstairs together and drove home, just as they had been doing for decades.

The night is getting darker and the mountain wind is much lighter.

Wang Yao put away the Taoist scriptures, the lights went out, and the mountain was pitch black.

"Tomorrow, it should be almost done."

Good times and beautiful scenery are in vain, and whose house is pleasing to the eye...

Who is singing

Where did the garden full of apricot blossoms come from, fluttering like snow.

In the sea of flowers, a woman in white is dancing, with flowing clouds and sleeves, indescribably graceful.

Where is this

The broken bridge is covered with snow, the railings are patted all over, and you have been waiting for a lifetime, do you still remember

The fairy-like woman in white clothes turned around!


When Wang Yao woke up, it was already bright outside.

"What a strange dream!"

He dreamed again, and there seemed to be a sea of flowers like snow in the dream. This was a very abnormal thing for him. Since his physique surpassed that of ordinary people and he practiced Taoism, he had almost never dreamed. He didn't know it for the past two days. What's wrong? I actually have continuous dreams. It's better today. I can vaguely remember the content of my dream last night. I can't even remember what was in my dream yesterday.

I think about it every day and dream about it at night.

However, Wang Yao had never thought about anything during the day, so how could he have these strange dreams at night

After washing himself, he went up to Nanshan again, and then began a day of practice and life.

Everything has nothing to do with dreams.

Question: If you have a lot of things at home, you can use a shocking method to move them away instantly. How can you do it without disturbing your family

Answer: When they are not at home.

This is the problem Wang Yao is facing now.

His parents are both at home. He cannot use special means to effectively remove the pile of wild medicinal herbs in the yard in a very short time. He can only wait until his parents are not at home.

"Then wait."

In the afternoon, while his parents were out, he put all the medicinal materials into the grid of the system, and then went up to Nanshan.

After selling all these medicinal materials, the exchange points he obtained were enough to exchange for the two medicinal materials needed to make "Shengji Powder".

But once redeemed, all the savings will be used up and there will be little left.


With a sigh, Wang Yao finally chose to exchange.

The grass does not wither: it calms the five internal organs and replenishes losses and losses.

The leaves are like Clivia, but thicker, green and stiff.

Lingshan and: dispersing evil and dispelling pathogens, promoting muscle growth and relieving pain.

This is the rhizome of a plant, shaped like a chicken egg, with irregular ring patterns on the outside.

There is also a Guiyuan. Wang Yao has redeemed it before, and there is still some leftover, which is enough to brew a potion. The rest are some medicinal materials that he has also prepared through Li Maoshuang.

Now that we have all the medicinal ingredients, we should be able to brew the potion.

Wang Yao looked out through the window and saw the sun setting over the west mountain.

After sunset, yin rises and yang wanes.

"Looks like we'll have to wait until tomorrow."

"Wait, wait, how long will it take?!"

Thousands of miles away in the capital, a woman was quarreling with her husband.

"Xiaoxue is still lying in bed, and her condition may worsen at any time, but you are here doing nothing?!" The woman became more and more excited as she spoke, her body trembling slightly.

"What do you propose?"

"Call that Doctor Wang!"

"Scream, you have such a loud tone!" The middle-aged man suddenly slapped the wooden armrest of the chair.

"Who do you think you are, and who do you think our Su family is? If you are forced to submit, do you want to save your daughter or give her back?!" The middle-aged man sat there, calm and authoritative, exuding a unique aura.

"You are just as good as me. If you have the ability to save your daughter!"

The woman's words left her husband speechless.

Yes, he has great power in his hands, his family has great power, and his two sons seem to be doing well now. He seems to be famous and praised outside. But his daughter, the daughter he loved most, had been lying on the hospital bed for several years, and there was nothing he could do.

"I'll go find Dad and ask Boyuan to go and invite him again."

Sometimes, there are things that even those in power cannot do anything about.

Tomorrow, the weather won't be good.

Sitting outside the hut, looking at the sky.

A veil of clouds vaguely covered the waning moon in the sky.

This is not the first time Wang Yao has looked at the sky. These days, through observing the sky at night and adding some things in the Taoist scriptures, he has been able to judge some things through the changes in the starry sky. At least he can see the changes in the weather. , as for the more mysterious things, they cannot be noticed for the time being.

The next day, the sky was indeed gloomy, as if you could touch the dark clouds standing on the top of the mountain.

"Is it going to rain?"

After Wang Yao finished practicing, he began to wander around Nanshan. After a while, he picked up some firewood.