Elixir Supplier

Chapter 220: It has nothing to do with medical skills


After experiencing spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the alternation of prosperity and decline, these firewood are the end of life and the beginning of another form, but today they have to play another role, making fire.

Wang Yao used firewood to cook the medicine on the mountain instead of electricity or natural gas that are commonly used in outpatient clinics or hospitals. This is a kind of respect and inheritance of tradition, and it is also a guarantee of the effectiveness of the medicine. .

Throughout the morning, Wang Yao searched several nearby mountains and collected a lot of firewood, which he piled behind the hut.

"Looking at the weather, it's probably not going to get better."

Wang Yao looked up at the sky. It was still gloomy and it wasn't raining, but the wind was blowing a little bit cool on his body.

He didn't go home for dinner at noon, and just made do with a meal on the mountain.

I had a Taoist scripture in my hand and read it once.

take a break,

After putting away the Taoist scriptures, he lay directly on the bed, closed his eyes, and began to take a lunch break.

Buzz, as soon as he lay down, the phone on the bed rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Tian Yuantu's number. But he hadn't seen this busy man for a while. He heard about this Tian Yuantu from Wang Mingbao and the others. The eldest brother has been busy with company affairs recently and has not even attended the usual gatherings.

"Brother Tian, have you been busy lately?" Wang Yao said with a smile after picking up the phone.

"It's me, Doctor Wang." Unexpectedly, the gentle voice of a woman came from the other end of the phone.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter?" Wang Yao was stunned and immediately knew that the other person was Xu Jiahui.

"Yuan Tu is not feeling well. He is very dizzy. But nothing was found after going to the hospital. I want you to take a look."


"Are you free this afternoon?"


"We'll go find you this afternoon."


Wang Yao originally wanted to see a doctor, but he didn't expect that the other party would say it first, so he didn't say anything more.

He took a nap in bed and was awakened by the sound of barking dogs.

Someone is going up the mountain.

The visitors were a couple, Tian Yuantu and Xu Jiahui.

Tian Yuantu's face was not very pretty, it looked unhealthy and sallow, and he looked very tired. His eyes were a little dim, and his wife next to him was full of worry.

"Come in and sit down."

Wang Yao invited the two people into the room and made them a cup of tea.

"Let's rest for a while, and then I'll show you."

But on the way up the mountain, Tian Yuantu became a little out of breath, which had never happened before.

A cup of tea, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

"Are you tired these days?" Wang Yao asked softly after taking Tian Yuantu's pulse for diagnosis.

"Well, I'm busy with the company's affairs, and I work overtime almost every day."

"If your business has reached this level, do you still need to work so hard?"

In fact, the cause of Tian Yuantu's disease is very simple. Overwork and some damage to the cervical spine will cause dizziness and dizziness. Simple massage therapy can effectively solve the problem. The more important thing is to have a good rest and pay attention. Don't overwork yourself.

When people reach middle age, they need to pay special attention to their health. Some diseases often begin to appear in their forties. If you don’t pay attention and treat them at this time, these diseases that you usually don’t pay attention to are likely to develop. If it is not controlled, it will develop into a chronic disease that will make you regret it for decades to come.

"I'm going to retire after I've been busy for a while." Tian Yuantu said with a smile.

Wang Yao also smiled after hearing this. He would not take these words seriously. Many people have said similar things,

This is the last time I swear,

I will start working hard from tomorrow,

It will definitely not happen next time,

Something like this.

No one will have too much money, it just depends on whether you can see it.

"How about it?"

"There's no big problem, just pay attention to rest." Wang Yaodao.

"Sit up straight and let me massage you."

Wang Yao massaged Tian Yuantu, mainly on his neck and back.

"So comfortable!"

Within a few minutes, Tian Yuantu felt that his body suddenly felt much more comfortable. His neck was no longer so stiff and uncomfortable, and even his dizziness was much better.

"You worked too long and injured your neck."

"When did you learn this massage technique?" Tian Yuantu asked curiously.

"Massage is one of the most basic medical skills." Wang Yaodao.

After pushing the palace through the acupuncture points for him, Wang Yao stopped.

Tian Yuantu and Xu Jiahui were not in a hurry to leave, but drank tea in the hut and talked to Wang Yao.

"To be honest, I haven't been this relaxed for a while." Tian Yuantu said. He was indeed very tense during this period. He needed to manage too many things, but the more he took care of them, not only did the things not decrease, but they actually became more tense. There are more and more, it's like entering some kind of special strange circle.

"Don't you still have the vice presidents of each branch below you? Can't you just leave it to them?" Wang Yaodao said.

"There are some things I'm still worried about."


Some bosses are like this. They hold themselves too tightly and are unwilling to boldly delegate power to the people below them. This way the company cannot be managed well.

When Li Ka-shing manages Cheung Kong Holdings, he won’t even bother with questions like what type of house to build and how many floors to build, right

"You weren't like this before," Xu Jiahui said softly.

"Yeah." Tian Yuantu just responded, obviously having something on his mind.

"Thank you, I feel much better." This is what the team said to Wang Yao before Tian Yuantu left.

"It's okay, let's take a good rest these two days?" This was Wang Yao's suggestion.

The Tian Yuantu in front of him was somewhat different from the person he once knew. The Tian Yuantu in the past was far from such a career maniac. He was a good gentleman who put his family first. , career always comes second.

"What's wrong, Yuan Tu, there are some things that you won't even tell me?" Xu Jiahui said softly as they were going down the mountain.

"There is a problem in the company." Tian Yuantu was silent for a moment, then stopped and said.

"There's a problem, what problem?" Xu Jiahui asked hurriedly after hearing this.


"How is this possible with funds?" Xu Jiahui said in surprise after hearing this. She knew her husband's company very well. In fact, the development of this large group was indispensable for her support and help. As her husband's business grew bigger, She gradually turned to her back and began to look after her husband and raise her children at home.

"Some time ago, the group spent a lot of money to acquire a large piece of land in Daocheng and prepared to develop it. However, the procedures seemed to have encountered some problems and the local government temporarily stopped it."

"Island City?!"

Xu Jiahui knows only too well how far housing prices in the island city have soared recently.

“Is this why you want to go public?”

"That's right, it's actually a dangerous move for soldiers." Tian Yuantu said.

"What did the bank say?"

"There are no problems there yet, but the company invested hundreds of millions of yuan in that piece of land!"

In China, working in the real economy is very tiring. After a year, I am extremely tired. I also have to face various inspections and audits on environmental protection and taxation. In the end, I don’t make much money, but I get a lot of help, so there are a lot of Entrepreneurs are no longer willing to engage in the real economy, but real estate is different. It is an absolute profit-making industry, but it also involves high risks. Once the capital chain is broken, it will be an avalanche of danger.

"Why haven't I heard about such a large investment from you?" Xu Jiahui asked in surprise.

On weekdays, Tian Yuantu usually discusses larger investments with his wife. Although Xu Jiahui is a gentle woman, she has amazing intuition and judgment in investment and financial management.

"I'm also obsessed." Tian Yuantu said.

In fact, he was fooled!

"Is there any other way?"

"I will go to the island city tomorrow to see how the situation is there and whether there will be any changes. If the local government relents, we can still make a profit even if we sell the land!" Tian Yuantu said.

"I'll go with you."

"That's it, what else do you want?!"

Wang Yao stood on the mountain and looked at the couple walking down the mountain together.

A gentle wife, a harmonious family, an inheritance,

These things, in the eyes of most people, are things to be envied. What else should we pursue

Some of human suffering comes from unrealistic pursuits and ideals.

Just like Wang Yao now, he just wants to live a carefree life like this, growing medicinal herbs in the mountains, going to see doctors at the foot of the mountains, then marrying a gentle wife, living a peaceful life, and further away, publishing a book and Develop and pass on some of the things you have learned.

This sounds like idle moaning.

Some people say that one should live a vigorous life and achieve a great career, but most people on this planet still live a mediocre life. It’s all happening, who will do the mundane things

The sky is still gloomy, but it still refuses to rain.

After preparing all the medicinal materials needed to make "Shengji Powder", Wang Yao went down the mountain.

"Those people really deserve to die!" Wang Yao heard his mother's voice as soon as he entered the room.

"What's going on? Who made you so angry?"

"Some people in our village came in to steal the children today!"

"What?!" Wang Yao was stunned after hearing this.

"Whose child was stolen?"

"I didn't steal it. Fortunately, I discovered it early." Zhang Xiuying said.

"That's good." Wang Yao breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Did the surveillance camera in the village capture it?"

"It was photographed, but I couldn't see the person clearly. I've already called the police." Zhang Xiuying said, "Lijiatun in Xiagou lost a child yesterday. I don't know if he has been found."

Wang Yao was silent for a moment after hearing this, then turned around and entered the room, getting a glass of water.

These things have nothing to do with medical skills, and he is powerless.

This was just an episode, life still had to go on. After dinner, Wang Yao gave his father a massage, and a missing person notice came out on TV.

A three-year-old boy who looks very cute.

This child will probably not be found.