Elixir Supplier

Chapter 24: The mountain road is rugged and it is difficult to find a cure


At this time, Wang Yao was busy in the medicine field and had just finished watering the herbs.

Under the magical effect of the ancient spring water, these herbs grew extremely fast, especially the common herbs he planted, such as gentian, adenophora, parsnip, and wolfberry, which grew extremely fast. It only took a month, but The growth trend is comparable to that of other places in a year.

Woof woof woof, Sanxian beside him suddenly screamed.

"Yes, there is someone." Wang Yaoqi looked up and saw two people on the mountain road, coming towards him, a woman and a man.

He didn't worry about it. It wasn't until the two people approached slowly that he realized that the two people might have come to see him. When he got closer, he could see their faces clearly. The young man walking in front The woman looks to be no more than 23 or 24 years old. She has exquisite facial features, fair skin, and a graceful figure. The man behind him is in his forties and has no distinguishing features, except for his bright eyes.


When they reached the edge of the medicine field, the middle-aged man sighed softly.

"What's wrong, Uncle He?" the beauty asked.

"This herb is growing very well." The middle-aged man raised his finger and pointed at several Chinese herbal medicines in the field.

"Is this herbal medicine?"

"Well, gentian, adenophora, parsnip, wolfberry, hey, what is that?" The middle-aged man saw the "moonflower grass" that had just grown new leaves and realized that he had never seen that kind of herb before. , so I wanted to take a closer look, but was blocked by a young man.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Are you Wang Yao?" The beauty looked at the young man in front of her. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, but he had a unique temperament. How to describe it? It was like the legendary kind hidden in the mountains. The hermit.

"I am."

"Hello, I'm Guo Sirou."

"Hello." Wang Yao didn't know what the beautiful woman in front of him, who seemed to have an unusual status, wanted to do with him.

"I'm here to ask for your help."

"Help, what help?" Wang Yao was stunned after hearing this. He and this woman had never met before. This was the first time they met. The other party actually asked him for help, and it seemed that she came here on a special trip. This surprised him.

"That's it. My brother was hospitalized due to illness. He was poisoned by an unknown toxin. Not long ago, there was a patient with a disease very similar to his. I heard that he recovered after taking the medicine you sent. Can you Could you please help me get some medicine?" Guo Siju said.

"Poisoned, please take medicine?"

Before the woman finished speaking, Wang Yao understood the purpose of her visit.

To detoxify, it was very simple. All he needed was a leaf of detoxification grass and a bowl of ancient spring water. But he had to think about what kind of trouble this would cause. After all, detoxification grass was a spiritual herb, and he couldn't find it on the Internet at all. It is a magical herbal medicine, which means that it does not exist in the currently known system of Chinese herbal medicine. In that hospital, there may be someone who understands it. If asked further, how can he explain it? After all, there is no one at all. The old Chinese medicine doctor is just okay for ordinary people, but those shrewd people can see at a glance that this is just a pretense. Looking at Wang Yao, this beautiful and outrageous woman in front of him is an extremely shrewd woman.

"Sorry." Wang Yao was silent for a moment and then shook his head.

"What?" Guo Sirou frowned slightly after hearing this, "You decide the price of this medicine."

"It's not about price."

"what is that?"

"My master is afraid of trouble." Since he used it once, Suo Xing brought out this non-existent old Chinese medicine doctor again.


"Yes, a disease that doctors in a hospital are helpless can be solved with a medicine. If Miss Guo were those doctors, what would you think? Would you find a way to get this medicine?" Wang Yao said bluntly.

Guo Sirou was silent after hearing this. She had not considered this issue after all. With her status, she naturally would not make those small calculations and thoughts, but it is difficult for some people to tell. After all, there may be a lot of wealth hidden in it. , enough to make some people excited.

"My master is old and can't stand the trouble anymore. I just want to grow some herbs quietly."

"I can guarantee that no one will disturb the normal lives of your master and disciple because of this matter." Guo Sirou said after pondering for a moment.

"It's not that I doubt it. What guarantee can Miss Guo give?" Wang Yao is not an innocent child. He will believe the other party's words alone.

Guo Sirou smiled, angrily. She didn't expect to meet such a stubborn peer here. Normally, no one would dare to argue with her like this. With just one word or look from her, she didn't know what happened. How many people work hard to get things done quickly.

"What do you think I can guarantee?"

"I don't know." Wang Yao grinned, showing two rows of white teeth.

"Let's do this. I'll write a letter of guarantee."

In this way, Guo Sirou wrote a strange letter of guarantee that he had never written before in his life and handed it to Wang Yao. The latter took it and looked at it, then nodded and put it away carefully.

"I will send the medicine before this evening."

"In the evening, can't it be earlier?" Guo Sirou asked after hearing this.

"No, it takes time to prepare and brew the medicine."

"Okay, then where should I pick you up?"

"No need, I know the way to the county hospital."

"Okay, I hope you keep your word!" Guo Sirou took a few deep breaths, and the large-scale twin peaks undulated a bit.


"Then I won't bother you." After leaving her contact information, Guo Sirou prepared to leave.

"The mountain road is rugged, so walk slowly!"

"Please wait a moment, little brother, I have a question to ask." The middle-aged man who had never spoken suddenly said.


"What kind of herb is that?" He pointed to the "Moonflower Grass" plants not far away.

"Sorry, Master won't let me talk." Wang Yao said after being silent for a moment.


After hearing this answer, he did not continue to ask any more questions. After asking this question, Guo Sirou, the middle-aged man, turned around and walked down the mountain.

"There is something wrong with what this young man said." On the way down the mountain, the middle-aged man said.

"Well, he is very careful." Guo Siju said.

"There are two herbs in his medicine field that I have never seen before."

"What, you haven't seen Uncle He?" Guo Sirou, who knew that the middle-aged man next to her studied under him, said in surprise.

"Yes, there are thousands of medicinal herbs in the world, and it's not surprising that there are some that I have never seen before. But the growth of the medicinal herbs in the medicinal field surprised me. It has obviously entered late autumn, but those herbs are still lush and green, a bit like midsummer. Taste, I am very curious about this. Who is the master that the young man is talking about? He can actually teach such a disciple. If nothing else, he is already better than some herb growers in just growing herbs. Too much.”