Elixir Supplier

Chapter 22: Thirty-six vertical and horizontal


"Xiao Zi, what are you talking about?!" Wang Jianli next to him yelled when he saw this.

Wang Zexiao's attitude was still indifferent. When he was in the hospital that day, these doctors should not have been so enthusiastic. Today, they suddenly came to his home for examination and blood collection. Who knows what they were thinking!

"We need your cooperation." The doctor who came here was still a little stiff in tone.

"Why should I cooperate with you?" Wang Zexiao's temper also increased.

"We are here to save people!"

"Why weren't you so anxious when I was hospitalized last time? Was it because the money wasn't enough?!" Wang Zexiao said coldly.

Several doctors were very angry with him, but they couldn't scold, beat, or offend them. After all, the "noble man" lying in the hospital still urgently needed his cooperation.

"We can give you money."


"you… "

Several people felt that the young man in front of them was like a stone in the pit, smelly and hard!

"Ze Xiao, be obedient and cooperate with them." The father who had been smoking silently spoke. After all, this was to save people. Although, when their son was hospitalized, these doctors were not too concerned, but they still tried hard. , and he also understood that his son's anger was mostly due to the critical illness notice and the attitude of the doctors after he got better.

In this way, after finally taking a blood sample for Wang Zexiao, they took him back to the county hospital.

"Party secretary, what's going on?" Wang Yirong asked worriedly as he watched them go away.

"Don't worry, I heard that there was a person in the county hospital who was poisoned like Zexiao, but he couldn't be cured, so he came to see Zexiao."

"How come I didn't see them paying so much attention when Zexiao was in the hospital?!" Wang Yirong said angrily after hearing this. He didn't show it to those people just now. At this time, there was only one branch secretary, so he was considered the head of the family, so it was okay to complain.

"Don't be angry. This kid Zexiao is blessed and nothing will happen to him." Wang Jianli took out his cigarette case and handed one to Wang Yirong.

"Yeah." Wang Yirong agreed. On the one hand, he was worried about his son. On the other hand, he was also worried that his son would reveal how his illness was cured and cause unnecessary trouble to Wang Yao.

Wang Zexiao was taken to the hospital and underwent a series of systematic examinations. The doctors asked some circumstantial questions. He was not angry at all, and naturally he would not answer. When those people couldn't tell anything from the questions, they told him that he could After leaving, he returned home in the afternoon. He came back by car. When those people used him, they specially drove to pick him up. They bullied the poor with wealth and suppressed them with power, so that he had to obey. After using him, After that, he kicked him away.

"How's it going? What did they do to you?" When Wang Zexiao returned home, his parents immediately came forward and asked.

"It's nothing. I gave me a free physical examination. Your son is in good health!" Wang Zexiao said with a smile.

"Really, is it that simple?" Wang Yirong stared at his son and asked.

"Why do they want to check you?" Wang Zexiao's mother asked curiously.

"Because there is a patient in their hospital, his symptoms are exactly the same as when I was hospitalized a few days ago, and he has a good background, so those doctors naturally have to go all out, not only the relevant doctors in the county, but also the experts in the city A group of people also came, and when I came back, experts from two provinces had just arrived," Wang Zexiao said.

"You didn't say anything you shouldn't have said, right?" Wang Yirong took a puff of smoke.

"Dad, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, my life was saved by Brother Yao. I will not tell anything about him." Wang Zexiao said.

"Yeah!" Wang Yirong nodded after hearing this.

On the Nanshan Mountain, Wang Yao is still busy. After obtaining the system reward "Spiritual Grass Record", he already has a certain understanding of the growth habits of the two spiritual grasses he planted, "Detoxification Grass" and "Moonflower Grass" , seeing that ten detoxification grasses have matured, their leaves are as green as jasper. Reach out and explore.

"Antitoxic Grass: Ripe and Ready to Harvest."

"Harvest, how to harvest, do you pick it directly, or uproot it?" Wang Yao was at a loss for a while.

"System, how to harvest?"

There is no recovery.

"By the way, isn't there the "Ling Cao Lu"!" Wang Yao hurriedly took out the "Ling Cao Lu", which indeed contains the harvesting and storage methods of detoxification grass, but it mentioned "Place it in a place with strong spiritual energy and store it at low temperature" . "This one really puts Wang Yao in a difficult position.

The low temperature is easy to say, but where can I find this place with strong spiritual energy? This is a home, not the legendary fairyland.

"Wait." Wang Yao suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked something.

"The package panel in this system has thirty-six vertical and horizontal grids. Can it store things in reality?"

Wang Yao thought of this and picked up the maza he was sitting on. As soon as he thought about it, the maza disappeared in a swish. Then he opened the package panel of the system and saw another small bench-like icon on one of the grids.

"Sure enough!" Wang Yao was overjoyed.

Then he began to experiment to see what the maximum number of things this package system could hold. After trying it for a while, he found that a grid in the package could hold a medium-sized sack at most, but a grid could only store one kind of thing, and the same item could only be stored in one grid. Even if you just put a key in the grid, you can't put a needle in it.

"This ability is so practical!" Wang Yao then harvested eight detoxification grasses, leaving two plants, waiting for them to bloom and inoculate them, and then plant them later.

Several other medicinal herbs also grew against the trend because of the ancient spring water. Even in October, they were still growing as fast as midsummer.


Looking at the patch of herbs in front of him, Wang Yao felt particularly comfortable.

He felt extremely comfortable here, but in the county hospital dozens of miles away, he was gloomy and gloomy.

"What, there is no result yet? How long will it take to wait?"

"We are working hard, and experts from the provincial hospital have also arrived and are conducting consultations."

Faced with the questioning of the beauty in front of him, the director of the county hospital did not dare to express his anger. In fact, when several experts from the provincial hospital came over in the afternoon, he subconsciously handed over the rights of treatment to them, and All he can do is to cooperate with all his strength. Any medicine, equipment, or personnel can be used as long as it can wake up the patient lying in the hospital bed and make him kowtow to God.

"I don't want to listen to nonsense. What I want is the result. What I want is that my brother can wake up and wake up safely!" There was frost on the beauty's face.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The dean could only nod in response.