Elixir Supplier

Chapter 223: Very watery


Wang Jiangang sat in their house for a while and then left.

In the evening, Wang Yao went up the mountain a little earlier than usual. Before leaving for the capital, he still had some things to deal with.

Wei Hai's medicine was about to run out, so he had already called him and the money had been transferred early; Secretary Yang also called him personally and asked him to take some time to come and sit there, which made the meaning obvious; Pan Jun also called him, repeatedly Invite him to dinner.

Tomorrow I will make some "expelling insect powder" for Wei Hai, go to Pan Mei's clinic in the morning, and tomorrow I will go to Haiqu to see Secretary Yang's mother.

"In the future, we should reduce the number of medical visits as much as possible."

While preparing medicinal materials on the mountain, Wang Yao thought to himself.

A lot of time and effort were wasted on the way back and forth. Just like Secretary Yang's mother, with her current condition, she could come here for treatment. There was no need for Wang Yao to go there again.

These powerful people are too proud of themselves, or they have not considered the feelings of the people who serve them at all.

Empathy also depends on the person and the place.

For example, Secretary Yang never mentioned the cost of medicine from beginning to end. Although Tian Yuantu once told Wang Yao in private that he would pay for all the money for his mother's medical treatment, he should at least ask.

Those who are officials are superior,

When they come here, some things should be taken for granted, but they are not. Therefore, Wang Yao was a little disgusted, but more helpless.

"I'm afraid this situation won't change in a short time."

Wang Yao was busy until late at night, preparing all the medicinal materials needed to make the medicine, and then turned off the lights and rested.

The next day, the weather was fine.

Wang Yao was outside the hut, making a fire and brewing medicine.

The native dog lay quietly aside, staring at the quaint little pot.

"There's no meat in it."

Woof woof.

It is relatively easy to prepare "Zhu Chong Powder" because less medicinal materials are used, mainly "Miasao".

One leaf is enough.

After the preparation of this medicine, there is another medicine, "Sanyang Powder", which is a medicine that promotes yang and specializes in treating yin and cold diseases.

This is not the first time Wang Yao has made these two medicines. It is not particularly difficult. As long as you are calm and unhurried, you will not make any mistakes.

When the sun is empty, "Sanyang Powder" is also brewed.

Wang Yao packed the potion and then moved his body.

"It's still enough time."

He called home, then took the medicine and drove directly to Lianshan County. Head directly towards Wei Hai's tea shop.

I have also been to the Qionglin Banquet, and I have also beaten horses in front of the Royal Street...

There was a jingle and the sound of the door opening.


"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"That's right, I want to buy some new tea this year. Boss, do you have any?"

"No, I don't sell tea here."


"Ah, what? Let's go slowly and close the door. Thank you."

"Damn, you're crazy to open a tea shop and not sell tea!"

Wei Hai was lying on the recliner, drinking tea comfortably and listening to Huangmei Opera, enjoying himself very much.

Ding bell, the door opens again.

"Boss, do you have any new tea this year?"

"Damn, here comes another one. Do I need to put a sign on the door? Our shop does not sell tea!" Wei Hai turned around and looked at it, then smiled.

"Yes, what kind do you want?"

"It's quite enjoyable. The person who came in just now came to buy tea, right?" When Wang Yao came in, he passed by the person just now and heard the other person saying some unpleasant things.

"Please take a seat. What kind of tea would you like?"

"Whatever, hey, what did you hear, Huangmei Opera, female consort?" Wang Yao sat down and listened carefully, and was quite surprised. In today's society, except for the elderly or people with special hobbies, very few people listen to these things. The quintessence of classical Chinese culture.

"Well, if you have nothing to do, listen to it somewhere else. The singing is really good." Wei Hai poured a cup of tea for Wang Yao.

"Haha, it's a good thing to listen to the opera, isn't it elegant?"

"This is the medicine I brewed for you. The method of taking it is the same as before." Wang Yao placed the medicine on the table.


"You're welcome, let me show you."

After the pulse diagnosis, Wang Yao found that his condition had improved to some extent compared to when he went up the mountain a few days ago, which was gratifying.

"The prescription you gave me, I boiled it every day. They were all wild herbs obtained from Li Maoshuang. The more I drank, the stronger I felt physically and mentally. I also spent two hours every day doing Tai Chi. Quan, by the way, where is Master Chen, when will he be back? "

"He has some business in Cangzhou, and it will probably take some time before he comes back." Wang Yao said with a smile after hearing this.

"Ah, it's a pity. I still have some questions that I don't understand and I want to ask him for advice." Wei Hai said.

"Okay, I have to leave beforehand. Please be careful during this period. I may not be in Lianshan County for a while." Wang Yaodao.

"Where are you going again?"


"Have you eaten yet? Let's have a meal together?"


There are three people in the health restaurant, Wang Yao, Wang Mingbao and Wei Hai.

"Going to the capital again?"

"Yes, I have to go there for what I promised a long time ago."

"How long will it take this time?"

"Try to come back before the Dragon Boat Festival." Wang Yao took a bite of food.

"By the way, I have something else to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Remember the elementary school at the south end of our village?"

"Remember, it's already in disrepair, what's wrong?"

"I want to buy that land."

Selling land is not a trivial matter in the village, let alone such a large piece of land. Although it is not cultivated land, there are many people in the village looking at it. Such a matter must first be held in the village committee and approved by the village committee. , in this regard, Wang Mingbao can speak, to be precise, his father, just one sentence.

In fact, this is a fact. There are people in the DPRK who are easy to get things done.

"No problem." Wang Mingbao agreed without hesitation.

"Going back in the afternoon?"

"I'm not going back, I'm going to Renhe Clinic."

"Then hurry up, right?"

After eating, Wang Yao drove to the "Renhe Clinic".

"Why don't you say hello in advance?" After seeing Wang Yao, Pan Mei responded with a smile.

"Sorry, I haven't been able to fulfill what I promised you for so long." Wang Yao apologized first.

"It's okay. I heard from Pan Jun that you traveled far away?"


"Sit down first." Pan Mei said, pouring him a glass of water.

After a while, Pan Jun also came.

The two siblings valued Wang Yao very much because his medical skills were indeed very good. They were from a family of doctors and knew who had real ability and who was just a name.

During this afternoon, Wang Yao did not see a single patient, but spent the whole afternoon chatting with Pan Jun and Pan Mei.

"I may not come here for consultation in the future." Wang Yao said before leaving in the afternoon.

This matter must be spoken out sooner or later, sooner rather than later.

"Why?" The two siblings were stunned after hearing this.

"There are too many things, and I am planning to open my own medical clinic."

"Oh, when will the hotel open? Remember to treat us to a wedding banquet!" Pan Mei said very generously after hearing this.

"I just have this idea, but I haven't started making preparations yet."

In the afternoon, Wang Yao originally wanted to go back for dinner, but the two siblings forced him to stay and insisted on treating him to a meal no matter what.

In fact, Wang Yao can also understand their thoughts, but deep down he rejects such politeness.

When he returned to the mountain village at night, it was already past nine o'clock. After putting down the car, he went directly to Nanshan.

In one day, two things were solved.

Sometimes, life is like answering questions. If you do a few questions every day, you may still do them repetitively. It obviously feels very boring and boring, but there is nothing you can do about it.

"Go to Haiqu City tomorrow."

After entering the hut, turning on the lights, and reciting the Taoist scriptures several times, Wang Yaofang turned off the lights and took a rest.

When he went to Haiqu the next day, he went with Tian Yuantu.

"What happened? You still look so ugly?" When he saw Tian Yuantu again, he found that Tian Yuantu still looked ugly. He obviously hadn't had a good rest. "Are you still busy with the company's affairs?"

"Yeah, almost."

"Listen to my advice and take a proper rest, okay?"

The human body has its limits, and excessive fatigue can easily lead to illness.