Elixir Supplier

Chapter 232: My opinion on mental illness


"That's true." Wang Yao said with a smile.

Based on Chen Ying's current working environment and salary, she must have surpassed 90% of the people in the country, not to mention that she often comes into contact with some dignitaries. This is an intangible wealth and invisible resource.

The more you gain, the more you lose.

At noon, Chen Ying prepared a table of special dishes for Wang Yao.

"What kind of dish is this?"

"How does the food from my hometown taste like?"


"Well, not bad, the taste is very unique."


After lunch and a short rest, Wang Yao and Chen Ying went out together.

"Tell me about your brother first?"

"His situation is quite special. You will have the most intuitive feeling when you see him later." When he mentioned his younger brother, Chen Ying's eyes showed a worried look.

The car was not driving very fast. It was the rush hour at this time, and this was the capital, the place with the worst traffic jam in the country.

About two hours later, Chen Ying drove to a rather special place.

"This is?"

Looking at the name of this unit, Wang Yao was slightly startled. I will not mention the first part, but just say the last few words "mental illness sanatorium". This is a relatively euphemistic way of saying it. In layman's terms, it is a mental hospital.

"No wonder I didn't say it just now."

"Everyone, please be alert, Trump will come to inspect this afternoon!"

"Trump, not Putin?"

"The decline in gold is only temporary, and will last in the long run."

"Doctor, I don't think I'm sick, I'm just mentally unstable."

"Let me out, the people of the motherland need me!"

Wang Yao heard some voices along the way, and then saw some people he had never seen before. Their eyes were either dull, excited, or weird. In short, there was no normal person.

"Hello, are you here to see a patient?" Suddenly, a doctor with a slicked back hair and a white coat came to them.

"Yes, doctor." Chen Ying said.

"You should chat more with patients and persuade them to accept treatment. Usually family members' guidance will have a positive effect on their treatment." The doctor said very seriously.

"Okay, doctor."

"Goodbye." The doctor turned to leave.

Wang Yao looked at the doctor with a smile.

"What's wrong, Doctor Wang?"

"It's okay, your colleague will be back soon." Wang Yao said to the doctor with a smile.

"Young man, what do you mean?" the doctor said seriously.

"Over there, Cheng Xin, stop!" Several doctors hurried over.

"As a medical staff, it's unbecoming to be too panicked." The adult doctor turned around and left without haste, and was then held down by several male doctors who swarmed up to him.

"Mom, you're so stupid. Send me a separate treatment room and double the amount of medicine."

"I think I should take vitamin supplements instead of nerve blockers. My gums are bleeding, not mentally abnormal, and the taste of thioridazine is weird. Why can't it be designed with a grape or pancreatic flavor? ?”

"Shut up, Tamar, who told you about the thioridazine you took?!"

"You forgot, I am a doctor of medicine from Qinghua University."

"Don't talk to him, you're worried about being misled by him!"

"Remember what I told you, communicate with patients more often and let the principal communicate!"

"Gag his mouth!"

"Sorry, he didn't tell you anything, right?" At this time, a doctor looked at Wang Yao and Chen Ying nervously.

"Nothing, just what I said just now."

"That's good. No matter what he says to you, don't take it seriously. Just last month, he turned one of our intern doctors into a psychopath."

"Oh, nothing, thank you."

"How did you tell that he was abnormal just now?" Chen Ying asked curiously.

Just now, he didn't notice anything revealing about this psychopath pretending to be a doctor.

"Hair style, eyes, take the initiative to talk to us." Wang Yaodao.

"It's just an inference."

But the psychotic look in his eyes just now really surprised him. There was a different kind of divine light hidden behind the seemingly calm look.

Perhaps this mentally ill patient is really different from ordinary people in other aspects.

Soon, they met Chen Ying's younger brother, a drooling and giggling boy who looked to be in his teens.

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome."

"Xiao Zhou, sister is here to see you." She leaned over and wiped away her brother's saliva.

"You are wrong!" Unexpectedly, his brother's expression suddenly changed and became serious.

"The deceased died of murder, not suicide!"

"How can I not stop him from coming with the sword in the forty-ninth sword style?!" Then his expression changed again.

Wang Yao was a little stunned.

"This disease is so strange."

He suddenly reached out and grabbed the wrist of the young man in front of him.

"You are so impudent that you dare to be rude to me."

But in a moment, this young man had changed several identities.

Wang Yao ignored him and grabbed his arm to check his pulse, but there was a power in his palm that should not exist in a boy of this age. Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person, otherwise he would most likely be killed by him. Break free.

What a strange pulse!

"Sister, when did you come?" In an instant, the young man seemed to have regained his consciousness.

"Just arrived." Chen Ying said softly.

"Did I just talk nonsense again?"


"Who is this brother?"

"I've invited a doctor to treat you." Chen Ying said.

"It's useless, sister, don't worry about me anymore."

The boy's eyes were clear again, and he spoke very maturely, just like ordinary people.

"The pulse has also changed." Wang Yao said.

"How weird!"

The boy's illness looked like "split personality", and Wang Yao didn't know how to treat it for a while.

"How's it going, Dr. Wang?"

"Sorry, I can't think of any good solutions at the moment." Wang Yaodao.

"Oh." Chen Ying responded, disappointment was inevitable.

She chatted with her brother for a while and left only after the doctor came to remind her that the time to visit the patient was up.

"Sister, don't worry about me. You don't have to come here anymore." Chen Ying's brother said.

Throughout the conversation with his sister he remained sane and normal.

"Sister will pick you up as soon as possible."

"No, I'm fine in there."

Even Wang Yao felt a bit bitter after hearing these words, let alone his sister. Who would think that it is better to be in a hospital, and it is a place like this. No one except the doctor is normal, even a certain These doctors may not be normal.

"This is my brother Chen Zhou." Chen Ying said after coming out of the hospital.

"He suddenly fell ill four years ago when he was in junior high school. He went to many hospitals and doctors but nothing could be done. No one except me could take care of him in the family. I had no choice but to keep him here. Got treatment."

Four years ago, junior high school. How old is he now


"Eighteen years old, why do you look like a twelve-year-old boy?"

"Yes, in these four years, not only has he not shown any signs of aging, but he has become younger and younger." Chen Ying seemed to be afraid that Wang Yao would not believe what she said, so she took out her mobile phone, which contained his brother's phone number. The photos are indeed getting younger and younger, a bit childlike.

This phenomenon attracted Wang Yao's attention.

"Does this disease have some special side effects? I forgot to observe the conditions of other patients when I was in the hospital just now!"

"I will think of a solution for your brother's illness."

This disease itself belongs to the list of "difficult diseases". In fact, there are many causes of mental illness, and so far, most of these diseases do not have good treatments and drugs.

"Thank you in advance."

When Wang Yao returned home, he found someone waiting in the courtyard, a middle-aged woman, Su Xiaoxue's mother Song Ruiping.

"Hello, Dr. Wang."

"Hello, Ms. Song, what's the matter?"

"Nothing to do, I just went out and stopped by to take a look."

"Please take a seat."

Chen Ying hurriedly poured tea.

In fact, this place was originally the property of the Su family, and Wang Yao was just living there temporarily, which made it seem like he was the owner here.

"Doctor Wang, what do you think of this place? Is it a good place to live?"

"Very good." Wang Yao replied almost subconsciously.

"Ah That's good."

Song Ruiping only sat there for a short while before saying goodbye and leaving.

The sky was getting dark, and Chen Ying prepared dinner. Maybe it was affected by her brother's incident, but she seemed to be in a low mood.

Wang Yao vaguely guessed that besides her brother, she might have no other relatives.

"I will go to Su's house in the evening. If you don't want to go, don't go." Every time Wang Yao went to Su's house, Chen Ying would accompany him, send him in, and then wait for him to come out. He just felt that today Wang Yao saw that she was not very interested, so he didn't want her to go.

"That's alright, I'll go with you, just think of it as a way to relax."

It’s still the same small courtyard, and the same people are still there.

The gauze wrapped around his head was gently removed, and then the scary face was revealed. The criss-crossing scars are just one face, but they seem like two worlds. There are still crisscross scars on the left side, representing the dark black color of death and corruption, while on the right side there is a piece of pink and tender new flesh. They are as conspicuous as an oasis in the desert.

Wang Yao did this deliberately during the last treatment. He only sprinkled the medicine on the right side of her face.

"It works!" Although she knew that this result might occur, Song Ruiping still shouted excitedly after seeing it.

"As long as it works!"

Continuing the treatment, Wang Yao took out another porcelain bottle.

After opening the porcelain bottle, the unique aroma came out again.

This time, Wang Yao took out another bottle of medicine, undiluted "Shengji Powder", which was as thick as honey and dripped slowly.

The attentive Song Ruping discovered that Wang Yao's medication was different from the last time.