Elixir Supplier

Chapter 233: A generous gift


"Dr. Wang, are the medicines used this time different from last time?" she asked softly.

"Yes, I made some changes, but the main ingredients are still the same."

"That won't be a problem, right?"


The medicine is still the original formula, but it is thicker. Logically speaking, the effect will only be better.

Song Ruiping's face was full of worry. Obviously, she was worried about her daughter. She knew almost nothing about medicine, but she knew that any change would be risky.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Song, it's okay."

After the treatment, Wang Yao comforted him.

"Hey." Song Ruiping responded softly.

The gauze was restored layer by layer, but the patient was still unable to move while lying on the bed.

Her illness was so serious that it had penetrated into every part of her body. It was a miracle that she was still alive.

"Have you been using the medicine I prepared for her?"

"They are all taking their medicines on time."

"Well, judging from the pulse, the condition has been improving." Wang Yaodao, although this process is very slow, it is indeed improving.

The disease comes like a mountain falling, and the disease goes away like a thread spinning.

This sentence is absolutely correct. Many diseases strike very quickly, like a landslide, but treatment requires a relatively slow process, like peeling off a cocoon and pulling out silk. Needless to say, even a headache or a cold won't be cured within a few days.

"Or, directly take Shengji Powder internally and externally?" Suddenly, such an idea appeared in Wang Yao's mind.

"Bring me a teacup."

Now that I think of it, try it as soon as possible.

"Dr. Wang, the tea cup you asked for."

Wang Yao poured out a small portion of "Shengji Powder".

"Dilute it with warm water and give it to her."


Immediately, medical staff diluted the "Shengji Powder" according to Wang Yao's instructions, and then carefully fed Su Xiaoxue.

Apart from anything else, the temporary effect was very good. Lying on the hospital bed, Su Xiaoxue only felt that a stream of clear water entered her body. Wherever it passed, the burning sensation disappeared, just like a river flowing through it. It's like a desert, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Of course, this feeling was something only she knew and could not share it with others.

"no problem."

Wang Yao said after testing his pulse.

Before leaving, he had taken it himself and knew the effect of taking "Shengji Powder" internally.

"The medicine will be given to her in time. I will go back first."

"I'll give it to you," Song Ruiping said.

In the past few days, she had done nothing but stay with her daughter at home. Every time Wang Yao came for treatment, she was always by the side, and she personally sent Wang Yao out every time. In the past, except for Those elders, she has never done this to a junior.

"Go back."

"Okay, walk slowly."

Wang Yao and Chen Ying came on foot.

There are not many pedestrians going to this residence, and there are fewer vehicles coming and going. It seems that there are some restrictions on entry, so it is relatively quiet at night.

"Your brother said that he liked reading martial arts novels when he was in school, right?" Wang Yao said suddenly.

"Yes, how do you know?" Chen Ying was stunned and asked curiously.

"That can be inferred from what he said today."

"He likes to read novels and admires the heroes in them. He also wanted to learn Kung Fu and become a martial arts master when he was young." Chen Yingdao.

"Did he suddenly become ill?"

"That's right. He had suffered a head trauma. Since then, he has suffered from this problem, which has been good and bad."

"More when you're sober?"

"Yes, thank you when you are awake, but as the condition worsens, the time you are awake becomes shorter and shorter." Chen Yingdao.

The hospital where his brother is located is also divided into several treatment areas based on the patient's condition. His brother's condition is better, so he is divided into one treatment area. And obviously, Chen Ying spent a lot, so when he saw his brother It can be seen that the living conditions there are not bad.

"Have you asked doctors Chen and Li to look at it?"

Wang Yao was deeply impressed by those two old men. Judging from Song Ruiping's attitude towards them, he must be the "Xinglin Sage".

"I asked Mr. Chen to take a look. He also gave the injection himself, and the effect was good. If the treatment can be continued, it may be better." Chen Ying said.

"Then why not continue the treatment?"

"What's Mr. Chen's identity, and what's my identity?" Chen Ying said with a smile, a bit bitter in her smile.

Wang Yao was slightly startled after hearing this, and then was silent for a while.

This is indeed a fact, not only in traditional Chinese medicine, but also in ordinary hospitals. Ordinary people want to see some famous experts and ask them for diagnosis or treatment, which is quite troublesome. First of all, their medical skills are superb. Therefore, more people come to see them for medical treatment. When there are more people, they naturally have to be queued. Secondly, there are not a few powerful people who seek them on weekdays. One is an ordinary person and the other is powerful. Except for a few "high-profile" people. , the vast majority will make the same judgment.

In this society, "high integrity" is usually equated with "not knowing how to get along."

Just like Wang Yao, I'm afraid some people will say that he is "isolated".

"Don't worry too much, things will always turn around." Wang Yao could only comfort him like this.

"Well, thank you."

After arriving at the small hospital, Wang Yao returned to his room and recorded the treatment process during the day. He also recorded the condition of Chen Ying's brother.

"Add acupuncture, acupuncture!" Wang Yao now really wanted to learn this "medical skill".

He opened the system panel.

If you want to learn acupuncture, you must master the four basic methods of "observation, smell, consultation," and now he still needs to learn the "inspection, smell, and consultation" method. To learn this ability, you must upgrade to another level. It depends on his current situation. , I’m afraid it will still take quite a while.

"The road is long and long!"

This night, the air was a bit stuffy. It's almost June and the weather is getting hotter.

Ordinary people would choose to turn on the fan at this time. Wang Yao feels good. He can feel the heat, but the heat has no effect on him. After reaching a certain level of kung fu, he can be "invulnerable to cold and heat." Wang Yao has now reached this stage. The level, the system, the extraordinary internal strength, and the situation in the small courtyard are still slightly better.

In the second half of the night, it started to rain outside, crackling.

The next day, probably because of the night rain yesterday, the sky in the capital became much bluer.

The clear blue sky has really been washed.

In the early morning, at around nine o'clock, Chen Boyuan came to the small courtyard and brought a document.

"What does this mean?" Wang Yao was slightly startled.

"This small hospital is given to you, Dr. Wang."

"What?!" Wang Yao was shocked after hearing this.

What kind of place is this? In the capital city where every inch of land is precious, how much is this quaint little courtyard worth in such an area? It's not a question of tens of millions, it must be over 100 million.

"This gift is too heavy, I won't accept it." Wang Yao said directly.

"Just accept it."

"Go back and tell Mrs. Song that I won't want this gift."

At this time, Wang Yao realized the reason why Mrs. Song suddenly came here yesterday afternoon and asked him such a question. It turned out that she wanted to give this small courtyard to him.

Such a generous act will make a difference among rich and powerful people!

Chen Boyuan also considered that such a situation would happen before he came.

"This property is already in your name." He smiled.

"If this is the case, then I have no choice but to leave the capital." Wang Yao said calmly.

If he accepted such a heavy gift, wouldn't it be equivalent to tying himself to the Su family.

"This?!" Chen Boyuan was a little confused.

"This house is considered as your medical expenses."

"It doesn't have to be so expensive!"

Which doctor can change a house in Beijing after just one visit? !

"Then I'll go back and communicate with Madam."


"This stubborn weirdo!"

After coming out of the small courtyard, Chen Boyuan shook his head and said, he knew that Wang Yao was of extraordinary character, but he didn't expect that he would refuse without hesitation in the face of such a temptation. If it were him, he would have thought about it for a long time, or even more than half the time. may be gifted.

After Chen Boyuan left, Wang Yao paced back and forth in the small courtyard, feeling more and more that this small courtyard was uninhabitable, and maybe it would become his own if he lived there.