Elixir Supplier

Chapter 235: Chores


Wang Yao used the medicine carefully and increased the dosage.

After the chest and abdomen was the back. With the help of the medical staff, the patient managed to turn over, but before the treatment on the back was completed, all the medicine was used up.

Phew, Wang Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

He was very careful in this process, and there were no problems. The next step is to see the effect. The specific effect will be known by this time tomorrow.

"Mrs. Song, all the prepared medicine has been used up. We will see how effective the treatment is tomorrow. I plan to go back to Lianshan County tomorrow afternoon and brew the medicine again." Wang Yaodao.

"Can't you cook it here? Can you just tell me what I need?" Song Ruiping said after hearing this.

"No." Wang Yao said.

There are too many advantages on Nanshan. He cannot use these things like the Herb Pot, Ancient Spring Water, and Spirit Gathering Array here, and he needs to find a way to exchange for the "Witherless Grass" and "Lingshan Ji" needed in the entire potion. .

Song Ruiping was silent after hearing this.

"Then when can you come back?"

"This is not sure. Within a month, I will do it as soon as possible."

"Can I help you with anything?"

"It's true." Wang Yao said with a smile, "I need some special medicinal materials."

"I will immediately arrange for Boyuan to do it."

Originally, she wanted to discuss with Wang Yao whether she could buy his prescription, but after a conversation with her husband, she changed her original mind. In any case, her daughter's disease was getting better, which was what they hoped for. , compared with his daughter’s life and health, waiting two more days is nothing.

"Doctor Wang, would you like to stay and have a light meal together at noon?"

"Okay." After thinking about it, Wang Yao agreed to this invitation.

Lunch was arranged quickly, and Su Xianghua also rushed back from work. The meal tended to be light.

During the meal, Su Xianghua and his wife expressed their gratitude to Wang Yao. After the meal, Su Xianghua talked with Wang Yao alone for a while. In addition to thanking him, he also made some words clear, mainly expressing some concerns. .

"Mr. Su, since I have decided to treat this patient, I will be responsible to the end."

Since the other party asked, Wang Yao also expressed his attitude.

"Okay, okay." Su Xianghua said with a smile.

"What you need will be ready as soon as possible."

After the chat, Wang Yao said goodbye and left. He didn't like the feeling of being in Su's house, it was a bit depressing and uncomfortable.

Not long after Wang Yao returned to the courtyard, Chen Boyuan rushed over. Wang Yao gave him a list, and Shang Ming listed some Chinese medicinal materials, all of which were relatively expensive.

"This is?"

"The medicinal materials must be wild."

"Okay, I'll prepare it as soon as possible." Chen Boyuan looked at the list and said. There are many types of medicinal materials on it, and the quantity is large.

"I want to use these medicines in Lianshan County."

"no problem."

In fact, only a small part of the medicinal materials prescribed by Wang Yao are used to brew "Shengji Powder", but most of the medicinal materials are used to obtain exchange points through the system, and then purchase "Witherless Grass" and "Lingshan and "Now that Su Xiaoxue's condition has improved, she must seize the time to take medicine.

In the afternoon, Wang Yao told his second aunt that he was going back to Lianshan County tomorrow. His second aunt insisted on letting him go home for dinner, but he declined. There was still a lot to do tonight.

That night, he stayed in his room until late at night.

In one night, he prepared two prescriptions, one of which was a weakened version of "Shengji Powder". He replaced the most critical "Withering Grass" and "Lingshanji" with ordinary medicinal materials. The overall effect was still the same. It is similar, but the effect needs to be verified. The other prescription is relatively simple, regulating the body's functions, strengthening the foundation and strengthening the body. This was prepared by his mother who was born in the hope that it can be of some help to him.

Only a few people knew that he was leaving.

Early the next morning, Guo Sirou came to the small courtyard. When she arrived, Wang Yao was still eating breakfast of beans and dough sticks.

"You want to leave?" This was his first sentence after seeing Wang Yao.

"Yes." Wang Yao raised his head and said calmly.

The news spread quickly.

"Why so urgent?"

"Go back and celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival." Wang Yao's answer made Guo Sirou's breath hitch.

What a sharp reason.

"When will you come back again?"

"Within a month, as soon as possible." Wang Yaoda.

Guo Sirou was silent. Can her grandfather survive a month

"My grandfather..."

"At most three months."

"Is there no other way?"

"No, unless you can invite the gods." Wang Yao spread his hands and said.

If you use the "Life Extension Pill", you may be able to delay it for a while, but after a period of time, if you use the "Life Extension Pill" again, and once the effect of this pill is spread, then Wang Yao will never even think about it in his life. "It is quite now.

"Where is your master?" Guo Sirou suddenly said this.

"My master?" Wang Yao was stunned.

"Such a miraculous medical skill must come from a famous family, right?" Guo Siju said. Of course, this is just her guess and there is no direct evidence.

"Haha, he is in the sky." Wang Yao pointed to the sky.

Guo Sirou didn't insist, she knew she was a little impatient.

"Feel sorry."


As soon as Guo Sirou left, He Qisheng followed. He came here after receiving a call from Wang Yao.

"This is a prescription. I thought it might have some auxiliary treatment effect on my aunt's disease."

It seems that Wang Yao has only gone out a few times these days, spending most of his time walking around. In fact, he has been thinking about how to treat special diseases, such as "cancer". These things are only instilled in the system. It was just mentioned that he had some ideas and he could try them.

"Thank you." He Qisheng said after finishing the prescription.

"Don't show this prescription to anyone else."

The same prescription may not be suitable for different people.

"I know."

He Qisheng expressed his gratitude and left.

After he left, Wang Yao made a pot of tea and invited Chen Ying to the room.

"Thank you for your help during this time."

"It should."

"I don't have a good solution for your brother's illness at the moment. I will think of a treatment plan."

"Thank you." Chen Ying said happily after hearing this.

"Smile more like that."

Chen Ying's face turned slightly red after hearing this.

In the morning, Wang Yao went to Su's house again to check on Su Xiaoxue for the last time before leaving.

The gauze was opened layer by layer, and a lot of scabs fell out. This was dead tissue. A large amount of pink and tender muscle tissue appeared in various parts of the body. This was a good sign.

"Unfortunately, there are not enough potions. If there are enough potions, it can have better effects, even staged effects."

The people from the Su family had already booked a plane ticket for him.

In the afternoon, Chen Boyuan personally sent him to the plane and returned to Haiqu City with him.

"Do you have anything else to do when you go to Haiqu?"

"No, I'll send it to you specially."

"That's not necessary." Wang Yao said hurriedly after hearing this.

"Hehe, please."

In the evening, the plane landed in Haiqu City. When they left the airport, someone had been waiting outside. After seeing Chen Boyuan, the man said a few words to him, and then left the car and car keys directly. left.


He drove Wang Yao back home and brought a box of gifts.

When we returned to the mountain village, it was already evening.

"Why did you bring so many things again!"

"Shall we come in and sit down?"

"No, it's getting late. I'd better go back first. I'll deliver what you want as soon as possible."


"Have you eaten?" Wang Yao's mother asked.

"After eating, please stop being busy. Where is my dad?"

"He's on the mountain. He's been staying there at night these past few days," Zhang Xiuying said.

"Then I'll go up the mountain and ask my dad to come down."

"Don't worry, let's take a rest first?"

"It's okay, I'm not tired."

After speaking, Wang Yao went up the mountain. The village is very quiet, which is a completely different environment from the capital city.

Except for the village, entering the mountains, there were lights behind them, and darkness in front of them. After turning around a mountain peak, a dim light appeared in front of them, which was particularly eye-catching in this dark night.