Elixir Supplier

Chapter 228: Learn from the immortals in heaven


Along the way, Mr. Chen wanted to speak several times but swallowed it back.

After entering the small courtyard, the two of them sat down in the courtyard.

Chen Ying brought a pot of tea.

"Are you busy?" Wang Yao asked with a smile.

"My friend, can I ask a question?"

"You tell me." Wang Yao smiled and poured him a cup of tea.

"Where did you study?"

"Gods in the sky." Wang Yao smiled and pointed to the sky.

His abilities come from that magical system, which is tantamount to being taught by heaven. It is not nonsense to say that it was taught by gods.

Mr. Chen smiled after hearing this. Naturally, he didn't believe it. He just assumed that Wang Yao was unwilling to tell about his inheritance and origin, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Can I see the potion you just used?"

"Okay." Wang Yao hesitated for a moment, then took out the white porcelain bottle containing the potion and placed it on the table.

Mr. Chen carefully took the bottle, then opened the cork and sniffed it gently.

"Can I try?"


He poured out a little carefully and dropped it on his finger. He immediately felt a coolness. This coolness not only stayed on the surface of the skin, but quickly penetrated inside, all the way into the muscles, and even deeper. This place, this feeling, is so uncomfortable. Then he added another drop and tasted it.

"What a wonderful medicine!" Mr. Chen sighed, then carefully corked the bottle and put the white porcelain bottle back on the table.

"Can you tell me what medicine it is?"

"Sheng Ji Powder."

This name is actually very common, and common pharmacies sell potions of this name.

"What medicine did you use?"

"Sorry." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"No, it's me who should be sorry." Mr. Chen was stunned and said with a smile.

"This medicine is really amazing!"

"you flatter me."

"Thank you for the tea, and thank you for the medicine." The old gentleman stood up and left after sitting for a while.

"You walk slowly."

Wang Yao sent him to the door.

"I'll see you off, Mr. Chen." Chen Ying had already opened the car door.

"No need, my old man's body is not that valuable yet, just walk back." Mr. Chen walked slowly away.

The place where he lives is also a courtyard, a simple courtyard, which is somewhat similar to the place where Wang Yao currently lives temporarily. There are some vegetables and fruits in the small courtyard, which are green. After returning home, he sat on the wicker chair in the courtyard. Looking at the sky in a daze. After looking at the sky for a while, he looked down at his palms again.

As people age, all aspects of their body skills will deteriorate, and the same goes for the skin. The skin of babies is tender and smooth, while the skin of the elderly is dry and shrunken, like tree bark. Although Mr. Chen has been practicing medicine for so many years, he knows some health care. However, the magic method cannot stop aging, which is the most difficult thing to resist in this world. His skin has lost its luster and is full of age spots. After all, he is nearly eighty years old, but on this palm, there are actually A little bit of skin is unusually smooth.

This is the place where the "Sheng Ji Powder" was dropped just now, and it was only a short period of more than an hour.


The old man sighed. He had been practicing medicine for most of his life and had never seen miraculous things before, but he saw miraculous things in a young young man one after another.

It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!

"What's the matter, old man!" A fat old man with white hair and beard stepped forward and asked.

Since her husband came back, she found that his behavior was very abnormal. He was looking at the sky and lowering his head and sighing.

"I'm old!" I didn't expect Mr. Chen to say such a thing.

"Nonsense, how can a person in his eighties not grow old?" the old lady said with a smile after hearing this.

"I just learned today what terrible things can happen afterward."

"Why, have you met a good young man?"

She understands what the old man is thinking. She has been a doctor for most of her life and has extraordinary medical skills. After reaching a certain age, from the early years of studying medical skills, treating diseases and saving people, she is now working hard to carry forward and pass on the essence of this country. The old man spent most of his life on "TCM". He really wanted to carry forward this treasure passed down by his ancestors and cultivate more young people.

After seeing Wang Yao and witnessing his extraordinary ability, it was not a test of modern technology, but something passed down by tradition. It was probably some precious things that were considered to have been discontinued. He was excited and subconsciously thought of These things should be carried forward, but think about the current domestic environment and the environment of this industry.

Too impetuous, too focused on fame and fortune, and will do whatever it takes to achieve the goal.

Under such conditions, if one possesses extraordinary abilities and does not have strong self-protection ability, it is necessary to keep a low profile.

"I found a rare talent. In some aspects, no, it should be said in key aspects, he has surpassed us old guys."

"Oh, who can actually be worthy of your evaluation?" The old lady was surprised after hearing this.

He knows very well what kind of temper his wife has. He looks very kind, but in fact he is very arrogant inside. Especially in the medical field, he has never served anyone before. Today, he suddenly heard him praising someone like this. He is still a young man. Man, this is a big deal!

"You are a young man that I can't see through. Hey, I don't want to think about it anymore. I'll talk to Lao Li later."

"Shall we go to the Forbidden City in the afternoon?" Wang Yao said to Chen Ying after lunch.

Last time he came and went in a hurry, he didn't have time to take a closer look at the many scenic spots in the capital. He just took a few glances from outside. This time he was not in such a hurry. Wang Yao was ready to walk around as much as possible.

Having already visited the Great Wall, the first choice was naturally the residence of the Nine-Five Masters, a city within a city that had controlled this country for hundreds of years.

"Okay." Chen Ying responded after hearing this.

In the afternoon, the sky in Beijing was rarely clear.

Wang Yao and Chen Ying arrived outside the Forbidden City.

The red walls and yellow tiles give it an air of imperial majesty.

Just looking at the city wall, which is several feet high, there is an indescribable heaviness.

Even if it is not weekends and holidays, there are still many people visiting here.

"Can you please be a tour guide?" Wang Yao said to Chen Ying with a smile.

"no problem."

The two people walked slowly, and Wang Yao watched carefully.

This building has witnessed the rise and fall of history. Two dynasties and twenty-four emperors once lived in it. It is also a classic palace building in the history of architecture and one of the five major palaces.

Wang Yao visited the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Yangxin, and the Imperial Garden... one by one.

Some places are not open to the public.

This palace exudes a royal style everywhere. Looking at this magnificent building, you can vaguely feel the prosperity of this place and even this country hundreds of years ago.

Once upon a time, there was a garden, known as the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, which was far larger than the current Forbidden City. However, it was burned down and only ruins were left.

The glory of the past does not represent the present. Just like "TCM", it was once brilliant and famous, but now, it is being forced by Western medicine step by step. Coupled with being complacent, the situation is already precarious.

Wang Yao stayed here all afternoon.

In fact, some parts of this palace are very interesting, not only the pavilions, pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, but some of the details are even more intriguing. If you want to look carefully, not to mention an afternoon, even three days is not enough.

"Shall we go back?" Wang Yao said as he looked at the gradually darkening sky.


After coming out of the Forbidden City, Wang Yao looked back at the palace standing under the sunset.

"Don't go home to eat, let's go out to eat. You choose the place, but I pay."

"Okay." Chen Ying still answered simply.

Chen Ying drove to the outside of an old store.

here? !

Looking at the plaque, Wang Yao smiled.

“Is the roast duck here really that delicious?”

“You’ll know after you try it.”

If you mention any delicious food in Beijing, most people will first think of roast duck, and then other dishes such as noodles with soybean paste.

The store is old and well-known, and many people come to eat there.

We found a good place and ordered a few dishes. Of course, we mainly came here to eat roast duck.

"Are you from the capital?"

"No, my hometown is Jizhou."

"Alone in the capital?"

"My family is all in the capital." Chen Ying replied.

During the conversation, the dishes were served one after another. The roast duck is very fragrant and has a unique taste.

After eating, the weather outside has almost completely cleared up.

The two of them went directly to Su Xiaoxue's home.

Su Xianghua and Song Ruiping were both there, and there were two more guests at home. Two doctors, one thin and one fat, were Chen and Li.

"Hello, Dr. Wang."

"have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten, thank you."

Without saying any more polite words, Wang Yao went directly to Su Xiaoxue's ward.

"Is it you, Doctor Wang? There seem to be a lot of people here this time?" Su Xiaoxue, who was lying on the hospital bed, could not see clearly and could only see some blurry figures.

Wang Yao first checked the pulse for diagnosis. After confirming the condition, he removed the gauze again. ,

After removing the layers of gauze, you can see that more than one-third of the red muscle tissue has appeared on the palm that was originally like burnt charcoal. These are new muscles.


The old doctor Li's eyes were as big as a cow. His friend came to him this afternoon and asked him to come over and see the miracle, but he didn't say what it was. He was also curious, and more doubtful in his heart, but seeing it with his own eyes After arriving, I was completely shocked.

He leaned down and looked at Su Xiaoxue's palm carefully, just like his old friend did before.

"It's new-born muscles, how is this possible?!"

After getting up, he looked at Wang Yao with a strange look, as if he had seen a ghost.

Wang Yao took out the white porcelain bottle again, then opened the cork, and the unique fragrance floated out, dripping evenly on the palm of his hand.

"What kind of medicine is this?!"

This is not the first time that everyone present has had such doubts.

After the treatment process was over, everyone left the room.